We had a busy weekend with lots of visitors coming and going. By the time Tuesday rolled around I think we were all starting to feel a little ragged, so we cancelled our afternoon plans and had an official PJ Day!
I love those kind of days and so does the rest of my family..... although Nick and Pat missed out because they had to go to school and work.
The girls and I spent most of the morning playing and relaxing and then we took a walk upstairs to go get something and when I opened one of Reagan's drawers, I remembered that her cute and comfy loungewear had come with an adorable little hat.
We put it on her and OH MY GOODNESS, she looked so stinkin cute!!
Yeah, you know where this is going..... I had to grab my camera:)

On the run...

but she assumed she better stop and pose for just one:)

I let her play with a comb that I purchased while in China at the Provinicial Museum Gift Shop in Hunan. She was very intrigued by it for a few minutes.....

and then she decided to taste it.

Everything goes straight into her mouth these days.

"If I close my eyes, maybe when I open them the camera will disappear"

No, the camera did not disappear. Then she remembered the hat on her head. It came off with one little pull....

and there was no chance of getting it back on!
Our Tuesday PJ Day ended up turning into three days of being couped up in the house. Reagan has been a little under the weather this week and has been dealing with a nasty cold so we knew it was best to keep her in until she is back to her healthy little self again.
If this was not enough "Reagan" for one post, I am attaching a video of her first pasta experience. Well, not really her first time eating pasta, but her first time eating it by herself.
Prepare yourselves for some major messiness. The neat freak in me wanted to wipe her face and hands clean about 100 times, but I kept my hands busy working the video instead of reaching for the towel.
Do you think she loves her pasta?
We could not stop laughing at her and I loved the way she nodded her head as if to answer me when I asked her if it was good!!
As soon as she was finished, I peeled her down to her diaper and carried her straight to the bathtub to be scrubbed clean. I am also happy to report that my good friend "Tide" got rid of all the sauce stains on her bib and her little outfit. They came out of the dryer looking like new:)
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
We will be doing lots of celebrating at our house this weekend.
Thank you to my friend Heather for the pink outfit and matching hat. It is oh so adorable and super cozy and comfy.
hurray for your camera! Thanks for sharing, she IS CUTE in all the pictures, with and without hat and comb to be tasted... oh and with or without pasta sauce all over! Have a nice weekend, hope you get to rest again when it is over.
Lisa, I had to just take a peek this morning to see if maybe you had posted a new adventure. What a wonderful way to start my Friday!!! You are so right - that child just captivates your heart^_^
Have a wonderful celebration this week-end - you know we all will be looking forward to the pictures of that event!!!
So so darling!
Reagan looks just adorable in her lounge wear! You know how much I love PJs! Hope she is feeling better soon!
Enjoy celebrating your two little blessings this weekend! Of course, we can't wait to see pictures!
Have a great weekend!
"so stinkin cute" is absolutely right!
LOVE the huge exaggerated head nod - typical baby :-) And you'd never know she wasn't feeling well by the way she's putting away her pasta!
She is Just beautiful...and she totally Loved that pasta! Yumm!!!
Adorable!!! Thanks for the Reagan fix. She has the cutest expressions. :)
Have a great weekend Lisa!
So darn cute!!! Love the hat on her even though she doesn't! lol
Babies don't get cuter than Little Miss Reagan!
Have a fabulous weekend!!!
Hi Lisa, I have so loved following your blog and seeing your beautiful daughter. It is so great to be home with our little angels, isn't it? I still have to pinch myself! It looks like Reagan is doing wonderfully and I am so happy for you and your family.
Oh my -- she looks so sweet! Who doesn't love a day of lounging around in pjs! Hope she is feeling better and you have a fun weekend of celebrations!
She is so precious Lisa.....I am so happy she is finally home:)
Oh little Miss Reagan, you are going to make our wait very very difficult!! You are a little dollk!!
oops. above comment, obviously, should read "doll!"
Precious Pasta Princess!!!!
Oh my goodness...she is so incredibly darling. These photos and videos bring back so many memories. Savor each and every one...even if you are exhausted:) They are so precious and fleeting!
Oh Wow! What a cutie! Reagan looks like she's settling right in. That's so great to see! Enjoy these days, because as you already know, before you know it she'll be running from your camera ;)
PJ days!! Aren't they the best (even though Miss R was fighting a cold)?
These shots of Reagan are way too cute. Love that outfit - I know you did the happy dance when you ound the matching hat in the drawer.
Have a great time this week-end! (Sigh.......)
Oh the little darling, she's cuter than cute!
Happy Birthday Sarah!
have a wonderful weekend of celebration, everyone!
This is so cute! I love the photos, Lisa!
Reagan is gorgeous and I think a little weight on in her cheeks?? Yeh for pasta...our little ones favourite dinner!!
Loved seeing her enjoying that yummy pasta!
I love those 'cancel the plans, jammie days' too!
CUTE!!!! LOVED the viedo clip & the "head-nod"....ADORABLE!!!
OH MY STARS ... what a doll baby!
Sending you and yours Thanksgiving Blessings from Hong Kong,
Trying to catch up. Every post is amazingly beautiful!! I love all the pics and those girls are just the cutest!!!
Sending Birthday wishes to Sarah! We both share this special day!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL GIRL!!
Oh my word she's cute! I loved the video, too. Happy birthday, Sarah!
Gin =)
Gosh! She looks like she has always been with you..what a cutie. I love her little nose..she can get a stinkin cute flair going there!
Your pics are beautiful...Missy's a pro already!
I have LOVED loved LOVED your experience. I especially loved that you captured R's home town and all the beautiful pictures. So awesome.
I stopped by to catch up on how you are all doing, and you are doing amazing. So much to be thankful for. What a gorgeous family you have. Your story of surprise adoptions is so similar to mine and it makes me smile to see these two sisters who will be fast friends and under the watchful eye of their older brother.
Enjoy your at home time. Thanks for the extra doses of adorability, made my day.
Beautiful, beautiful little and big sis. What precious blessings they are!
Merry Christmas!
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