I was hoping to have an update done sooner, but day number two has been a little rough on all of us.
Let’s start with the recap of today and then I will give you some more details about our precious girl.
Reagan slept really well her first night with us. We put her to bed around 10pm and she slept straight through until 6am this morning.
She woke up a little cranky and we hurried to get her to breakfast thinking she was extra hungry. She managed to eat a little congee, but nothing else. She has not been taking her bottles all that well. We have tried the formula that they use here as well as adding rice cereal and cutting the nipples so they flow faster, but nothing seems to make her suck them down.

Shortly after breakfast we went the Civil Affairs Office to complete the paperwork process. After I answered a few questions from the government officials, provided a thumb print, a footprint from Reagan, a photo of the two of us, and signed many documents…. She is OFFICIALLY OURS in the eyes of the Chinese Government. It was such a good feeling to hear those words!

Yesterday, I was in a state of shock when she was handed to me. I did get misty, but never let out the good hard cry that was bottled up. Today it came out…… there are so many feelings tied to this process. I am feeling so happy that we finally have our beautiful daughter, but at the same time I am so very sad for her loss. Today was pretty tough all the way around. There was not much I could do to comfort her. Nothing was familiar to her and she cried most of the day. The only things that console her are sucking on her two fingers and constant motion. She loves to be held and walked around and she seems to really like the Ergo….thank goodness.
I know that it is going to take some time to get adjusted. We are only on day two and as each day passes I will become more familiar to her and things should get easier. Along with all the change our girl is cutting some major teeth……which doesn’t help. She has two teeth on top and two on the bottom, but it looks like a few more are ready to break through. She was actually running a slight fever this afternoon so I gave her some Motrin and it seemed to help her a little bit.
After the motrin was on board, we decided to give her the first bath……. We didn’t want to shock her yesterday and actually it seemed as though the nannies gave her a bath before they brought her to me because her hair smelled freshly washed.

Marla got some great pictures of her first bath in the little baby tub and then a few on the bed wrapped in her towel. She discovered cheerios today and seems to love them!!! She sat there in her towel eating them as she dried off. I was so happy to see her eat something and we almost got a smile in the process. At dinner tonight she did also try spaghetti and seemed to love that too.

I am anxious to see how much she weighs. I have brought all 6-12 month clothes and some fit and some are a little too big depending on the cut. Those referral photos are so deceiving. She looked so much bigger in the photos than she does in person. Especially her feet……. They are teeny tiny!!

Reagan is sleeping right now and Marla and I will not be far behind her…… the jetlag has hit us pretty hard today, We are hoping that tomorrow we will all be feeling better and well rested.
We are meeting our guide in the lobby at 8am and we are heading to Chenzhou by High Speed Bullet Train. We are going to the orphanage to visit the children and to go see Reagan’s finding location. We were told it is not far from the orphanage and that the Orphanage Director will take us there to see it and then we will most likely take him out for a meal before we head back to Changsha.
I am not sure when I will post next so I am doing my link for black and white wednesday today. I will do my best to get something up very soon.
Time to go to bed and get that much needed rest!
Love to you all and thanks for the encouraging words.
PS. Hoping my camera will see the light of day tomorrow. Believe it or not, I have not taken one photo yet in China. Looking forward to getting a few scenic shots along the train ride and of course some photos of Reagan and her friends in Chenzhou!!
her images
her sweet little fingers & toes
your words
this song
i'm just crying tears of joy for you my friend, tears of joy!
Oh she is so precious. Praying for all of you and this very special time together.
Oh congratulations to you all...somehow I missed it all yesterday ( Manic Monday and all!) but I have thought of your journey and sent wishes and prayers for an easy transition for sweet Reagan.
You are right...everything will easier in bits and pieces....for all of you!!
Beautiful moments captured!! Sweet dreams!!
Oh my -- she is so sweet! Those first few days are hard. Figuring out the eating is hard and teething on top. So many changes in her little life. Take care and get some rest when you can.
Oh, as a post note, the emotions you shared about feeling both incredibly graced and blessed, while at the same time grieving for their sadness and losses....knowing its such a confusing time for them.....Oh, its everything I felt too.......and it can be difficult to reconcile: both the immense joy and the heart ache.
please know you are not alone in that......
Little angel baby, that is exactly what she is!!! These pics are so sweet and you will treasure these for an eternity. Day two was particularly tough for Paige, too. So many changes that you are all going through. I think all you can do is hold her close and love her through it. She is sooo beautiful and I hope will show us a smile in the next few days. Those fingers are sooo cute!!! Get some sleep and know you are covered in prayer here in the U.S. Have fun at the orphanage. Hug all the babes and children for me!
What a sweet little peanut! I love that she sucks on those two fingers ... what an angel!
You are right on track girl friend with all of those emotions! Reading your post I could totally relate .... feeling totally blessed and so excited, while at the same time grieving for their sadness and losses! This is a journey for sure and you are now in the next phase of your journey together!!
I'm glad to hear that she like the Ergo ... Tyler loves his ... we still us it!
Looking forward to hearing about your trip to visit Reagan's little friends. I know it will be full of emotions for everyone!! I am thinking of you! Enjoy every moment and embrace all the emotions as you continue your journey with your daughter!
xoxo - Robin
Congratulations, she is so beautiful!
And I agree with the rest of the gang..those two little fingers and just precious...I can't imagine what comfort that is to her.
Take your time on posts and remember to only worry about you and your family...they always come first. Hope today is a better day for you all and you sleep with little lambs in your dreams!! Sweet Dreams
Darling, darling, darling! I hope that you, Marla and Miss Reagan can get some great zzz's! Thinking of you and praying your journey in China goes smoothly. Love and many hugs sweetie~ Les
Lisa, She's absolutely precious! I'm just going to keep saying that I know...love all the images.
Day 2 is hard, I think the first one you're operating on mostly adrenaline. Tomorrow is a new day.
All the emotions, it's incredibly bittersweet.
You are in my prayers...and hoping you can get some pictures tomorrow. Give those children at her orphanage huge hugs!
And sleep well. :)
She is beautiful Lisa......even more beautiful than the first photos you posted from the orphanage. I just cried reading your post, it's so precious, what a blessing. I can't help but think about how blessed this little girl is and the life of love and provision she will now know because of you. The opportunities that will now be open to her.....how now she can be anything her heart desires. I just pray rest, comfort and blessings for all of you. Have a great time, and soak it all in! ((((hugs)))) to you all......tell Marla I said hi! <3
Gorgeous pictures of your girl, I love that she finds some comfort in those 2 fingers. I hope you get some rest and that each day is a little easier. The emotions of the journey must be overwhelming. Take Care, I so hope you get to meet Reagan's orphanage friends tomorrow especially one in particular :).
She's absolutely beatiful! Give her some time and she'll begin to blossom right before your eyes.
Enjoy the trip to Chenzhou. We went last year (but not by train), and the orphanage staff are wonderful. They truly care about their children.
Can't wait to read more!
What a sweet, sweet, precious child she is!! Seeing her face, reading your post & this song in the background is making me all weepy...the happy kind!
Hang in there, Lisa, baby steps, deep breaths, lots of hugs and time...you will ALL get there...oh yeah, and cheerios can't hurt! ;)
Thanks for the updates!! LOVE following you!!
Thanks for the updates...she is soooo beautiful! I know this journey is challenging but wow - what a memory!
I love hearing all about whats going on over there. I think of you often throughout my day and wonder how you, Marla and sweet baby Reagan are doing. Hope everything gets easier as more time passes. Wishing you safe travels and the best of luck at the orphanage visit.
Oh Lisa she is such a beauty!! I love that she sucks her little fingers-nothing cuter to me. I hope you are all fast asleep as I type this. That jet lag really catches up with you:( after some sleep I am hoping you all feel better. You will figure out her eating I'm sure. She just needs to get adjusted. I am sure all of your love is making up for her confusion. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers! Take care!
Hugs -
Ps can Marla stay for a few extra days and be our photographer:)
Oh.. Lisa. She is SOOOO beautiful!
LIsa..I have followed every moment so far. Reagan is so perfectly perfect :)..there is nothing sweeter that those two fingers in her mouth...Praying for you during this big transistion in both of your lives....enjoy every moment of this wonderful journey...xoxo
I am so happy all is going well. Shes georgous. those eyes are so expressive
She reminds me a bit of my Emilee. Emilee also didnt eat well at first and ran a bit of a fever. I think she was scared. she became very consitpated and had to be relieved by the doctor. i guess that is how she delt with her stress. infact thats how she still does. Its a lot for a little kid but in your arms she will be safe and loved and thats all she needs.
her fingers made me laugh. Emilee used to suck her two middle ones until she was 3. I was told they put them in their mouths in the orphanage to sooth them.
Emilee was 9 months when got her and all the 6-9 i brought her were so big on her. i though she would be a tiny girl. But my " clifford" proved me wrong. at 5 she is 40 inches with a size 1-2 shooe.
Thanks for keeping us posted on your joyous adventure. i wish you the best of luck
She is absolutely precious Lisa! All the love that you are giving Reagan will allow her true personality to slowly come out. Enjoy the orphanage visit tomorrow. I know you were really looking forward to it. Give all those children big hugs and kisses.
p.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Also, enjoy having your personal photographer while you take care of that sweet bundle of joy! ;-) Marla's pictures are amazing!
Hoping you have a wonderful and safe trip to Chenzhou.
When you write about how the day was tough, I can feel those emotions right now. I had a few cries myself in China. Exhaustion, confusion, fear, sickness - it was so hard sometimes. Each day will get easier. Just take baby steps.
She is so beautiful!
Congrats on Reagan's adoption today and thanks for the update. The pics are so beautiful, Marla is doing awesome on them. I know how hard it is to blog while in China so thanks for doing that. I wish you good luck today on the trip to Reagan's SWI. I just love how she sucks on her fingers and she could not be any cuter! What a doll she is. Can;t wait to see your pics from the SWI.
P.S. I know what you mean about the tears. I also had a few of those days in China.
What a precious little one. I love every single image of her! My third daughter used to suck her two fingers too~ so sweet. I think some of what you are seeing with Reagan is grieving~ just as you are for all the changes she is going through. There is just no other way to help her other than holding her, feeding her, touching her, and looking into her face constantly... prayers are big for you all tonight as you sleep. Hoping your big trip tomorrow goes well. It will be very hard because you all are so tired and just plain emotional. You are doing amazing!!! and we are all so thankful to be following along!!!
The pictures are just precious and oh so beautiful your girl is! You're doing an amazing job giving her everything she needs right now...love, comfort in your arms and your constant reassurance. Those first few days are rough with all the change but she will be a different baby girl by the end of your trip. Many prayers for all of you!
Oh My Word!! I could just eat her with a spoon!! Those fingers are just the cutest!! Enjoy your day, each one will get better and better. The jetlag is hard. Hang in there!
Have a great day!
Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous and so blessed to have you as her mommy! Keeping you in our prayers!
What a darling your Reagan is. I know she's suffering right now (as you are a bit too) and that is so on track. Things will be so much easier in a few days.
I'm praying your trip to her orphanage goes smoothly and that you fulfill another of your dreams on this amazing journey.
These images are so beautiful - they almost take my breath away and I can't peel my eyes off of your sweet girl. (I'm just crazy about her little nose - it's sculpted.)
Take care dear one! All will be normal very soon.
What a DOLL!
She is just precious!!! Marla is doing an amazing job with the pictures, of course!
Thanks for allowing is to follow along on this amazing journey!
I can't wait to read about your experience at the orphanage and at Reagan's finding place. I would imagine that it's going to be a very emotional leg of your journey.
May you continue to have the experience of a lifetime!
Oh - she is just precious! Congratulations.
Can't wait to see her in person
YAY!! What a beautiful little peanut she is... congratulations on being her mama, officially!!
And it does get so much better, one day at a time...
My eyes are filled with tears. And as I read this post, my heart just keeps whispering over and over...I know, I know.
God Bless you and your beautiful daughter. You have waited so long.
Reagan looks gorgeous! I cant wait to hear what she weighs too.. My adopted daughter, Gracie, is just a few days younger and she got weighed today (20lb). Was told that was average? I know what you mean about feeling your daughters loss...i felt excatly the same..adoption is bitter sweet isnt it? Debbie from Scotland
Oh that sweet sweet little girl. She is so precious in these photos. I hope her little heart starts to mend soon. I know how horribly painful and sad it can be to watch them so upset and scared. Hang in there!
She is such a beauty Lisa! Congrats! I remember Changsha so well.... It has been just about 8 mos. for us. You will have that emotional rollcoaster ride going on for awhile. Enjoy it and know that you have everyone praying for you here.
I love the comfort of the 2 fingers.... Precious!
Just a thought.. if you can find out what kind of shampoo/baby bath they use in the orphanage and get some to use and take home with you, the smell wll be familiar to her. I would hope that this would give her a sense of continuation, security.
Lisa she is so beautiful, a real gift. I'm totally in love with her, and jealous now, except that I know you waited so long for this.
These days are hard for you and Reagan, but they will get better.
I'm so sorry, forgot to say
Will be thinking of you tomorrow. I know it will be a hard day, but hope it's not too terrible. Just remember, now she has her very own family, who love her more than words can ever tell.
She is so beautiful!! Just love looking at her pictures!! Hope you girls are getting a good night sleep tonight and tomorrow is a better day.
Ava would not take her bottles for 3 days!!! I was so scared she was not getting enough fluids. I finally went to the local store and bought a cheap bottle and she sucked it down and never had a problem after that.
I hope she will take a bottle soon for you.
We leave in 2 days!!!!! But watching this Typhoon very carefully. I pray our flight is not canceled and we can land safely in Hong kong on Saturday!! See you next week!!!
Dear Lisa,
I've been crying every time I read your posts since your departure to China. All your friends and other blog fans have said it all, from the congratulations over the "adorable/cute/beautiful baby girl" to the lots of courage & you're doing great (and Marla too - must be a relief to have her there and yeah for her pictures). But I needed to tell you about my tears as well, for what it is worth.
Loads of warm regards and looking so much forward to all future posts about your beautiful family of three children ! (I so hope you will continue your blog if you find the time for it.)
Jade, a blog fan/visitor from Belgium
Nice to meet you! Here from Ni Hao Y'all...your baby girl is just darling! Sounds like you're handling it all just fine, but I wanted to encourage you. Our little Caroline was a spitfire on Day 2 and gave us a run for our money. But that second night and every day after that got better and better! I LOVE your photos!! I'll be following along!
Congratulations on your new baby. She is so incredibly beautiful! You must be thrilled now
So lovely to see your post, I've been thinking of you. Photos are fantastic, Reagan is soooo sweet and even though its all so overwhelming for her I think the photos show just the very beginnings of her real personality coming through. I know with our daughter it did take a long time for her to really, really relax with us, it was a little bit more every day. She was also the same about wanting to be in constant motion, I remember my arms feeling like jelly! We also tried everything with the formula and in the end I resorted to juice with water because she liked the novelty of that and I just wanted to get fluids into her. She would take a night time bottle with all the lights dimmed but during the day we would often do the juice. She was slow to eat and fruit puffs and noodles were two big hits with her, she would suck the noodles up like a pro!
So happy to hear your doing okay, tired but okay, it is exhausting and extremely emotional but I think once the SWI visit is behind you, you'll find that the days get a rhythm and you won't be so tired and will have a chance to really soak in this Babymoon!
p.s V. impressed that she was so calm about the bath!
I just remembered something about the bottle, we had brought some with us and bought some there too and one of the ones we bought locally had the straw think in it and some people found that their babies seemed used to that type and liked the clinking noise it made.
Also if you can ask to go to the Apollo Friendship Store they have the most beautiful children's shoe department, they aren't mega cheap like the will be in GZ but the quality is completely different, good leather and just so many beautiful designs. I think it was the third or fourth floor, go to the far right hand corner (moving away from the escalator) you'll go past some baby depts which do have some shoes but keep going and you'll see the actual childrens shoe area.
Wow! I was busy this weekend with LiLi's birthday and I come back to this beautiful baby!!!! I can't get over how sweet she is and how clam. I have been looking at your pictures all day and I am in love with her.
Congrats!!! After a very long wait, you deserve nothing but the best!!!
She is just beautiful! I am so happy for you!
Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!! Reagan is darling. Kate would not take her bottle the first few days either. We think ti was a trust issue. He got liquids in with a medicine dropper and then snuck the bottle in. It took few days but she finally trusted him enough.... Hang in there, sweetie.
Reagan is adorable. I can't believe you are actually there.
Hang in there.
Our daughter wouldn't take to her bottle until we got the temp right. AMAZINGLY hot. Way hotter than what we did in the states, and more than I was really comfortable with, but it was the only way she'd take it. Just a thought...
Amazing pictures of your new baby girl--she's gorgeous. Our little one is a 2-finger sucker too. It'll get easier--hang in there.
Congratulations on Adoption Day!!! Reagan looks absolutely precious sucking on her two fingers. That is TOO CUTE!!! What adorable shots of her after bath time. And on a side note, I am loving your shirt! Bring on the pink!!!
Congratulations to all of you! She is just adorable.
Happy Birthday Lisa!
I understand how physical and emotional exhaustion can just make everything so much more challenging. I think it's God's way of helping us understand a tiny bit of what our little ones are going through. I will never forget the first time I told my doctor that I was adopting, she said, "Never let anyone tell you - you didn't go through labor!" boy was she right. Two weeks and a 14 hour plane ride;)
Lots of prayers for Miss Reagan and you.
Oh my word, she is just too adorable! I'm so happy for you. I hope you can all get some rest. Take care and safe travels!
Lisa -- Congratulations to you. She's absolutely precious ... down to the tip of her teeny-tiny toes :). Praying that the rest of your journey goes well and that she adjusts and bonds with you more each day. Hang in there and enjoy the ride!! I'm so very happy that your day is here :).
I am so happy for you! A new journey now starts...
Reagan is such a cutie, especially with those two fingers stuck in her mouth. So sweet.
How wonderful! Congratulations. She is just beautiful!
She is absolutely beautiful and precious. I just wanted to let you know that several of our daughters would not eat much the first few days due to shock. They eventually did start to eat--about the 3rd or 4th day.
Congrats! She's so adorable!! My oldest is from Hunan. She was adopted at 8 months old and also sucked her two fingers on her left hand. In fact, she just turned 8 years old last week and I caught her sucking her fingers this morning while she slept!
Happy Birthday, Lisa! I have your birthday post all ready for tomorrow!
Hoping and praying every day gets a little bit easier for your sweet girl. She looks like such a trooper, and I love the black and white picture of her!
Thanks again for the e-mail today. It was sooooo great to hear from you! I miss our daily chats!
She looks so teeny tiny! And so beautiful. I am so sorry for her tragic loss, but so thankful that you get to be her mommy! I know your family will love her so very much. I mean, it has been so long and so many years that you have waited.
I cry every time I think of you. So happy and so very, very thankful for this miracle.
Sleep well Lisa! XO
What an incredible blessing to finally have her in your arms. The photos are absolutely beautiful! It's such an honor to share this special time with you on the blog.
Congratulations, safe travels, and welcome home little R
Somehow, I get the feeling this will be one of your best birthdays EVER!! ;)
She is lovely! Congratulations!
No doubt this is the most beautiful baby in China! My heart breaks for both of you reading your word. You girls called it yesterday thinking that perhaps it would come and apparently, it did.
One day at a time...no preconceived notions, follow her lead and do what you do best...love her, hold her and wrap yourselves around the fact from this day forward you are mother and daughter in good times and bad...and every single day in between.
I am hugging all 3 of you from across the world tonight and I am hoping that your day at the ophanage is all that you had hoped it would be. I know it will be emotional as well but I also know all the joy you will be bringing the children and their American families who await them.
I also want to wish you a very happy birthday. I don't think you ever believed you'd be spending your birhday in China but now, I can't imagine you having another birthday where you don't remember this very special trip
She is so beautiful! Congratulations! You finally have your other girl!!!!!
She is a complete doll!! Congratulations. Praying for her little heart..and yours as you get to know eachother and adjust to the changes.
Dear Lisa congratulations on finally getting Reagan. I have just started a photography blog and not sure if I will be able to submit an entry this week.
If you were ever interested in reading about another mom's journey in adopting 3 children from China you could visit my blogging friend Noelle's blog. She called her special days "Gotcha Days" and the family celebrate the anniversarys each year.
She is so beautiful! Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your story and beautiful photos with us.
Erika B
Congratulations! I´m so happy for toy, she is lovely!
Congratulations. She is beautiful. I cant wait to read more on your journey :)
I am so pleased for you, what a wonderful post to read and it is so fantastic you have your baby, congratulations!
What a sweet girl. Congratulations!
OMGoodness! What a doll...and blessing. So very happy for all of you!
she is simply adorable, so happy for you all.
Congrats!!! She's absolutely beautiful! A side note on the bottles...my girl would NOT drink unless HOT! Warm was a no go. She was used to hot and that's the only way she drank it. It was scarry to give her a hot (not scalding of course but more hot that I would want) bottle. Worth a try. :) Stephe
She is precious! How exciting for her to officially be part of your family!
She is adorable! What an exciting time for your family, and what beautfil photos!
She's a keeper! Congratulations!
Your pictures and Daughter are absolutely beautiful!
oh my you have got me sobbing here, such a moving & sweet sweet story! so happy to hear that you all arrived safely & that sweet precious girl is now in your arms, such an inspiration you truly are, thank you so much for sharing your amazing story!
She is just adorable, I'm so happy for you! I'm sure things will become more comfortable :D
beautiful and praise God!!!
Congrats, Lisa! Reagan is beautiful beyond words. I am now officially one of your followers, will be following you on the cyber place to witness a love miracle! I can imagine how this little Sprout grow, bud & blossom under your care. xoxo
*squeeeal* I'm just so excited for your family! I get EXTRA excited when I see an updated post!!! What a dollbaby!
HAPPY Birthday!!!! I pray your trip to Reagan's SWI gave you the answers that you needed. I know you blessed those you met! I am faithfully following from AZ this week, and praying you through every step.. I know this was a huge day in your journey! And, a priceless gift one day for Reagan!
Marla, the pics continue to be amazing. That B&W is simply stunning! Oh, how I wish I could join Bridget in a two weeks to take her pictuers!!!!
Praying you are all getting some much needed sleep!
What a beautiful little girl you have.
Absolutely gorgeous! Sending up prayers for your family for safe travel, but nothing compares to the feeling of having her instead of dreaming about her!
Congratulations! She is so, so beautiful.
She is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!! Congratulations to you and your family on your new addition :D I sure she will be a blessing to you, as you will be to her.
Much love and prayers.
Caroline (Frogmum)
Your little Reagan is as cute as she can be! Hang in there, every day gets better. I panicked in the middle of the night the first night - and woke my hubby with all kinds of craziness. It is such an emotional time on so many levels.
You have so many friends praying for you,and most likely a few angels guarding you in China too.
I hope you have chocolate to go with your Starbucks, it can't hurt right?
xo ellie
How wonderful, and congratulation!
Thanks for shearing ;))
Congratulations. She is absolutely beautiful! My five year old STILL sucks those same two fingers. It's so precious to see your little one doing it though.
Congratulations! She is beautiful and I love those two little fingers in her mouth. Enjoy your trip. BTW you certainly don't look like you've traveled to China! Having been there I can't believe how put together you are. Amazing pictures, she belongs in your arms.
So excited for you all. I can not believe that it has finally happened.
Hugs and Love to you all.
How wonderful! And she's already such a charming model! Best wishes, truly!
I'm a pretty new follower, and don't really know your whole story, but this post brought tears of joy to my eyes. So happy for you.
It looks like I'm a little late to the party, but I just couldn't pass up jumping on the bandwagon and sharing your excitement and special moment. I want to make sure that my congratulations to you and your family are right here with all the others.
I will be thinking of you often and wishing you all a speedy transition to a normal and happy family life.
Sending lots of LOVE your way! Take care.
I'm going to ask a personal question....has she pooped yet?
She may be potty trained, and the crying could be because she is waiting for your to hold her over the toiletand whistle/cluck...try it, I know many parents who were shocked their kids were trained at very early ages over there.
My daughter had the same finger soothing technique - and still does today!
She is just gorgeous and believe it or not you will be in a routine by the time you leave China and she will have to re-adjust all over again.
I hope the orphanage visit goes ok, that it doesn't confuse her or cause distress to any of you. I never made it there and would love to see photos through your and Marla's eyes.
You will blink and all of this will be behind you and you will be home where you all belong.
Much Love,
Praising Him and praying for you all from Hong Kong,
I am just so amazed at all the this and think how wonderful this is that you can share her story. I had to read everything twice just so I wouldn't miss any details. Awesome!
Safe travels.
I am over whelmed for you and your family. Congratulations!!!!!! She is amazing!!!!!!!
Very beautiful!! Such a wonderful blessing!
I miss this week's black and white theme. have you stopped taking it or are you on vacation. I read about in your last blog but found nothing about it. Too bad! But I have put out on my side anyway. 'll See if something comes up posts from you. Have a good one after all
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