I finally took a little time to go through the backlog of photos on my computer and while sorting, I came across this picture that was taken on Day Four in China.
Just last week, I had dressed Reagan in this same outfit and happened to snap a few pictures of the girls as they were playing.
So I started to compare the snapshots I took last week to the ones I took in China and there were a few things that really struck me.

Her hair has REALLY grown a lot since we met. In fact, I am debating taking her for the first cut/trim.
The second thing I noticed was how much she has filled out. She was not eating very much when we were in China. Those first few days, she barely ate or drank anything at all. By the time we left China, she was downing lots of formula, but not much food except for cheerios:)
Well, that has ALL CHANGED. She LOVES to eat(just like her Mommy)and has eaten and enjoyed almost everything we have fed her, even her veggies!

When I first looked at the photo taken in China, I was immediately drawn to her expression. Her eyes really looked so different. The sparkle that we see today was not there, you could see that she was still a little shocked and unsure of her surroundings.
The biggest change in her has to be those two fingers!!
She had her fingers in her mouth 24/7 that first week. I kept checking them to make sure that they were not chapped or calloused because she always had them in her mouth and never took them out.
A lot of people were commenting how cute it was to see her with those fingers in her mouth in every picture. My uncle had sent me a text while we were in China to tell me that he was going to call her "Due Dita". That is Italian for "Two Fingers".
By week two, Marla and I both noticed she wasn't sucking them quite as often as she had the week prior. We knew it was her coping mechanism and it was the only way she knew how to comfort herself and the longer she was with us and began to trust us, the less she needed to suck those fingers.

Seven weeks later, "Due Dita" only sucks her two fingers when she is tired and ready for bed, or if she is put into a situation where her surroundings are unfamiliar and there are a lot of new people around her. Those fingers are the tell tale sign that she is feeling uncomfortable and insecure.
These days it seems she is keeping those cute little hands busy playing with toys and......pulling out her hairbows.....just like her big sister!
Just wanted to thank you all for the words of encouragment on Monday. Reagan did really well and didn't even cry when I left her and Sarah with the babysitter. As I expected, the change has been harder on me than it has been on them. Monday felt like it was as long as the plane ride to China. I arrived home a little after 5pm and was greeted by some very happy faces. I let Reagan stay up a little later than normal just so I could get some extra cuddle time before we had to call it a night.
She is precious. Glad she is growing so happily! Also glad your first day back was quick and smooth and you arrived home to 2 happy girls! : ) I know everyone at your job missed you immensely.
She is so beautiful, Lisa. It just warms my heart to see how well she's adjusted and see how happy she is. :)
What a sweet post. It really is amazing how fast these little ones change and just blossum in such a loving environment. Interesting how you have a gage on her comfort level with her "due dita".
It's wonderful to see how happy your girls are. Just the way they should be. Love it!
Happy Wednesday. Hope the leaving gets easier with time.
It's wonderful to see her grow and adjust. It always amazes me how resilient our children are.
always love the photos of your precious babies!
Oh the change in her is just amazing. I noticed the eyes immediately! She is just glowing in love and it comes through loud and clear in her eyes! Beautiful pictures! I'm so happy that things went well on Monday...I'm still thinking good thoughts and keeping you in my prayers!
glad to hear yesterday went so well. I was thinking of you!
Gosh Lisa, the difference between then and now is startling! I know at that age every week makes a huge diferrence but its more than that...you can see the contentment right there in her eyes!
Im hoping you are "getting there" with the work thing, you are quite right to get some extra snuggles at night time!
The difference is amazing - she looks so happy and contented now.
So glad the girls did well on your first day back to work. LOVE these photos of Reagan - you've captured how happy, secure, and adorable she is! Sarah has matured so much - in her appearance and as a great big sister.
my first time linking up... your family & your photos are gorgeous!
Oh how she has blossomed with the love and security that only family can bring!
What a difference a loving safe environment can make. She looks amazing. They both look so happy with each other.
Take care. xxx
These photos are so reminiscent of when Liam came home. The look in his eyes were so similar to Reagan's in China and then the transformation was huge a few weeks later. He too filled out quite nicely with all the Italian food we were feeding him. His thumb sucking is now just like you're little girls. Only when he is tired and ready for bed or when he has is lovey to "sniff" as so eloquently puts it.
It's wonderful to see the bond your two girls have made in such a short period of time. It's amazing what love can do to a person.
You can definitely see the difference in the pictures!! She looks so happy next to her big sister!! It's amazing how a little TLC can transform a child :) I'm so happy Reagan is finally home and blossoming so beautifully!
beautiful images. i havent been around in blogland for a bit, its been nice to come back and see your sweet girl thriving. its clear in your words that you are one proud mama.
have a great day,
Lisa - what a beautiful post filled with delightful news! The photos of the girls are gorgeous!
Glad everyone is doing so well!
Hugs and love,
I can't believe it has been 7 weeks already!! She is just a doll, and I am so glad that Monday went smoothly for everyone. You were not far from my thoughts.
I think that her eyes say so much! What a precious child~
Adorable! She is beautiful!
I love how fast she felt the love and security she is a beautiful girl, how blessed you all are. What a great holiday season you will have.
Can definitely see a calm sparkle is her sweet dark eyes now! Maddy also had some coping mechanisms when we met her and they faded away. Looking back at photos from China almost break my heart to see how sad she was then.
Glad to hear that getting back to work is going ok. You'll be so ready for the weekend and lots of cuddle time with your girls!
I am soooo happy to hear that she's feeling so comfortable! And you're right.....I compared the photos & the expression in her eyes is completely different! She obviously feels at home & loved!!! As usual, your photos are stunning!
The first difference I noticed was the sparkle and life in her eyes:)
So thankful she did well with the sitter. It probably helped to have her big sister with her! Big hugs!
The first thing I noticed in the new pictures was the sparkle in her eyes & of course that sweet little smile. Tyler was such a little peanut...walked around like he just been on a long horse ride & would chew on his little thumb. It's amazing how fast they grow & change. I know you are enjoying EVERY minute!!
I can't believe that it is already time for you to go back to work. I know the time just flew by for you!
xoxo Robin
Oh my gosh how precious these all are, & absolutely perfect in B&W! Glad I was able to link up today, it's been a while :) Have a great day!
The EYES are truly the window to one's soul. I can see that this "little soul" is very happy and content in her forever family. Thanks again for sharing your beautiful family with us!
My daughter also sucked on her two fingers the first couple of weeks together and she's adopted from Russia. Amazing how those fingers are a universal comfort.
Take care of yourself! It's so easy to focus solely on the children when a new child comes along. Be good to yourself, too.
Tried your Ricotta Cookies they are my children new favorites. They rock!
She's beautiful, Sarah too.
I love the way you dress them and those big bows are fantastic, I can't find anything like this here (Paraguay) so I make them.
Your photos are great!
I'll echo the big obvious change in her eyes. It's amazing.
And like you said, those two fingers tell all. I know. Both my sister and I sucked our fingers when we were adopted. It was definitely a self-soothing mechanism, that over the years unfortunately turned into a bad habbit and we both had to get braces! It's a little more difficult to take fingers away from a child than a normal pacifier :)
It is miraculous what a loving family can do for a child:)
LOVE this post.
So glad reagan did well the other day but I am still praying for your heart this week.
I can't believe the change she is getting to big too fast....sometimes I wish there was a pause button...all your children are beautiful and you are truly blessed....xo
Wow...what a difference. I never noticed it until you put the two pictures together. And so happy that she is adjusting that well and so precious that you already know all her little ques.
She is beautiful!
her eyes are captivating
Due Dita? I resemble that remark...heheheh.
I can't believe how much she's changed and indeed, that spark is alive and well and abolutely mesmerzing in person.
Your baby is growing right before our very eyes....and she is one beautiful girl!
7 weeks.....WOW!
The REAL Dita!
It's pretty amazing how much she's changed! well not really I suppose. She's got a family that loves her very, very much.
Adorable pics and beautiful post!!!
Thinking of you this week...
I see that sparkle!!!
Her eyes sure do sparkle! She's adorable.
Your daughters are both so beautiful and it has been so heart-warming to see Reagan's personality and engaging smile come out! Our daughter, now 8, sucked on her lower lip in China and when we first got home. After about two weeks home and her realizing her needs were being met, she also stopped sucking on her lip unless tired or stressed. You brought back memories for me today. Thank you for sharing!
What a sweet post! It truly is amazing what a loving forever family can do for a little gal! It almost seems like she has always been with you! You are soooo blessed!
Hey Lisa! It's been so amazing following your journey and seeing your photos!!! Hope all is well!! xo
I just started reading your blog today, I love it. Your daughters are adorable!
I'm a newbie :)
Great photos!
Here's my most recent post: http://mylifeasawomanmommyandwife.blogspot.com/2010/12/photo-challenges.html
She is so dang cute. I want to eat her. I'm fairly certain she'd taste like sugar.
Em did the same thing with her fingers... well.. more like a doctor evil brush over her lips with her fingers but she did it constantly in China. Now she still only does it when she is tired. So cute.
I love all the pics!!
Glad to hear all is going well; I know the Mommy blues, leaving for work and sometimes coming home so late, I may not see my little girl for a couple of day! Guilt!
Wonderful pictures, great to see the two together!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
She is so precious. What a beauty!
She definately has a sparkle in her eyes. I am glad your first day back went ok. I hope it will get easier for you.
soooo sweet. I immediately noticed the sparkle in her eye! you have enriched her life...fulfilled so much of what she is meant to be...
My eyes welled with tears for you when I thought of how hard it must have been to return to work.
I am so glad to hear she did well. While it does not relieve your mind completely, I can only imagine how distraught you would be if she was struggling.
Take care of yourself!
so sweet!
Lisa, I am so very glad that she is coming out of her shell, slowly but surely. It's amazing to me how we can notice the changes, sometimes rapidly, sometimes it takes years. But change, they do. She is just precious. I am so happy to be able to follow your journey.
What sweet photos.
Hi Lisa
I've finally taken the plunge and linked in with B/W Wednesday. :)
Your little ones look so beautiful - I am so glad that your little one is settling into your home and family life so well. Your children are beautiful.
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