I was beginning to lose hope as travel approvals started to arrive yesterday, but ours did not come in.
After sitting on my hands all morning, I finally caved and called in around 2pm and they said it hadn't arrived......
about an hour later the phone rang and guess what?
They got their delivery, later than normal and it contained our travel approval.
Thank heavens...... prayers have been answered!
Not knowing was stressing me out and causing major anxiety.
Our agency put in a request for our Consulate Appointment just minutes ago and we will know if they accepted it by Wednesday.
We will be leaving on either Friday, October 15th or Friday, October 22nd....... of course our hopes are set on the 15th, but it is out of our control at this point.
Another step closer to our sweet little Reagan!
Only one more piece of information and we will be officially planning our travel.
I can't think of a better way to kick off the weekend.
Cheers my friends..... It is time to go celebrate!
So happy for you guys!!! YIPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAAA!!!! I know you are beyond excited!!!!
YAAA!!!! I know you are beyond excited!!!!
Finally!!!! I'll be celebrating with you!
Time to celebrate!!!
I have a huge smile on my face, and was hoping today would be the day!!!
Reagan, your mamma's coming soon to get you!!!!
YES!!!!! I am so beyond excited for you guys...maybe your gottcha day will land on Taya's birthday October 16th!! Have a great weekend!
Oh Happy Day!!!!!!!!!!! I have been checking in and I am so thankful you can enjoy your weekend knowing soon you will be on your way to get sweet Reagan!!!!
yabba dabba doooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a fabulous way to start the weekend!
And how funny, if you leave on the 22nd, you are on the EXACT time frame we were on 5 years ago...a great time to be in China!!!
WOOOOO FREAKING HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness that thing finally came! Let's get packing!!!!!
(adorable pic, by the way)
Congratulations!! Finally.....
The next few weeks will fly by....honest :)
WOOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooo happy that it finally came and you can start packing and buying plane tickets soon. And what a perfect picture of Miss SweetiePie for this post!!
Love ya!
YAY!!!!! What a load off your mind! Now you can enjoy your weekend, begin packing & start checking out travel arrangements. The end is near!
Hallelujah, hallelujah!!!! What wonderful, WONDERFUL news!!! Congratulations!!!
WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO! I read that TA's were arriving yesterday and was praying that you posted with good news! So glad it happened today!! I know you are going to have the best weekend ever!!
Many Many Blessings!!
OH my gosh! That's so freaking awesome! YAY! :o) Thanks for putting a smile on my face (though, I'm sure it's nothing compared to yours!) Can you believe it might only be a month away?! I am so excited for you all!
So happy for you!
Woot Woot! I'm so happy for you and your family! Great news!
Lisa -
I couldn't be happier for you and your family!!!! Celebrate your girl this weekend! I'll be praying for an early Consulate appointment!
Hugs -
YAY!!! What a relief! It will be a great weekend for you!! :)
You should be getting a little package from me soon. Hugs! ;)
Hooray! So happy for you, now get packing!!!
Awesome!!! So excited for you!
AWESOME!!! You'll have her for Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas!! I can't wait to see the eleventy million photos of her! I am SO excited for you!!!!!!!!!!
SO happy for you!!!
Happy daydreaming about your teeniest blessing this weekend!!!
Awesome news!!!!!!! Cheers right back to you!!!!!!
YEA!!!!!!!!! What a great way to start the weekend! Prayers answered is right!!!
Yayyyyy!!! I saw on RQ that some TA's were coming in and I was crossing my fingers for you. Have a great weekend celebrating!
Gin =)
YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I am so happy for you, Lisa! One step closer to sweet Reagan! I can't wait to follow your journey while you are in China!!! Start packing, girl!!
ps. Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog about our precious Brooklynn! We are so excited!
I'm afraid I may have jinxed you when I predicted you would be in China for Halloween.
Yay Yay Yay!!!! what a great way to start your weekend. Have so much fun planning!!!!!!!
That is wonderful news! I'm so excited for you. :D
YAAAHHHHHH!!! That's the best news - what a way to kick off the week-end! Now you can relax, celebrate and get ready to go get that girl of yours and bring her home.
Sweet Reagan - Mommy's almost there.
(Wow - what a sweet capture of Sweetie. Dita will swoon over this one.)
I'm just so very happy for you, dear Lisa!!!
Honey....I told you....I wasn't giving up on TA. Reagan's ready to come home, Mama...and nobody and nothing is going to stand in the way of her path right into your arms.
I am so overjoyed for you, Lisa. I can't think of a better way to spend this weekend than you PACKING!!
I love the photo of my little Sweetie on your post...she's going to be another "little" big sister for Baby Reagan...hope Sarah will share cause this sweetie is going to fall in love with precious Reagan!
Love ya.......CONGRATULATIONS!!!
So happy for you!
Didn't have time to comment but have been following and praying it would come soon.
Oh, the excitement is building...I'll keep asking my angel guides to spped oyu on your way to sweet Reagan. Don't you wonder if she's feeling the same sense of "how much longer?".
..but it won't be long now. X m
Just about the BEST news I have heard all week!
Congratulations!!! This is such an exciting time!! I pray you enjoy every moment of it:) Blessings! Teresa
Yeah!!! Such wonderful, happy news!! Congratulations!!!
This is FABULOUS news!
Let the celebration begin :)
That is so AWESOME Lisa! I'm so happy for you and your family. What a complete and utter blessing.
Go celebrate my friend!
What wonderful news to hear today! I'm so happy for you Lisa. :-) It won't be long now....
Rejoicing with you from Hong Kong!
Breathe...the wait is over, so happy for you!
Oh Praise the Lord!!!!! Go celebrate honey child! ;)
YES!!!!!! How exciting!!! Congrats!! Almost on that plane!
Lisa!!!!! Oh my gosh! I just screamed and threw the covers off the bed! This is so wonderful. Very thankful for this blessing!
Just amazing. So happy for you.
Congratulations on your TA!!
Hope you are able to get the earlier Consulate appointment, I know every extra minute away from your girl is one too many ;)
Congratulations!! You are one of the few we are still "following" on the China adoption journey! Can't wait to see all the photos from China...... I hope you will have time to send updates (it is hard to do, BTDT, so Daddy did alot of it late at night!).
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Such wonderful news!!!!
Congratulations!! Whoooohooooooooo!!
YES!!!!!! Hip! Hip! HOORAY!!!!!
I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!
I am so excited for you!!! Super, super news indeed. :)
Congrats! I remember my heart beating an extra beat each time I thought of ours when we were waiting. Glad that's behind you!
really happy for you, what wonderful news!
YAY thats such good news!!!
Congrats Lisa!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so happy for you, Lisa!! Hopefully, you'll have your baby in your arms before the end of October!
Yahooooooooo! What fabulous news! I'm SO excited for you. I hope you get the 15th, I'll keep my fingers crossed
Congrats on TA! Definitely a good way to start the weekend!
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