It was a very busy, but fun Memorial Day Weekend.......
We were lucky enough to have Aunt Mary Pat visiting from Upstate New York.....we were all super excited and so happy that she could make the trip. We only wish she could have stayed a little longer because the weekend just went way too fast.
On Monday morning my Mom stopped by say hello and bring some donuts before Mary Pat had to leave. We were all drinking coffee on the deck and it was already blazing hot, so Sarah ran in and changed into her bathing suit so she could play in the water and keep cool!!
We got the biggest kick out of her in the little ballerina bathing suit.
When I think of ballet or a ballerina, I always think of someone elegant and full of grace, but somehow "Grace" really doesn't come to mind when I look at these pictures.......

Aren't those some really funny faces?
She means business with that water gun!!!
After our morning on the deck we packed up and headed out to a poolside birthday party:) It was the perfect day for a pool party, and the kids had a complete blast. The only time they got out of the pool was to eat!!
This was our first swimming adventure of the season and Sarah was a little hesitant in the water. Last year she was so brave by the end of the summer, but I guess after a long winter season, it all felt a little too unfamiliar.

Yes, Nicky totally rocks!!!
Even though he was swimming and hanging out with his good buddy, Anthony, he spent some time with his little sis. He definitely makes his Momma proud:)
I realize I kind of cheated this week..... These pictures were too colorful and fun to post in black and white, so I just converted one!!
Hope everyone has a great week!
We are in the home strectch and approaching the final two weeks of the school year.......Nick is counting the days until his summer fun begins:)

We were lucky enough to have Aunt Mary Pat visiting from Upstate New York.....we were all super excited and so happy that she could make the trip. We only wish she could have stayed a little longer because the weekend just went way too fast.
On Monday morning my Mom stopped by say hello and bring some donuts before Mary Pat had to leave. We were all drinking coffee on the deck and it was already blazing hot, so Sarah ran in and changed into her bathing suit so she could play in the water and keep cool!!
We got the biggest kick out of her in the little ballerina bathing suit.
When I think of ballet or a ballerina, I always think of someone elegant and full of grace, but somehow "Grace" really doesn't come to mind when I look at these pictures.......

Aren't those some really funny faces?
She means business with that water gun!!!
After our morning on the deck we packed up and headed out to a poolside birthday party:) It was the perfect day for a pool party, and the kids had a complete blast. The only time they got out of the pool was to eat!!
This was our first swimming adventure of the season and Sarah was a little hesitant in the water. Last year she was so brave by the end of the summer, but I guess after a long winter season, it all felt a little too unfamiliar.

Yes, Nicky totally rocks!!!
Even though he was swimming and hanging out with his good buddy, Anthony, he spent some time with his little sis. He definitely makes his Momma proud:)
I realize I kind of cheated this week..... These pictures were too colorful and fun to post in black and white, so I just converted one!!
Hope everyone has a great week!
We are in the home strectch and approaching the final two weeks of the school year.......Nick is counting the days until his summer fun begins:)

Great photos girly..
Looks like a great day..
love the water and the sun..
have a great week.
Nice chatting with you today..
Love ya..
That last photo is absolutely priceless!
Jill can "cheat" anytime with shots that cute. My favorite is the one with Nick smiling. We don't see that GORGEOUS smile too often. Wow.
And, of course, sweet Sarah steals the spotlight in that adorable tutu bathing suit. I love your description of grace to GI Jane. That's funny...and I do see it too.
Glad you really enjoyed your long week-end. (You sound like you're feeling much better too.)
Looks like a wonderful day by the pool!!!
Cant wait to be doing that everyday next week when we go visit my parents in Phx.
Love the post processing on these too!! Great job.
oh boy, the girls are going to melt when they look at that smile..The two of them together should be on a poster for play together nicely children. They're both so cute.
Thanks for hosting us.
Outstanding, Lisa! Love the scrapbook style and the gorgeous processing. I agree with Wanda (as I usually do!) you can "cheat" anytime with color like that.
The photos of Nick and Sarah are priceless and that last one of the two of them smiling and so proud, well, it melted my heart.
So glad you all had so much family time this weekend AND got to beat the heat in the pool while you were at it!
Dita Darling
What a great weekend! I love that Sarah has her bow in her hair the entire time she's swimming! Love that ballerina shot in black and white!
Nick you are a GREAT big brother!!!
Gorgeous and adorable as always!
Lisa smiles on the last picture is priceless! Great shots as always.
Looks like you guys had an awesome time. I love both the b&w and the coloured photos! The tone of the coloured photos is so great!
Such fun times and with summer around the corner there's more to come. We finish school this week!!! Can't wait!!!
I love LOVE the first one! So cute and spunky and she is going to love it when she is older. The last one is a fave as well!
She's got "girl power" grace. Love all the pics...the water looks sooo inviting. Hope you had a great Memorial Weekend. Looks like you did :)
So glad to hear/see you had such a great time enjoy the family this past weekend. These photos are fabulous! I agree that your little "cheat" is so worth doing. It must make a momma proud when you see your little ones getting along so well. Love the last one too!
Your kids are so adorable! These are great shots, summer has arrived! Yeah for the first pool party! :) Hugs, Lucy
Before you mentioned color, I was just thinking how AWESOME the colors were in the pictures!! Great set of pictures! As for Sarah and Nick, what a dynamic duo those two!
Too cute ~ love all Sarah's expressions and the big brother little sister shots! Sounds like the perfect holiday weekend.
Hope all is well ~
Pool parties are the best! Cute pictures! It looks like the kids had a blast!
I wish we could get the girls together for a photo shoot in their matching ballerina suits! It would be tutu cute!
Hope you have a great day!
Love these! I had to laugh at her with the bow in her hair in the pool...and then with the water! Maggie has the same suit, but complains about it itching her~
LOVE all your shots! EK has that suit too and wore it yesterday. She goes through about 4-5 every day. Lives in them in the summer and must change each time she comes in. So glad you all had such a great weekend!!! :)
How fun! Looks like a great weekend! Love the pics! We did some swimming this weekend too!
Yay, these are so fun!! Nick is such a sweet brother, Sarah is a lucky little sis. I can't wait to see him snuggling with China Baby. :) And tell GI Jane I challenge her to a squirt gun fight, I'm pretty fierce with one of those! LOL!
Have a great week girl!
Oh my word! I am snitching that photo. That is the cutest idea ever for the ballet bow.
Sophia would love that bathing suit. Is it the one from Target?
Soooo cute!
I have been "patiently waiting" (LOL) for your new pics, and these were AWESOME!! You are completely amazing! :-) It doesn't hurt that your kids are BEYOND adorable! Totally have to find a ballerina swimsuit for my little one - hee hee! Loved your pictures...every one!
Great photos! What a fun time you all had! That Sarah is so expressive -- she has the sweetest little face and that Nick -- what an great brother!
Hope you're having a fun week!
I just love your photography! You always inspire me!
And I cheated too and only posted one BW of my Memorial Day Weekend pics. :)
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
Totally fun! What a perfect way to welcome upcoming summer. We too had a lot of Memorial Day fun. As always your work is beautiful. Two questions, if you have two minutes: Do you crop much? Did you use any actions or your own? Thank you.
I love these pictures Lisa! Love. LOVE, LOVE THEM! That bathing suit is too adorable for words. I totally want a girl when I see that! : )
You are right, the colors are too vibrant and fun to be converted! I love the look of concentration (complete with tongue peeking out) on her face in the first photo.
Fun photos! your Sarah looks to be just the right amount girly girl, and fun! Beautiful photos full of so much life!
Oh, these photos are wonderful as always, but that last photo? Nick's smile is BEAUTIFUL!!! Love the way he is helping Sarah too, he is such a great, caring big brother!
These pool pics look soooo refreshing!!
Great shot! This is why I follow you.
Awesome photos!
Sarah's expressions are priceless! What attitude!
Sounds like the kids had a wonderful time in the pool... I'm sure Miss Sarah will be diving in before you know it.
Hello Lisa, I so enjoyed stopping by every time. Your photos are always inspiring. Thanks also for hosting this meme.
Have a great day. xxx
What a great big brother Nick is! Love, love, love the pics!
Love ya!
PS my post is up -- not quite as elegant as yours but it is up all the same! ;-)
Hello Lisa! I missed last week, but I am sure glad to be back! I missed you all! Have a great week! Love your pics as always great!
Wonderful water fun! Always love your photos!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Awesome pics of two adorable siblings! I LOVE Nick's smile!!! What a little heartbreaker he is going to be (if he's not already!). Sarah looks so cute in her little ballerina bathing suit and bow. Oh, how I wish I had a little one to dress up still :)
Cheat away sis, I haven't gotten a black and white post up in foreva...I will do better now that summer is here :)
Looks like you had a fabulous day!
I love Sarah's bathing suit. Super cute!
Hi, I got here from Simplicity's blog. You have a beautiful family! I just love that last photo of both kids in the pool.
Great photographer and beautiful subjects... 'nuff said ;-) Have a blessed weekend!
Those are such fun pics!!! You're right - those colors are too great to not show! :)
Well... ya know... not all ballerinas are graceful. (I did mention that I danced for 16 years, right? Only I was no where near graceful... the opposite of you. Heh.)
These are so, so cute, Lisa!! I love that last one of Nick & Sarah. They just look like they are having so much fun together. And I adore the one you posted on Kimberley's FB page. Totally cute!!
Wow! Amazing shots! The first one is the best and the rest of them are just so cute:)
Love your processing too.
BTW, I have passed you a blog award!!
Check out my blog for details. You deserve this award and I hope you enjoy it:)
Hey Lisa, doing a catch up on your blog, wow I second what everyone else has said, great photos.
How are things coming along with your adoption? Lots of love
I am catching up to. Looks like a great party but the water gun shot is my fave! Have a great weekend!
Looks like you had a wonderful time together.
The photos are lovely.
Visiting from The Mommy. Congrats on your award.
Oh I love these pictures , my favorite is the last one!!! There is just something about it that makes my heart do leaps!!!!
Love and blessings, Kristy
So happy to participate. This is my first time! Love all your photos...seems like a great place!
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