We are nearing the end of our time in China, but I thought I would quickly post about some of the fun things we have done here in Guangzhou. Today we went to a Folk Art Museum and then we went to the Jade and Pearl Markets.

While at the Folk Art Museum, I saw these cool art sets that I have seen all over the small shops in Guangzhou. I have been looking for something to take back home for Nick and thought this would be something that he would LOVE.

At the museum they actually made the chop(it is like a stamp)for Nick. His art set has two chops in it. One will read "Nick" and the other has the Chinese Charachters for "Nick" I thought it was something unique and very special for him.

Here is the gentleman carving the first chop!
After we got done visiting the museum and jewelry shopping we decided it was a good day to try to go and visit the famous Red Couch at the White Swan Hotel. We got Reagan all dressed up in one of her new Chinese Dresses and well, we got every expression imaginable from her!!
Typically the Red Couch photos show crying babies, but not Reagan. She was happy to perform for us and anyone that walked by!
Marla and I took turns snapping while the other one watched to make sure she didn't crawl right off the edge of the couch. Below is a compilation of both of our photos:)

I know I said it the other day, but I will say it again. Can you believe this is the same little girl pictured a week and a half ago?
Her personality keeps coming out little by little, and with each side of herself that she shows, I fall deeper in love with this beautiful child.
Tonight just after we got back from dinner, I changed her into her pj's and got her bottle ready. She will typically lay back on me to drink her bottles, but she will not let me hold her like a baby in my arms lying against me looking up into my face. I have tried many times and she usually cries and pulls away. I remember last week saying to Marla that I loved holding my kids that way and many times Sarah would fall asleep lying on my chest after she had drank a bottle and I felt so awkward feeding Reagan in the way that she liked to be fed.
She totally surprised me tonight. She snuggled up with me and let me feed her the entire bottle and when she was done, she stuck those two fingers into her mouth and sucked away closing her eyes and fell asleep on my chest clutching my arm with her free hand. It totally melted my heart.
I am so very anxious to get home to my family so they can meet her. I am positive Marla and I will not be the only ones completely smitten by this little girl.
One more day left in China and I am already starting to feel funny about saying goodbye to my daughter's country. It will most definitely be a bittersweet departure.....and I get choked up everytime I think about it.
If you are playing along for Black and White Wednesday and need to link, go to my previous post titled "Medical Exam in Guangzhou" Sorry for the confusion. It has been hard to keep up while away.
The most beautiful red couch photos ever! Looks like you have THREE incredibly photogenic children! :)
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
Cute photos, I can see why you could not choose! Such an amazing transformation and such a beautiful girl!
She is so precious. She looks so beautiful in her dress sitting on the red couch. Love the smiles you're getting from her now. Can't wait to see her with Sarah and Nick.
Enjoy the last days in China!
oops that was me, logged in as my husband :) Cora
She is so gorgeous and love seeing her different expressions!! So beautiful and your photography never ceases to amaze me!! I can imagine how hard it will be to leave but I am sure you are more than anxious to get back to your family!
She is absolutely beautiful!
STUNNING red couch photos!!! What a beautiful girl!!
Will be thinking of you as you get ready to leave your daughter's birth country...so many emotions, I know...continue to soak every last second of it in!
Can't wait to see your NEW family photo upon your arrival HOME!!
Thinking of you!
She is so adorable and precious!!! I want to adopt so bad.......I see that you live in Pa-that is where I live-is there any adoption agency that you recommend?
Thank you so much-I am now a new follower:)
absolutely stunning red coach photos. She is just beautiful!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your breakthrough with the bottle feeding!!!!!! The changes happen slowly, but each and every step towards trust is just as beautiful as the last one.
Oh my gosh, she couldn't possibly be cuter!!!!! And what personality, it comes through shining so clear. Lisa, Sarah and Nick will adore their little sister!
Beautiful pics as always, I know you can't wait to be home. Safe travels, saying goodbye to China is very hard.
Big hugs to you! :)
I meant red couch!!!!!
Well...I'M completely smitten with her and have never even met her!!! She is precious and I am so glad to see her little personality emerging:) I remember with Lottie over the first 6 months we saw something new in her each week...what special memories!!!!
those pics of Miss Reagan are just precious. Look at that sweet smiley face. Nick is going to love his chop. We had the girls done in China too and they are such a work of art. Hope you and Marla have a safe and wonderful trip home and I can't wait to see more pics.
so i am now all caught up on your amazing journey you've had with your newest little one. such a touching & precious story, it is truly amazing the transformation she has gone through, so many smiles now! you must be so happy & proud... and Miss Reagan so comfortable, loved & full of smiles! what a life journey & gift you are giving her & she to you!
So amazing to see the transformation so far! She's just beautiful!!!!
I've at least learned to NOT read your blog after applying mascara... This post didn't make me regret that lesson - I have tears streaming down my cheeks. I love seeing her personality in her facial expressions and I love hearing about your bonding experience with her... it's so magical and so sweet and I love it. So, so happy to read about this beautiful journey. Thank you for sharing and allowing us to be a part of it.
So sweet and look at all those adorable expressions you captured! So nice to hear how well it is going! I'm sure everyone at home is so anxious to meet her and see you two! Speedy travels!
Oh goodness, she looks just gorgeous in RED!!!! She is just too adorable for words!!!
Oh! I love it. I love her little spunky personality and her smile. I can't believe she is the same baby! Just like you said! She is so happy and different now. I just LOVE it! LOVE IT SO MUCH! I can't wait for the family to meet her! SO EXCITED!
Nick is going to love his present. What did you get Sarah. Are you so filled with anticipation for everyone to meet her? They are going to fall in LOVE!
Oh my goodness, I have so enjoyed following along & it is so amazing to see how she has changed from a week ago. Her eyes have that loving glow & she really has started to blossom, so amazing what Love can do!!!
Congratulations, she is absolutely darling & praying for a safe travel home!
It has been a few days since dropping by... oh yeah, her personality has really come out... hugs...
I've never commented before, but I just had to say how beautiful your little girl is. She melts my heart and I don't even know her! I can feel your joy!
amazing photos! oh, I cant wait to see the photos of your Sarah & Reagan together, they are such reminders that life with love is so wonderful!
Lisa, these are seriously the most beautiful red couch photos I have ever viewed. And I know I said it before, but I just have to say it again...I just love all of her facial expressions. I'm so very happy for you.
I'm just a goosebumped, sniffling mess here. How beautiful to see Reagan immerge and fall madly in love with her mama. Sheesh...there are no words. So overjoyed for you Lisa!!!!
Yes, I remember the feelings leaving China. I was almost overwhelmed with the knoledge that I was taking this child away from her birth country - forever. so emotional.
Enjoy your last day - you certainly are taking it all in. I'm so glad.
Beautiful red couch photos!!! Love the black dress and the precious baby in it. :) I know how hard it is to leave China and how sweet it is to get home. Bless you as you leave and travel!!!
These pics are adorable!! So glad it's going so well. She is the cutest thing!
Isnt she gorgeous in her chinese dress?? And its obvious that she knows you are her mummy - what a fantastic job you have done in such a short time! Have you family been reading your blog while you have been away? I cant wait to see the excitment on everyones face when they meet...It will be a very very special moment for all of you! Take care of each other. Deborah from Scotland
Isnt she gorgeous in her chinese dress?? And its obvious that she knows you are her mummy - what a fantastic job you have done in such a short time! Have you family been reading your blog while you have been away? I cant wait to see the excitment on everyones face when they meet...It will be a very very special moment for all of you! Take care of each other. Deborah from Scotland
Oh man Lisa, how absolutely adorable she is!!!! Those have to be the BEST red sofa pictures I've EVER seen!!!! Looks like she is chock full o' personality!!!
I can't believe it is time to come home... The photos are GREAT! She reminds me so much of Ruby on our Red Couch day... She is such a tiny beauty Lisa!!!! We are all smitten with her already!!!!
I know you have had an amazing journey to Reagan.. Now it is time for a new journey to begin!
Blessings for a safe and "un-eventful" trip home!
It has been a privilege to follow along! Thank you for posting and of course for your amazing pictures!
Marla - I hope we meet one day!
And now I am choked up...
just beautiful to see your daughter falling in love with you.
Oh Lisa!! She is just the sweetest thing!! These might be the best red couch photos I've ever seen. What a cutie!!!!
We're like kids waiting for Christmas here! Another new baby on the block for everybody to love!
Have a safe trip back and can't wait to see you both....
Catherine & Frank
What a little beauty she is!!! I just want to give her a big squeeze! Oh my something about her reminds me so much of my Faithie girl, especially those eye brows! Faith is very expressive with hers still to this day!
It has been such a privilege Lisa following your journey. Safe travels home for the three of you! Can't wait to see Reagan meet the rest of her family!:)
Those photos are so cute and I love reading about your experiences - thanks so much for sharing!
Lisa, these ARE the most beautiful red couch photos ever. I know other people said it too, but I wanted to say it myself.
Thanks so much, again, for sharing this journey with us, you and Marla both. Your Christmas card pics this year will be totally amazing!
I know it will be hard to leave, but any time I find a place hard to leave, I vow to return, and that makes it easier- imagine returning with Reagan when she's 18, or 21?
So lovely to see her (and read about it too) relaxed with you- she has come such a long way in 10 days, and I know it hasn't been an easy journey for either of you. You really have done a great job, and I just know you're going to love her to bits for all her days. She now knows that too.
Nick's present looks fab. Bet you can't wait to get home and give it to him.
One last thing... I re-read your story re cancer last night (had kind of forgotten it in all this excitement) and really, nobody deserves this happiness more than you do. Take a bow, you're one brilliant lady!
Simply adorable! I love, love, love these red couch pictures! I can't wait to see the rest of the family with her! You are one blessed mama!
Hope you have a safe trip back!
Truly the best red couch photos ever. I've read it on others blogs for years but it still amazes me to see just from photos how much they transform during that time in China.
The falling asleep in your arms story... oh my. Tears again.
I LOVE that last picture. She looks like a little old man hanging out watching TV, totally relaxed.
The pictures are gorgeous! What an expressive sweet girl! I LOVE her dress. It is so striking. She is simply precious.
I cannot believe you only have one more day. Have a safe journey back home!!!
I just burst into tears looking at these photos in conjunction with your post. What a very special end to a very special trip...a journey of a lifetime, indeed.
As you depart China, kiss the air as you board that airplane and thank China for the gift of your beautiful daughter....once China's daughter...forever Lisa's daughter.
And, tell China that you will bring your precious American girl back one day to thank China herself for the gift of life, of opportunity and of love.
I can't wait for you girls to get off that plane in NYC on Friday. I will be right there snapping away....through the tears.
Safe travels my girls!
She is just too cute Lisa! I'm glad to hear things are improving and I'll be praying for a safe trip home for all of you!
I'm dying!!! I can't wait to get to China to see my sweet Libbie on the red sofa.... I'm DYING... right now as I type, I'm Dying... I think I posted on Marlas blog that I'm totally and completely living vicariously throgh y'all right now. Keep the posts coming. it looks like yall are having a ball and the time of your life. were actually adopting from the same agency as the Yagers (April). I just love reading all about yalls experiences. BEAUTIFUL silk outfit and do expect a copy cat photo shoot with our sweet Libbie! You gals are two AMAZING women. I am so inspired and encouraged by both of you! Many blessings. Hoots mom.
Those have to be the cutest little toes!
Have loved being on this long awaited journey with you, Lisa! Reagan is simply beautiful and I love that you are slowly peeling back her layers to find the little girl your heart has been preparing for all these years! Can't wait to see pictures of all three of your babies together at HOME!
What a joy to see how relaxed she is becoming with you, she is quite the comic with all those expressions. I especially love the shot where she is looking down and her right foot is pointing up and over, too funny!
Its really beautiful to read how you are falling more and more in love and she is letting you in more and more, its such a wonderful and humbling experience.
I'm so glad you've enjoyed your time in China and I'm sure your family are just dying for you to come home so they can get their hands on Reagan . . . oh and see you again too ;)
Thanks so much for sharing this trip its been lovely to follow.
What a beautiful transformation! These photos, and her expressions are priceless!! Reading about Reagan snuggling with you after her bottle just made me melt.
Gin =)
What a special gift for Nick. The couch photos are incredible. Have a safe trip back to the States.
Reagan sure looks like a different child...no doubt. The funny little faces on the red couch...oh my word...I could just eat her up! It is truly bittersweet to leave the country where our blessings were born. I leave a piece of my heart each and every time. The way in which you and Marla have captured the beauty on your journey...wow...it's enough to make anyone long to do it all again.
WOW! These could be the cutest red couch photos ever! Cannot wait to see you in Hong Kong tomorrow!
Love & Blessings,
Yes, the most beautiful red couch photos I have ever seen!!
You all are doing amazingly well! It is sad to leave but your home will be a welcome sight!
Alyzabeth's Mommmy
Dear Lisa and Marla and Reagan,
Not sure I commented before, but I have been a huge fan and faithful follower of this blog, and today I have not only been crying while reading (as with all your posts fro China), but I was laughing as well when I saw the pictures on the couch. Reagan reminds me of my own (biological, Kaukasian) daughter; no way she would have remained still for a picture, but the faces she makes are so worth the effort too. Reagan's personality makes all the changes and smiles and snuggles so much more rewarding: you have earned every single one of them. As for being smitten with your girl: believe me, all your readers already are!
I wish you all the best for your new adventures together and am hoping you will continue the blog for quite a while yet. Please get Marla to come over often so you get to be in the beautiful pictures with the rest of the family!
Warm greetings from far away Belgium, Jade
Thank you for sharing all this with the world. As a waiting parent, with an LID of 7/6/06, I am scouring the web for anything that connects me to China. Your blog, photos, and stories have touched me beyond words. I come here every day hoping for a treat. Your photography is delicious and having been able to watch the transition you have made with your daughter has been very helpful for me as I prepare for my next child. I have two biological children so you can imagine how much I appreciate the differences you are seeing in Reagan versus children you've raised from birth. The bottle story is such a small one but really so huge. I get why she wanted to drink that way and I get why you were feeling a loss for it. I just can't thank you enough for allowing us to follow you through your journey. I am hopeful I will be in China in the spring or early summer. Fingers crossed. As you know, it has been a long and painful wait but I can feel that glimmer of light and joy at the end of the tunnel.
with love,
LID 7/6/06
I am so happy for you Lisa! I have to go through and read all about your journey! She is just a doll!!! Gorgeous photos by the way, brings back many memories of being in China! You have waited so long for your little miracle, can't wait to see your family reunited for the first time! Congratulations!
What a beautiful baby. Her personality just shines through in these photos. She was so worth the wait. She is a lucky little girl. May you all be blessed!
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