Special Delivery

September 1, 2010

I am going to attempt to catch everyone up on the last week! We have just a few things going on around here . . .

Last Monday, after finishing up some of the crucial paperwork for the adoption, I decided to get started on a care package for Reagan.

During the long wait, I had often seen and heard of other adoptive families sending their children care packages while they were waiting for their travel approval, but I guess I never realized that there were actually people that did or provdided this kind of service.

Just days after we got our referral, I started to inquire and ask for advice from all of my friends who have traveled down this road before. Some made their own care packages and sent them off and others used a service.

Since time is of the essence and I have a full time job and not a lot of free time, I opted to go with the service.... and boy was I happy that I made this decision.

I placed the order Monday afternoon and by Tuesday afternoon, Ann, the owner of Red Threads, said that she was going to contact the orphanage to see if she could get us some updated photos of Reagan while she worked on putting together the care package.

To my surprise, Thursday I opened my email and saw three more photos of sweet little Reagan! She had the pictures to us before the actual care packaged was mailed out.

Reagan August 25-1fix
I almost cried when I saw this photo.... you can tell she has grown a little bit and she looked so darn cute in her little beach dress.

Care Package 1
On Friday, Ann sent me another email that contained a picture showing me all of the contents that she put into the package. I ordered a disposable camera, a soft photo album(and then I emailed her photos of us so she could write our names in mandarin on each photo), a minky blanket, a rattle/stuffed animal, pjs and onesies for the orphanage, some cookies for the staff, and I was able to write a letter to Reagan's caregiver and Ann had it translated for me.

I could not have been more pleased with Ann and her service....I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking to send something to their child in China.

As an added bonus, I recently found out that she actually takes people shopping while in China. Marla and I will definitely be meeting Ann when we get to Guanzhou for the last leg of our trip. She seems like such a sweet soul and I am anxious to meet her in person. According to a few close friends, she takes you to all the best places for Jade, Pearls, Silks, Handbags, etc.

Beach Steps BW BLOG

Black and White -Looking at each other BLOG

With all of the excitement surrounding the adoption, the end of the summer has really snuck up on us. Nick just returned from his last beach vacation only for me to realize that school starts in just ONE WEEK!!! I kind of forgot about all the things that I need to get done for back to school, so we are going to be running every night this week so he is all set for the first day:)

We also FINALLY started on Reagan's room......

It is a work in progress, but the crib is up and the bedding is here. That is a step in the right direction. I will share photos when we get a little more done. I really love the colors and the bedding is as cute in person as it was in the photos online:)

Hope you all have a wonderful week and great Labor Day! I am not sure I will have another opportunity to post before next week~

Sorry for more Cape Cod beach pictures..... with all the other things going on right now, I have not picked up my camera since the day that we got Reagan's referral:(


Anonymous said...

YAY for starting on her room. Glad everything is coming together.

Unknown said...

Awwwwww. She does look like she grew. She is beautiful. I am so excited for you. Praying. Praying. Praying.

Unknown said...

So many exciting things happening, pictures are gorgeous as always!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome!!! She is such a cutie patootie!!!!
Cant wait to see the room! So exciting!!!!

Kim said...

LOVE her new photo..
Can't wait to see her in your arms.

patty said...

she's beautiful!! have a very safe trip!!

Wanda said...

Oh Lisa....I LOVE this picture of Reagan. She is just soooo cute. And she really has grown. Oh, I know how you're dying to wrap your arms around her. I can't wait to see that.

No pictures since Cape Cod??? OK, you're forgiven. Been a bit a busy, have you?

Enjoy this last week of the summer, school preps and nursery decor. So much happening - so exciting!!


Virginia said...

Oh my word, she is adorable! You can tell her hair has grown a bit, and she looks so cute workin out on her little baby gym. Won't be long now!

Gin =)

Kayce said...

Oh goodness that is an adorable picture of your sweet girl! We too LOVED Ann and I will recommend her to anyone who asks! I'll never forget getting that updated pictures email...oooo I cried like a baby that Saturday morning!

Beautiful pictures of Nick and Sarah...BEAUTIFUL!! Can't wait to see Reagans room! How are big brother and big sister doing with all the excitement? :)

Donna said...

Ahhhh... more sweet photos! I know the wait to travel must be killing you. Hopefully you'll continue to stay busy so the time will pass a bit faster.

I can't wait to see the finished nursery!

Our Blog: Double Happiness!

Kim said...

Lisa I am so incredibly excited for you and your family!! I can't wait to see the photos of all THREE of your children!

Reagan is just adorable and the care package? So awesome!

Mimi said...

So happy for you!
the care package is a fab idea, and it sounds like a great service too.
I'll take your Cape Cod pictures any day- they're beautiful, and the tenderness between these two is palpable.
Back to school sucks! We're back 1 week now, and still trying to get organised! trips to shops each day for missing books, calculators....

Love Letters To China said...

I can only imagine how excited you were to open your email and see that beautiful face! What a cutie pie. She really is adorable. Your other two aren't too shabby either! ;-)

I know all too well the feelings you are going through right now. Before you know it you will have her in your arms and everything will be right with the world.

Good luck getting Nick ready for school and I can't wait to see a sneak peak of the nursery. I'm sure it's going to look gorgeous.

Have a wonderful long weekend with the family!


Robin said...

So very sweet!


Erika B said...

She is absolutely adorable and how precious for you to get updated photos of her. Hope you get to travel soon to bring her home.

Erika B

Gail said...

Your sweet girl is perfect in all ways Lisa...I know you loved getting updated pictures!

Ann will surely take you to the Jade and Pearl Markets in Guangzhou...amazing places. Truthfully I could spend a day in each of them.

Have a wonderful long weekend. Can't wait to miss Reagan's room!

Love the beach pics! :)


Number 6 and no more counting! said...


You truly sound happy.

Enjoy your Labour Day Weekend.


Natalie said...

You seem like a very sweet and compassionate lady! I love the whole inviting feel of your blog! I hope your week goes/remains well! Happy Wednesday!

Sharon said...

We shopped with Ann! She was great!! Love that new picture : )

DiJo said...

I am soooo HAPPY for you!!! I have heard such great things about Ann! What a blessing.. I can't believe how nice the care package options are!!! BTW: That little Reagan is ADORABLE!!!! Soon you will be holding her, and shopping with Ann in GZ!!!!


P.S: Thanks for inviting me to play in Black & White Wed!


Briana's Mom said...

Be still my heart! She is truly breathtaking!

I sure wish I had known about Ann's services when I traveled in 2007. I had heard she did a wonderful job - and she sure does!

Mandi said...

She is adorable. I cannot wait to follow you on the last leg of your journey to your daughter.

I myself have never used Ann, but I have heard amazing things about her.

I love the picture of Nick and Sarah walking on the beach.

Michelle R Photography said...

Oh my, what a doll!! And look at those precious piggies!! So stinkin' CUTE!!

Wonderful b/w beach pictures of Nick & Sarah. Gorgeous!!

elliotts said...

Oh, Lisa she is beautiful!! What a wonderful service for the care package. I am taking note of that for myself when it is our turn. :) Hang in there, she will be home with her family before you know it.


elliotts said...

Oh, Lisa she is beautiful!! What a wonderful service for the care package. I am taking note of that for myself when it is our turn. :) Hang in there, she will be home with her family before you know it.


redmaryjanes said...

She is such a beautiful baby! That is the same blanket and photo album that we sent for Sophia. She loves that blanket. It is so soft.

Jboo said...

What a sweet photo of your baby girl! She looks so beautiful! Great package and service too. Wish that had been available before we traveled in 2003. Have a great long weekend!


Nicole said...

Your photos are absolutely breathe taking!

Freckles & Dimples Photography said...

love the cape cod pictures, they are really pretty converted to b&w. Happy shopping in China w/ Ann! I'm so happy you have updated pics of your sweet Reagan to help the wait along.

carolinagirl said...

So excited for y'all! The care package is such a wonderful thing! I love that about the Chinese adoptions! Miss Reagan is such a cutie!

I CANNOT wait to see photos of her room!

Leah said...

Oh Lisa, she is just more beautiful in every picture! I am so excited for your travels and can't wait to see sweet Reagen in your arms!

Football and Fried Rice said...

I love that minky blanket!! I am sure that Reagan will too :)

can't WAIT to see her room - so sweet!

Anaiz said...

She looks adorable, and what a sweet package!

Christine Wang said...

the first pic is soo cute with her playing with her activity gym. how they grow!!

Anonymous said...

The photos are gorgeous! All of your children are beautiful!
I'm so excited for you!

Maddy said...

So many exciting things are happening right and it will be no time before you sweet baby girl in your arms!! She just gets cuter and cuter, doesn't she?! I'm sure she's going to be thrilled with her new care package goodies and to finaly see the face of her family that awaits! By the way, I'm sending some of my "lucky" charm your way ;o) Crossing my fingers that it will be sooner rather than later!

Siobhan said...

Awwww she is getting so big and so cute...I could just squish her... you started on her room can't wait to see pictures...that care package is so sweet and I am so looking forward to more stories....

Kim said...

Oh ... the new photo is adorable. And any "rest" your camera is getting right now surely won't last for long. You've got another gorgeous subject matter!
So excited for you!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

t~ said...

Gawwww, she's something cute! Love those little toes and those big beautiful eyes. What great hair she has!

Faith Hope Love Photography said...

Oh my goodness...she is just so cute. I just would like to pick her up and squeeze her;) Hope all your outings go good this week in preperation. I love all the things you added in her care package. And I bet she is loving your pictures:)

Fiona Designs said...

I am happy to have found your blog and to be your newest follower!


Bridget said...

Lucky you to get those ADORABLE pictures of your sweet girl! love the care package you sent. Just wait until Reagan sees the lovely family that she is soon going to be a member of!!! Lucky all of you! Can't wait to see the room! Hope you are having a great week!

~ Bridget

Charmaine Poulin said...

Beautiful photos, as always!!!! And how wonderful that there is a service to help you give a gift to your new baby girl!! The photo album is my favourite, as you will probably look familiar to her when you finally get to meet her! Just linked up my post!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Told you that she was worth it and more... so great to get that updated photo...

Jodee said...

I love the new picture of Reagan. She is just adorable! What a fabulous care package too!

Hope you have a great Labor Day weekend!

Kristen said...

Ohmy, Reagan is so precious! You must be besides yourself waiting to meet her in China.

Happy Labor Day weekend!

ellieshine said...

oh my, she is just adorable!!!! those photos of Nick and Sarah are gorgeous! I cannot wait to see photos of the three of them :)

Pam said...

She does look bigger. I agree with the PP...i cant wait to see a beautiful photograph with all three of them!

Special K said...

Your girl is beautiful. :)

Can't wait to see her finished room. I'll make sure to remember this care package info and look forward to hearing your experiences with Ann and shopping.

Jhen.Stark said...

I love your black and white edits... They are stunning! Absolutely Stunning!

Kim said...

Reagan is so sweet, I am sure you have been floating on air. Good luck with all of the back to school stuff. Take care.

alexis said...

She is so sweet! Good luck in your journey to bring her home :)

Missy said...

LISA!!!! Raegan has stolen my heart... I mean seriously, could she be any cuter???? Just when you think she can't possibly be any cuter, .... I LOVE her hair! I also love her little feet and toes :) She looks so precious! So worth the wait, huh?
I also love the pics of the kiddos. Are you using a preset black and white or do you concoct that yourself? LOVE IT!

JMCS said...


That's so wonderful that Ann was able to get you a new pic of your sweet girl. Reagan is just so adorable! Great looking care package too. We love Ann, she did such a great job with Samantha's care packages. Hopefully soon you will receive TA! :)


elisa said...

I just found your blog- so excited to read about your journey. Congrats!

wife.mom.nurse said...

What a joy to follow you down this leg of your road to your daughter :)

3 Peanuts said...

What darling shots of Reagan!!!! I love the care package you sent. I am praying for quick travel for you!

Casey said...

Oh Lisa!! She is just darling!! She looks like a little gymnist holding those rings. I love it!! And how cute that she is wearing a beach dress!!!

I bet that little giraffe will be a fave for years to come!

Can't wait to see the room too!

Valerie said...

What a gift to get an updated picture! She is such a doll.

You sound busy and happy, and it is wonderful to hear you are nesting for your sweet Reagan.

Does she realize yet how her whole world is about to change for the better with a beautiful and loving forever family to call her very own?

I'm so happy for you.

Love Valerie

jenbusymom said...

How great that you could send her stuff and she'll get to know your faces already! I love the new header on your blog and beautiful pics of Nick and Sarah. Can't wait to see the nursery!

Brittany Godfrey said...

Oh I love bike riding pics...and the chance to show off my sweet little nephew!

Dita said...

Lisa, I can't believe I didn't comment on this gorgeous post. I was away when you posted and without my computer. I remember when I first opened up this post on my phone...I was just amazed to see how much your beautiful baby girl had grown since the referral pictures and how healthy she looks.

To see Nick and Sarah together on that special beach...just the two of them...waiting for their baby sister to soon join them...just left tears in my eyes.

I am so anxiously awaiting the day I see all 3 of your lovelies together!
