Six years ago on this day, Pat and I traveled into New York City to celebrate St. Patrick's Day! We had talked about it for months and thought that it would be such a fun way to celebrate the big Irish holiday.
Leading up to this trip, there had been lots of talk about marriage and starting our life together. We had been dating for a little over two years and I knew he was ring shopping, becuase....well, a girl just knows.
Based on the little things I saw going on, I thought I might have received a ring that year for Christmas, but Christmas and New Year's came and went and no proposal. Then I thought maybe Valentine's Day. Pat had planned this big elaborate night and took me to this great restuartant where we had the best table in the place. I was so positive he was going to pop the question and produce that little jewelry box.
When our dinner was said and done and we left to head home, I was kind of disappointed. I know it sounds shallow and silly, but I was so convinced that he was going to propose. That night all of my girlfriends were all calling my cell to see "if it happened" because of course, I had spread the word that this was going to be the night. Looking back on it now, it is kind of funny, although I didn't think so at the time. I felt like Pat was teasing me by building me up to think it was going to happen.
Little did I know he had a master plan......
So now here it is St. Patrick's Day and we are headed to the big apple. When I met Pat that morning to travel into the city, I could tell he was not himself. He was so fidgety and not like him. He also had maps printed out from MapQuest of different places that he wanted to visit. Again, so not like him....he is a fly by the seat of his pants kind of guy and when we go on trips, we are not the intinerary type.
As we traveled into the city, I kept thinking.....Could this be it?? Is he going to FINALLY propose in NYC? He had a couple places starred on the map. One was St. Patrick's Cathedral and the other was The Empire State Building.
My first thought was St. Patrick's Cathedral. Being that it was St. Patrick's Day, his name is "Patrick" and he was raised in a strict Irish Catholic family, I kind of thought that was the direction he was going to go. To my surprise, we went in to see the beautiful cathedral, walked around for a bit.....and then left.
The weather that day was very cold and it was actually snowing on and off. It was not the best day to be walking around the city, but it sure was fun stopping in at all the Irish pubs for green beer! Everywhere you looked in the city you saw shades of green and people having fun.
We eventually made our way to the Empire State Building. I had traveled into NYC many times, but never went up to the top. Keep in mind that this was now after 9/11 and security was extra tight. As we approached the metal detectors, much like the ones at an airport where you have to put your bags and coats in the tray to go through the machine, I saw Pat's face turn completely white!
He nonchalantly pulled the security guard aside and pointed to the inside pocket of his coat. She took the coat and put it through and handed it back to him with a big old smile on her face.
After a long elevator ride to the top of the buliding. We found out that they had closed the observation deck due to the bad weather. So we were all stuck within the confines of the little store at the very top that has floor to ceiling windows. Pat and I moved to get closer to the windows and finally made our way so we could take in the view. As we are standing there, he turns to look at me and I felt my heart in my throat. I knew this was the moment and suddenly he began to speak........
Thank you for your patience, as I waited for this day
It was not my intention, to keep you at bay
My Parents got engaged, 49 years to this day
and I'd love our lives to follow in much the same way.
I have this ring, which soon you will see
In hopes we can start our own family of three,
Nick, You, and Me.
I brought you here, the highest building I know of
To express my true feelings and unconditional love.
I promise to honor you, all the days of my life
So, I ask you this question, never before have I asked
Lisa, will you be my wife?
Of course I said YES, YES, YES!!!! He then had to dig into his pocket and find the beautiful ring being careful not to drop it as we were being bumped and pushed from the swarm of people around us.
We spent the rest of the day celebrating in the big city and made many phone calls to our family and friends to make the big announcement!
In the end, it was worth all those months of waiting. He had selected St. Patrick's Day for a very special reason.......and I am so glad that he did. It is a day that neither one of us will ever forget. The time and thought that he put into that proposal is just one of the many reasons I truly love and married this man.

Unfortunately, I never carried a camera in those days and don't have any pictures of our trip to New York, but I thought I would share our engangement photo that was taken a few months later.
So there you have it.....that is where "Half Gaelic, Half Garlic" began. Pat, along with his large and fun loving Irish family was about to be molded together with my loving, yet very loud, Sicilian Family.
In keeping with the holiday tradition, we got married that year on New Year's Eve. It was a party like no other and til this day we still get calls from family members and friends that say there will never be a New Year's Eve bash like that one.

I have always loved this picture of the three of us. Nick got to be a part of our big day. He had recently lost his front teeth and was showing the photographer. He actually then lost another tooth that night at our wedding reception. Word got around and people were giving him money left and right for fear the toothfairy would not find him. By the end of the night, his pockets were overflowing with dollar bills. No need for the toothfairy, he did just fine on his own:)

All of the pictures I have shared today were taken by our Wedding photographer. I just scanned them into the computer so I had a few images to go along with our story.
Today, we not only celebrate the Irish holiday, but the day we officially decided to start our life together as husband and wife. We have experienced many blessings along the way, I just hope the man upstairs has a couple more headed our way.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Leading up to this trip, there had been lots of talk about marriage and starting our life together. We had been dating for a little over two years and I knew he was ring shopping, becuase....well, a girl just knows.
Based on the little things I saw going on, I thought I might have received a ring that year for Christmas, but Christmas and New Year's came and went and no proposal. Then I thought maybe Valentine's Day. Pat had planned this big elaborate night and took me to this great restuartant where we had the best table in the place. I was so positive he was going to pop the question and produce that little jewelry box.
When our dinner was said and done and we left to head home, I was kind of disappointed. I know it sounds shallow and silly, but I was so convinced that he was going to propose. That night all of my girlfriends were all calling my cell to see "if it happened" because of course, I had spread the word that this was going to be the night. Looking back on it now, it is kind of funny, although I didn't think so at the time. I felt like Pat was teasing me by building me up to think it was going to happen.
Little did I know he had a master plan......
So now here it is St. Patrick's Day and we are headed to the big apple. When I met Pat that morning to travel into the city, I could tell he was not himself. He was so fidgety and not like him. He also had maps printed out from MapQuest of different places that he wanted to visit. Again, so not like him....he is a fly by the seat of his pants kind of guy and when we go on trips, we are not the intinerary type.
As we traveled into the city, I kept thinking.....Could this be it?? Is he going to FINALLY propose in NYC? He had a couple places starred on the map. One was St. Patrick's Cathedral and the other was The Empire State Building.
My first thought was St. Patrick's Cathedral. Being that it was St. Patrick's Day, his name is "Patrick" and he was raised in a strict Irish Catholic family, I kind of thought that was the direction he was going to go. To my surprise, we went in to see the beautiful cathedral, walked around for a bit.....and then left.
The weather that day was very cold and it was actually snowing on and off. It was not the best day to be walking around the city, but it sure was fun stopping in at all the Irish pubs for green beer! Everywhere you looked in the city you saw shades of green and people having fun.
We eventually made our way to the Empire State Building. I had traveled into NYC many times, but never went up to the top. Keep in mind that this was now after 9/11 and security was extra tight. As we approached the metal detectors, much like the ones at an airport where you have to put your bags and coats in the tray to go through the machine, I saw Pat's face turn completely white!
He nonchalantly pulled the security guard aside and pointed to the inside pocket of his coat. She took the coat and put it through and handed it back to him with a big old smile on her face.
After a long elevator ride to the top of the buliding. We found out that they had closed the observation deck due to the bad weather. So we were all stuck within the confines of the little store at the very top that has floor to ceiling windows. Pat and I moved to get closer to the windows and finally made our way so we could take in the view. As we are standing there, he turns to look at me and I felt my heart in my throat. I knew this was the moment and suddenly he began to speak........
Thank you for your patience, as I waited for this day
It was not my intention, to keep you at bay
My Parents got engaged, 49 years to this day
and I'd love our lives to follow in much the same way.
I have this ring, which soon you will see
In hopes we can start our own family of three,
Nick, You, and Me.
I brought you here, the highest building I know of
To express my true feelings and unconditional love.
I promise to honor you, all the days of my life
So, I ask you this question, never before have I asked
Lisa, will you be my wife?
Of course I said YES, YES, YES!!!! He then had to dig into his pocket and find the beautiful ring being careful not to drop it as we were being bumped and pushed from the swarm of people around us.
We spent the rest of the day celebrating in the big city and made many phone calls to our family and friends to make the big announcement!
In the end, it was worth all those months of waiting. He had selected St. Patrick's Day for a very special reason.......and I am so glad that he did. It is a day that neither one of us will ever forget. The time and thought that he put into that proposal is just one of the many reasons I truly love and married this man.

Unfortunately, I never carried a camera in those days and don't have any pictures of our trip to New York, but I thought I would share our engangement photo that was taken a few months later.
So there you have it.....that is where "Half Gaelic, Half Garlic" began. Pat, along with his large and fun loving Irish family was about to be molded together with my loving, yet very loud, Sicilian Family.
In keeping with the holiday tradition, we got married that year on New Year's Eve. It was a party like no other and til this day we still get calls from family members and friends that say there will never be a New Year's Eve bash like that one.

I have always loved this picture of the three of us. Nick got to be a part of our big day. He had recently lost his front teeth and was showing the photographer. He actually then lost another tooth that night at our wedding reception. Word got around and people were giving him money left and right for fear the toothfairy would not find him. By the end of the night, his pockets were overflowing with dollar bills. No need for the toothfairy, he did just fine on his own:)

All of the pictures I have shared today were taken by our Wedding photographer. I just scanned them into the computer so I had a few images to go along with our story.
Today, we not only celebrate the Irish holiday, but the day we officially decided to start our life together as husband and wife. We have experienced many blessings along the way, I just hope the man upstairs has a couple more headed our way.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
What a beautiful story and the photos are gorgeous. You and Pat make a beautiful couple and your wedding pics are lovely as well. Happy St. Patty's Day and engagement day too!
Lovely story and pictures!
I have tears in my eyes as I am reading this story. What an amazing memory, and such a special story. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us out here in the blog world. Thanks.
What a great story! I love that he took all the time and creativity to make your proposal truly unique. Love the story of Nick and his missing tooth too ;) You made a beautiful bride!
Lovin' your blog makeover!
I just love this story Lisa. Enjoy all the memories that the day will bring you! And yes! A girl just knows!! ;)
Oh Lisa....(sniff, sniff) what a perfectly beautiful story. I love that you shared all the details - I could picture it all as you told it.
It is so amazing how you two were made for each other. I love the way you speak about your Pat and I get a clear sense he is so grateful for finding his wife.
Lovely, beautiful pictures of a couple whom God continues to smile upon. Lots of great things are ahead!
Happy Proposal Day!!
Absolutely beautiful! I love the blog redesign!
What a fabulous story. Perfect in every way!
Happy St. Patrick's and Engagement Day!
I wasn't expecting to be sitting here in happy tears tonight but I am. I had to even get up and get a tissue, I'll have you know.
I can't think of a more romantic proposal, honestly. The fact that Pat waited for the biggest day of the year for the Gaelic clan and on the near half century anniversary of his own parent's long standing marriage just speaks volumes of the man.
I am so thankful to have had the chance to meet and know him in person and concur that he's one special guy.
I love the fact that he included Nick in his reminds me so much of JR's proposal to me, including WonderBoy...package deal.
Oh, yes, my friend...there are MANY more wonderful things in store for all of have only just begun!
Beautiful, Beautiful Post
Dita Darling
LOVE the post processing with the red flowers on the BW.
You looked AMAZING on your wedding day!
Wow!! You married SUCH a romantic guy!! Love that poem. The perfect story...
The pictures are adorable too!! Nick is so little :)
LOVE LOVE the new site too!
Amazing story! Sounds like the perfect proposal! Sweet pictures too!
Oh Lisa, that's such a beautiful story! I got all choked up and cried a little bit there at the end. Happy tears though! You were such a pretty bride. I carried red roses at my wedding too. And St Patrick's day is special in our family because it's my parent's anniversary! I guess the Luck of the Irish is with us all!
As always, beautiful photos!
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
What a beautiful story I had goose bumps reading it. Love a tradition in a family so strong. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
you are such a gorgeous couple. inside and out. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. Happy Engagement Anniversary :)
Just Beautiful! I agree with Ellie, you are a gorgeous couple inside and out!!
What a wonderful story to share on such a special day. It's so nice to read about two people so much in love. I hope to one day meet the both of you and see for myself how amazing you both are.
You look so beautiful in your wedding pictures (love the long hair!).
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
Oh Lisa ~ What a beautiful story :) I so remember the day I too was asked by Keith to marry him...while my story is not so is a day that will live in my memory forever....
Now, I bet if you were the camera girl you are today...when that very special day happened, we would had seen a tag of photos detailing every moment lol!
Beautiful photos my friend and such sweet memories...
What a beautiful story! And a beautiful wedding, too. What a wonderful memory to have every year on St Patrick's Day!
What a beautiful story! What a nice memory of St. Patrick's Day! Have a great day!
I linked up again this week!
What a great story and beautiful pictures!
Thanks for sharing :-)
Awwww Lisa -- what a sweet story! Got me all teary-eyed this morning before work! Have a great Irish day celebrating!
What a perfect proposal! I love, love, love the poem Pat wrote for you! You two make a fabulous couple!
We have a funny proposal. Cory planned to propose at a vineyard a few miles outside of town. When we got there, it was closed! Therefore, he proposed on a gravel road outside of his car at their closed gate! It was a hoot!
Great story! Gene was at/in our wedding too ! He was 5. So cute!
I ama such a sucker for happy endings..
Love your story and the engagement sounds so beautiful and romantic.
Your pictures stunning, what a beautiful bride!
Enjoy your special day and all those wonderful memories!
Happy anniversary and happy St Pat! Hope you have a beautiful day. Beautiful images of you two!!!
Lis, I am commenting this through tears.
*That is the sweetest love story...
*You two are the sweetest couple...
*You four are the sweetest family... (soon to be 5 of you I hope!)
Love you! L
Such a beautiful engagement/ wedding story complete with poem & all! Patrick couldn't have picked a better day, setting or beautiful bride! Wishing you many, many more wonderful years together!
Oops! I think I linked to the previous B&W feature! Sorry!
What an amazing story! I love it! You certainly have a wonderful husband!
I love all the photos. Your wedding looked like a fairy tale. :)
Lisa, I had tears in my eyes as I was reading Pat's words to you. What a sweet and thoughtful proposal!! You and Pat make a beautiful couple. Nick showing his missing tooth is adorable!!
If you don't post again before the weekend, I hope you have a wonderful time in Arizona!!
What a beautiful engagement story. A sweet sweet man you have! This Irish girl loves it! And your wedding pics are lovely. Nick is soooo little!
Hugs and have a great trip.
What a beautiful engagement memory and story to always remember on St. Patricks' have one romantic man in your life!
LOVE your wedding pics, you look sooo happy in them. And little Nick is squeezable!
Happy St. Paddy's Day!!!!
Now that is true love! How wonderful that he put so much love and thought into his proposal. It was probably killing him too having to wait until St. Patrick's Day.
Mike also made me wait endlessly. 6 years and a lot of tears. Somehow he was worth the wait ;)
Happy St. Patrick's Day :)
Tears to my eye this morning....what lovely story!! Congratulations!
I honestly think that was the most romantic engagement story I have ever heard!! That must have been so amazing! So was that little poem word for word? Like did he write it out and you still have it? So cool :)
And of course I love the photos :)
Oh my goodness...I am CRYING right now!!!! THis is such a BEAUTIFUL story!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this!!!
How cool that this day holds such a special meaning for you all!!! What great memories!!
(Love the photos too, by the way! Gorgeous!!)
What a beautiful engagement story! I love the pictures. Your new blog look is amazing, I am still amazed by your photography skill.
Yes, that poem was word for word! He had it written on a small piece of paper stashed in his pocket, along with the ring. He was afraid he would get nervous and forget it.
That little piece of paper now sits in my wedding memory box. I pulled it out last night as I took this walk down memory lane:)
That's a great story, very sweet! And I love the color splash on your wedding photo. The red roses are so classic!
What an amazing love story! I love the proposal poem, very clever!
Wow, what a sneaky man Pat is. I love that he chose a special day to him and his parents to also make it special to you as well. I LOVE the pictures. I also love that not only did he propose to you, but he included Nick as well. What a lucky girl you are.
Thanks for sharing
LOVE this beautiful and romantic story. I am so glad God brought you two together. Love Pat;s cute and so fun to know exactly what he said.
I also LOVE your new blog design. It is divine!!!! I have been wanting to go to this format for a while now too. This clean and simple design is exactly what I would like too. I might have to visit Rita in a few months when I have all of my ideas sorted through:)
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
What a sweet proposal. Lovely pictures too! My four year old(boy) thought you looke like a Barbie bride doll!
I gave this a try this week, but am pretty clueless and didn't know how to include your button! Sorry!
Awwweee, that was such a GREAT post!!! You two are such a great couple, I am so happy for you! What a beautiful proposal romantic! How fun to get married on New Years eve! Your pictures are beautiful! Have fun celebrating this special day! : )
OMG, that is the coolest proposal EVER!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it. What a sweetie your Pat is. Love the pics, Nick looks so proud of that gap in his smile!
Happy St Patrick's Day and engagement day!
What a beautiful story that has led to a beautiful life!
I adore the picture of Nick showing his missing tooth! Sounds like he really racked up some moolah!
Thank you for sharing your story with us,
Wow! That's about the most romantic engagement story I have ever read. You guys are practically newlyweds! Here's wishing you a bright and happy future together for many more years to come!
(The poem made me cry)
Lisa!!! I kept reading your post saying outloud, "awww" and "oooh sweet!" This is precious. You and Pat were destined to be together. Happy Engagement Anniversary, St. Patrick's Day and Black and White Wednesday :)
Love ya!
What an amazing story. You look beautiful in your photos.
And your hair was so long!Wow.
What an ABSOLUTELY beautiful story 7 wedding! And so deserving given the path you've traveled to get here (just went back and read the beginning of your story). As always, God bless...:)
Beautiful...what a great story to pass on to your kids and just think maybe one day Nick will pass that along! I love the pictures, lets us get to know you a little from the past.
That is one grande to be told and retold..AMAZING..
I tried reading your story at work 3 times and was interrupted each time...I got annoyed that I couldnt enjoy it so I came home for lunch so I could read it :) What a beautiful story, and I love that you kept the poem safe and sound...what a wonderful memory to be able to pass down to your kids.
Awesome photos and a beautiful engagement/marriage story! You make such a beautiful family!
PS I can't find the code for the button!
Beautiful story and photos! Nick must be the apple of your eyes.
What a beautiful story!!! Thanks for sharing. You are absolutely stunning on your wedding day!! Great photos, love the black and white with the red flowers!!
What a lovely story, but I have to made me chuckle. I would have been right there guessing he was proposing, and then a bit disappointed to find he didn't. Patience is a virtue for sure, and totally worth it in the end.
You have a beautiful family, and are so very blessed! :)
Aww, I loved that story! It's so so perfect! And your wedding pictures are stunning, you suit each other so well.
My husband and I are Irish, well kinda, we're from Northern Ireland. So we're British, but we lived only a few miles north of the south! That sounded Irish didn't it?! :) We now live in Canada, and over here it seems everyone is Irish in some way or another!
Anyway, enjoy your special day, a double celebration. He is one lucky guy!
oh my lordie, I love this. I have chills!
You where q beautiful bride!
Totally tearing up here - which is so not good because I'm sneaking a peak while eating a quick sandwich at work.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
What a marvelous story! I saw your name elsewhere in someone else's comments "Half Gaelic, Half Garlic" and wanted to see who you were. I am Irish and married a Sicilian guy a looong time ago. We have that in common. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and hubby and Nick! :)
What a beautiful story! thanks so much for sharing with us!
That's just about the most romantic thing I've ever heard! Happy engagement anniversary :D
Oh Lisa, this is fabulous! The story of your engagement is just SO romantic, and the pictures bring it all to life. You make a beautiful couple, and a beautiful family.
So, happy anniversary-of-your-engagement.
And Happy St. Patrick's Day! I took a picture today of a newly-wed couple going around Dublin in a horse and carriage, and thought of you two!
Love the new blog too! And thanks for your comment over at mine, and answering my questions.
Love your story and the pictures.
I LOVE this post! What a romantic story! Thank you so much for sharing it with us all.
I also LOVE your blog design.
What a beatiful story. Love the wedding pictures.
Lisa! This story was so beautiful. It made me cry and cry and cry. This was such a crazy and stressful day so this is the only comment I am going to leave today. I am SO happy that you had your happy ending. You are a beautiful couple. My heart rejoices for you.
I have tears in my eyes! What a beautiful post and such a special day!
I love your wedding pictures! You are a beautiful bride and such a handsome family.
Happy engagement day to you!
Oh Lisa - I LOVE the story!!! I LOVE seeing your engagement picture & your wedding photos - gorgeous girl!!!!! You have such a beautiful & wonderful family :)
I love your story Lisa! And your wedding photo is adorable!
What a beautiful story!!
I have participated in your black and white challenge for the first time!
what a wonderful story!
lisa YOU are model gorgeous
( do you ever hear you look like kate gosselin? you are even prettier)
i did a huge sigh & smile when i opened your blog. i LVOELOVELOVE the the images...just love it
Beautiful photos, beautiful couple. I forgot to link-a-link myself yesterday. Happy St. Paddy's a little late!
Such a sweeet story! What a wonderful proposal.. and I do love the photo of Nick and his missing tooth! Too precious!!
You have so many happy days ahead!!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Such a beautiful couple you two are, happy happy anniversary!
Lisa -
Such a sweet cute story!!! What a great husband you have (but we already knew that didn't we?!) I love that you got engaged on St. Patrick's Day the same day as his parents! Being Irish I know what a great day that is!!! Happy (belated) engagement and St. Pat's Day! You make a lovely couple!!!! Have a great weekend!
I was in the mood for a love story. And a true one even better. Beautiful pictures to bring it to life too.
i just love the photo of you two on the alter, with the trees and angel in the background. beautiful story. today is my anniversary! :) i've been posting here from my B&W blog, shades of gray. @findingserendipity, i posted about my husband and i... :)
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