Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.
~Marc Brown~

It has been a long time since I have done an update on Nick, so I thought I would take a minute to fill you in on what is going on in his world.
7th Grade is whole new ball game, but he seems to be adjusting very well.
It is the first year that they are changing classes for every subject. He is getting a little taste of what High School will be like in two years.
He attends a Catholic school that is K-8 and it seems like yesterday we were just enrolling him to start. The years have really flown by and our very shy little boy who cried and clung to me when I dropped him off each morning has morphed into a VERY SOCIAL young man.
Nick is the kind of kid that is friends with everybody. His teachers always tell me that he is such a thoughtful and compassionate boy and that he goes out of his way to help other classmates. Hearing that is like music to my ears.
In my opinion, going to school is not just about getting good grades, it is about real life and he is going to be put into situations where he will need to use his judgement and not cave to the pressure of others. So far he has made us very proud and we hope that he continues to make good decisions.
We are just around the corner from the big "13"...... life is changing fast and furiously. All of a sudden Nick is noticing girls and they are noticing him. As a parent it is hard to think about your child approaching that age..... but it is part of life.....and whether we are ready for it or not, we have to deal with it.
The social agenda each weekend has become more of a priority to Nick, but in between the time he spends with his friends and his guitar lessons{which he is still loving btw}he makes time to play with Sarah.
They still do their fair share of arguing and bickering, but they can go outside and ride bikes or scooters, kick a ball back and forth, or play a game of hide and go seek for hours at a time.
When asked how he feels about having a new sister, Nick usually smiles and says, "now I am going to have two little sisters trying to tag along and mimic everything I do"
Little does he know the kind of attention he is going to get when he is seen with not one, but two cute little sisters.
Something tells me he won't be complaining about having them tag along.
I can tell he is a great kid just by looking at that smile!
He is so stinkin' cute! I am wondering if he likes cheerleaders like my 12 year old? . . . . okay just kiddin' :) (she is NOT noticing boys yet. I repeat. . . .)
I'm pretty sure Nick is going to love having two adorable little sisters to tag along!
Nick is going to love having two little sisters! I can't wait to see him corralling them up for a photo shoot! ;)
Nick is so handsome. My granddaughter just turned 11 on Sunday and is in 6th grade. Could he come take her to the prom when they're older??
What a wonderful smile he´s got :-)
Handsome Boy you have there!
he looks so lovely, these are great shots.
What a precious post. Sounds like Nick and John Austin would be fast friends with lots in common!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
You have a very handsome young man there, with a great character to match. You must be doing a grand job.
Take care. xxx
It's amazing how the summer months tend to lend change. Nick looks like he has grown a ton over this past summer. He definitely is turning into a teenager right before your eyes. Ahhhh the girls.... I'm sure that's making you cringe inside. I don't even want to think about those days with my little ones. ;-)
Knowing the type of person you are, it doesn't surprise me in the least that your Nick is such a thoughtful and genuine young man. I can't wait to see him side-by-side with his two sisters.
My first B&W Wednesday post Life...as I see it
Beautiful photos and the quote is perfect. My son is in 8th grade but I clearly remember last year being a big transition year.
Such a handsome young man inside and out! Great photos.
NO, surprise that the girls are noticing him! He is quite the looker. He is a very handsome boy.
Time flies fast.
He has a great smile.
Ooooh. Gorgeous black and whites!
And what a handsome little, er, I mean BIG guy :)
He's going to make one awesome two-time big brother!
Not only is he a cutie, but he's got two little sisters AND he can play guitar!!! Man, he's set for life when it comes to the ladies ;o) But there's still plenty of time for that! Glad to hear he's doing well! My little brother is the same age and same grade. Right now he's struggling a bit since he's a new kid in a new school at such a pivotal age. I hope he flourishes a bit this year and makes some much needed friends, but we'll see what happens. I remember being transferred to that very same school my brother is in my 8th grade year and it was TOUGH!!! It's hard to make friends when everyone has their own "cliques" by that age. But there has to be a little "Nick" around our way that can befriend my beloved Josh.
Gorgeous as always, Mr. Nick is making his debut on my blog today as well, he's so handsome and such a neat kid!
Nick is such a handsome guy! Your phone is going to be ringing off the hook! I can't wait to see what he thinks about Reagan!
Your little girls are blessed to have such a great big brother. These pictures are great! I love the composition and perspective on both of them!
Watch out, mom...he's handsome AND he plays guitar? Looks like you've also got a sweetie there too :)
Great pictures of Nick!
When I took my daughter to the railroad tracks for a photo shoot....we ended up being approached by a police officer. OOOGA....who woulda thought it was illegal to be on tracks.
PS. They weren't abandoned. :(d
PS Again. I did end up getting one of the most amazing photos ever on the tracks that day! hehe
Stunning as always. He's very handsome!
He really is quite a handsome young man. Sarah and Reagan are lucky to have such a great big brother. Big brothers are awesome ;-)
What fabulous portraits of Nick!
He really is growing up, you can see it in his face. What a handsome guy. :)
Well I can attest to the fact that it's wonderful having an older son as a big brother to 2 littles. I'm positive Nick will continue to enjoy his little sisters.
And 13, I actually loved the teen years with my Nick.
Have a great week Lisa!
What a great smile you captured in that first pic!
Nick is so truly handsome, no wonder the girls are going after him already! I can completely understand, having once been a near teenager myself.
I agree that school is as much about socialization as it is academics and it sounds like Nick is accelling in that area as well.
I know how proud you are of your baby boy...and I am in awe how he changes with every picture....yes, its part of life but oh, so hard for us moms!
Great shots!
Your girls are so lucky to have him for a big brother! :) He seems the type who's very can be indulgent with them, more so especially with Reagan with her being much younger and all. :)
Children learn from the example that is set for them, so, you must be doing an excellent job!
What a cutie and he sounds like he's as sweet as he is cute. Love these shots and I can't wait to see him with his new baby sis, no doubt he'll be as awesome with her as he is with Sarah.
Happy Wednesday, my friend, one day closer!
Great photos with excellent subject matter! Your work always amazes me.
Love this post! He sounds like a perfect young man...I agree, it is the best thing ever hearing the awesome things about our kids, makes up for the few bad things they may do ;) Yes...one day he will realize that having those two beautiful girls right along side of him will make the girls flock, ha/ha!
Handsome young man..
Love it..
He will do sooo well in life..
Love boys..
Have a great week..
Great pictures . . . but they always are!
Your photos are wonderful.. This is my first time playing along..
Thanks I enjoyed it..
What a sweet, precious post about Nick! Such a handsome boy & sounds like he's growing up to be quite a great young man! You are so very, very blessed, Lisa!!
Beautiful picture of Nick! Hopefully he won't give you too much grief as he passes his way through the teenage years. One day at a time. I haven't been here for a while and I see you are on your way to China! The time has finally come. Congratulations!
What a great kid he sounds like! I hope I get to meet him one day~
Love those photos! Sounds like such a great kid!
Such a great portrait of your little/big man, Lisa. Nick is so handsome and I can only imagine what those puppydog eyes are doing to the girls. Hmm...not, never ready for that!
Amazing how a few months can change so much. Can't wait to see Nick with both sisters. It'll be awesome.
Isn't it fun to watch them grow up into the type of people you want to be friends with. :-)
Beautiful photos. I think he will make a great big brother for the second time.
He is such a cutie! What a great brother! He is going to have so much fun with two little cuties following him around!
I'm so excited for you and your family. It's been wonderful to get to see your story as you progress on this journey.
I love, love, LOVE the photo on the train tracks. Just wonderful.
Reading about Nick is like reading about Gene! They have a few things in common ; ) Gorgeous pics!
Great pictures!
What a cutie!! You must be very proud, and I'm sure he is going to be the best big brother to two lovely little sisters!!!
What a sweet grin he has in the first picture...he looks like a nice boy. I have one of those too! Parker is in 7th grade too, and will be 13 in December!
Wonderful picture! I bet he is turning heads at school. ;) Seventh grade is a whole new ball game but it sounds like he's adjusting well.
He is so handsome! Sounds like he's got a heart of gold, and lots of character to boot. What a great combination. Can't wait to see him bith both adorable little sisters!
Gin =)
Great photo's, I think the first one is my favourite :) What a handsome young man!
I can not WAIT to see his face when he meets his new little sister:) No question he'll become a great mediator with Sarah and Reagan!
Your Nick is a charming young man. Great photos, they capture your words beautifully!
Gosh, Nick looks so grown up in these pictures. So handsome.
Do you think I should be worried that Bri is only four and noticing boys already and that boys are noticing her. YIKES! LOL!
Nick is one fantastic guy! I was so glad I got to meet him. I can't wait to see him with both of his little sisters beside him -- he's going to get all the girls now {as if there were any doubt}.
Love these shots of him. I think I have some sort of like these ;-).
Happy Wednesday my friend!
When I first pulled up your blog, I couldn't get over the first pic of Nick. It's as if he grew into a young man over night. He has the most adorable and gentle smile. I know he makes you proud on a daily basis. No doubt the girls are chasing him like mad. He's a doll! Can't wait to see him with his TWO precious sissies!
You have so many reasons to be proud!
Wow. He is a handsome young man! Great photo.
Beautiful photos! I sincerely hope that my boys will have those same qualities at that age!
What a great young man, terrific shot ;)
He sounds like such a GREAT young man. And yes, the little sisters WILL even get him more attention from the girls. The girls LOVE Will and they adore Kate.
What a good looking young man!
sandy toe
To hold he in your arms - the anticipation is almost as poignant as the memory of holding... I remember holding my now 17 year old son and, when I am away for long hours, can't wait to hold my 2 year old son. And I'm happy your long journey is coming to and end ... or I think new chapter. Please delete my 1st post - I accidentally posted an old one. (the new one is the barn) so sorry!
Nick is so handsome and all-around great kid. You are a lucky mama. :)
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