Reagan is beginning to feel extremely comfortable in her new surroundings and has really started to explore these last few days.
The first week we were home she pretty much stayed in the family room, which is where we spend most of our time because that is where the toys are located and it is open to our kitchen.
Whenever I would walk out of the room to go into the kitchen, she would stay where she was and cry until I came back into the room.

Well, that has all changed!
She is getting very curious and is venturing out of the play area to see what kind of fun (trouble) she can get herself into.

She sees something that looks more interesting than the babywipe she is clutching in her hand.

A little pause to fix the hairbow.

Then a brief discussion with my big sis to see if she thinks I should do it! She gave me the nod of approval, so I am going for it.

Do you think she sees me standing here?

Oh yeah, there she is behind the camera. She sees me....baby drool and all!

Look AT ME!! I'm standing up and holding on with just ONE HAND!!!

Ah yes.... The steps. Her new favorite place to hang out!
For those that asked, she is not walking yet, but I think we are close. I give it a month, maybe two at most. She pulls herself up with ease and walks around the furniture while holding on. She just needs a little more strength and she will be off and running.
In the meantime, we are dusting off and cleaning up the baby gates. Looks as though we are going to need them sooner rather than later.
The gals are so cute together in there polka dots! And those shoes!!! ADORABLE!
ooh, love the new banner changes! The photos are beautiful. So happy to see little Empress's adjustments are moving right along. She clearly is a perfect fit in her forever family. Beautiful and blessed :)
Oh my goodness she is so adorable! Looks like the fun is about to begin! ;-)
She is just getting cuter and cuter by the minute. I love the picture of Reagan and Sarah. I see many more schemes in your future. Watch out!
So happy to see the smiles on your girls faces.
Great pics, its so lovely to see how well she is doing and I loved all the photos with her brother and sister.
She is just adorable!
Love the 3rd one down ~ she has that twinkle in her eye that she has a mission in the making.
So cute! It's so great she is starting to explore.
Good grief, I am SMITTEN with your sweet girl!!! Everytime I look at her, I ooh and aah at every single pic. Are you in love or what?!!?
Looks like she is feeling right at home and is so happy!!! What beautiful girls you have.
Sorry I missed your call yesterday. I got it late last night, as my cell was charging :(
I promise we'll catch up soon. Do morning drive ins to work sound ok one day? MISS YOU!!!
I cannot believe we have not met that sweet girl yet! PM me, I would love to come hang out with the girls!
Hi Lisa! I love that she is up and walking (or trying to!) My little girl is a week younger and she is at the exact same stage.. But im so frightened she hurts herself...Note to self "Must not be an over the top mum!". Debbie
She is just so cute...love that she is starting to explore...yes, you definately will need those gates ;) Although that is a good thing right...can't wait to see her walking. And the girls together...adorable....I love all their matching hair accessories. And she looks like she is concentrating so hard with her little lips pierced shut.
Sorry Lisa, forgot to ask.. how are things going with the sippy cup? Im really struggling to get Gal to use it..all she want is her bottle and Im worried that she is not getting enough fluid and end up giving in..Debbie
Precious pics! Love that the girls are coordinating/matching~ I have had the most fun dressing the girls too! So thankful things are going so well and that she is on the move. :)
She is simply precious!
Lisa she is so precious!
Your post and photos took me back to when Joshua first came home 4 yrs ago. It is hard to believe we have come this far and how fast it went by. Enjoy all of these firsts!
Blessings and love,
Lisa, I was so afraid we were going to have to wait until Wednesday to get the next glimpse of Miss Reagan!! Such a georgous post.
We have several friends who are adopting - Peru, China and Africa -and it is amazing how these "little people" create a "safety zone" for themselves, trying to eliminate any more changes in their lives. Reagan staying in one area and not exploring is just amazing to me.
Wow!!! She is changing so quickly! So happy to see her moving forward. Children are so resilient and move so quickly... watch out!
So happy to see and hear that she is coming out of her shell! She will be running soon :) Love the photo of Reagan and Sarah!
Every new post with such beautiful photos just melts my heart. What a sweetheart...and look at her there with your other little sweetheart....sisters forever!
Can't wait to see you girls in person (next week, hopefully!)
Positively adorable!!! Reagan has the most beautiful, rich, deep brown eyes...so expressive!! And I love seeing the 2 sisters together!! Just beautiful, Lisa!!
So adorable!!! All your photos are gorgeous and full of emotion - even the ones of everyday life. I hope someday you'll have time to do more photography classes (maybe online) and some in other areas. Look forward to all your updates, Wendy
she is simply adorable. so glad she is beginning to feel at home in her new home :)
So cute! Stairs are always so attractive to toddlers, aren't they! Your daughters are simply adorable!
Look at her go. WOW. Congratulations on what looks like great adjustment and serious leaps in development. Yay Reagan!!
Love Blooms!
Look at her go!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Aww, she makes me smile. So adorable. She will be running all over your house before you know it!
Look at your little mover! She has the most 'lets see what I can get into' expression...so funny. What a little lovebug she is Lisa. I give her a month before she's walking and getting into different things.
Get those gates up! ;)
Happy Monday, you sound great in your post.
Isn't it amazing the transformation that begins to happen almost overnight once you're starting to finally settle in. It's the best! Love that picture of Sarah and her little sis...so cute!!
Oh my these are too too adorable!!! What beautiful girls you have!
Faith was the same age as Reagan was when we brought her home and she did not start walking until 18 months. Enjoy these days of crawling. Before ya know it will you be chasing after her!:)
Such darling girls! Christmas is going to be way too much fun. Do you have video on your camera? Would love to see a few clips of Reagan moving around!
Stop the cuteness!!! She is just so adorable.
New FAVORITE blog! Just found you over the weekend and I've spent hours going back and reading old posts. I've always wanted to adopt from China. But a five year wait... wow!
Can't wait to keep reading. Love love love.
Congrats! She is beautiful and your photos are amazing.
Love the girls together...sweet!
Sue : )
Dear Lisa,
I'm just amazed at how you do it - in the beginning of your return home I thought you were "just like all of us" new mothers, after all: needing time to adjust, especially with the jetlag, but boy was I wrong! Yes there was the jetlag, but above all, there was a fully transformed blog updated with the new addition to the family, beautiful new background and new header included and above all tons of absolutely stunning pictures - sigh. Superwomen do exist in real life, you are one of them!
Oh yes, and I forgot: your children always have clean AND matching clothes which we haven't seen before, the girls both have (matching - goes without saying) hairbows and the house is so clean you could eat on the floor - and I suppose we won't even notice when you start working again - yes I am very impressed. Of course I am very glad about this, because your blog is so beautiful I check twice a day for updates... As for the stairs: please teach Reagan how to come down them as soon as possible (using hands and feet, turning backwards) - you never know and not everyone has gates at home...
Loads of love for you and your beautiful family (men included!) from little Belgium
Delightful, simply delightful!
Wow Lisa, what a difference even a few days can make. Just look at her (and how can you not?).
These shots are wonderful. I cabn't believe she is almost ready to walk. Yesw, run for those gates - it starteth!! (Have fun!) Love the girls in their little outfits and the dialoque (imagined well). (And I'm with one of the commenters - floors clean or what?)
Enjoy every moment!
So much fun to watch y'alls journey. SO much fun.
Wow! How fun and exciting to see all of her firsts! It looks like she is a woman on the move! Cute pictures!
P.S. Reagan looks fabulous in chocolate! So glad I picked out something chocolate for her upcoming birthday. I am mailing it tomorrow!
Oh my, how cute she is! Both girls are! Great pictures - I love them!
Awww too adorable! I gotta the say, the "stop and fix hair bow" is one of my favorite!! Too cute!!
Great photos.. Love her cute little matching outfits.. you have the cutest little clothes for her..
Love you tons and glad things are going sooo well.
The look of love in Sarah's eyes is something. She's a wonderful sister, and clearly enjoying it.
Lisa, that little face has brightened up my day on so many occasions. Please tell her so, even though she won't really understand.
Isn't it amazing how someone with a difficult start in life can bring so much joy to so many people?
Thanks again for sharing it all.
It's impossible to say enough about your elegant blog.
Reagan is simply breathtaking, and I love, love, love her and Sarah's adorable clothes. I can't imagine where you shop. That little sweater and the shoes are simply precious.
Today my husband, who loves photography, and I were eating breakfast out, and he was talking about the photos that he admired on a blog. I said, "Oh, no, wait. You haven't seen anything yet," and I tried to describe your work, which I, of course, couldn't do. I plan to show him your work tonight when he comes upstairs. He'll be jealous I think.
I could just squeeze Miss R!!!
The girls look so happy together. So glad life is good:)
Amelia turned 10 months just shortly after I brought her home. She was pulled herself up around furniture and walking around it in China. She was going up stairs within a week of getting home. I thought she would walk before she was 1, but she was too scared to let go...it was just before she turned 13 months that she started walking. Such a fun time - so many new things - ENJOY!
Glad she is adjusting. I hope you have got your sleep schedule in order.
Such yummy photos! I especially love the B/W on the steps with the booties.
Chloe started walking two weeks after Gotcha Day, while we were waiting in the Hong Kong airport to go home. I was so happy to be there for that milestone. It was awful to have missed her first birthday and now I would give anything to have those first 14 months of her life.
Enjoy every moment.
How adorable is that!?!?
Loving your new banner too.
Wow! She is adorable.....love the picture with her big sis!
So sweet Lisa, these pics just make me smile so much! :)
I come here and I read about Reagan and it just warms the heart. I am re-living all the baby-ness through your blog and through your photos. :)
So happy to know that she is adjusting well and that everybody has adjusted well... and that there's so much love around. :)
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