I had to throw this picture in the mix today!! Nick is so anti-camera lately, I don't think I have taken a picture of him in about a month. Of course he is happy about that.....I am not!! I happened to catch him as he was driving his sister around the yard in her pink barbie jeep....... As soon as he saw me come out of the house with the camera, he floored it and turned around and stuck his tongue out at me....... I thought it was cute and at least I have something to post:)

Well..... I wish I could say that all we have been doing is "hangin" like our sweet little "hippy chic", but that is not the case! It is go, go, go around here these days!! Both Pat and I are pushing ourselves to the max with our jobs and the things that we really need to focus on right now as we are closing in on what we think, could be the end of our adoption journey.
As I have previously mentioned....more like vaguely hinted around in a prior post, we have experienced some bumps along this very long road. There have been days where we wonder if it is really going to happen for us.......
I think I personally have been in a bit of denial....... after 4 years of waiting and seeing no end in sight, I kept thinking we had time......lots of time. Well, I almost hate to say it, but we DO NOT have a lot of time left. I am guessing we will get a referral in the next 4-6 months.
I am usually a planner and someone who is always prepared......but in this scenario, I could not bring myself to get with the program. I am kind of superstitious......my fear was that if we planned, got a room ready, bought things, started to choose baby names.......it wouldn't happen. So what have we done.......the complete opposite....which is NOTHING.
We literally had no warning with Sarah and we did just fine, so I am not in complete panic mode yet, but there are a lot of things that are beginning to weigh on our minds surrounding this adoption.
As the summer quickly approaches, we are going to do need to get serious around here and start to prepare for the changes that are going to take place should we get that referral. I feel like I am waivering between total excitement and sheer nervousness and anxiety when I think of what is just down the road for our family:)
I have been absolutely horrible at keeping up with this blog(and everyone elses....sorry)the last two months, but I am going to make the extra effort to get back on track here because I will want to document and post all that we are going through leading up to what we hope will be, a very happy ending to a very long journey!!
Hope you all have a wonderful week!!
Just wanted to add a few shout outs......
The tutu Sarah is wearing was purchased at Sophia Jane Boutique.....check out Kimberley's shop....she has the most incredible bows, flowers, headbands, hats, and now tutus!!
Also wanted to mention that I had a little fun processing this series of photos using some AWESOME Lightroom Presets created by Jessica at One Willow Studios...... if you are a photo enthusiast and a Lightroom user, you must check out her presets and her beautiful pictures......they are FABULOUS!!!