Since we got the official approval on Friday afternoon, we have been kicking it into high gear around here getting things ready for the big trip!
Photo Courtesy of Ergo
Yesterday, Sarah and I were in Reagan's closet when she spied the Ergo.
She asked me what it was, so I put it on to show her and then explained that I was going to use it in China to carry Reagan around.
I have never carried any of my children pouch style.... with both Nick and Sarah, I just used a stroller when we went places that would require us to carry them for long periods of time.
Some people prefer a stroller to a baby carrier and vice versa.
For bonding and attachment purposes, I am going the "pouch" route with Reagan.
At this point, I don't have plans to take a stroller along...... and if by chance she does not like the Ergo, I have heard you can pick up strollers in China for the bargain price of $10-$ that is what I will do.

After Sarah and I finished up in Reagan's closet, we went outside to play. She ran back into the house and then came out sporting this.

Sarah wanted to bring her baby outside and "wear her" like I am going to do with Reagan in China:)

Sarah prefers to wear her "Baby Reagan" on her back...... even though I told her I would be carrying Reagan in the front.
She has been very inquisitive the last two weeks and has started to ask a lot of questions about Reagan. I think it is good and I believe she is getting anxious.... just like the rest of us. She continues to ask me almost daily....."Are you going to China today"
Soon Sarah......very soon:)
So.... the Ergo is one of the very first things I am able to cross off the packing list. I still have a long list of things I need to pick up yet.
For those that have made this trip before...... what are the one or two things that you could not have lived without when you were in China? I would love to know.
I am just thankful that it will not be too cold when we go..... should make packing a little eassier. Ummm... at least I hope. I am one of those people who will go away for two days and I still need a supersized suitcase.
It will be interesting to see if I can scale back.... Pat is already placing bets.
Next thing on my list might need to be those spacesaver bags:)
Photo Courtesy of Ergo
Yesterday, Sarah and I were in Reagan's closet when she spied the Ergo.
She asked me what it was, so I put it on to show her and then explained that I was going to use it in China to carry Reagan around.
I have never carried any of my children pouch style.... with both Nick and Sarah, I just used a stroller when we went places that would require us to carry them for long periods of time.
Some people prefer a stroller to a baby carrier and vice versa.
For bonding and attachment purposes, I am going the "pouch" route with Reagan.
At this point, I don't have plans to take a stroller along...... and if by chance she does not like the Ergo, I have heard you can pick up strollers in China for the bargain price of $10-$ that is what I will do.

After Sarah and I finished up in Reagan's closet, we went outside to play. She ran back into the house and then came out sporting this.

Sarah wanted to bring her baby outside and "wear her" like I am going to do with Reagan in China:)

Sarah prefers to wear her "Baby Reagan" on her back...... even though I told her I would be carrying Reagan in the front.
She has been very inquisitive the last two weeks and has started to ask a lot of questions about Reagan. I think it is good and I believe she is getting anxious.... just like the rest of us. She continues to ask me almost daily....."Are you going to China today"
Soon Sarah......very soon:)
So.... the Ergo is one of the very first things I am able to cross off the packing list. I still have a long list of things I need to pick up yet.
For those that have made this trip before...... what are the one or two things that you could not have lived without when you were in China? I would love to know.
I am just thankful that it will not be too cold when we go..... should make packing a little eassier. Ummm... at least I hope. I am one of those people who will go away for two days and I still need a supersized suitcase.
It will be interesting to see if I can scale back.... Pat is already placing bets.
Next thing on my list might need to be those spacesaver bags:)
Hi Lisa ~
One of the best things a dear friend told me before we left was to pack all of Gabriellas outfits in zip lock bags. The bag included the outfit, matching hair bow, socks etc. It was wonderful and made the trip so much easier:) We will be praying for you and your family during this exciting journey:)
First of all I love these photos of Sarah! The colors are so gorgeous! What a precious subject she is!!!! She is going to be a great little mama/big sister!!
I will ditto what Teresa said about putting Reagan's outfits in ziplocks. It makes is so easy!! I put all of Sienna's hairbows, etc into a small tupperware tub too (thanks to my friend Jen!) It was easy to pack in a corner of her suitcase and they didn't get smashed.
Two things I would bring:
Cute socks for Sarah! (OK just kidding)
*Starbucks singles!!!
*Hair dryer (YES you can get them at the hotel, but trust me with your cute style you want your own. Get a little one with some power! Like I said in PA you can get the converters you need from the front desk!) The other things you already know: Camera and lap top! The rest you can buy at Wal*Mart!!
You need to buy a stroller over there... the strollers there are 100% better then the ones you buy here... you can get them in the supermarket and I have one of those things that wrap around you if you want it... Shauna hated it... it is Lavender...
Spacesaver bags are great going but might be hard to pack coming back, have to borrow the hotel hoover! So excited for you all.
Had to giggle over the spacesaver bags comment. A friend of mine uses those when they go on vacation every summer.
Sarah looks adorable sporting her baby around. Asking all the questions is a good thing ~ this will be huge when her sister comes home and she questions her new role in your family.
Definitely used the Ergo and bought a stroller in China! Sarah looks adorable with her doll and ergo!
For me -- snacks -- I needed lots and lots of snacks. Take packets of oatmeal so you can have that in the hotel room in case you can't get to breakfast or for dinner! Also I had to have lots of chocolate, so took M&M's though you can find about everything there! I packed and repacked many times -- and did use the spacesaver bags! :)
Sarah is adorable being a 'mommy' to her baby. She's going to be a wonderful big sister and how great that she's asking lots of questions!
You're getting some awesome advice, ziploc bags of various sizes. You'll use them for all kinds of things. Someone recommended a tupperware or plastic container(also would bring one too). Snacks for yourself(you may or may not be eating the food there).
We carried Grace in a front carrier most of the time in China and she loved it. By the time we got to Guangzhou we tried a stroller and used that some too!
You are in the home stretch Lisa...these are fun times getting ready for your journey.
Have a great Monday and week!
So excited for you!!!! When I went to Guatemala to pick up Isaiah we used both the pouch and the stroller. I think the pouch is the way to go! =)
I love that Sarah is thinking about her little sister and mimicking how things are going to be when she joins the family.
I tell you, Charmin travel toilet paper rolls and hand sanitizer were pure gold while we were in China. We bought a stroller there and an extra suitcase. Prices for everything are very reasonable, except for laundry service in our Beijing hotel. We spent close to $300.00 on laundry.
I have heard that things have changed quite a bit in Guangzhou since we were there so I am excited to see how it is when you are there.
God Speed!
You are going to LOVE the ERGO carrier. Tyler is now 21 months & he STILL prefers the carrier to a stroller. Sounds crazy but he is only 25 pounds & those little carriers are very comfy.
We took way too many toys to Korea. We didn't need half of them. We did bring one Baby Einstein video & he was very interested in. We got diapers & baby wipes over there.
Have fun packing ... I am so excited for you!!
Sarah is so adorable sporting her baby! She sounds like she is going to be a great big sister!
We used just the pouch and a sling as well and it was perfect. It's a wonderful way to bond and a great way for Reagan to see you all the time instead of looking out and away from you.
We brought packs of oatmeal, granola bars and turkey jerky for when we really needed a snack. And lots of ziplocks too! :)
Love little miss Sarah with her baby...she is going to just be an amazing big sis!
I love these photos of Sarah - what a doll baby she is :) so cute that she is baby-wearing!
I cannot remember much about what we packed for China = I brought lots of ziploc bag - some were large ones(and I agree with the outfits in them idea) and then I was able to keep things more organized. I put my clothes in them and zipped part ways and then rolled the air out and zipped all the way - this consolidated the clothes a lot!
I brought some tea bags and instant soups plus snacks - we loved a lot of the food in china but sometimes you just don't want to go out and deal with the language challenge.
It won't be long now!!!
The ergo is a must, we couldn't use a stroller, at least not until Guangzhou and the little's were more used to us. The other things are
*hair dryer
*tuna or peanut butter (have severe food allergies)
*currency conversion chart
*instant macn chese for baby when we didn't feel like going out
*script for antibitoics for baby and self ~ A must~
Oh you go - in the final stretch. (I'm so excited....!!!!) Yup, ziplocks in every size and bring extras too. I put everything in it's own - smaller ones for the things you'll need on the plane and for outings once there. Bigger for the bulk things that will feed the smaller carrying ones. (Did that make sense?) I used space saver bags too - and they especially came in handy on the way back 'cause you'll have shopped by then and will need every inch. I also got a tiny scale to weight my bags. It's the kind that has a handle - you just hook it on the handle of the bag and pick it up - and see the digital weight. If you use the hotel ones - you can't see the number 'cause your bag is covering it! (BTDT - my first trip to China and paid over $200. in extra weight. Shop much?)
Even though it'll be fall, it still can be hot in Hunan and south. For Dahlia, in Hunan, we were there mid Nov. and it was still quite warm.
Bring some meds for you. Anti-biotics and throat antiseptics. The babies usually have colds in the fall and you'll be all over Reagans face so arm yourself.
Sarah is sooo cute in these pics. The last shot is just stunning Lisa - her beauty just radiates. That shot could be a painting it's so perfect! I can't wait to see your two girls together finally.
Let's talk soon!
Ergo and a good 16-20 oz. steel thermos! These two are musts. Wooden chopsticks for cleaning nipples and rings in the boiling water.
A pack of good diapers for the plane ride home.
Cipro and Zithromiacin meds, (begin a day or two before leaving). I did the 2 pepto tabs before meals too.
Think comfortable over stylish for clothes and shoes. It is extremely HOT in China, especially Guangzhou.
I've done it twice and wish I were doing it again. Best wishes for a WONDERFUL experience!
best advice i got before leaving: "let her be the guide"... in the beginning, follow her cues. glad you are planning to pouch while being open to the fact that she may resist that.
i cannot for the life of me find my packing list. what i do know is that Pamp*rs were easy to come by and i could have packed less of them! and i wish i'd taken 2 bottles of children's tylenonl and motrin b/c she was sick for 9 days with high fevers and we ran out (had to borrow from a travel mate).
oh. take TWO toothbrushes for everyone. i rinsed mine with tap once in my exhaustion and was so glad to have the back-up!
my thoughts as a nurse on the antibiotics. take some levaquin with you (great for travelers diarrhea) but only take them if you develop the issue. not good to treat with antibiotics if there isn't a problem. we had the antibiotic but never had a problem.
i regret big time not getting a script for Ambien or Restoril for sleep. my first full night sleep was 5 days in? awful, and it made me feel sick even though i wasn't really sick.
I love that Sarah is so excited about Reagan. And these photos are too cute. She's going to be such a great big sister!
Over the counter cold tablets for you. Both my husband and I got sick the last 2 days of the trip. Having the cold tablets was a God send!!
First, I have to tell you how incredibly envious I am that you have a daughter who loves baby dolls. I had so much fun carefully selecting the most lovable and sweet smelling baby dolls while we waited for Gwen's referral only to discover that she abhors them. And Maddy detests them too. So much so that she'll evict them from her room if I sneak one onto a shelf in there.
Now, about your question: I used a baby carrier (playtex Hip Hammock) with both of my girls and it was a real life saver in China. But it was also extremely hot (September travel both times) so having the stroller was very helpful for the times when they needed to nap or if I needed a clean place to change a diaper.
The stroller was also our pack mule. It held the camera bag and the diaper bag and our lightweight coats (the hotels are freezing!!). It also made it easier to haul big bottles of water and other supplies from the convenience stores back to the hotel room.
We brought an inexpensive Graco Metrolite stroller to China. I liked it because the seat reclined fully so baby could sleep flat and I could change her diaper in there. I also needed a really large basket underneath.
Also consider that some babies are not used to being held so it stresses them out to be carried constantly. Gwen never wanted to be put down but Maddy felt suffocated when she was being held. It's taken years for her to get comfortable with it. Both of them seemed to feel safe in the stroller and if things were loud or overwhelming, they seemed to calm down in the cozy 'next' of their stroller. Maybe like the familiar confines of their crib at the SWI?
Personally, I couldn't have waited until we were in China to pick my stroller because I needed to know beforehand that I had exactly what I needed.
I consider myself an expert packer but what I consider essential, you might not (and vice versa). Since I'm an organization freak, I MUST HAVE a way to organize things in the hotel room since I hate having to search for stuff. Those long skinny mesh hanging organizers (something like this) are super handy for keeping all those tiny baby things together and can organize your underthings too. I pack it, drop it in the suitcase, then pull it out and hang it up at the hotel. It's my favorite travel thing.
Speaking of underthings.... here's a good (but weird) tip: Bring enough undies for the whole trip and throw one away each day. It's a great excuse to buy new undies when you get back home and it saves you the trouble and expense of laundering them in China. I do this every time I travel now. :)
Suction hooks were invaluable too since your bathroom counter top will be cluttered with baby things. I stuck four or five hooks on the mirror and was able to hang my curling iron, little makeup bag, toothbrush holder, and little items that I hand washed. I also kept one or two near the hotel room door so I could hang up my sun glasses and id tags and little purse and watch, etc and never have to search for them when we were heading out.
Okay, I could go on and on but this is already insanely long. Argh!
Have fun packing! I am still just quivvering with excitement for you (and Marla!) to get to experience this amazing thing!
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
I so wish I could help you on this one. The one thing I know Mark was so happy I packed were plenty of diapers. The ones in China weren't as absorbent at the type we have here.
Sarah looks adorable with her baby in the photos. She is going to be such a help to you when Reagan gets home. :)
Your Ergo will save your life!!! I loved mine and mia was in it at all times. It is great for bonding and I just done get the stroller thing when you are trying to bond. Stick with the ergo even if she fights you on it. She will get use to it- wonderful bonding tool!!!
Also I would bring those little puff things or cherrios. Mia loved them and they are a great distrction when they are crying. I echo the ziplock thing.
You will be at the Dolton I am assuming. Keep in mind, right next door to the Dolton (ask your guide) there is a massage place where blind people massage you and the best part, 3.5 years ago when we were there, it was $5 an hour- literally that cheap!! We had a 2 hour massage before we got Mia for $10 each-- crazy!!!
For food at the Dolton, there is a place called Food Street on the 2nd floor. It is amazing chinese food and great service!!!! It is open 24 hours so you can go at anytime if REagan decides to keep you up!!
If I think of anything more I will let you know!!
First, GREAT photos of your beautiful Sarah!!
Good thinking about the Ergo & the stroller! I think I told you that we bought a stroller in China for $10 & it was great! I did carry Kiara pouch style for the most part, but there were some trips we took with our travel group where the stroller came in handy.
And the spacesaver bags were a lifesaver too!
Wow!! You are sooooo getting there!!!
SO EXCITED for you all!!
So excited for you! I love the idea of the carrier for bonding purposes! You seem like such an amazing Mommy! Truly wonderful. Its very neat to follow your story!
I too used the carrier the whole time with Faith. We bought a stroller in China towards the end of the trip but rarely used it. For at home I got a European stroller that was positioned where Faith was looking at me when I pushed her. I thought it was important for her to always see that I was there and we could make eye contact.
We brought a stainless steel thermos and ended up using it all the time! Faith only liked her formula warm so I would always have it filled with warm water.
Our boys went with us on the trip so with a family of 5 I tried my best to pack light. We packed very basic clothing nothing fancy and am so glad I did this.
Ohhh have fun getting ready!!! Can't wait!!!!
I hope I'm not duplicating here, but to Taiwan and Kaz. both we took a bottle brush and a small amount of dish soap to wash out our bottles right in our own room. Even using inserts with T, it was nice to be able to clean up the "shells' and not just rinse them.
Also, tuck in some small Kleenex packs to act as emergency TP and a few Shout singles for small spills to outlayers you not wish to wash each day. (or in the instance you spill coffee on yourself right before picking up the baby!!) :)
A good book or actually a few.....slippers(small ones) for padding around the hotel room. A few creature comforts help a lot if you are spending large amounts of time in your hotel room with a baby who is stressed by crowds, etc.
Best of luck...this is an exciting time!!
Have never been to China for a pick up trip, nor really Guatemala since i ended up living there, although we did go on visit trips. I didn't like the stroller thing, I liked having Maya right there with me and the ergo is the best invention ever! finally something that doens't hurt your shoulders and back. I still use it with Maya on my back at times and she's almost 4 years old (28 pounds)
I'm so glad you're already at the planning stages! Can't believe it :) Whatever you do, just make sure you leave enough room for that beautiful bundle of joy that awaits ;o)
Sarah is a doll!! She's going to LOVE being a big sister!
Hey Lisa!
So exciting! I have not made a trip to China but.. When Jeff went to Guatemala to bring Elise home we had our doctor write him a script for a z Pack and had it filled and also filled a prescription for anti nausea meds in case he got sick.
Cant wait to hear all about your pick up trip!
I have read your blog for a while, and went with my parents to get my brother 3 years ago.
I could not live without my iPod! Also, we took a portable DVD player for music and movies!
For the outfits, we saved one outfit for our coming home travels so you don't smell like China the whole way home. It is very useful.
These pictures are a HOOT! Sarah is going to be such a great big sister!
I can't wait to see the BIG 'ole bag that you pack! Don't forget the stacking cups and Cheerios!
Happy Happy Packing!
Wow, I'm enjoying all these travel tips!! The thermos is now in the "pile" of things to bring and of course, my jet engine blow dryer is coming along as well. And Ziplocs, oh my gosh did those suckers come in handy! Good thing I just bought some at Costco in the industrial-sized package. :)
Think I'll make a dr's appt tomorrow to get my flu shot and some antibiotics too. Good ideas everyone, keep them coming!
And I already told you this, but I ADORE that last pic of Sarah, it's just perfect!! I can't wait to see her with Baby Reagan, what a pair they're going to make!
SO excited my friend, only 25 days until we leave!!!!!!!
I forgot to say this in my packing list... slippers are essential for the hotel rooms. There is something about walking around barefoot or "just" in socks in a hotel that creeps me out. I don't care WHAT country I'm in.
Other than that, it's all on the list. Except... did I mention the power strip? Because if I forgot that one, it was AWESOME to charge up all of our electronics at once. A friend just returned from a homeland China trip with her 12-year-old and she said the power strip idea was the BEST. (My husband. He's smart like that. Sometimes. *grin*)
This is so exciting! We used the Ergo for our daughter Sophie ~ she was 10 1/2 months and she loved it. We never used a stroller at all.
Starbucks singles, granola bars, ziplocks and stacking cups. We also bought an extra suitcase in China for all of our new goodies!
Best Wishes.
I actually planned to go carry on only to China, but then we were at the White Swan for the entire trip, so allowed myself to pack a bag of diapers and a few additional things for Amelia in a suitcase.
We went in July and it was REALLY hot. I took 3 shorts and 4 shirts and just had them laundered. I took old ones so I didn't care if they were ruined in the hot water they were washed in.
I took 2 pair of shoes, I wore tennis shoes in the airport and birkenstocks the entire time in China.
I only took 2 or 3 outfits for Amelia as I didn't have a clue what size she would be and I knew I would be able to get things there.
I used the Playtex bottles with the liners and took 2 bottles and a bunch of nipples in different types. Then I took an entire box of liners and rubber bands. When we left the hotel I would put the formula in the liner, rubber band it and then take a bottle of room temp water. I could mix her bottles anywhere it worked great.
I took only a few toys. The MUST take is stacking cups. They are great in the bath and you can use them for rinsing hair out. Amelia still plays with hers 5 years later!
Organize all of your paperwork in some type of file with multiple pockets. Take 2 copies of everything, you never know what you might need.
Don't forget to call your credit card company to let them know you'll be going overseas. If you have more than one card company call them all and ask about fees and conversion fees for using overseas. When I went my Target Visa had the lowest fees by a large percentage.
I took 2 pepto tabs daily and only had a stomach ache for a few hours 1 night. Take tylenol and Benadryl for Reagan. I actually took Amelia to the doctor at the White Swan because she had an ear infection. He was able to give her anti-biotics and he told me to give her Benadryl so she would sleep and get some rest. Unfortunately Benadryl now makes her hyper.
My empty suitcase was full coming home and I had to buy an additional bag - that was after throwing things away. I bought a little Chinese dress in EVERY size they had which I would do again in a heartbeat.
Good luck packing. I'm sure I have my list somewhere, but it's probably outdated.
Just love your blog and can not wait to follow you on your trip---
2 things that is a hard one---1. small thermos (our daughter took her formula scalding hot--this was a lifesaver--fill it up in the am and good to go all day) 2. S*ssy brand stacking cups (her first favorite toy and 6 years later we are still using them in the bath tub!!)--sorry---can not stop at 2--3. duct tape, 4. disposable type bottles and rubber bands(I did not take these but sooo wish I had--easy to fill up several in the am, close off with a rubber band and along with your thermos you are good to go all day), 5. oral gel (our daughter cut 2 teeth in China--so glad we had this with us!!!), 6. power strip 7. small pack of US brand diapers (diapers readily available in China--but take a small pack of US diapers and save them for the plane ride home, 8. zip lock bags--and last but not least--8. a belt!!! I totally forgot to pack a belt and with the heat, excitement... I actually lost weight and my pants we slipping down--I forgot a belt and could not find one to purchase anywhere--so wish I had packed a belt!!!!!!!
POUCH!!!!!! we actually took a hip hammock--our daughter hated the stroller and we LOVED the hip hammock for bonding! If need be you can buy an inexpensive stroller in China--we stayed in Guangzhou the whole time and the laundries right outside the White Swan hotel would "rent" you a free stroller for the trip as long as you promised to let them do your laundry--I also found out that the White Swan lent strollers to their guests. So no need to take one or buy one--if you need it once there they are easy to get. Speaking of laundry---I am typically a heavy packer--known to take 15 pairs of shoes for a long weekend--but for china I only took 3 pairs of shoes (wore one pair--2 in the suitcase) and 4 days total of mix and match clothes---I took pieces that coordinated so I never felt like I was wearing the same thing--but each morning we would drop off our soiled clothes at the laundry and pick up fresh clean clothes that night or the next morning--laundry in Guangzhou was inexpensive like $3 a day. We ended up renting a free stroller from the laundry which was great to use to carry around the diaper bag and our purchases--speaking of purchases--be prepared to shop!!!! We ended up buying a very inexpensive (~$15 US) large suitcase on the streets of Guangzhou to bring home all of our purchases---that is where the duct tape came in handy--we used it to wrap around our suit case just incase it popped open on the way home!! you need to do a whole post on purchases--Her are my top "must" purchases: 1. Squeaky shoes--in every color and every size!!You will not regret it when you get home--plus the squeakers are removable!!! 2. Traditional dresses/pajamas in every size available. 3. a Wedding box 4. we bought 21 little gifts--we are "gotcha day" celebrators and give her one little gift each year (jade, book, pearls...)--she LOVES this tradition!!!
Can not be happier for you--also can not wait to see the beautiful photographs you will be taking on your trip! congratulations and happy packing!
Please use the Ergo or pouch, try not to use a stroller. You need so much "eye contact" time with your new child. Resist the temptation to use a stroller (I came home with swollen ankles from walking and carrying AA so much but it was worth it - and I am older than dirt too!). If you decide to use a stroller, buy one in China, right before your return flight for ease in the airport only.
If you use tampax take some, it is unheard of in China. Take toilet paper too. If you want to laugh, reread our posts from Sept/Oct 2008. Many BTDT parents have lists. It may seem overwhelming, so just pack light for you as if you were going on any short trip (laundry was dirt cheap every where we went as our CCAI agent handled it with locals for us at each city). You can shop in the cities and get anything you forget. Also, take many small USA bills, many locals would rather be tipped in USA bills; just an alternative than always changing into China bills.
It's exciting!!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
I did the same thing as Theresa suggested.. packed all of the outfits ahead of time (including socks, sweater, bows, etc) and put them all in ziploc-like bags.. Space Bags. They saved a LOT of space.
I also am SOO glad I brought the chewable Pepto Bismol tablets. ( I ended up getting sick on (of all places) Shamian Island.
So excited for you, LIsa.
Can't wait to follow along.
One more thing... be prepared that Reagan mike not like the carrier. I brought one and Isabel hated it. The hotel lend you strollers for free. I did that in her province and then just bought one in Guanzhou. Best thing ever. The carrier ended up in one of the Space Saver bags. LOL!
The Sarburst singles suggestion above is a good one. I also brought a big bag of individually wrapped peppermint lifesavers.
Oh... and tampons. What a flippin nightmare for me. I ran out and had to get some at a little store and I had no idea what I was actually buying. No pictures on the products. Think about the Charades GAme I had to act one on THAT one!!! LOL!
Sarah looks adorable!!! Love it!!
I'm trying to think but I think the antibiotics for Em were a big hit b/c she had a chest infection and I didn't have to see a doctor there. I was glad I took Pepto stuff for me. The carrier was our favorite thing for Em. She loved it and it really helped with bonding. And plastic stacking cups. And she loved those cereals that melt in your mouth. Gerber I think... couldn't get them there.
I can't believe you are going soon!!! WHOO HOOO!!
Gah! I just typed a huge long comment and the blogger lost it - boo hoo! I think most of it had been covered by others but I will try to retype it when I have time.
So excited for you!
If at all possible I would highly recommend purchasing your little storller here and taking it with you. (HUGE advocate of carrying baby as much as possible but I did use one as a high chair in China.)
A number of families in our travel group purchased our in Changsha and truly the quality was not there. We paid about the same as we would here for umbrella strollers but the ones purchased there had wheels falling off almost immediately and other stuff too. The roads and sidewalks in China are not stroller friendly and there will be times you're lifting them up and down stairs as well as over door frames in some of the places you visit. Wheels falling off was not fun.
I can honestly say that in all our time and travels in China I did not see one single Chinese family using a stroller.
Just my thoughts from our experience last year.
Cannot wait to see pics of you in the Adoption office as it was where I met Hannah almost 11 months ago. Time flies once baby is home......
Congratulations! So exciting!
I can't wait to follow along on your blog.
We took St*rkist tuna in foil pouches, a few indiv packs of mayo and relish, and throw a couple plastic forks and spoons into your luggage - It was really nice to be able to eat food that tasted the same to us. It is easy to get snack food over there, but we learned by the second trip to take some "real food" too! We also took some beef and turkey jerky. Another thing I was so glad to have, singles of Cryst*l light or G*torade powder (or your favorite) in a couple of flavors to add to bottled water - I drink a lot of water, but I was happy to have flavors to add sometimes (some of the bottled water had a different taste) I agree on meds comments, antibiotics, Advil PM or Tylenol PM worked great for sleep. We packed a small pair of child safe scissors for us to use opening packages, toys, removing tags, etc... Narrow duct tape and large baggies are a must. I really liked having the Hefty 2.5 gallon bags, you can place soiled clothes etc in these giants and squeeze out the air.
Wishing you safe travels, enjoy your journey of a lifetime to your newest daughter! Reagan is BEAUTIFUL!
Annalee and Amilynn's mom - Julie
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