I felt the need to put up a note today after the response to yesterday's post.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I read each and every comment and email. Your notes of support, encouragement, and empathy blew me away.........words cannot express how much they meant to me.
Even though I have shared so much of myself here on this blog, I found it somewhat difficult to hit "Publish" on that particular post..... but I am so glad that I did.
I am SUPER EXCITED to see that so many of you are interested in classes... either now or at a later date.
Currently, I am compiling emails of all those that expressed an interest. You should receive an email from me this weekend with some more information. I am working on a schedule.....and hoping to begin classes sometime in March:)
Again..... THANK YOU....... this bloggy community never ceases to amaze me!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!! I will be back on Monday.
Lisa, this is such a beautiful image and a thoughtful post. You are too sweet!
I just wanted to let you know the girls and I are putting on our aprons and getting ready to bake your yummy lemon cake. Finally.
BTW, I want you to know that when we do finally meet and I have gained 50 lbs., I am blaming it all on you! lol
I wish you the very best of luck. I agree sometimes baring your soul even online can be hard..
I'm so glad you hit the publish button. You are an amazing person and I hope one day to finally meet you in person.
Can't wait to hear all the details on your classes.
Have a great weekend!
You are such a sweet soul Lisa! :)
Hugs, Lucy
Have a great weekend too!
You will have soooo much fun teaching the mamarazzi everything you know about photography! I can't wait to hear all about it!
Have a great weekend!
Beautiful picture - it would make a wonderful card.
You can thank me all you want, but I'm going to thank you right back! Your blog is a gift to me and everyone else.
You are so sweet.
You have the ability to keep life real and many can relate to that. Life is full of ups and downs(sometimes even sideways!) You have such a sweet grace of dealing with this and growing from it. It's been so nice getting to know you better.
Have a wonderful weekend~
I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Sometimes I wish I knew God's timeline, but it seems He would rather me just hand it over to him and wait. Good luck and Godspeed in all that you do!
You are going to be amazing in those classes!! You're so patient and wonderful at explaining the most complex of things. I am so glad that you taking a step in that direction :)
I hope that you have a beautiful and restful weekend!
so wonderful!!!! And you are so talented (in many, many ways!)
I just checked your blog and I am also interested in online classes! What a wonderful idea.
Thank you so much for all of your help.
I can't wait to start...these classes are going to be awesome!
I'm looking so forward to it since I just got Photoshop and I have NO idea how to use it.
you sweet girl
i applaud your transparent spirit.
i know its no fun to share when things are heavy on our heart but my prayer is that you feel loved & encouraged.
i would love to pray blessings over your family & your future adoption too, dear friend!
you never cease to amaze me with your encouraging thoughtful words
sending much love to you precious lisa!
hope your weekend is wonderful
Love ya! Praying sweetie... xoxo
It is so exciting to see where this is headed!! I don't have PS OR Lightroom :( Maybe one day when I DO (of course THEN, YOU'LL be knee deep in caring for China baby + 2!) I can sign up for a class :-)
Love the picture, Lisa!!
I went back and read, of course. The economy has hit so many of us very hard. But, it serves as a gift in a way. Priorities shift and balance. We figure out what must be at the top of our lists. It is fascinating to see how we all have been hit by it. Yet, you continue to make a beautiful life for your family and add to our blog community :)!
As to the 4 years of waiting... Oh...
I am so excited about your workshops! I think I can learn so much from you. Now I just have to get photoshop and not elements!
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