Because of the nature of my job, I am constantly on the road driving.......and on any given week I travel through PA, NY, NJ, MD, DE, and sometimes even VA. That much driving can be a big pain during the winter months, but now that spring and summer are approaching, I actually look forward to my time on the road.
It was about this time last year when I really started to kick the photography into high gear. After I attended my first workshop in January of 2009, it quickly became a passion. From the second I left that workshop, everywhere I went and everything I saw while driving in my car I thought about in terms of photography......or as if I were looking at everything through my lens. In my brain I saw photo opportunites or "pictures" everywhere!!
Yesterday I had to drive through Lancaster, Pa.....also known as Amish Country. Do any of you remember the movie Witness, starring Kelly McGi!lis and Harrison F@rd? This is where they filmed a majority of that movie and it is so beautiful and scenic. In addition to the beauty of the old farms and wide open spaces, I am also intrigued by their way of life.
Everytime I drive through that area, without fail, I pass about 5 or 6 families riding horse drawn buggies......and never have my camera with me, so this morning as I was backing out of our driveway, I remembered all those times I wished I had my camera. I put it back in drive and pulled back up the driveway and quickly ran in and grabbed my camera bag.
I didn't want to be late for my appt, so I figured I would do a little sightseeing on my way back.

This farm was screaming to be photographed..... I was drawn to the varying heights of the three silos and the way the trees were perfectly placed to the right and left of the farm.

I had to be super quick with this one, because there was not really a place to park or pull over....so I had to roll down the window to snap before another car came up behind me. This is one of their one room schoolhouses. You can just barely make out the name above the door.

Another old barn...... I took this one through the front windshield... good thing the windshield was clean:)

While I didn't get to see a family riding in a horse and buggy, I did see this little guy waiting for his owner to come out of the store. Just as I pulled into the lot out came the owner. I wasn't really dressed to be running around outside taking photos in my normal fashion, which means crouching down low and sometimes even lying on the ground, so I didn't really get the perspective I would have hoped for, but this will have to do for now.........there is always the next trip!!
One of the things I love most about my job is that each day is an adventure. I never know where I am going to be or what I am going to see, but the one thing I know is that I won't be leaving home without my camera anymore. Not only am I looking for cool places to take some scenic shots in my travels, I am always scoping out new areas or places to take the kids and/or clients for future photoshoots.

This past weekend I found a gem of a spot practically in our backyard. I thought I would give you a sneak peek......love this shot of Nick in Black and White so I had to include it!!! More Full Color photos coming tomorrow:)
Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!!
Wow! I remember visiting Lancaster, PA when I was a child, and it seemed so old world. I loved it there, very peaceful. I love the photo of the one-room school house, as well as the horse-drawn carriage. Great photos. Thanks for sharing.
Those are great scenic pictures. I am also intrigued by the Amish way of life. So unique. I would love to visit Amish country...one day...
How exciting that you get to travel and see new things every day in the course of your job. So much better than looking at the inside of a cubicle!
I love how these look in black and white. Even more old fashioned and quaint. Did you shoot the in black and white? Or did you convert them from color? I'm trying to shoot in B&W for these Wednesday pics. I wonder if it makes a difference, ultimately?
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
That's a great shot of Nick!! Yes, please take us traveling with you! I look forward to seeing where you take us to next. I enjoyed these pictures of Lancaster, PA. My hometown actually has many Amish in it and I always see horses and buggies when I travel home. It never gets old to me.
Great pictures for B/W Wednesday, Lisa!!
I love this little trip you took us on, Lisa. And all the pictures, especially the horse and drawn carriage. (The vision of you crawling on your belly for a better perspective is still stuck in my mind.)
It is interesting how our perception can change when we look through a lens. Yes, please remember to always take your camera bag with you. I look forward to tomorrow's offerings.
Happy Wednesday!
Just beautiful Lisa! Someday I want to go explore the Amish Countryside and someday I will!! Wonderful shot of your ever handsome boy!
Really? No one's windshield is that clean ;)
You got some terrific shots!! We have an Amish community not far from us but I wasn't sure on their photo guidelines. Once while lost :) we passed a house on a Sunday afternoon. There were probably 50 Amish people heating at picnic tables in a front yard. All in their Amish clothes. Kids running around. It was an AMAZING site! I told my mom I wish I had my camera and she said they couldn't have their faces be photographed. Since then I've been to nervous to shoot any where around them so I don't offend someone :)
I sooo would be sneaking around the car trying to shoot quickly!
I love all of these photos. What's better in black & white than an Amish community, right? I know exactly what you mean about driving around and seeing everything in pictures, or potential for photos. I guess that's what a passion for photography does to a person :) And that last photo of your son...so handsome. Can't wait to see more tomorrow! Thanks for Black & White Wednesdays Lisa...look forward to them every week!
Lisa, I love this! When I was a little girl, my family took CAR DRIVES on vacation. We traveled the US a lot! My dad loved to drive and he loved taking in the scenery.
These images are beautiful. While I think the Amish live a quaint life, it's not for me, but I love to imagine what it'd be like!
Your photos are so wonderful. I feel like I am traveling in a black and white universe instead of a colored one. Can't wait to see more of your pictures.
Beautiful pictures,I haven't been to Pa in so long. Amazing shots especially from your window view. I hope you bring your camera all the time. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
That is my husband's country. Such soul.
You're so right..these images do capture the feeling of that movie. They're also beautiful and calming. And Nick, so handsome and those eyes!! Can't way to see the color photos!
Love them all! I love the perspective of the horse and buggy and like the idea of this grand horse waiting for his owner.
Neat post! I took look at everything these days like I am looking through the lens. Ever since I bought my 50 mm, my camera comes with me as it now fits into a more compact gear bag. I love Amish country and have fond memories driving through it on family vacation. Thank you for the reminder this morning!
I love all of these, they are just so beautiful in b&w! As much as I love portraits, I think landscape is my thing . . . yummy photos!!!!!
oh and Nick is gorgeous!
Love landscape shots - I have some that I am saving for next week;)
Hope you are having a wonderful week, Ashley
What a beautiful drive (and a lot of it!)you have. The landscape shots are beautiful!
There is an Amish community near my families Hunting Lodge. On Saturday mornings we would go to their homes where they had a stand with freshly baked muffins, pies, cookies and cakes. They were amazing and you had to get there early before they sold out. As a young girl I was so entrigued by their simple way of life and family unity.
Enjoy your drive ~
Oh Lisa ~ These photos are truly beautiful! And yes...I too LOVE Amish country!
I must admit...I am loving your B&W Wednesdays! I can't begin to tell you how much "experimenting" I have been doing...
Hope you are having a great week!
BTW Got your message yesterday and yes ou fax was on (forgot to turn it off from a fax a sent out on Monday). Anyway, the weather here was amazing so we headed out almost all day long! This morning Annabelle & I are hitting a few stores while Francesca is at school and than it is library for us until 3pm. If I don't catch up with you today, I call you tomorrow...
I LOVE Lancaster : ). Now that it is not so cold I can take my camera more. It is hard to take that and the MOUNTAINS of paperwork I have every day during the winter : ).
LOVE Nick's picture. He is such a cutie!
Lovely pictures! I grew up in Amish country in NY, so I always lost some of the picturesqueness just from seeing them around town every day. Then I moved away ... and really missed it, and them! I am so impressed at the quality of shots you got through your car, too!
Oh, I love these Lisa! So intriguing!!! I am in awe of the way the amish live. It is so nice to see these pics...a different feel for you, but I like it. Great job!!! And, of course, they don't come in any cuter than Nick :) Can't wait to see the new pics tomorrow. Have a great day!
This just made me a little homesick for one of my fave states - PA! Loved visiting Lancaster area when we lived out there. Did you have some shoofly pie? :) Beautiful images!
Great pics! The way you made them look, they could have been taken 50 years ago!
I linked up again this week! :-)
What a neat little community! I can't believe you took these pictures from your car and so quick! I especially love them in black and white.
I think you definitely need a little camera to keep in your purse! Mine is always in my purse unless it is plugged into the computer!
Happy Hump Day!
Oh I love the scenic views!!!!! Especially the horse and buggy!!!!
Nick is as adorable as ever : )
Beautiful pictures Lisa....this world is so intriguing to me...I have always been fascinated with their way of life.
Wow, these are fantastic! thank you, for sharing. That Nick is pretty darn cute.
Absolutely gorgeous! Especially that first one, it looks like a postcard! I love how the photos seem so "gentle" to me... so still and calm and soft.
Well as someone who pretty much always as my camera with me, I can relate with seeing everything through the lens of my camera.
These are all wonderful Lisa, I especially love the horse and buggy one. Have never been to that area of PA but I think I need to don't I?
And mr. Nick is as handsome as ever!
Beautiful! I would love a job where I could do a lot of driving. I would bring my camera everywhere and crack up the music and SING :-)
Going to get my post up now.
When I saw the title of your post..I got so excited..b/c to know me in real life..is to know that I LOVE AMISH country..unfortunately no one on my household shares that same vigor with me. I LOVE TO go there and visit..and try to take a few trips there. I am just in awe of their simple life...just in awe...
..it just puts all things into a greater perspective..
I love little house on the prairie too..and all who know me say I must have been from that time..in a previous life..lol..
It is just so simple, humbling, and touching to see how they live..very similiar to little house on the prairie times..
well I am rambling..
just loved your entry this week..as always:)but thanks for that special look at the Amish!
PS I have spent hours searching the internet for pics of amish country...and boy they are hard to come by..lol..
What great pictures, even through the windshield! So surreal that some people are still living in another time from today's modern ways! Happy Wednesday!
Amish Country looks so amazing and you captured it beautifully!!!
I love the way those photos look - however you did it - they're beautiful!
I used to live in Maryland and worked in Shady Grove, PA. Every day I made an effort to pass the Amish community on the way back to my hotel (yes, that's another story).. I just loved how peaceful, simple, beautiful live is there. I would stop to buy something from them so I could chat with them. I love the fact that Amish doesn't operate machinery but they would hike to town in their Mennonites friends car. It was a totally different lifestyle than the one I was in.. a very busy and crazy one.
Beautiful pictures as always.
Have a great day!
Oh how I miss PA!!! It is such a beautiful state with gorgeous surroundings no matter where you turn. You captured one of my favorite places in a lovely and simple way--just like the people who live there.
I love passing by amish farms (or better yet, amish bakeries!) We have a few amish communities here in Iowa - I am amazed at their schoolhouses (and the lack of power lines!) it really does make for a beautiful landscape!
Can't wait to see more of the pictures of Nick!
I love the first one! The trees and the wide open spaces look gorgeous in simple black&white. It really fits with the atmosphere of an Amish town.
I drive alot for my job, too! I'm in charge of CT and MA recruiting, so my favorite spots to stop for photos are CT state parks and the Shaker land in Pittsfield, MA.
I agree, the B&W really lends itself well to the tone of Amish Life. I love all the shots you captured. I'm glad you at least pulled over!
The farm, the one room school house, the buggy with the slow moving vehicle sign on it...from a different time, indeed.
Good thing you didn't get a shot of the Amish man...I don't think they appreciate being photographed...better start wearing a helmet with a face mask if you go back there again and attempt it! Hehehehehe.
Great shots, really.
Finally had a minute to look at your post...
Oh I love, love, love the pictures of the Amish countryside. I've always wanted to visit while I'm up in that area, but never seem to take the time. After looking at your gorgeous shots, I think I'll try and visit. It looks so peaceful and serene. Crazy to think they live so close to the ordinary hustle and bustle of city life. Sometimes I wish I lived like they do...
Can't wait to see more pictures from your photo shoot of Nick. The one you teased us with is fabulous!!
Happy Wednesday my friend...
Oh this post makes me homesick. I grew up seeing that beauty. Love all of the shots, Lisa!!!!
Really wonderful!
so beautiful!
What a coincidence!!! I live in Lancaster, PA!!! I live in the city of Lancaster, but my B&W post is staged in Lancaster as well! I guess I need to hop on out to Amish country with my camera! Clearly I've been taking it for granted my entire life, as your pictures are amazing!
Love these pictures. My husband and I went to the Lancaster area for an anniversary trip once. Loved our time there, and these photos bring back some memories.
Oh gosh... I'm homesick now. :) Love me some Amish Country.
I loved the angles of the photos. They perfectly capture the serenty of the country.
Beautiful pics. I have always wanted to visit the Amish country.
Lisa, these are great! I can't believe you snapped these from your car! Fabulous!
I haven't been to Amish country in a long time
I took my son there
He loved eating family style with 20 people he just met
I loved that about him
beautiful shots
I'm going to join in next week :)
I came by from Kaishon's place
Words just wouldn't do justice to how much I ADORE that horse-drawn carriage picture. Am LOVING your B7W Wednesday's! Can't wait to see your wall!!! I've finally got my blog up and running and have introduced my family (wanted to do that before posting anything else)...anyways, was able to participate for first time in your B7W Wednesday! God bless...
Oh wow, that is so cool! One of these days I'm going to come up for a visit and I want to see that area. Love the shots, they're perfect in black and white.
Great shot of Nick too! His eyes are gorgeous.
Happy Wednesday!
i LOVE your blog's new look!! i'm all about some pink! =)
love these photos! especially the one of the horse! we have a lot of mennonites around us, but no amish, so this was fun to see!
Beautiful photos! I lived not so far from Lancaster for a couple of years... thanks for the memories! : )
I'm glad you went back for the camera!
Would love to know more about this job (if that's not being too nosey)- I thought you were a professional photographer, so I'm intrigued.
Love the school, but I think I'd get bored with the Amish way of life after about 2 days!
That's where I'm from! Leola, which is in Lancaster County. I always thot the little kids were so cute! Especially the little boys with their straw hats.
What beautiful landscape shots. I have never been to PA, maybe someday. Thanks for stopping by my hubby did not link the pic so I just got home from my trip and did it!!
Looks a peace of time forgotten. great photos.
The buggy shot has a beautiful angle to it...without you crouching :) Do the folk in Amish Country mind photographers?
Lisa, your photos are so lovely.
Very pretty photos as usual. We're going up to Lancaster this weekend if the weather cooperates.
You must have had one clean windshield:))
your pictures are beautiful. i love the depth and feeling you get .
its so funny ill be in lancaster this weekend
wow i love the photo of the old barn. magnificent.
thanks for sharing.
We were able to travel to Amish country one weekend when my parents visited, and I have to say that part of me yearned for their simple way of living.
You captured some beautiful shots.
And Nick looks very handsome!
Time got away from me this week and I totally missed Wednesday! See you next week!
I love the old farm photos. They make me feel very "at home" having grown up in the Midwest. I really like your high-key treatment too.
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