I had to throw this picture in the mix today!! Nick is so anti-camera lately, I don't think I have taken a picture of him in about a month. Of course he is happy about that.....I am not!! I happened to catch him as he was driving his sister around the yard in her pink barbie jeep....... As soon as he saw me come out of the house with the camera, he floored it and turned around and stuck his tongue out at me....... I thought it was cute and at least I have something to post:)

Well..... I wish I could say that all we have been doing is "hangin" like our sweet little "hippy chic", but that is not the case! It is go, go, go around here these days!! Both Pat and I are pushing ourselves to the max with our jobs and the things that we really need to focus on right now as we are closing in on what we think, could be the end of our adoption journey.
As I have previously mentioned....more like vaguely hinted around in a prior post, we have experienced some bumps along this very long road. There have been days where we wonder if it is really going to happen for us.......
I think I personally have been in a bit of denial....... after 4 years of waiting and seeing no end in sight, I kept thinking we had time......lots of time. Well, I almost hate to say it, but we DO NOT have a lot of time left. I am guessing we will get a referral in the next 4-6 months.
I am usually a planner and someone who is always prepared......but in this scenario, I could not bring myself to get with the program. I am kind of superstitious......my fear was that if we planned, got a room ready, bought things, started to choose baby names.......it wouldn't happen. So what have we done.......the complete opposite....which is NOTHING.
We literally had no warning with Sarah and we did just fine, so I am not in complete panic mode yet, but there are a lot of things that are beginning to weigh on our minds surrounding this adoption.
As the summer quickly approaches, we are going to do need to get serious around here and start to prepare for the changes that are going to take place should we get that referral. I feel like I am waivering between total excitement and sheer nervousness and anxiety when I think of what is just down the road for our family:)
I have been absolutely horrible at keeping up with this blog(and everyone elses....sorry)the last two months, but I am going to make the extra effort to get back on track here because I will want to document and post all that we are going through leading up to what we hope will be, a very happy ending to a very long journey!!
Hope you all have a wonderful week!!
Just wanted to add a few shout outs......
The tutu Sarah is wearing was purchased at Sophia Jane Boutique.....check out Kimberley's shop....she has the most incredible bows, flowers, headbands, hats, and now tutus!!
Also wanted to mention that I had a little fun processing this series of photos using some AWESOME Lightroom Presets created by Jessica at One Willow Studios...... if you are a photo enthusiast and a Lightroom user, you must check out her presets and her beautiful pictures......they are FABULOUS!!!
First - My mouth is almost ajar at how much Sarah has changed in just the past few months. And at how TALL she is getting. Oh my...well....it is time for a new baby because Sarah is determined to grow up. They'll be no stopping her.
Love these pictures of her in the tutu but hooted my head off at the car shot. Now that's a keeper.
It's so good to hear your updates on the latest. I remember thinking as we approached the time when our referral for Milana looked like it was finally coming and realizing that I had pretected myself by not preparing at all. So I really scrambled the last few months. I made it....and so will you!
Remember to take care of yourself.
I knew you would be fine.. been thinking of you and know that you will have it all ready when the time is right.
Miss you and love you tons..
Thanks for the phone call the other day when you were with the ladies.. you are AMAZING..
love ya..
Have a great week..
Love, love, love Sarah's outfit! She is so beautiful!
It was so good talking to you today! I'm glad we were finally able to catch up. :D
I love your pics!
Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful weekly blog event!
Goodness! What a diva!!! VERY NICE pictures! Awesome, really!!!
Oh the day your referral comes will be a day to celebrate!! I wait with you!
Beautiful pictures of the sweet hippy chick and that handsome son of yours. I love them all...as always!
She Is Adorable. I really love that One of them together in the car!
Gorgeous pictures of your Hippie Chick! Love the B&W with your sassy boy! He is too handsome! Just breathe everything will work out fine.....Have a wonderful rest of your week.
Love the car picture!
I completely understand the adoption feelings.
Hugs and blessings to you,
I have to confess that even though the last pic is beautiful, I find the colored version just as good if not better. The colors are so soothing...
What fun pictures! The cutest hippy chic ever and I love Nick and Sarah in the jeep together.
On the adoption front, everything will fall into place....it's really going to happen :)
I agree with Wanda, your little one looks so grown up in these pictures. It's definitely time to add a baby to the mix! Can't wait to hear more as the time nears. Don't worry, you will do just fine with getting prepared. I am so much like you when it comes to preparing. I was thrown a curve ball in my plans right before leaving for China and everything worked out just fine in the end. Your baby won't mind, all she's going to care about is being in you and your husband's arms and the love you will shower upon her.
I bought those presets too. They are awesome!
p.s. Will post a picture later... my hubby took control over my (okay our) computer last night! ;-)
I have to agree with the previous commenters...Sarah is growing right before our eyes. I just love her in the tutu and the contrast of her adorable outfit with the doors in the background. Her hair is fabulous.
The picture of Nick the Mad Driver just cracked me up. It is so Nick and reminded me of exactly what WonderBoy does to me when I whip out my camera!
The best laid plans were meant to throw by the wayside when something as amazing as a child enters your life. You know that but the planner in you wants to have it all ready.
When your little sweetie arrives...you will already have every single thing you need...her in your arms.
Looking so forward to all of it for you and your beautiful family.
She is really turning into a little lady ~ and a cute one at that!
All too soon Nick will be driving a real car carting Sarah and her girlfriends around ~ ha!
Great photos as always. I hope all is well with your busy life. I've missed seeing you around but totally understand that there are so many hours in a day.
I just love Sarah's (and your) sense of style!
These photos are just stunning! I hope you don't mind if a snitch a few for the blog. Your daughter is so lovely.
I know exactly how you feel with your adoption. I remember feeling that Sophia was near and realizing that I had nothing ready for her.
You will be fine and your new little one will bring even more joy to your beautiful family.
Thank you for the tutu plug...I appreciate that!
You have a very beautiful family! Love playing along with your Black and White Wednesday and praying for your family during this journey. God is good and I know that you are in His hands. Much Love, Gracie and Jack's momma!
Elation and nervous panic together? Sounds like you are expecting! :-)
I hope this long road to adoption (with a few bumps lately) starts to sweeten even more deeply as you get serious with the reality of it happening SOON and that you allow yourself to become enveloped in the joy of new motherhood! What a blessing to receive your heart's desire. Especially after such a long wait. God is faithful!
Pictures are beautiful!!
Don't stress, you have time...Everything will fall into place and you will be fine.
How exciting to see that new baby coming closer and closer ... it's always a little scary when dreams start to look like they might become reality!
Darling pictures, as usual. Your kids look like a lot of fun!
Your children are just beautiful and their personalities shine through in your photos.
I also have a Sarah! She turns 8 today.
Regarding the adoption...the wait is so hard and I haven't ever had to wait 4 years! I cannot imagine...but it does sound like you are close. Yes, I would say...it's time to do some shopping! God didn't bring you this far to leave you stranded. Make sure you leave it all in His hands...and it will all turn out perfectly.
Love those photos -- a little glimpse of what Sarah will look like when she's older -- so beautiful! Nick is a cutie!!
So exciting about the referral coming up in a few months! Am so thrilled for you and wish I could go along and be your travel buddy -- do you need one? :) We didn't get anything ready at all until after our referral!
Have a great Wednesday!
Wow, she is getting so big!! Love Love her outfit!!
Great pictures and what a beautiful area. That big rope swing looks like a blast!
We could actually travel together! Still waiting on our i800a approval before we can send in our dossier.
I am a superstitious planner also and waited until our referral to do anything. We managed to work, and prepare a rather elaborate room before we left for China. Granted we worked really hard, but it made the time go by quickly. On the other hand we didn't have 2 kids at home!
I hope time flies by for you!
We have lots of hand-me-downs and such from the Tongginator, but I finally broke down this past week and bought a cute outfit for MythicalBaby. Can't wait to watch as y'all shift into high gear getting ready. And we'll be just a couple of months behind you. *grin*
LOVE LOVE LOVE Sarah's hair & look!!
Thanks for the quick update!! Looking forward to watching your family GROW!! :)
Hugs, my friend!!
I love the colors and tones of these photos and the rope on that swing is awesome! Which of Jessica's presets did you use? I have them, but I can't place my finger on which one you used to get the retro feel and Sarah's tutu turquoise color to pop.
I know these final months will go quickly and I have no doubt you will pull everything together to make it happen in true Lisa fashion.
Hang in there! I know it is the hardest thing waiting for a child. Wonderful pictures. I love how you process the photos and your daughter is absolutely beautiful!
I am so glad you're day is finally coming, I cannot wait to celebrate that long-awaited referral with you. And I know how organized and efficient you are too, you'll have everything ready with time to spare.
Love the pics, LOL @ Nick driving that Barbie jeep. That is a totally cute shot. Sarah's a doll, as always, though I agree with everyone else that she looks awfully grown up these days.
Happy Wednesday, my friend! I'll get my BWW post up a bit later, you know how I always procrastinate that. :)
What fun pictures! Glad at least Sarah can relax during this busy time of year. We are going non-stop too and I don't like it very much. Hope it slows down for you a bit, take care.
I love the mad driver! Kids are so funny. It's great that you were able to capture the moment. I'm going to check out the actions you used, thanks for showing them to us. I enjoy my own editing, but actions are so cool to watch happen. Happy Wednesday.
I wanted to say congratulations on ther next step in your adoption process!! How exciting! I think the powers that be are keeping you busy at work now to prepare for the long road that awaits ahead! But I wouldn't be nervous if I were you! Your family is beautiful and it looks like you have so much love to give! And I'm sure that all the new baby is going to evr want and need :) Good luck!
SUCH breathtaking shots!!! Wow, I just love the soft, flowy feel of them. That Sarah just plain makes me smile every.time.I.see.her!
I can't wait for the upcoming months for you guys. It's gonna be a whirlwind, but I hope you can enjoy every moment. No need stressing, you've got this!
I love these pictures! Sarah does look soooo tall and grown up in them! I also love her new short do! It's perfect for spring/summer!
No need to stress about your upcoming China baby. Before we know it, you will be calling me from Toys/Babies R Us while throwing everything in the cart! You will be just fine!
stunning pictures of your sweetie, as usual! I'll be looking forward to reading your updates on the adoption...what a wonderful way to document your child joining in your family!
These photos just blow me away - honestly I got like an adrenal rush looking at them! The colors are simply gorgeous.
Sarah's 'do' is so sassy - love it! She is looking so grown up. Her outfit is adorable!
Cute photo of Nick driving . . . so FUN!
We do guard our hearts in the adoption process (and probably fertility process) so I can understand how you are suddenly facing the realaity that your baby WILL be home soon. Everything may not get done however that will be a good initiation into being outnumbered by children! I'm looking forward to your welcoming your little one - I feel like your B&W Wednesday participants have become a family :) it's so exciting that we are getting a new little one!
Thanks for doing the B&W Wednesday even though I know you are so busy!
I have been thinking of you lately and it is good to see your lovely pictures and hear that latest on your journey.
Saying a prayer...
I just found your sight and will be coming back daily. I love your photos.
Will pray for your adoption. My mother was adopted so it's a special issue to me.
Hello, I am so glad I found you in blogland. I am a keen amateur photographer and your Black and White Wednesday are a great incentive to take better pictures.
I am following and will be taking part soon. xxx
Sarah looks so grown up and oh so beautiful Lisa......I am praying for your referral. The wait has been so long....the Lord is keeping you busy though. I can't even begin to wonder what the new nursery will look like!!!!!!!!
lisa, i thnk of & pray for you often in this road of adoption thta you are on!
i know you are working your tail off but we are still here championing you on girlie!
those images are among my fave
i love the seaglass-like tones
just beautiful
These are so fun and fresh Lisa. I love this hippie chick look:) I know you will be completely ready for you daughter when the time comes. Your heart is already there and that is what matters most.
Hey Stranger!!! Glad things are well! Just love all of your cute pictures - one is better than the next! I got goosebumps when I read 4-6 months until referral!! How exciting!!! Everything will get done and even if it doesn't who cares you will have that sweet girl in your arms and everything will be perfect!!! Hope you guys are enjoying the spring! Take Care!!
It was so wonderful to come here today and read about the exciting things that are going on in your family :) I am so happy for you Lisa! So very, very happy! I pray that the referral will come quickly and you will be blessed with a sweet baby soon! I will pray for all of you and the big adjustments that are coming.
I love these pictures. Sarah is so lovely. Always : ) and it was fun to see Nick in the Jeep. He is styling.
I love what you do in lightroom and in photoshop! Very, very pretty.
Fun stuff!! Thinking of you guys.
Seriously, I don't think Sarah could be any cuter! I love it! I wish Landree would let me take her picture these days. She is like Nick. Love the one of them in the car.
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