Black and White Wednesday - "Snapshots From the 18th Hole"

June 30, 2010

Dad Looking Out BLOG

This weekend my Mom and I took the kids to meet up with Pat and my Dad on the 18th hole!!

They were playing in a golf scramble that my Dad puts together every year!! He picks a day and then invites all the guys who wrestled for him when he was the head wrestling coach at Muhlenberg College.

It is a day of fun on the course, followed by a visit to what I like to refer to as "The 19th Hole" for drinks, dinner, and lots of walks down memory lane......which usually means lots of laughs!

My Dad had asked me to come out and take some group shots and of course, I was more than happpy to oblige:)

Mom and Dad BLOG

Just as we were walking onto the course, my Dad was making his way down the path to the green. I made my Mom jump in the cart with him so I could get a picture of the two of them together. I love this picture of them! Anyone care to take a guess where I might have found my love of big chunky jewelry? Yes..... My Mom taught both my sister and I that the accessories make the outfit. Her favorite things to shop for are shoes, jewelry, and handbags. BTW, Pat thanks her (insert sarcastic tone) every chance he gets on that one...... just kidding:)

I need to get pictures of my parents more often..... we see them all the time because they are always here helping us out, so I have no excuses. We would be lost without my them..... we are thankful that they live so close and that they are always willing to help out with the kids when we ask. I try not to take them for granted and really do appreciate all that they have done and continue to do.

Leaning on the cart BW BLOG

Here is my Dad....often refered to as "Coachie" around here. He does not go by Grandpa, Poppy, Poppop, or Pops.... He is called "Coachie" by all of his Grandkids. It started with Nick and the name just stuck!!

As you can tell from this photo, "Coachie" is in terrific shape!! He is the only 66 year old guy I know that works out with weights and runs three miles every day.....and I mean every single day!!!

As part of his workout routine, he does "handstand push ups" You have to see it to believe it, but he does them in the middle of the floor, not resting up against the wall. It takes considerable strength and balance. He has done this as long as I can remember. I always loved to be in the wrestling room when he was working out with someone for the first time. The look on their face when he would do them was priceless.

Me and My Daddy BW BLOG

Not too long after my Dad arrived on the green, we saw Pat's cart coming down the hill. Sarah got so excited when she saw him and the second that cart came to a stop, she lept in to sit with her Daddy:) I have a feeling this photo will end up in a frame on Daddy's desk at work....... If you cannot tell, Miss Sarah is a total Daddy's girl!!

How does this work BW BLOG

Once the guys hit the green to "sink their putts" Eddie, Nick and Sarah took control of the cart! I was a little concerned that I was going to turn around and see them driving wrecklessly down the path, but everyone behaved.....and only pretended to drive....much to their dismay.

When the last foursome finished, I took a few group shots as promised. Once I was done with the pictures, Pat and my Dad took the kids for a short ride and then drove them back to the little club house.

My Mom and I walked back and met up with everyone so we could have dinner!! It was the perfect way to end such a fun family day.


Mom2Isabel said...

What wonderful parents you have. I love reading stories about a person's family. As always... great pictures. I especially love the one of Pat and Sarah.

Karli @ The Bonnie 5 said...

Lisa~ what beautiful pictures as always. I love the shots of your parents; they look so happy! And your little cutie driving the cart - too much! (Thank you also for passing my blog on to Jodee. Too funny to run into someone else from Lincoln!) :-) Happy Wednesday!

Wanda said...

What a rich legacy you come from, Lisa. (You look so much like your Mom - wow - and both your parents are in great shape, also a great legacy to come from.)

This is such a neat tradition to keep each year with "Coachie" (how cute is that name!). Sarah and Nick look adorable and the shot of Sarah and her Daddy is precious. yes, that has to go on his desk - and maybe his wallet.

Glad to hear the kids didn't actually take off in that cart. I did once and ended up flipping the thing. Not fun really!

Have a great Wednesday. Four more weeks till our week-end! Can't wait.

Kim said...

LOVE the photos.
Looks like a great day..
Love ya and Miss ya..

Marla said...

How fun!! Your parents are gorgeous (ummm, tell your dad I said "handsome" there). Ask your mom if I can borrow that necklace sometime, K? Kidding...sort of. :)

Love all these shots and yes, that one of Sarah with her Daddy is certainly a keeper! You should video your dad doing those push ups for us to see, you know your new iPhone will be able to do that! Hehe.

Happy Wednesday...almost.

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Marla, I should do that....although my boss has not come through yet with the new iphones. I assume he will be getting them for our dept in the next month or two though.

the meaklims said...

These photo's are simply priceless.

And your Dad, holy mackeral, he IS fit! Puts my 33 years to shame!

Jill :)

Everything Beautiful Shay said...

Beautiful images once again!

Dita said...

I am so glad that you were there to capture this day with your camera. Your mom is so chic and she's got a fantastic smile (apple doesn't fall far from that tree!) and Coachie? Well, Coachie is SMOKIN' and you can tell him I said that! Now I know where you get that killer bod of yours from. 3 miles a day? I can't walk to my mailbox and back without getting winded and its attached to my garage!
I love the name the kids have for Gramps for him...something tells me he wouldn't have that anyway!
The photo of Pat and Sarah just stole my heart though...what a shot, really...the love in both of their eyes for one another...priceless!

Happy Wednesday....just a few more weeks!


Your boss is AMAZING...I'm so glad he values all of you the way he does to get you all the latest and greatest. Any job openings over there? ;)

Anonymous said...

So much fun! I just love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Your parents are beautiful and you look so much like your mom! I love the picture of the kids driving the cart!

Zediahdacti said...

So fun!

Raymonde said...

Beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing them and also your family and family history with us.

Have a great week. xxx

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

PS..... My Dad is one of my most faithful blog readers. Just like his workouts, he never misses a post. So Dita, he will be reading that you called him "smokin" Just thought I should fill you in since it is very possible that you will meet him one day soon:)

Happy Wednesday Ladies!

CM said...

What a wondeful shot of your parents, the top one. Too funny, the first thing I noticed was her "chunky" necklace...very hip!

Thanks for hosting again, I linked up again, this time from my new blog!

Anonymous said...

Great photos as always!

Love Letters To China said...

Lisa... What a great post! It's so wonderful seeing/reading how close you are to your family. We are both so lucky to have family that we can count on at any time. Love the one of your hubby and Sarah. So adorable. Glad to hear the kids behaved and didn't take the cart for a real ride. I have a feeling if my little ones were there they would have taken off.... and never looked back!

Happy Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

What a great thing to have grandma and grandpa so close to you guys!! All my grandparents lived in the Dominican Republic while I was growing up, so I don't have fun memories like this in my arsenal! So glad your kids do! Grandma & Grandpa look amazing and full of energy to keep up with the little ones! Gorgeous family :)

Jodee said...

Oh my word! I love this post and pictures. I especially love the second picture. You are soooo blessed with amazing parents! I also don't think a girl can have too much chunky jewelry! Bring on the accessories!

Love the name Coachie too. It's perfect!

Courtney said...

What a great family! The pictures are fabulous - and the accessories. ;)

Denise said...

Great post Lisa, love the pics! I still don't see the links so if you have a chance, link up my photography blog...have a great day...I am so tired and overwhelmed right now~

Briana's Mom said...

Such a fun day! LOVE the pic of your parents! :)

3 Peanuts said...

They are all great shots but the one that melts my hear is Sarah and her Daddy. Pat looks great in that shot too. We don't see a whole lot of him around here:)

Unknown said...

Great shots. They are all so natural ans absolutely perfect. Looks like you are blessed with a great family! I am so very impressed with the stats on your dad...66 years old, but runs three miles every day and weight lifts?!? That's one stud!

Cathee said...

I loved hearing about your dad. My dad was a golfer and a former coach. Makes me miss my dad. How great to have your family together and celebrate your dad's passion!

paige said...

what a fun post about a fun day

Unknown said...

I loved reading this story, beautiful photos! Looks like it was a fun day all around!

Freckles & Dimples Photography said...

looks like a great afternoon! I really like the one of your dad standing next to the golf cart...I like the image and the conversion! and, I agree with others that you do look like your mom!
Hope you have a fantastic holiday weekend.

asj said...

fun post, great pics, looks like amazing memories! :)

Christy said...

absolutely beautiful photos! looks like y'all had a super fun time!

Jboo said...

What fun! Great photos! Love that your Dad goes by Coachie instead of Grandpa -- mine goes by Al! :) Your parents are so cute! And a good friend's daughter goes to Muhlenberg -- small world, eh! :) Hope you have a great day!


Gail said...

LOVE seeing your parents Lisa, you are so blessed to have them live so close to you!

'Coachie' reminds me of my own dad, very handsome, in great shape and young at heart I can tell.

Dan wrestled at Purdue for 4 years, he and your dad would have lots to talk about I think. :)

All these pics are wonderful, my fave is the one of Pat and gotta love a Daddy's girl!

Missy said...

Lisa, these are the types of posts that I LOVE! The ones that tell a story and show candid moments. The types of pics that I get too little of, but am making more of an effort to capture.
I am crying as I look through your pics of your dad. You see, my dad was called, "Coach". Everyone that knew and loved my dad knew him as just "Coach". He was also an avid golfer. My heart aches for him, but I smile knowing that you still have your daddy. Sounds and looks like he is an amazing man. You are richly blessed, Lisa.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a beautiful weekend with your parents. It's so great that they live so close to you, there's nothing better then spending time with those who love and know you best!

Great shots! I love the one of your parents and the one of Pat and Sarah is adorable.

Happy Wednesday! Hugs :)

Natalie said...

Great shots! You will love having these pictures.

Kimberly Chorney said...

Awesome shots to remember a fun day! Love your moms jewlery, such classy parents you have!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Lisa, As always I love your photos! Love the daddy/daughter one. It sure is a framer!!
Thanks for hosting!


Lori Lynn said...

These are really wonderful pictures. I especially love the one of your parents in the golf cart. Your mom's taste in jewelry is great. I really need to get bolder with accessories.

The black and whites are cool too!

fleur de lis cottage said...

Love the pic of your mom and dad. Your mamma has style. And, I can totally see why Pat would want to frame that pic of him and Sara for his office...too cute!

Oh, and I'm in awe of your Dad...handstand push ups!! Wow!!

Courtney said...

All great shots!!! I always enjoy looking through your posts. :)

kristen said...

I love these! What a great tradition and I need to bring my camera next time I go golfing!

JinXiu said...

what a great tradition and a wonderful family

i so love the pictures of your family day on the greens

you always come up with the best stuff

happy 4th

Faith Hope Love Photography said...

What a fun tribute to your dad...he is one studly one that is for sure! I wish I could excersise like that at my age...ha/ha These are definately some keepers!

Our Complete Family said...

Lis, I love everything about this post of yours! That you got to spend such fun time with your P's, the pics of the smashing time, the smiles and giggles that must have been exchanged by the kiddos on the golf cart... it all screams summer fun!
And the Grandkids name for your Dad? Fun and perfect!
xo L

Marla said...

Whew, I just barely made it! LOL! :)

ellieshine said...

Oh I just love these photos! I can't wait to take your classes!

Lisa said...

What a great post!!! AND Coahcie! Is AWESOME!!!! Take many, many pictures and love them both with everything you have. This story reminds me of my family and my father who workedout in bed even when he was to weak stand.

Tell Coachie....I WILL RUN TODAY!!!!!!! and do my push ups NO EXCUSES!!!!

Your mom is Beautiful!!! beautiful Post!

carolinagirl said...

what a great place to take photos! finally linked up...was sick yesterday!

Unknown said...

Oh Lisa! I love your family. Your parents look like such great people. I loved your Mom's necklace and right away I knew you got your fabulous sense of style from her : )

And the picture of Sarah and her Daddy is SO special. It almost made me cry.

I feel so happy that you have a blessed life and wonderful family. It just makes me rejoice! And I can't even believe how very soon you will have your new baby girl as a part of it!

Those pushups sound so incredible. He looks fantastic.

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Never tire of your photography... they always look so gorgeous...

Becky said...

I love these pics! Your parents look fantastic! Love the pic of Sarah and Pat. I can see why you'd want that in a frame on his desk.

Love ya!

redmaryjanes said...

These are such special family shots. I love them all. What a special day.

Kim said...

You look like your mom, I noticed that right away, you both are so pretty. What a fun event for your dad to host. It looks like a great time! Happy 4th of July!

Casey said...

Great pictures!!

I gotta tell ya... my dad is 63 and he works out every single day too. It's crazy. I need to grab some of his mojo. He's in MUCH better shape than me. lol.

One of my good friends went to Muhlenberg College. He was a soccer player though - graduated in '93. I actually just took pictures of him and his son and will be posting them soon. Small world!!

Happy Fourth!!

Counting the days for the workshop!!

Deb said...

Wow your Dad is amazing!
Those pics are stunning girl.
I wish you lived of these days I'll pic up my camera and get interested again...too much going on in my head right now to give it the time.....but one day hopefully soon you'll hear from me!
Happy 4th of July sweet lady.

Unknown said...

Great shots of your parents and children! Your daughter is precious :-)

Hope to see you soon!