The sun has been shining and the air has been warm.........

There was no need for bulky winter coats, hats, gloves, or scarves....

The snow piles are just about gone and it looks as though Spring is just around the corner.

We spent a good part of the weekend outdoors just soaking it all in.....and the only way I can describe my mood.......
I have looked around for the past few months and seen brown or dead looking grass, trees without leaves, rose bushes minus the roses. Everything looked to be lifeless and colorless, but this weekend, I began to see little signs that winter is just about over and it definitely put the spring back in my step.....PUN INTENDED:)

I believe Sarah was feeling just as {colorful} as I was until she realized she had more bubbles down the front of her outfit then left in the container. Our outdoor adventure quickly came to an end!!
It is amazing how a couple of nice warm days can do so much for your spirit and I am looking forward to many more weekends just like this one.
Hope you all have a happy and {Colorful} week:)
Perfect description of a bright, warm weekend.
Picture perfect. What a colorful and happy post!
Your colorful post and these dazzling photos of Sarah have brightened my day!
Gorgeous work!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
A friend who lives in Chicago said that she and her almost-three year old son had a bubble party this weekend, where they blew bubbles to try to lure spring back. It must be a trend - and it must be working!
Great textures:)
Love it!
I am ready for spring and all the colors that come along with it :-)
Adorable AND colorful!!!! Love the textures behind and in her clothing. Come on Spring, it can't come too soon for me.
Happy Monday!
That sunshine sure is the best medicine. Atlanta has been much colder than normal this year so I too am ready for spring.
These picture are so pretty. I love all the different fabrics and that jean jacket together. Sarah's hair look really pretty too.
Great pictures! It is amazing how just a taste of spring can make a person feel so colorful! I am glad you had a great weekend, have a great week!
Yes, indeed!! Spring is coming carrying with it the hope for all things new! We are also, so very happy to be having some nice days and see that snow melting. Go away snow....and do not come back for a very long time. : )
Happy Monday, Lisa!!
So happy to see your weather is finally changing for the best. Your sweetie pie looks adorable as always! Love the big bow in her hair. Precious!
I'm glad you got to soak up some Vitamin D, Lis!
Great pictures...See the awesome thing is that when spring comes to where you live it will come in a big, COLORFUL, beautiful way. It is worth the wait...
Lots of love~
So cute!!! That M outfit is adorable! I'm so ready for spring I can hardly stand myself!!!
So, so glad Spring is on the way for you!! Love her outfit and your mood!!!!
Love the colors. I had forgotten how I missed them until seeing your photos.
Thank you
So exciting to finally feel like spring is on the way!! Hooray!! Great photos of your sweet and colorful girl! :)
Hope you have a fun week!
oh my. this make feel like spring is on its way. Love her outfit and her chucks!
Have a good day Lisa. thanx for sharing.
We're certainly a few weeks behind you but it was so great to see the sun this week-end too. I almost can stand the cold and snow but I miss the sun. (Though I can do without the brown, dirty snow and dead foliage.)
Wonderful pictures - what a sweet little outfit and I can't help but notice how tall Sarah is getting. Oh my, it goes fast!
Enjoy the sun and have a great day!!
BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the contrast of colorful Sarah against the wall...perfect! She looks soooo grown up these days!
Gorgeous shots and processing! I always love your style. I am glad you are getting better weather. It's been pretty nice here and after next week (time change), there will be LOTS of sunshine after work.
Looks like a warm and colorful weekend...so happy you enjoyed it...you all have had a rough winter up there.
wasnt the weather awesome!?! it felt sooo good to be outside. Your gal looks simply adorable...and happy :)
whoo hoo to warmth!!! Cute and colorful pictures....looks like you enjoyed all that fresh air...is it almost spring yet?????? I'm dying in this house...: (
Bubbles are so much fun and are definitely for warm weather. We are losing our piles of snow slowly and my kids even asked for bubbles the other day, but I told them it had to get warmer.
Have a good week!
Beautiful pics of Miss Sarah and her bubbles! She sure is growing up so fast! I love all of the textures on the wall. Isn't spring the best??? :) Happy Week to you!
Spring can't come fast enough! Glad y'all were able to enjoy some sunshine!
BEAUTIFUL photos..
Looks like Sarah was having a wonderful time outside..
Lisa, beautiful pictures of your beautiful Sarah.
And her outfit is so cool!
It was a fabulous weekend here as well ~ we spent a great deal outdoors ~ just what we all needed!
Love Sarah's outfit ~ what a cutie.
Isn't this weather fantastic! We are really enjoying it too. Sarah is getting so big and looks adorable with her bubbles. Hope everything is going well for you! Hugs~
Awww! Sweet pics, Sara is a born natural. Her outfit is so pretty! Very springy. I can't wait til it's nice enough here for bubbles.
Looking forward to one of your classes soon, I'll e-mail you about a class soon.
LOVE the photos and YES it has been getting warmer and we too are loving it :)
Is that a Matilda Jane outfit Sarah is wearing? I so LOVE their stuff but can'T seem to get over the sticker shock lol! Someday I am going to have to break down and get them an outfit or two...SArah truly looks adorable!!!!
Hope your Monday was good ~ Talk to you sometime during the week...
Colorful indeed! Your photos are gorgy!
Absolutely adorable!! I'm diggin' Sarah's outfit, the bubbles, the setting and that cute little girl! Her pouty face gets me every time. TOO cute!!!
Wow she just pops right out. She is adorable too. I am ready for spring too. Bring it!
Beautiful photos. I am so glad that spring is on the way.
I'm so excited about the class on Thursday! I just love al your pictures!
These are beautiful shots Lisa!! I can't believe how big she is getting, she looks so grown up! I'm loving the weather too.....have a session this week and I can't wait to get outdoors in the sun!!
Beautiful photos! Love Sarah's sweetness. Amazing the color - great theme for springtime!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
lovely pictures as always!!!!
yay for spring! we've had the some signs of spring around here too and it is unbelievably exciting! adorable pics of sarah, i love her headband and outfit, darling!!!
Amen to that.
I know - isn't the great weather good for the soul??
Blessings for a colorful week!! Ashley
Adorable pictures of your little bubble queen! I love her MJ outfit too! Bring on the spring weather!
Hope you have a great week!
Wonderful pictures and an adorable little girl!
I couldn't agree more, Lisa. I felt the EXACT same way this weekend.
I see Sarah has grown this Winter...she looks like such a BIG (little) girl...and I love her adorable outfit and CT/s.
Finally seeing color again...isn't it beautiful!
Can't wait for class on Thursday...
Bring on some colour! Great pictures!
Beautiful! I'm with you! We were just outside today soaking up some 68 degree weather! Will have to post about it later but so funny you mentioned roses and signs of Spring...cause I was clicking away at some just a few hours ago! Soooo ready for it to be here!
Totally diggin' little miss's pink kicks...Syd has some just like 'em!
Love and hugs~
Very cute.
I love the nice weather SO much. I can't even take it : )
She is SO cute. Can you tell me more about those clothes? Are they the famous Matilda Jane ones? How do you get them? Do you have parties? When I see them I want a girl.
Lovely Lisa and I am so ready for warm weather and color around here too. Little Miss Sarah's haircut looks beautiful and the images you captured are wonderful as always.
Sunshine + bubbles = a FANTASTICLY FUN time!!!
Love the photos! Little Miss Sarah's outfit is just darling and the bow tops it off!
xo L
I love her outfit! Girls clothes are so much cuter then boys! I love the new look on your blog too!
Fabulous photos of your beautiful girl!!
Yes, we had a very tiny glimpse of spring here, but the rain and colder temps. are back!
(oh, and may I just say that you are certainly getting much closer to that China trip!!!)
I am ready for spring and all the colors that come along with it :-)
Work From Home
She is adorable!... I had a question. I have been blogging for a few years but i don't really do photography.. Could you please tell me how you made your blog layout/ background... I would love to make one for my blog but i don't know how! Thanks
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