Another Monday Afternoon Surprise

September 27, 2010

I am starting to look forward to Mondays in Philly because it seems everytime I make the commute to our corporate office, I get some kind of surprise/update from our adoption agency!

Today was no different....

Shortly after lunch, I received our final travel itinerary complete with the names and numbers of our travel guides for each city!!

I read through it all and at the end there was a little surprise........

A new picture of Reagan!!!

Reagan 10 months-P-BLOG
I screamed out loud when I saw this sweet little face pop up on my phone!

She is growing and changing so quickly....... it makes me sad that we have missed the first 10 months of her life, but we are very thankful to have so many photos of her. We will treasure them always.

Part of me is still in disbelief that I am going China and in less than three weeks, I will be holding her in my arms.

For those that have asked...... yes, I am still up here floating in the clouds and something tells me that I am not going to be making my way down anytime soon.

I will post the details of our trip tomorrow. In the meantime, I couldn't wait to share the cuteness:)


Anonymous said...

So excited for you! She is as cute as a button.

Missy said...

Oh Lisa, she is simply gorgeous!!! I love her little brows and her nose and lips...well, just everything about her is perfect :) I know you are over the moon! I'll call ya this week in the a.m. Can't wait to hear all of the details!

Casey said...

SWEETIE!!! What a face!!! Love it!

Can't believe you are leaving soon!!!! YEAH!!!

Gail said...

She gets prettier and prettier in my opinion. What a sweet little face and those cheeks.

Exciting times for you all!


Michelle said...

She is BEAUTIFUL!!! I am so happy for you!!!!

Unknown said...

She is so beautiful : ) I am beyond happy for you! Truly, truly happy!

Michelle R Photography said...

What a great surprise!! She is absolutely beautiful, Lisa!! The only thing that could be more beautiful is her in your arms! Soon, Lisa, VERY SOON!!!!

M3 said...

What an awesome surprise!!!! Love it.

Jodee said...

Wow! What a fabulous surprise! She is absolutely adorable! You will be there before you know it!

Everything Beautiful Shay said...

What a precious angel! Ready for her to be in your arms!!!

Kim said...

She is sooooo BEAUTIFUL..
Great surprise..
Love ya ..

Dita said...

Consider me officially over the moon with you....for the 25th time!
This child gets more adorable with EVERY single day.

You're in the homestretch now, my dear....3 weeks and your go....5 weeks and you're HOME!!

I can't wait...I simply CANNOT WAIT!


Patricia said...

ooooh she is such a CUTIE PIE!!! And look at all that hair!! Love it!! Wow! It won't be long for you now!!!

t~ said...

Lordy beans is she cute!!!

Dawn said...

Oh Lisa what a doll!!! I am so excited for you !!

P.s. Thank you for taking the time to send me an email ...I know how busy you are!! xoxo

Briana's Mom said...

She is so ridiculously cute! I know you can't wait to hold her! You are so, so, so close!!!

Shari said...

She is almost exactly the same age as Amelia was when we met. I had thought I wanted an older child, but was blessed to receive such a little one who still had so many firsts...word, steps - but boy did she have a mouth full of teeth when we met and they came in FAST those first months and I was a little glad I didn't experience ALL of them:)

I'm so excited for your family to go through all those firsts with Miss Reagan!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a lovely surprise!

Virginia said...

What a sweet surprise! She is beyond adorable and she looks so healthy! Her hair has grown, and like I said, it looks like it's going to be a lot like Kerry's. I love her expressions. You're going to have so much fun photographing won't be long now!

Gin =)

Colleen said...

Ohhhh she is just so lovely!!!! Thanks for sharing her cuteness with us!!!:) She is the same age Faith was when she was placed in our arms....brings back so many memories. Hoping these weeks fly by for you!

Rachel said...

She is so precious! I can't wait until you meet her. I'm so excited for you.

Kim said...

She is so sweet! What a terrific surprise!

Jboo said...

Oh my -- she is simply beautiful! What a great way to start the week! You will be boarding that plane in no time!


Bailey said...

She is such a cutie, and I can see why you squealed with excitement. What a wonderful surprise. I know the feeling of being up in the clouds. Stay up there as long as you can, it is a wonderful feeling. I caanot wait to see her in your arms. Congrats on the travel info, looking forward to your journey.

Anonymous said...

She is so absolutely beautiful. Lov following your story. You're little girl is coming into a very blessed life- Praying the time till you're holding her goes by so fast

Wanda said...

Wow, thank you for sharing the "cuteness". This is such a sweet picture. What a pretty, pretty face. Can't wait to see her in your arms.

And feel free to stay up on that happy little cloud for as long as you want. I rarely come down from mine!

Sending hugs!!!

Kim said...

ADORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRABLE!!!!!! With every photo I just get more excited for you!

You know you'll have to buy a new memory card for your camera for all the photos you'll be taking in China!!

Love Letters To China said...

Oh what absolute sweetness! I can't believe how many pictures you have of Reagan. I have to admit I'm a bit jealous. ;-) We only have but a few of Liam while he was living in China.

You are getting so close now. I remember so well the days leading up to my hubby leaving. Such excitement in the air. I can't wait to see and read all about your adventures in China.


p.s. Sorry I missed you yesterday. Was a crazy day. The rest of the week should be much better. Hopefully you'll have a minute to chat.

Number 6 and no more counting! said...

Enjoy floating as long as you want! She is gorgeous.


Football and Fried Rice said...

Yes,Reagan is a beautiful little girl and I can't wait to see her MAMA scoop her up!! Nothing will be sweeter than seeing that lil girl in your arms!

paige said...

oh lisa...SHE IS THE CUTEST!!!!!!
oh my word...i bet you cant wait to nibble on those sweet cheeks!!
what a little muffin
so excited!!

Tutus and Choo-Choos said...

So happy for you and your family! Stay up in the clouds for as long as possible!

Faith Hope Love Photography said...

Oh my goodness!! What a little doll...can't wait for you to be there and hold her in your arms.

Marla said...

Oh sweet baby, I am SO ready to see her in person!!! Love that sweet face and those tiny little fingers, I can't wait to see them wrapped around her mommy's fingers (or perhaps it will be the other way around? LOL!)

Just 17 days till I'm there, 18 till we leave and we get your girl!!!!!

Mimi said...

Oh Lisa, she is just beautiful.
I can't wait to see your photos of her, especially when she's home with you.
So I can't imagine how you're getting through these days.

ellieshine said...

I'm so happy for you - to get another photo of your sweet dumpling is just icing on the cake!

I'm looking forward to hearing about your itinerary - it won't be long now!!!!

Cindy said...

So precious!
I imagine you cannot wait to kiss those cheeks, joyous journey!

Anonymous said...

I love all that cuteness! We are all counting down the days with you! Super excited for you!

Kayce said...

Oh goodness what a wonderful way to start the week! Pure adorable cuteness!!

3 Peanuts said...

Oh Lisa,

She is so incredibly CUTE!!!! I can hardly stand it!!!

TanyaLea said...

total CUTENESS!! She is GORGEOUS, Lisa... SO happy for you all! :)
