We have had a busy weekend!! We picked up our cousin Eddie on Saturday morning and he is going to be here with us until next Tuesday. Nick and Sarah are so excited........ Nick and Eddie have always enjoyed their special time together each summer, as this is tradition for them to go back and forth for a week at a time.
This year it has been fun to watch Sarah interact with them...... although I am not sure the boys feel the same way:) The minute she wakes up she is asking for Eddie....everytime we sitdown for a meal she screams "I want to sit next to Eddie" He is so patient with her and it is so cute to watch!
I am short on time this morning, but wanted to post these pictures before I get to buried and backed up again.
This pettiskirt and beautiful rose came in the mail last week...... It is actually for one of my photography workshop models to wear in a few weeks, but a certain someone could not wait to slip it on and give it a twirl.
By Thursday night, I finally gave in and let her try it on. As soon as she pulled it on, she squealed with delight and started twirling and running through the house. She smiled from ear to ear and ran in to show Daddy how "beautiful" she looked.

Our girl is growing up so fast..... It is such a bittersweet feeling. She is at such a fun age, and everyday she amazes us with the things she does and says, but at the same time we look at her.......and wonder where our baby girl has gone.
A special note: Thank you Kimberley for your wonderful customer service and for keeping all of our girls looking so stylish and frilly!! If you are looking for tutus, pettiskirts, personalized t-shirts, hats, or hair bling, check out her beautiful boutique by clicking HERE.
Cute skirt; pretty girl; beautiful pictures.
Have a great week!
Love them Lisa, your talent behind the lens shows beautifully in every shot.
Have a wonderful week..
I love these shots, she is so gorgeous!
Have a great week!
Oh my goodness those pictures are cute!
Sarah looks so beautiful in that outfit!
She is just too gorgeous for words.
Oh my word! Just stunning! I was thinking about that rose this morning and wondering if you liked it. I haven't put in on the blog yet. It is so beautiful in her hair. I love the casualness of these photos and how she is barefoot. Wonderful!
Such a beauty!
GORGEOUS!!!! Funny, before I got to the end of your post I thought how grown up Sarah is looking these days...ahhhh...yes, it sure is bittersweet! Kiara's very last day of Kindergarten is today & I'm feeling so weepy!! lol!
ENJOY your time!!!
Have a great week!
These are beautiful! Truly lovely.
Oh my -- such beautiful photos of your little girl! You're right -- she is growing fast! Can't wait to hear about all the fun with Nick and Eddie! Enjoy!
This is the BEST age, isn't it? I love it!
Sarah looks adorable!
She is such a doll! And they do grow fast ....blink of an eye! Have a wonderful week.
So lovely! I love your color and light!
- Amandalynn
Such a beauty!!! And yes, they do grow up way too fast!
I can see how that would be hard to resist. Simply stunning : ).
She is precious! I love the age she is. It is one of my favorites. I miss having a little one in the house so badly. It makes me cry.
I cried this morning when I read what you wrote about getting an excited feeling when you see a new mommy in China. I can't wait for your turn!
Oh, these are just stunning photos, Lisa!! Truly, you are going to ROCK your workshop in a few weeks. I am so happy for you!!!!
I wish I could have been out there running with her...how I remember being that young...not a care in the world with the sweet smell of summer all around as bare feet touched the ground.
Beautiful shots...those eyes just kill me everytime!
Breathtaking shots again!!! And that's another thing I am getting when we get home from China! Skirts for the girls!!! So beautiful and your precious girl in adorable!!!
Lisa these pictures are amazing! Your little one is getting so big. I feel the same way about my two. It makes me sad how quickly they grow up. The pettiskirt and rose look adorable on her. I don't think you'll ever be able to use them for photo shoots.... I think Sarah has staked her claim on them!
These pictures are out of this world! Beautiful!!!!!
I just had to tell you, as I was sitting here coveting your photo location for this post....all of a sudden I heard this familiar music.
I scrolled down and yep, I was right. It was ENYA....and my daughter Emily's FAVORITE song.
Thank you for that.
Ok, I have to get one of these skirts for Maggie for beach pics! These pictures are awesome and show why so many ladies want to come and learn from you next month...love you girl~
I love that petti! I just ordered a red one for Brooke but I might have to check these out.
Sarah looks adorable as always and I love the angle on that bridge shot, beautiful!
Sarah looks sooo grown up in these pictures. I can't believe our sweet girls are going to be four soon. I am afraid to blink!
Love the skirt too!
Holler if you want to chat on the phone one night while Chef Daddy is traveling!
Oh....cuteness overboard! That rose is so perfect for Sarah. Sooooo sweet on the bridge in her barefeet.
I know what you mean about losing the baby yet marvelling at all the things being learned. Oh, to stop the clock for just a minute - so we can catch our breath.
Went into the site you linked to....oh my....want them all!
Have a great week!
Oh....and I can't wait to photography that same outfit on your model in a few weeks!!! Excitement abounds.
Absolutely georgeous!
Pretty darn cute! Love the bridge!
She is a beautiful little girl and you captured her amazingly. Beauty+Talent=STUNNING!
Such amazing pictures! I love how you style Sarah with the pretty flowers on her hair! I'm checking out Sophia Jane's blog. I think her products might come in handy for a special little girl I know :)
SO pretty!! I love the first one of her running and that petti is just adorable, the color is gorgeous.
Love the feel of all of these, what a gorgeous location!
Have a great week girlie, can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!
Sooo sweet! Gosh she really is growing isn't she. Love the sweet outfit, and the pictures are stunning as usual!
SOOOOO pretty.
I soo miss you girly...
Hopefully I am back around soon..
These pictures are amazing!
I can't wait to learn from all of you.
Less than a month now.
Woo hoo!
I love these photos! Beautiful, fun, girly.
Lisa...these photos are FANTASTIC! You have a great eye for detail and composure.
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