No one told me it was going to be like this.....
I thought waiting over four years for our referral was difficult, but in comparison, those years of waiting were nothing compared to the last few weeks.
It is hard to describe, but once you get that picture and you see a beautiful little face staring back at finally becomes real. I can't stop looking at her photos and I seriously cannot get to China soon enough.
The last 4 weeks feel like they have crawled by at a snail's pace.... everyday I am waiting for the phone to ring and when I answer, I am longing to hear the words "We got your Travel Approval"
So far we have not heard anything, but we are hopeful it will be sometime this week.
Luckily, I stayed plenty busy this past weekend.
I hosted another photography workshop and was blessed to have another fantastic group of women. They were all very eager to learn and blew me away with what they accomplished in two days. I really enjoyed spending time with each and every one of them and cannot wait to show you some of their work.

Do you recognize this little Sweetie?
She was just one of our adorable little models this weekend. She was experiencing a different kind of waiting..... as in hurry up and take this picture, I am sick of sitting here waiting for you to snap, I would rather run around and have fun with all these other little girls:)
More cuteness (and familiar faces) to come
I thought waiting over four years for our referral was difficult, but in comparison, those years of waiting were nothing compared to the last few weeks.
It is hard to describe, but once you get that picture and you see a beautiful little face staring back at finally becomes real. I can't stop looking at her photos and I seriously cannot get to China soon enough.
The last 4 weeks feel like they have crawled by at a snail's pace.... everyday I am waiting for the phone to ring and when I answer, I am longing to hear the words "We got your Travel Approval"
So far we have not heard anything, but we are hopeful it will be sometime this week.
Luckily, I stayed plenty busy this past weekend.
I hosted another photography workshop and was blessed to have another fantastic group of women. They were all very eager to learn and blew me away with what they accomplished in two days. I really enjoyed spending time with each and every one of them and cannot wait to show you some of their work.

Do you recognize this little Sweetie?
She was just one of our adorable little models this weekend. She was experiencing a different kind of waiting..... as in hurry up and take this picture, I am sick of sitting here waiting for you to snap, I would rather run around and have fun with all these other little girls:)
More cuteness (and familiar faces) to come
Hoping and praying you get the next call this week! She will be sooooo worth the long wait! Hang in there!
I hope you get that call this week. I can't imagine the anticipation you must be feeling. She'll be there before you know it! The photo is beautiful.
I recognize that gorgeous little girl! I hope you hear soon, my prayers are with you!
Oh yes...I know that little sweetie! Hang in there my friend. It is so hard when you know that you have a child out there who should be home. You are in my prayers and so is she.
Love seeing sweetie pie sitting there so cute. I'm happy it went well and knew it would. :)
Alright now....COME ON China, bring on Lisa's TA!!!!!!!!!!! Reagan needs to come home!
Oh no!!! I thought surely you had heard by now :( I'm so sorry sweet girl! It has got to come soon...I am praying that you'll hear this week. Brutal, I remember!!! xoxo
You are truly being tested with all this waiting. Your in the final stretch...try not to get discouraged. Before you know it you'll start forgetting all this waiting. I agree w/ the comment above though, its a brutal process. Blessings to you for not giving up!!
I hope you aren't waiting much longer!
Thank you so much for a weekend beyond belief. I learned so much because you are a wonderful teacher. So organized, so helpful, so clear when you explain, and oh so talented. Thank you for allowing me to come even though you didn't know me at all. I loved every minute of being there with you and the other women. What a gift this weekend was to me!
I'll continue to watch as you wait. I look forward to meeting Reagan soon and hope to do a photography field trip with you after you are home and settled!
I remember those days very well. Yes they were harder than the years that passed before seeing that sweet little face. You'll be there before you know it. Hopefully this week with be the week.
Oh how I love the photo you're sharing of that little Sweetie Pie. You must have had a ball this past weekend. Can't wait to see more photos!
We are thinking and praying for you! Love your little model...she is just to die for ;) Maybe you will need a model when you have your next one...Taya and I could make a "business" trip together ;)
We are thinking and praying for you! Love your little model...she is just to die for ;) Maybe you will need a model when you have your next one...Taya and I could make a "business" trip together ;)
Oh Lisa, I can't imagine the plethora of emotions you're experiencing. I'm praying that your sweet daughter is home with her family very very soon!
Count me in for Cape Cod! :)
I can't imagine how you are feeling.. but I sooo cannot wait o feel like that becuase then I am close..
Can't wait to see all the amazing photos.
Love you girly.
So sorry Lisa, yes - the wait is awful enough and only compounded more so once you've seen her beautiful little face. Praying that TA comes soon!
Makes you wonder, just how loud can a phone not ring? :-)
Hang in there!
Clear back in 2005 I too waited 4 weeks for my TA. I had only waited 6 months for referral, and those 4 weeks felt like 4 years. Not a moment passed by that I wasn't thinking or praying for Amelia, that she would stay safe and healthy until I got to her. What held up my TA in part was one family in our travel group that mailed their child acceptance back really late, and then mailed it snail mail instead of overnight as instructed and it got lost in the mail for about a week. There were some really mad was ALL forgotten the minute we got our TAs (well kind of).
Waiting ended up being a good thing. We got to China a week earlier than other groups because it was the only consulate appointment available....We had 7 days notice for travel! Be prepared!!
It will come;)
Could "One Step at a Time" be a more perfect song for you right now??
Oh, my friend!!! THe waiting at this stage of the game, surely is the hardest part...but know that it is ALMOST over & SOON you will have your sweet angel in your arms!!! PRaying you get that TA ASAP!!!
Hang in there!!
I had to wait almost 6 months to meet Maggie after seeing her picture, so I know how you feel. Luckily you will not wait that are just almost there! Praying for that TA! Thanks for the advice about the wedding. I think that it is almost settled, she just has to confirm with her mom and dad...I will let you know~
Praying that call comes tomorrow.
I remember that feeling like it was yesterday and I feel like it was. It's not fun but it will be here before you know it! Come on TA!!! Hoping at arrives any day!! Keep us posted!! It won't be long...
Oh the waiting it is the hardest part of all! I prayer your TA comes this week and you have sweet Reagan in your arms very,very soon!! I hope I am right behind you! Thanks for your sweet messages!! Glad the weekend was a huge success!,
Oh man, I know the wait now feels even harder! Hoping that you will have some news very soon! Keeping you all in my prayers!
Oh how I love this shot of Sweetie Pie. Those boots, that dress, those eyes, I could go on and on!
Hoping we hear something TOMORROW ON TA TUESDAY!!!! :) Love you, girl!!
Lisa...I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you and the family.
I wish I could speed this TA up for you...its such a helpless feeling to watch you go through this and not be able to do a thing about it.
All I can say is that I am confident that before long we will look back on this excruciating wait as we watch our children...all 5 of them...playing together...and we will have forgotten a time when Reagan wasn't in your arms.
Hang in there, Honey....I know its coming!
When I look at this incredible image you took of my daughter, I can barely catch my breath. You have the most exquisite eye! THANK YOU!!
Even though my wait wasn't nearly as long as yours Lisa...I think as soon as I saw their little faces...THAT is when it became so hard to be apart from them. Big hugs to you my friend....and I can't wait to see all of the newest pictures from the weekend....especially Heather's sweet girls:)
I can only imagine, I am sure it has been so hard. I will say an extra prayer you get the call this week.
FABULOUS photo of little Sweetie!!!! Love it!
I can wait to hear about your TA! I remember waiting on our travel dates for Abbie and Isaiah and it was the hardest thing ever! Crossing all fingers and toes hoping you'll hear something tomorrow!
Oh Lisa - we didn't tell you because you wouldn't have believed us that anything could be worse than almost 4 years waiting, wondering if this was ever going to happen. But please believe me - it will so soon blur and continue to blur as you catch Reagan running around in circles.
It's coming - very soon now.
Dita's right - your eye is a gift. This shot of S is perfection!!!
Sending hugs and speedy TA wishes your way!!!
Waiting 4 years seems pure craziness. In Guatemala onc eyou get the referral thats when the waiting began, and I totally understand how awful that is, you see your child, actually see them but have to wait, just awful, hope hope hope you get the call this week!!!!
I can only imagine the pains of this final wait. And I can only imagine the joy of your first and forever more meeting.
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
All weekend I prayed for you : ) so glad to hear you had another wonderful weekend. I knew that you would!
How exciting! Can't wait to follow along on your travels, so I can't even imagine your state of 'can't wait!' Praying that God will provide you peace through this time of waiting, and for safe and joyous travels soon!!! :)
Awwww Lisa, I know this waiting is so so hard. So very soon all this waiting will be over! Praying for speedy travels!
i can only imagine how badly you want to hop on that plane & go hug that beautiful sweet baby girl!!
i have been praying for this "time" for you for quite some time.
what a dream come true!!!
looking forward to see the 'we're outta here' post!
Oh my goodness!! I had no idea SP was going to be one of your models! I've been trying to "book" her for ages ;o) I'm going to have to talk to her agent ASAP! She looks like a little diva, like always!! Love everything about this shot and I love her!
As for your baby girl, very soon! I can only imagine how difficult the waiting must be. But I'm praying that you'll hear your TA news any day now. Little Raegan, Sarah and SP will be playing together in no time :o)
I would recognized this cutie pie any where! She is precious and you are so lucky to have her as your model!
Hoping and praying your long awaited call comes in this week! Hang in there!
I know exactly what you mean!! Once you get a photo in hand, that is the hardest part of the wait! I sure hope you will be hearing "TA" this week!!
What a beautiful image of Dita's little sweetheart. She is precious and so is this photo. SO beautiful!!
This was the hardest for me too. The wait after the photo. We had to wait 4 months, due to special needs travel, the trade show and the festival. Prayers you receive your call very soon. Funny, I received mine when shopping in target. I was screaming, jumping up and down and eventually had to sit down in an aisle to take notes. That was a funny sight. Hmmm, maybe a trip to Target may help. Again best wishes.
Deb and Lotus
We had to wait almost 4 months between referral and meeting Kerry last year so I remember it well and MAN it's awful while you're going through it. Trust me, though, the minute she's in your arms and you hear her little voice and smell her little baby scent it all just sort of fades away. I hope and pray you get TA this week.
I am so sorry! waiting for a child that you know exists and you are not with is the very worst kind of waiting. yuk. sending hugs and prayers. and oh my SP couldn't be any cuter waiting could she??
Oh how I know that feeling! Hoping you hear about your TA very soon.
Hang in there, sweetie! And I am counting the days until I see a certain someone in a certain panda outfit. Just saying...
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