I bet you thought you would be viewing some scenic shots of the beautiful desert? I thought so too, but I am completely overwhelmed at the moment.
I arrived back home this weekend and it took me a few days to recover from the time change. Add to that the Easter holiday rush and lots of work to catch up on here at the house and at work......and it is complete chaos.
Yesterday, I finally had a few moments to download the pictures that I took while away and have yet to do anything with them, but I promise, I will be posting them and telling you all about my Arizona Adventure as soon as we return from our Easter break......
Yes, you heard me correctly....I just got done unpacking, but I didn't put the suitcase away, because tomorrow we are headed to Cape Cod for our Easter Holiday.
My intention was to jump back on the bloggy bandwagon this past weekend and catch up with everyone, but I have been enjoying some quality time with my family. I really missed them while I was gone and the last thing I felt like doing was spending extra time on the computer......so I have extended my bloggy break a bit longer.

Since I have been a total slacker with the camera......I had to go digging again to look for a few more favorites to convert. I had posted these in full color just before Christmas when I was searching for an area to do our Christmas Card Photoshoot. I love how Sarah is completely face forward in this particular shot. It is rare that I capture her straight on because she is always on the move...... The girl is in constant motion!! I often wonder where she gets her energy....and am quite envious how she never seems to tire.

I also thought this one lent itself well to black and white....... with the big iron fence it really has a nice vintage feel:)
Okay.....off to work I go!! I hope that everyone has a wonderful Wednesday and a Happy Easter!!
I apologize, I did not make it around last week to anyone that linked, but hope to make it around this week before we head North. I will be back to the regularly scheduled program come Monday. Can't wait to tell you all about my trip!!
LOVE IT.. I actually have a photo of KyLee on my blog that I put in black and white. but I sooo need to take some good photos.. wish I could edit them and know what I was doing..
Love ya. and miss you ..
You are amazing..
Enjoy your Easter break and your Bloggy vacation! The internet will still be here when you return! ;)
Your photos are pretty! Love the iron fence in that last one. It really pops in black and white. :)
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
Cape Cod???
I am SOOOO jealous!
Love the second shot,
THat fence is amazing.
(Originally from Mass)
She is so precious! I think you should take as long as you need on your bloggy break. I took a day off today from it all! Sometimes it gets overwhelming. : ( And you are so right, our families are way more important. The other thing that is more important is SLEEP and unfortunately, I can't do that tonight. Don't you hate that? I have a big day tomorrow too. Darn it!
I hope you have a wonderful Easter break. The weather is going to be marvelous!
They both are beautiful black and whites, I love the one with the heavy iron fence. You'll have to go back to that location again sometime.
Have a great Easter and some time away Lisa. Enjoy it with your family. :)
Please enjoy your Easter Holiday!Like someone said, the Internet won't be going any where and it sound like you could really use the down time! So enjoy every minute of it!
Both pictures are wonderful but yes, that fence definitely pops out in black and white! Love your the beanie on your little girl and her outfit! Precious! Excellent shots!
A Blessed Easter to you and yours!
I remember these shots but somehow in B&W they seem to say something completely different. Sarah is such a doll and now that you say it...even in person I don't think I've seen her full face since she gives the Energizer bunny a serious run for his money. I guess that's why she and WonderBoy are such fast friends, huh?
I'm glad that you are taking a bloggy break. You need it. Nobody's going anywhere her in Blog World so take your time, get your bearing and know we'll be here when you get back.
Enjoy the holiday and this special time with the Pat and the kids at the Cape.
Happy Easter!
I love these pictures! I dug into the files this week too. Have a great easter!
Enjoy your break and the time with your family Lisa!
The shot with the fence and Sarah is just stunning! Beautiful!!
Happy Easter!
Oh I don't envy you, I'm exhausted reading this! I'm sure you will have a great time on your next adventure though. I hope you can relax some! I love these photos of Sarah - the iron fence image is breathtaking! Enjoy your break!
Sounds like you're one busy lady! I hope you get a chance to lay back and relax on your holiday!
I love these photos(as always), the deeper toning, combined with the heavy shadows and minimal strong highlights is really beautiful on these images. You certainly have an eye for the styling element of photography!
I remember these in color and thought they were just lovely. You are right, that black fence looks great in black and white, as does adorable Sarah!
Have a fabulous time at Cape Cod! It's supposed to be beautiful weather here the next few days. I hope that is true out east, too. Enjoy and I can't wait to hear about both of your trips!!
I'm loving the fence and how it stands out in bw. have a great break and enjoy family. we are going to Nova Scotia farmhouse and having a true easter egg hunt outside.
I love the head on shot. Very striking! She's a pretty girl!
Enjoy your time off. You deserve it!
Your little one is adorable. She looks so much older in the second one. I think the conversion to black & white is beautiful!
Happy Easter!
Hi Lisa, 2 more beautiful pictures! I too love how Sarah is looking straight at the camera in the first one- though I get a sense that she is about to start moving again any minute!
Don't worry about not posting- we all get hectic times, so understand.
Have a wonderful Easter break, and we'll be here to see your lovley photos when you get back.
Happy Easter to you and your family. I just love the picture with the iron fence. It looks like it is magazine quality.
chill out and relax - enjoy your Easter and just fagetaboutit - when it comes to the blog world!
Enjoy your time away!
Cute black and white pictures! I especially love the first one.
Hope you get to relax this weekend. I still don't know how you do it!
Happy Hump Day!
Beautiful! I love her mischevious look in the second one!
I remember these shots and loved them then. They are great in b&w, especially the black iron fense. Nice and dramatic and I love the angle.
Enjoy your break and Happy Easter my friend. We'll be here when you get back!
Love these! I agree, the iron railing makes for a gorgeous b&w. Have fun in Cape Cod, and get lots of rest and family time!
She is so beautiful! Enjoy that time off!
Your photographs are always so amazing!
Great to see you back.. and you always need another vacation after a either work trip or vacation. Beautiful photos of a beautiful girl. Have fun at Cape Cod.. Hopefully we can see you this summer. I am determined to make a trip there this summer. :)
Love those photos of Sarah -- gorgeous!!
Have a great break and Easter with the family!
I love the picture of the iron gate, and I know what you mean about the difficulty of catching her straight on. I'm rarely able to capture my nephews straight on at this age! Yet another gorgeous picture of Sarah!
Enjoy your little getaway! Cape Cod sounds like a lovely way to spend the weekend!
Overwhelmed! I completely understand...Spend time with your family. Don't worry about us. We will be here. The family is what matters most.
Enjoy your trip!
Love the pictures!
Hi Lisa, I have been a lurker on your B&W Wednesday for awhile now, and have decided to jump in! Your black and whites are always wonderful...love the iron gate. Happy Easter!
Beautiful! Listen, spending quality time with family should overshadow everything else. :)
Beautiful, Lisa! Enjoy your time off :-)
I don't know how you do what you do. Mom, Wife, Photographer, Blogger and a full-time job that takes you away from your home. Have wonderful Easter! Looking forward to seeing some more of your beautiful pictures.
If you and I lived in the same town I think the world would shift on it's axis! You and I are always on the go. Right now this infection has slowed me down a bit but not all that much really ;-)
have a wonderful Easter...I know you will!!
I totally understand your need to slow down and spend time with your family. You do it girl! As much as we all love following your blog posts, we can wait! :)
Great photos of your little cutie. I LOVE that fence in the background, prefect for black and white as you said! Have a great rest of the week Lisa, and a very blessed Easter!
Love that second picture of your daughter!!
Have a wonderful time in Cape Cod!!! I hope the weather treats you well and you have some great family time!!! Happy Easter!
Those photos are gorgeous. You're absolutely right about the iron fence and the vintage feeling of the second one. I hope you frame those!
Enjoy your time at the Cape, I know you'll have your camera. ;)
Can't wait to see some Easter shots.
Love the iron fence, what a gorgeous shot, you always find soem beautiful backdrops for your gorgeous little model, Happy Easter Lisa.
She is so beautiful. Your pictures are always such a pleasure to look at :)
What a beautiful child!
I really enjoy seeing your photos of your beautiful children! I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and posting my first black and white. Hopefully some day I too can have awesome photos like yours!
Have a blessed Easter!
I love ALL of your photos!
This B&W Wed was and is a great idea!
Well you can see I have no idea what I'm doing!! I've posted wrong!! Can you please delete my post!! I'll try again soon!
Okay, now I think I've got it correct. Sorry!
Just got my camera yesterday! I'm excited to join in...Your photos are beautiful!
These might be a couple of my all time faves of Sarah. That first one is just adorable, I love how her little attitude just shines through.
Hope y'all have a great trip this weekend!
Blogging breaks are good to spend time with your family. Have a good Easter holiday!
Unpacking is highly overrated. :-)
So pretty!
Such great photos! Can't wait to follow your adventure and see more!!!
I am so happy to have found another photographer's blog! I can't wait to post. Your photos are great, hope you count sepia as B&W.
Enjoy this special time with your family!!!! Have a wonderful Easter!
Wow! Your b & w wednesdays are really getting popular!!! How fun!:)
She is stunningly beautiful..great photos. Have a wonderful trip and a Happy Easter.
Gin =)
Cape Cod - Wow, I'm jealous! Have fun! I love these photos, Sarah is absolutely gorgeous :) I really love ironwork so that second one just sings for me, love the composition as well!
Have a great weekend in Cape Cod! Happy Easter!!
hope things settle down & fall into place for you soon!
have a wonderfully blessed easter & a beautiful time at the cape
I always enjoy your pictures and the way you capture your children. You have a gift! Have a great Easter weekend with your family!
Lovely conversions Lisa and I also loved the color versions you did a while back. Nice job. Glad you are able to kick back with the family and relax after your trip to AZ. Don't worry, we will still be here ready for you when you return. Take care and hope you had a Happy Easter and have a fun time at the Cape. :)
Simply gorgeous! I'm linking up for the first time today! What a fun blog hop!
Beautiful :)! I'm a first timer. Pretty excited about getting to edit my pictures for my blog now.
Amazing portraits!
I'm joining for the first time.
Cheers ans regards all.
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