I can hardly believe it, but Sarah {otherwise known as the Princess} will be turning 4 this Saturday.

The years have flown by and she has gone from precious baby to beautiful little girl in what seems like the blink of an eye.

Sarah is such a bright, happy go lucky child who makes us smile every single day.
She never misses a trick or forgets a word that is said to her. She often comes out with things that knock Pat and I off our chairs. We are consantly looking at each other as if to say "Where on earth did she come up with that?"
There have been more than a few occasions over the past few weeks where we are having serious conversations with her and she will try to get us off the subject because she does not want to hear what we have to say.
Let me tell you the girl is GOOD. I watched Pat try navigate the waters with her just after I returned from China. He tried his hardest to hold it together, stick to the point he was trying to make, and keep a straight face, but he eventually cracked and busted out with laughter. She totally broke him down....meanwhile I was hiding in the corner trying to control the laughter myself.
Sarah can be a character, but she is as smart as a whip and knows just when and how to use those smarts.
Everyday is an adventure with this little girl and we really can't imagine life without her.
Five years ago we set out to adopt what we thought would be our only daughter from China. After 6 months of officially waiting or being logged into China's system, we received a phone call about a domestic adoption.
Two weeks later, Sarah arrived! She was born 4 weeks early and was our little Thanksgiving miracle.
It was a holiday season like no other and I really don't think we could have a better Thanksgiving than the one we celebrated in 2006. Sarah was just three days old and our family had so much to be thankful for.
So here we are, approaching Sarah's 4th Birthday and 4th Thanksgiving and we have even more to be thankful for this year......

Our family is finally complete!
We have a an incredible young man for a son and two special little girls that were brought into our lives by adoption.
Both girls were born in the month of November, which just happens to be National Adoption Month.
Sarah was born on November 20th and Reagan was born on November 23rd. They are exactly three years apart.

Even though the girls have very different stories/beginnings, both of them will always share the special bond of adoption amongst many other things. I can only hope growing up as sisters they will make enough special memories together to last a lifetime.
A special thanks to Jodee for the girls matching tshirts. They are adorable and Sarah was super excited to see that she had a special shirt to wear so everyone would know that she was officially a "Big Sis"
Sarah is growing before our eyes. She has that glint as if to say that she clearly knows just how smart she is...and how to use it. I think she actually posed for you in that one shot...now THAT's a first for that little Energizer Bunny! Hmmm, standing still for a second...what a novel idea!
Yes, your girls will share something very, very special in that through the miracle of adoption, they found their way home to their Mommy and Daddy (and big brother)...right where they were always meant to be.
I am so enjoying watching life unfold right there inside your house through all your beautiful photos...home is truly where the heart is.
Looking forward to seeing you girls this weekend!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy, Sarah! It sounds like you will have a lot of celebrating in the next week!
Happy birthday to your sweet girls... and may I just say that you have the best dressed little girls in the blogosphere? From hair accessories to matching dresses and tops. Really pretty AND stylish, too. :)
I love their matching shirts..advance happy birthday to your cute girls....:)
Happy Birthday Sarah!! I hope the year ahead is full with fun times and many days of laughter and sweet things!
Lisa I just love this post and am overflowing with happiness for you! What amazing blessings you have to celebrate this year!
What a sweet post Lisa. Happy birthday to your big girl. And what a beauty she has become. Those shots are, I think, my favorites. Such a pretty face. Oh, scrumptious.
Yes,I agree - so much to be thankful for. Adoption is a magical experience and a true blessing. It makes your family so interesting - all the different parts pulled together by love.
Are those Tiffany boxes the girls are playing with? Now that is a story in itself. Their baubles or yours?
Have a wonderful birthday celebration for Sarah ( and one soon for sweet Reagan too). (It's Milana's on Thursday so our girls share that too.)And have lots of fun with your "visitors"!!
You have capture the best B&W and colored photograph of your sweet babies. Advance happy birthday to your princess. I love that big flowers in their head band, so cute.
Growing up so quickly! Happy Birthday Sarah!
Love the Big sis, Lil sis shirts :) Happy Birthday, Sarah!
First time joining in the fun, first time commenting...wow...umm...long time sort-of lurker.
While it's only been 5.5 months that I've had both of my girls home, I know they are incredibly close. It's been so much fun watching them grow together as sisters.
Happy Birthday to your two sweet little girls!!
Gorgeous photos of your beautiful daughters! Can't wait to see their birthday photos! By the way, we have the same bedroom furniture! Wendy
Love the shirts - what beautiful sisters they are.
Your Daughters are Beautiful and yes I agree you have alot to be thankful for this thanksgiving. Have fun celebrating their birthdays! can wait to see all the wonderful photos!
Wonderful photos. And your girls are so cute. Lots of cake to eat in the next week and a bit then!
Have fun. xxx
Happy bithday and beautiful photos...
Happy Birthday Sarah (and Reagan)!
What beautiful photos of such a beautiful little lady. Sarah looks so grown up, especially next to her lil sis.
Yes, those two girls have a special bond between them. The love they share will last a life time.
I can't wait for the weekend to be here. :-)
Aw, Happy Birthday to your princess!
Your girls look beautiful together. This is going to be a wonderful holiday season for your family :)
Happy Birthday to both girls! They do grow up too fast don't they?! My youngest will be 5 i December and I just can't understand how that happened.
Erika B
Beautiful photos of your beautiful girls! November is my daughter's birthday month as well...so much to be thankful for! Have fun celebrating!
Happy birthday to the little ladies in your house! You have soooo much to celebrate this month! The girls look adorable in their matching shirts!
Hope you have a great day!
First, happy birthday to your beautiful girls!!!!
Adoption is such an amazing gift and every story is full of God's love and mighty power to save. It never stops amazing me or giving reason to praise HIM!!!!
Lisa - so thrilled for you and your family!
Photos are gorgeous as always!
PS Happy Thanksgiving to your family!
Beautiful little girls. Hope each one has a wonderful birthday.
Happy Birthday Sarah! Enjoy celebrating with "complete" beautiful family.
I love this post... Becoming a big sister and four all within a month is a huge milestone for Sarah. God has blessed you with two amazing little girls!! I love these photos.. Especially the ones at the end of your bed. The colors are so beautiful! And, really what is better than the little blue box!
I love seeing their relationship evolve through your lens! And, I love to know that I am not the only one that has a child that changes the subject, or probably covers her ears!
She is so beautiful and I have loved following along from the time we met through our photography. I can't believe how much she has changed...sometimes as a parent you don't always realize how much they have changed until someone tells you!! I love following her along her journey with your amazing family and hope you continue to share it with us ;) (Love their matching shirts!!)
They are really beautiful. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. It truely is a gift. Happy Birthday to your sweet girls.
Beautiful photos! The girls look so sweet together!
Sarah sounds like a typical middle child! I love it. Can't wait for my Allie and ehr to meet, they seem like two peas in a pod! I can't believe how beautiful Reagan looks! She looks so happy, I love the picture of the two of them with their sisters shirts! Adorable! Have a great Birthday Sarah!
I Hope both your precious girls have an amazing birthday. I'm so thankful you have your healthy happy family and share their amazing smiles with us.
Beautiful photos..
Beautiful family.
Love ya..
Lisa, your post was just over-the-top, again!!! It is a true love story that you are sharing with us unfolding in your home. Those girls have no idea how fortunate, in so many ways, to have been placed in your family. I can hardly wait to see the birthday pictures from this week-end. Another miracle that they can share their birthdays together. The Princess & Impress will be recieving gifts together ^_^
Thank you for sharing and have a Blessed Thanksgiving!!!
Happy Birthday to both of your beauties, Lisa! you most definitely have much to be thankful for!
Happy Birthday to your sweet Sarah and to little Reagan next week! They are two precious girls and with Nick too -- you have the sweetest family. Have fun celebrating! Love those tees!
Love these shots of Princess Sarah, she looks SO grown up though, tell her to stop that! I hope she has a wonderful birthday this weekend. Tell her Jack says 4 is pretty cool. :)
You know I love these shots of those sweet girls together too. My girls are just about 3 years apart and are the best of friends, I hope Sarah and Reagan will be that way too.
Sarah is such a beautiful girl! Happy birthday, Sarah!! The leap from 3 to 4 is amazing, isn't it?
What a blessed Thanksgiving you will all have this year & every year! So much to be thankful for, indeed!
HUGS, my friend!!
Beautiful models, as usual!
I hope Sarah has a wonderful birthday!
This post brought both a smile to my face and tears to my eyes.
Your sweet girl sounds so much my sweet girl. I have a 12 year old son and 4 year old daughter and desperately want one more...a little girl. I hope and pray that next Thanksgiving my family is complete...until then I'm thanking the Lord for the gifts he has given both of us :)
Your family is beautiful!! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Happy Birthday sweet little Sarah! She is really growing up ... too fast :( Looks like she is loving her new role as big sis & it sounds like you have some big parties to play! What a great connection they share. I love it!! Stunning pictures of Sarah. I know you are having a great time snapping your girls in action!!
Happy Birthday Sarah and Reagan!! Sarah and I share the same birthday!!! How neat is that!!! Wishing your family a beautiful Thanksgiving!
Many and lovely photos of the sweet children. I love them!
Happy Birthday to the Sisters. What a gift they are to you and Pat. And especially to each other!
As always, your shots are breathtaking!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Happy early birthday to the girls. Reagan has a very special birthday as she shares it with me ;)
I absolutely love the pictures. It's special memories to see sisters bonding
As always, you have absolutely beautiful photos!
Such wonderful photos of the girls! Happy birthday to Sarah (and then later of course also to Reagan)! I hope to see photos of the special days, too! ;-)
Happy birthday to your beautiful Sarah :) It's hard to believe she's turning 4...she seems so much older to me! (my own daughter just turned 4 a couple of months ago and looks younger somehow...of course, that could just me my 'mommy perspective' that still sees her as a baby ;D). And, early birthday wishes to your adorable Reagan, too, of course! Hope you have a wonderful week celebrating your princess and empress!
I have two girls three years apart. I remember THE moment the older one "accepted" the younger one as an "official" playmate. As you know, 3 years is a tough gap to bridge when two young children play together. The younger one tends to destroy and ruin any setups, etc. When the younger was an early 3, my 6 year old and she were playing "picnic". Everything was set up and they clinked glasses and made a toast. My older daughter said "You know, you really ARE fun to play with". I backed up from the kitchen sink and peeked around the corner. I will NEVER forget the beaming face my younger daughter displayed. She had finally achieved a long desired goal. To be seen as a fitting playmate by her older sister.
Happy birthday Sarah! They are both so beautiful.
I love Sarah. She is just as cute as can be. What kind of birthday party for your two girls do you have up your sleeve?
My little guy's 1st birthday is November 24 and we are having a big party this Saturday. Woodland theme. Can't wait.
Have a wonderful day my friend.
Beautiful pictures. My sister is one year older than me and she is my best friend. My mom and dad adopted her while my dad was stationed in Korea. Things happen for a reason to bring loved ones into your life. Congratulations on your beautiful family!
... and they will... memories for a lifetime... sisiter forever! Happy Thanksgiving. Happiest ever to you! tara
Cannot believe Sarah is turning 4!!! I read your FB status today. She is such a sweetie! Love your photos as always. Once you get back up and running, I'm gonna have to try to do one of your over-the-phone sessions. There is so much I want to learn just for me to use for my family photos!!!
I have so enjoyed seeing your family bloom and grow. These are incredibly wonderful shots!
new to your site and love your work!
Your daughters are adorable! :)
Hey there! I just stumbled upon this wonderful blog today!! I am a new follower and I participated in the B&W wed.
stop by some time!
Happy Birthday Sarah!
I am so enjoying your posts and beautiful pictures. Your posts from China were some of the best I've read and I have followed a good many since 2006!
All 3 children look so cute together. I am sure the girls will be very close.
I know you're really busy, but I'm dying to know where you find all the cute hair accessories? I am LID 5-31-06 so the shopping has begun!
Please keep the posts coming.
beautiful post, beautiful shirts and beautiful girls. What a wonderful month to celebrate 2 birthday!
March are my girls birthday which too are exactly 3 years apart just like your girls.
I've been following your blog for the last year or so, and I don't say a whole lot but it's been so thrilling to watch this journey your family is on.
Happy Birthday girls. I can't believe Sarah will be 4 already. Reagan looks like such a cutie! I can't wait to meet her and I'm sure Jules will love both Sarah and Reagan. We will have to have a play date sometime! Take care and enjoy the holiday!
Anne Cooper
I didn't realize the girls birthdays are so close together! They do share a lot - and best of all they share an amazing family!
I just love reading your updates, seeing your gorgeous photos of your gorgeous children (and getting glimpses of your gorgeous house too :)
I didn't realize they were exactly three years apart!! My boys are just about the same and they are the best of friends! It is just enough to separate them but they can come together when it's necessary :-) *if* I could have a mei mei for Mya, 3 years age difference would be perfect!
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