Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.
~John F. Kennedy, U.S. president~

Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.
~Albert Einstein~
Sarah has a new passion....... Bike Riding!
About two weeks ago she tossed aside the little red tricycle to upgrade to the new big girl bike (with training wheels for now) and we have spent morning, noon, and night outside with her as she pedals until her heart's content.
This weekend we took her to a local bike park that has an inner and outer loop. I tried to guide her through the inner loop (the shorter one) and she said NO WAY.... I want to go on the "other road"
Not only did she make her way around the "other road" once, she went around twice!
She is having so much fun on that bike and Pat and I get the biggest kick out of watching her go! She is really growing up before our eyes.......... and as she is quick to point out these days, that she is not a baby anymore, she is officially "The Big Sister"
Although.... after she says that she is the big sister, she has to let us know that she is not going to share her bike with Reagan because she will be too little to ride it.....LOL!
I think this is all finally becoming real for Sarah..... as she sees the nursery coming together and closets and drawers filled with blankets and clothes, she is realizing that this little girl is coming!
Yesterday when we woke up, she looked at me and said, "Mommy, are you going to China today to bring home my sister?" I couldn't help but smile......and I said, "Not today honey, but hopefully she will be coming home very soon."
I think Sarah is ready for her new role and I believe she is going to make a GREAT big sister:)
I have a feeling that Sarah will end up giving Reagan a few rides on her bike someday. I'm so happy for all of you.
I love the package you sent her. How special! She is so cute but then, your other two are more precious in every photo.
God Bless.
Oh yes Lisa...Sarah will make a great big sister. They'll be close enough in age where Sarah will have to stake out her territory (hey, even 4 years apart doesn't discourage that) but the joy she'll have, sharing all her life memories just makes me smile, thinking about it.
Wow, has Sarah grown up this summer. Her face just gets prettier and prettier (makes me want to paint this newer, grown-up girl). And so confident on her new bike. Riding like the wind is the perfect caption for her.
Gorgeous shots Lisa. I just love them all. Hope the first week of school is going smoothly.
Sarah is such a beautiful girl and I can't wait to see her with her baby sister!
Lovin' those cool shoes too!
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
I too think Sarah is going to be an amazing big sister! The life they will share growing up together will be so full of fun times and lots of sisterly secrets! I hope someday to give that special relationship to our Jennifer. Beautiful captures of your girl Lisa! Happy Wednesday!
Sarah will be a great big sister - although it may take her a bit to grow into her role - just as she grows into her new big girl bike.
I love her Sketchers...Amelia HAD to have the same ones last spring after one of her friends at school got them...by the end of that month 4 of the 8 girls had them. The room looked like a nightclub with them all flashing :) She wore them in NYC and we've NEVER gotten as many comments on anything as we did those shoes. I bet Sarah is having a blast with them too:)
The updated picture of Reagan is just beautiful. What sweet cheeks!!
I echo the earlier comments - Sarah will be a great big sis. The sister relationship is so special, too. I still remember my big sis (three years older) sitting me down and teaching me to read (see spot. see spot run.).
Good heavens, could she get any CUTER?! Fantastic pictures! I had to scroll thru a couple times, just to make sure I didn't miss anything. Gorgeous! :-)
She will be an AWESOME sister... Love the new bike! I'm SO excited about Reagan!!
how lovely to have a big sister like Sarah. These are wonderful pictures and thanks again for hosting this great challenge.
Lovely Photos. I love both versions of them! You take amazing photos! I am so happy to be back participating in B&W Wednesdays!!!
Beautiful shots! Sarah is so lovely.
I want a pair of shoes like that.
Take care. xxx
Great pictures! Sarah looks like she is having a great time on her big girl bike. I'm sure she will do a fantastic job at being a big sister, she has a wonderful mom who has been modeling how to be a loving & caring person.
I hope you have another successful workshop weekend :)
Oh she will be a fabulous big sister- imagine! And she'll show Reagan how to ride like the wind too!
Fabulous pictures, Lisa- you could see the Sketchers one for an ad.
Thanks for sharing this exciting adventure!
Wow is Sarah getting big! She has grown a bunch during the summer. I love the b&w of her sitting on her bike with her feet propped up. She is so adorable! She definitely is going to be a great big sister and a wonderful role model for Reagan. I too can't wait to see them finally together.
Sarah will be a wonderful big sister, that time will be here soon.
Cute pictures of the big sister! Sarah is going to have soooo much fun in her new big sister role! Love the new wheels too!
Another Sketchers fan! Sarah and Briana would get along soooo well! :)
Briana is going to be getting a new bike like that from Santa Claus in December! I'm so glad Sarah is enjoying it. She looks like she is having a blast!
What a big step! Maggie still sticks to her tricycle after falling off of her big girl bike once...ugh~
I love bike riding pics, it's just so fun to see when it clicks and they just "get it". At the mention of Reagan's room, I can't wait to see your photos of how it's come together!
Such beautiful photos of Sarah....and it's lovely to hear that she's getting so excited to have a new sister!!!
You know I have been there (twice) with the new sister arriving via plane!!! Yes, it is a daily adjustment for a while. But, I have a sense Sarah is going to be a wonderful big sister!!! I love these pictures. I hope our weather is this nice in a couple of days!!!! Looking forward to playing soon!
I'm looking forward to looking at all the photos when I don't have kiddos fighting!
Wonderful photos from an exciting milestone.
What excitement your little girl in China is bringing before she even arrives!
How beautiful! your photos are wonderful.
Beautiful post and pictures Lisa!
Sarah is growing up, and she's going to be a wonderful big sister to Reagan. A 3 year age difference is great(G and W are 3 and a half years a part). I can't wait to see Sarah with her mei mei. :)
Have a great Wednesday, I know you have a busy week!
Wow,these are just beautiful photos! I'm in awe.
She will be a wonderful big sister!!!!! She will teach her everything she needs to know....and then some;) Lottie is only 6 weeks older than Emma but she acts like she is years older...lol
Praying for you to leave soon to get your baby:)
I cannot wait to see "big sister Sarah" give her little sister some bike lessons one day!! She is going to be a FABULOUS big sister!!!
Beautiful photos, as always!! And if Kiara sees those Sketchers, I'm in trouble! ;)
Oh my, these photos of her are just amazing --both the color and the BW ones!
She is going to be a fantastic JieJie (big sister in Mandarin) to little Reagan. :)
Wow, such beautiful, beautiful pictures! And I'm loving her shoes! :) Have a great day!
These are all so wonderful. You perfectly document your children growing up, it's fantastic!
LOVE the photos..
Looks like tons of fun..
Have a great week.
Love these Lisa and I know Sarah is going to love Reagan. I have a feeling that they will be best friends! Come on TA!!!!!! :)
Love her bike and helmet! I too think she will be a great big sister :D
oh my - I LOVE LOVE LOVE these photos of Sarah! She will be a great big sister :) I can't wait to see those photos!
ps her shoes are adorable!
I love the bike riding pictures! She is growing up so fast!
Gorgeous shots ~ making the most of the sunshine :)
She looks great on that bicycle and so grown up! I just know that she is going to be the best big sister ever!
Beautiful pictures!
Marla @ www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com
gorgoeus! My girls loved their bikes, still do!!!! Your photography is gorgeous.. Thanks for hosting such fun.. I am joining for the first time this week, but have been a huge viewer for a while!
That's so exciting that she is so excited about having a little sister. :)
Wonderful shots of her enjoying her bike ride. It's funny how once they learn a little bit they just take off with the experience. My son was like that too when he first learned to ride with training wheels. You just couldn't stop him. :)
Awwww, these are so cute! And she does look like such a big girl all of a sudden!! You bet she'll be a great sis, now if we could just get permission to go get her baby sister, we'd be all set!!
Sweet girl! I second everyone's replies...she is starting to look so grown up! I just love her adorable expressions. Good for her and her bike riding skills :) Love the pics. Can't wait until Reagan makes her appearance with her jie jie!
Great photos of Sarah! She really looks like a big girl with the bike, the helmet, and the adorable sneakers. I wonder if they sell those sneakers in my size... ;)
Sarah is going to a great big sister. It might take her a little to adjust to sharing mommy & daddy but she will be great.
I love those shoes ... now if they only had my size :)
xoxo - Robin
Really lovely pictures of your girl riding her bike!
Beautiful photos! She is such a cutie-pie and she's getting so big. I love that she's so excited to be a big sister.
Gin =)
She's going to be a fantastic big sis, Lisa! I can't wait to see pics of her in action being your helper!
That is awesome that she loves to be on the bike so much. I tell you what... she and Priss would have so much fun together C loves to ride, too. And C sports the same 'twinkle toes'! ;)
Love you sweetie. Les
Well, melt my heart with that sweet girl on her bicycle - ready to be the big sister.
AND those twinkle toes sketchers.
you embrace life and offer so much to others. Your blog is not the only thing that is inspiring. What a lovely read I have had this morning. I have a new blog (my second one = photography). Question regarding the black & white - we shoot in b&w or can we digitally change it on the computer? I tend to lean towards shooting with the mode on b&w - but does that mean sepia as well?
Again, lovely blog - and pictures of children "doing what they do" are some of my favorite!
What adorable photos of Sarah on her beloved bike!! These are great!! It's so cute that she is now calling herself the big sister. I'm sure she will make a great one! I can't wait to see her hugging on lil' sis!!
What great shoes! Love them!
Sarah is the cutest and her hair looks like it's grown a lot! I bet she's going to be the best big sister ever!!!
Love these fun shots. Kate loves riding her bike too! SO glad Sarah is getting so excited for her sister!!!
I know I already posted a comment but I wanted to let you know that there is a award waiting fro you on my blog :)
Love bike riding weather! (we are waiting here in HOT Florida). She's beautiful and such joy to see.
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Look at SARAH! I can't BELIEVE she's on a two wheeler already...training wheels notwithstanding! I am so proud of her.
Yes, Lisa, she is readying herself to be a big sister all on her own. There will be ups and downs...just like riding that bike, but before long, her Big Sister Training Wheels will be off and she'll be the best helper ever when Reagan gets home.
I have posted twice because I finally figured out how to directly link it to my specific posting for this challenge. Can you delete my first one? I just love looking at everyone's work. Thank you for managing this challenge.
She is just so stunning Lisa! She also looks like a pro already, love how she's decked out so coordinated too! Maddie has been doing the same all summer, she loves her bike!
Just wanted to drop by and say CONGRATULATIONS on your referral!! So happy for you, especially after such a long wait. I love stopping by and seeing your beautiful photography and your kiddos as well. Looking forward to seeing some pictures of Reagan taken by you!! Best of luck with travel, transitions and all of the adventures coming your way! God Bless.
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