Tonight will be two weeks that we have been home from China and it is hard to believe that she has only been with us such a short time. I still look back at those first photos of her and marvel at how much she has changed already.
She is doing better than I expected her to do based on what we saw those first days in China. She transitioned pretty quickly and is really getting to know and trust everyone in our family.
She is such a GOOD little eater and will try just about everything we give her. We are slowly trying to back off the amount of bottles she drinks throughout the day and we have introduced the sippy cup.
Our pediatrician called last night with Reagan's test results and said that everything looked good, there were no parasites, which is what we were afraid of based on the conditions in China, namely the water. She did have two viral infections that showed in the testing, but they have cleared on their own because the "tummy issues" have stopped.
One of the things that I am most excited about is her sleeping patterns. She is already sleeping through the night. She was AWESOME in China. She went to bed like clock work every night around 8pm and slept through until 6am. When we got home of course we were both still on China time and the sleeping patterns were very off. She finally got back to the same sleep schedule she was on in China and is going to bed around 8pm and sleeping until 6am. I wish I could say the same for myself..... I am still waking up in the wee hours of the morning.
Reagan and Sarah are becoming fast friends and enjoy many hours playing on the family room floor amongst the many toys we have saved over the years awaiting her arrival.
A few people have asked if I am back to work. I am on a leave right now and still have a few more weeks to just get to know our girl and spend quality time with my family.
I am thoroughly enjoying my carefree life right now. I know it won't last forever so I am trying to make the most out of the time I have left and I am trying to capture and document all the little things that we are experiencing with this new bundle of joy in our lives.
For the past year, I have been so focused on taking and setting up "The perfectly composed shot" or finding new locations to take the kids for pictures, that I have missed a lot of "Everyday Life" opportunities. I have been keeping my camera out and within reach at all times and have found new joy in just capturing the little things that I will want to remember forever.
Something tells me you are all going to get sick of seeing photos of the girls. I am embarrassed to tell you how many pictures I have taken this week alone. It's A LOT!
Nick came home from school the other day and saw the download of pictures taking place and said that he was glad he was in school all day and not at home with the camera aimed at him:)
Okay, gotta run but just wanted to give a quick update to everyone. I am happy to say that we are finally starting to find our groove around here.
I am so humbled and touched by all the support and encouragement through comments and emails from this little community! I can't thank you all enough and as soon as things slow down a bit, I will be around to reciprocate.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend~
OH ... we will NEVER get tired of your photos! Keep em coming. She is beyond beautiful!
Praising Him from Hong Kong with the news of your family "groove"!
Love & Blessings,
I'm with Kim - will never tire of your gorgeous photos of your beautiful family!
Praising God for the beautiful transition!!!
Love and blessings,
Love your photos...there's no such thing as too many. Glad to hear you're all finding your groove and the tummy issues have resolved.
She is beyond precious! I love all of the bright colors in this photo.
Hi Lisa! Its great to hear that things are settling down for you all! I cant believe its been 2 weeks...strange how time stands stills it seems, when you are waiting for news and then as soon as we get our girls, things speed up...so not fair! Our Gracie has always slept through...makes life so much easier! She is one week younger than Reagan and "nearly" there with taking her first step. How mobile is Reagan? Debbie
So happy to hear the transition is going so smoothly. Reagan looks so sweet amongst all those glorious toys. I love the bright colors against her dark hair and eyes. Such a sight to behold!
WOW, I can't believe it has already been two weeks! I am LOVING the pics of sweet Reagan and please keep posting them. I love to see how much she has blossomed already with the love of her family.
Keep on posting pics of your sweetheart! She really is changing. I think her hair looks longer...she's adorable!!!
I know you're thoroughly enjoying this time with her. It goes fast.
Happy she's transitioning so well and getting used to all the changes. Hopefully you'll be sleeping better soon too Lisa. It took me a long time to get used to U.S. time.
Have a wonderful weekend.
She is such a doll and so happy to hear all is going so well!! Will have to say Im a little jealous about Reagan sleeping through the night already. We have been home over 2 years and Ava still wake multiple times a night!!! It was actually nice being in China and having a break from the nightly wakings. But at the same time I missed all my kids so much.
Enjoy every second of being home and look forward to seeing all those pics!!!
Take care and Blessings!!!!
I love the photos and the post that accompanies them!! Wishing you many blessings to your beautiful family!!!
She is beautiful! I don't think we could get sick of looking at photos of her. Did you guys go trick or treating and did Reagan dress up?
Keep those photos comin', Lisa!!
So happy to hear you are getting finding your groove now! Sounds like you are savoring every moment with your beautiful children!
Have a great weekend!!
Awwwww -- so happy to hear that all is going well and she is sleeping well. She is so sweet! That Nick is so funny! Keep that camera and those photos coming -- too much adorableness to miss!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Lisa, it was such a wonderful surprise to find this picture on your blog this morning!!! Your sharing of the long journey to bring Reagan home has so captured our hearts that as a mother and grandmother, we would love to see each and every one of the pictures your have taken. We will never tire of looking at that precious face and knowing how lucky she is to now be a part of your family ^_^
Lisa..I'm enjoying reading about your journey so much! Thank you for sharing. Your blog is looking even more beautiful with the addition of Reagan!!Enjoy this precious time with your family!
Oh my that photo is simply beautiful! Love the vibrancy.
Not worries that we'll get sick of pictures. Bring them on sweetie. You've only just whetted our appetite.
What I love about this shot IS the amazing color and array of toys. We've both spent so much time getting rid of all the stuff we don't want in the frame but the real story is in that stuff. Reagan looks so content right where she is.
Have a great week-end!
LOL everyone is sick of my camera also.. I just got mine so im taking a ton of pictures.. Last night i took 400 pictured :/ lol.. Im so glad you got good news from the doctor and that Reagan is doing good!!
Your post and your trip and all your wonderful photos have been awesome! Your blog brought tears to my eyes many times in the past few months. I am so happy for your family! Thank you so much for sharing!
Hi Lisa! Love your blog and pictures!! We're hopefully off to China next month. I'm wondering where you got the cute flower for Reagan's hair?
Hey I wanna play with those COLORFUL toys. hehe
What a sweet blessing every time I visit your blog.
Hi Lisa,
My eldest daughter's name is Lisa. I love that name.
I enjoy your blog so much and followed all the way to China and back. and wanted to tell you, there's no such thing as too many pictures!! so don't ever worry about that, and I'm sure everyone would agree with me!
Your children are just gorgeous! It looks like your new little treasure is also not puttting her fingers in her mouth as much! good sign she's feeling pretty secure.
Miss Lila in Atlanta
Wow! Has it really been two weeks home? It seems like yesterday I was hitting the refresh button to see "Reagan Day". And I will never tire of seeing your three cuties on my screen. Keep 'em coming!!
Hi Lisa, I'll never get fed up looking at pictures of your sweeties. Tell you a secret? I was a bit disappointed there was only one today!
Isn't it great with a digital camera, you don't have to pay for processing ALL the pics! When our first child was born, we spent sooo much on photos at the pharmacy. And eventually, I threw away loads of them- had to, when I had 20 of the same pic! Boxes and boxes of them!
Lisa,don't worry about visiting just keep posting pics and i for one will be happy.
Delighted all's going well, do enjoy this very special time, it passes so quickly.
So glad to hear things are going well and what a great little sleeper you have too! Bring on all of the cuteness!
Hope you have a great weekend! We are just heading out now and will be back late Sunday. I might shoot you an e-mail from the library if I get there. HA HA!
enjoy that beautiful family of yours!
Your blog is one of my favorites! I am a little partial to Mostly Amelia, but Sharie has been a little behind with finishing her masters. :) (I am Amelia's aunt!) Love the updates! The one with Nick on Wednesday brought tears to my eyes. Today's made me smile. I am glad things are settling into a routine with your family. Enjoy your leave form work. I am sure it will fly by. Thanks for sharing! :)
I never tire of seeing your gorgeous photos either. I love to see your girls' adorable outfits.
I'm so glad you guys are settling in and that Sarah and Reagan are hitting it off.
Love the pictures! She is just blossoming in front of our eyes! I so loved the pictures of her and Nick yesterday! Too sweet!!
Enjoy your last few weeks at home!!!! I am so happy for you!
Lisa, I was so happy that there were some brave bloggers who asked for more pictures, please!!! You have shared so much that I did not have the courage to tell you I also was a wee bit disappointed that there were not more pictures posted today! She is so beautiful and your story is so moving that every glimpse is a moment of endearment ^_^
KEEP posting your photographs, I ALWAYS enjoy seeing your beautiful children! So happy you are finding your groove and cherishing all of these moments with your precious Reagan. Enjoy!
Lisa, I love your picture with all of the toys on the floor! Looks like lots of fun exploring is going on! Take tons of pictures of everyday things like you're doing. It'll help you to remember the outfits she wore the most on "regular" days, toys she always went back to.... enjoy and happy weekend, tara
I agree with everyone, there are never too many photos! Enjoy taking as many as you like! Memories are a wonderful to capture!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Thanks for the wonderful update. It seems like a dream. I just adore the colorful picture of Reagan amongst all her toys.
Look at that face plunked down in the midst of a FisherPrice free for all!
Such irresistible naive beauty.
Don't stop your downloads. Promise?
Carol in Canada
Oh that face looks so kissable! I just love seeing her home and practically swimming her her toys! Looks to me like her hair has already grown a bit.
Gin =)
I'm so happy that everything is going so well! It is such a miracle how God just transplants these little ones into our hearts and our lives. Reagan is just beautiful and I absolutely love reading your updates and seeing your photos!
Enjoy these next few weeks!
I have so enjoyed following your trip to China and back home again. Very inspiring for me as we continue on to a very very very long wait for our second daughter.
Reagan is so beautiful and all of your pictures have been breathtaking. Thanks so much for sharing!! In our case, I know that our family needs to stay in the NSN line, and it's been comforting to me to see your family's story unfolding.
I love reading all of the little updates. Reagan is just a little peach and I LOVE hearing all about her transition and of course seeing all of the photos. I can completely identify with the everyday shots thing. I abandoned my need for perfect photos a long time ago for the same reason. I simply don't have the time for editing and I want to remember the special times. And I like candids.
Your candids are perfect though!
Reagan's personality is shining through as vibrant and colorful as the rainbow of toys around her.
What a miracle she is...how beautifully she fits right in the center of your lives!
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