We are just days away from reaching the end of "The Long Road"...{insert high pitched squeal here}
Today, Pat and I are heading to New Jersey to pick up Marla at the airport. After that we are going to meet up with Dita and her Darlings for an early dinner. A perfect bon voyage party!!!
Once we say our goodbyes to Dita and the gang, Pat is going to drive Marla and I to a hotel just outside of the JFK airport. We will spend the night there and then take a shuttle to the airport first thing Sat morning. The plan is to try to stay up as late as we can in hopes that we will then be able to sleep on the long 16 hour flight to China. We'll see how that goes. I am thinking a few cocktails might need to assist us in getting relaxed enough to nod off.
There is nothing left to do.....the bags are packed, the boarding passes are printed, and I am SO READY to meet our sweet baby girl!!
I am filled with so much emotion right now.......
We have been dreaming about this day for over 5 years and I have played it out in my mind a million times. Now it is REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN.......
I am going to be handed a beautiful little girl....... I am going to be handed my DAUGHTER!!
It will be one of the happiest days of my life!!!
Next post will be from China and hopefully you will see Miss Reagan and I meeting for the first time.
If anyone is inclined to pray, please do so. We will take any and all prayers for a safe trip and smooth transition.
Thank you for following along...... I can't wait to share our China experience with all of you.
~God Bless~
Lots of prayers for you! Can't wait to read all about it & see PICTURES!!! Safe travels for you guys - what a wonderful time of your life!
I'm so happy for you and for Reagan! I'll be praying for smooth and safe travels. I can't wait to hear all about it, and no doubt there will be lots of georgeous photo's of your beautiful girl.
Gin =)
Of course we are already praying for you...gives me chills and tears to see you with the toys and bags all packed and ready to go...here's to safe travels for you and Marla!! Can't wait to see your precious little girl ;)
:-) I'll be following. And I'm praying for you!
I am soooo excited to follow your journey and I can't wait to see Gotcha Day pictures!
Have a safe trip! Hoping and praying for a smooth transition for her too!
Enjoy your time in China!
I am so excited for you. You have waited far too long for this to happen. It will be so excited to follow your journey. Congrats!!!
You can rest assured there are tons of prayers going up for you and Reagan!!! It will be a sweet day and we all can't WAIT to watch!!!
Blessings to you as you fly and know we are all holding you in our hearts!
Dear Lisa,
I can't even begin to tell you the excitement and joy I have in my heart for you as you begin this special journey to your precious daughter. It truly is a journey of a life time. Enjoy every moment you are in the beautiful country that your daughter is from.
I will be praying for you and can't wait to follow along.
God Bless,
Said a prayer for you! Safe travels!
Alyzabeth's Mommy for Two Years!
Said a prayer.....safe and happy travels, I can't wait to see the photos on your return!
I am just so excited for you! I will be praying and following along on this amazing journey.
How exciting. Lots of prayers for a safe journey!
This is going to be one of the most exciting China baby journeys I've followed yet. I am so thrilled that the time has finally come for you and your family! You and Marla are going to have so much fun together. I'm really glad you are not taking this trip alone. You guys will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. Have a safe trip ladies!!
Oh I am squealing too!!!! You are FINALLY leaving!!! Praise the Lord! Praying for all of your needs on this trip and that your sweet girl will only have peace in her little heart....love you!
You will be in our constant prayers Lisa! Enjoy each moment of this most amazing journey! Our family is so looking forward to seeing your daughter in your arms! God Bless!
Have a wonderful trip! Will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers!
I have tears streaming down my face as I read this. i can actually hear al of your emotions in this post. And I get it. I remember feeling each and everyone the day I took Dave and Will to the airport. The wait is SO long and then all of a sudden...it is here. Soak up every single second. Be strong. The beginning can be tough sometimes. They are in shock for the first few days (and even if it does not seem that way~once you REALLY get to know Reagan, you will look back and see she was). As she relaxes she will start to show you all of her wonderful little personality. We cannot wait to discover it along side of you and Marla.
Enjoy tonight too. I don't know Dita but it sounds like a great lil farewell dinner:) And just what you will need.
Safe travels my friend. Now the real journey is about to begin!
Can't wait to see those first pictures of you with Reagan.
Enjoy every special moment in this rich, vibrant country of your daughter's birth.
With love and hugs,
Many prayers and best wishes for your family. how exciting this time is!
Woooo Hoooo!!!!! FINALLY the day is here for you!! Will be thinking of you & praying for all of you...savor every moment!!!
THRILLED for you!!!!
I will be sending you lots of prayers while you are completing this long journey. Can't wait to see you with your baby girl in your arms. Safe travels my friend....
What wonderful things await you in the next few days and weeks (and, really, forever!). I know I sound like a broken record when I say I'm thrilled for you. Have a wonderful trip! I'll be glued to your blog!
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
Enjoy every moment. I just realized that you will have a fabulous photographer there with you to capture every moment for Pat and the kids.
Prayers for a safe peaceful trip, and for little Reagan who's life is going to change so much in the next few weeks. May God keep her heart close to him as she adjusts.
The Darlings and I are ALL FIRED UP and READY TO ROLL....the rain has stopped and we are going to enjoy a beautiful evening watching nightfall over the New York City skyline...the last night you will spend in this amazing country of ours WITHOUT your youngest daughter.
Cocktails? Cocktails we GOT!!
so so so excited for you all. Can't wait to see your next update. Have a safe and sleepy flight.
Bon voyage! It will be an amazing trip soak it all in! Can't wait for the photos!!
I certainly think cocktails are in order tonight...there is much to celebrate!!! I hope that your meeting moment with Reagan goes smoothly and that she is calmed by your embrace. I will be looking forward to your next post, praying for safe travel for you and Marla.
Insert the echoing of a high pitch squeal from Hong Kong. So excited for you!
Squealing right along with you!!!!!
Safe and happy travels sweet Lisa!
Many blessings as you experience the joy of meeting your baby girl..there is nothing like it in the world!! I get tears just thinking about it.
Big hugs!!!
Your daughter is beautiful! We also have a little beauty from Chenzhou! Your little angel will come to you happy, healthy, and smelling so sweet, thanks to Half the Sky and all the wonderful nannies!
Have a safe and fun trip!
SO EXCITED FOR YOU, LISA!!!!! Enjoy your dinner with the Darlings and you long awaited trip to China! My thoughts will be with you, Marla and Raegan all week long!
I'm SO excited for you! I can't wait!
Sending prayers your way! Have a great trip!
What an exciting time for you and your family! I don't even know how you are containing yourself, she will be in your arms soon enough though! Hugs to Dita and her darlings, have a cocktail for me!
So happy for you and I WILL be praying!!!
Sooo happy for you guys - you're in my thoughts and prayers...Can't wait to see you and her together!!!
YAY, the time is finally here & your amazing journey is about to begin!!! Our thoughts & prayers are with you during this time. Can't wait to see beautiful photos of you holding Reagan!!!
Wow I can't believe it's here! I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to see the first photo of you with your little one in your arms. I'm keeping you in my prayers!
Oh, Lisa!! Words can not express how excited I am for you and your family. To FINALLY meet your little girl... just amazing. I am wishing I was coming along for the ride and I am praying for you and Marla to have a safe, fun, fantastic journey and for little Reagan to adjust smoothly in your loving arms. Bon Voyage, my friend!! Can't wait for the updates!
I've been thinking of you all week as the last few days ticked away. I'll hold you all in my thoughts and prayers.
So looking forward to *meeting* your sweet Reagan!
Safe travels and a speedy return ~
WooHoo!!! You are most likely enjoying a fine cabernet with Dita right now!!! Wish I was there to send you off with a toast too!!!! Blessings Lisa and Marla! I will definitely be lifting you up!
Hugs from MN!
Praying for traveling mercies and safety. Smooth transitions and a beautiful experience when you are handed your beautiful baby girl. I pray that Reagan transitions well and travels well during your return! I can't wait to keep up with your journey in China!
Finally, this last step of your "long road" is here. We are all beyond excited for you Lisa!
I'll certainly be praying for a safe and uneventful flight - hope you catch some zzzzz's - and a perfect transition with your sweet baby girl. And I know you and Marla will manage to have many laughs as you share this life- changing event together.
As Donna said - we'll be glued to your blog for update. I can barely wait!
All my love, sweet friend!
So excited for you! Sending much love and prayers for a safe trip. Can't wait to see Reagan in your arms and hope you are enjoying this special time.
Have a great trip! Take lots of photos to share with us.
Looking forward to reading all about your journey!!!
Wishing you all the best,
OMW.. I am sooo sitting here crying...I am sooo happy for you ..
sooo happy that I got to meet you in person and you are WONDERFUL..
can't wait to meet Reagan..
love you ..
safe travels..
Wow! Praying for you! I feel like I've been waiting for this for a long time, and I've only been following your blog for one year! Go get that little girl and hold on tight, mama!!! :)
This post has been such a long time coming!!!! Safe travels to you both, can't wait for the BIG day!
I got goosebumps just listening to the music on your blog! I can't wait to see the pics!! Blessings and Prayers for your beautiful family!
I'm inclined to pray :) I am so so so excited for you!!!!! I cannot wait to see that photo TODAY (In China anyway!). YAY!!!!!!
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