Tomorrow marks 12 weeks since the day Reagan was placed in my arms, so I thought it would a great time to do a little update!!
The bonds between the three kids have continued to grow stronger with each passing day and some of Reagan's biggest smiles and belly laughs have been as a result of her big brother and big sister.
This series of photos was prompted last weekend when the kids put Reagan on her new VTech Zebra Scooter that she received from Santa! Sometimes I think that the older ones get more entertainment out of Reagan's toys than she does.
Take a look:

We pulled all the barstools away from the bar and cleared the path!!

Reagan looks a little unsure of what is about happen.

Nick and Sarah obvioiusly having having a great time.

Oh yeah.... this IS FUN!!!

Who's ready to do this again?

They must have pushed her back and forth about 100 times and then began to take her on rides through the kitchen and circled our entire downstairs. The squeals of delight could be heard as they made their way through the house.

I am super proud of both Nick and Sarah as they not only enjoy their playtime with Reagan, they are also always on the lookout for her best interest. It's like having two extra sets of eyes on her at all times. They both take their role as big brother/big sister very seriously:)

When I see them together, it is hard for me to believe that Reagan has only been with us for three months.

There is nothing that gives me greater joy than these three smiling faces.

Stop by Stefanie's blog to participate and see more Sunday Snapshots.
I am reading this with tears in my eyes...it's been a rough 2 weeks for us. We were matched with a beautiful waiting child and had to say no this past week. My heart was broken, then we had some bad news regarding 2 dear friends going their seperate ways...so our 'daughter' emotions were pushed aside. Now, I see this post...thank you for bringing the feelings back and reminding me how special this is. Your family is BEAUTIFUL and you should be very proud. : )
You have the most beautiful children. Reagan fits right in. Even for those on the outside of your life... it seems like she's always been there.
that dress you have on Reagan is adorable!
And, these pictures are stunning of all three of your beautiful children!
And, the V-tec ridy toy look amazing!
OH ... the blessing of having siblings. Joy and love radiate from these photos!
Thank you for sharing them with us!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Oh my! Gal would love that toy!
Loving her "stylin"!!!
Reagan's expressions in these pics are so cute/hilarious Lisa. What a fun toy!
You can really see how much Nick and Sarah love their little sister.
And that striped dress is precious!
Hope you've had a great weekend.
"A little unsure?" Oh I totally cracked up at her expression in that photo. I'm sure she'll get that look MANY more times when her brother and sister have her try new things, my guess it she'll end up with a smile 99.99% of the time.
I think she's going to LOVE swinging in the spring:)
Love to hear that the kids are doing well together.
Lovely post!
LOVE these sibling pics!!! The last one of all three is for sure a framer (really all of them are). I also LOVE the first pic of Reagan standing. That dress is the cutest thing ever. It's so great to see Nick and Sarah look at her with such protective and loving eyes. You must be having a ball with these three!!! xoxo
your kids are so lucky to have you as their parent.
Your children are so beautiful. My heart just went out for you as that last photo scrolled by. Beautiful.
What a PRECIOUS post... how she is blossoming!!
Isn't it positively amazing how children just LOVE? And so selflessly?
Looks like Nick and Sarah have just fallen head over heels for her :)
God is GOOD!
Happy Sunday, Lisa!
Omg....what beautiful pictures and the smiles and love they have for each other must warm your heart!Lisa nothing gets better than seeing the bond of siblings...I can imagine you and your hubby smiles as big as the moon watching your children together!
Oh, how I heart that second black-and-white. The look on Nick's face... so perfect.
Love the photos..
The lastone is BREATHTAKING..
Love ya ..
The photos of your kids are magnificent.
This made me cry too. I loved it so much. Her dress is perfect! And your family? Just about the best thing ever. So thankful for you Lisa. Wishing you a blessed Sunday with your little family!
Love, love, love these pictures!! The love the kids have for one another is so obvious and evident on each of their faces. Beautiful family! xoxo
Such beautiful photos of beautiful children!!! I totally agree about the amazing influence the siblings have on new little ones. I am convinced one of the greatest gifts Jing has been given is EK. They are the best of friends and really don't know what they would do without each other. Thank you for sharing your precious photos!!!
Blessings and Joy!!!
I love seeing them together -- three so different and yet so perfect together. Seriously cool.
Looks like they are having great fun together. I especially love that last picture. They all have such different eyes and they are all so stunning! Beautiful Children!
I can not believe you have been home 3 months! That means the last pictures I have seen of my little one are 3 months old, can't wait for next week and I can see her in person!
OMG, those CHINS!!! I love that sweet chubby girl!! And I love these pictures even more. You need to print me that one of the 3 of them together, SO freaking cute. I can't believe it's been 3 months, in some ways it seems like just yesterday but in others, it seems Reagan has been one of the gang forever.
Happy Sunday, my friend!
You are truly blessed. You two older children remind me of my two older grand children when their brother arrived. I would just look at my youngest grandson and wonder,
Do you know how truly blessed you are to have the love and adoration of
your older siblings?
Thanks for sharing your beautiful story.
OMG...look at those double chins your little one has! Simply adorable! I'm so happy they're getting along so well. I bet you are too....makes life a lot easier when you don't have to spend your entire day breaking up fights amongst the little ones. ;-)
Love your pics today. One of my favorites is the last one. Their eyes just pop. Gorgeous...
OK, how beautiful are your children??? Their love for another shines in every photo Lisa! You are all so richly blessed! Thanks for sharing your family with us!
Hugs and love!
These are simply gorgeous. The pictures themselves and the love that your three children have for each other that we can see through the pictures. Just beautiful!
Absolutely gorgeous as always Lisa. Love the pics.
Happy 3 months. It does seems like forever ago yet yesterday too.
This post just filled me with joy. I remember the progression for us (not all rosy) but step by step it works. Your 3 seem like the perfect fit. These pictures are all so beautiful and tender and loving and fun!!!
Happy Sunday my friend!!
Lisa, what an absolutely wonderful surprise to see these beautiful pictures!!!
I am convinced that nothing this side of Heaven fills the heart with more joy than children playing and interacting together^_^
Have a Blessed Lord's Day together!
I love this family you have created!
As adorable Reagan is, it's fun to see Sarah and Nick interacting with her radiating pure Joy. This series is fabulous!
LOL! OK, that's what I was talking about in the 4th picture - Sarah's hair in motion! hee hee! :-)
Gorgeous baby, gorgeous family - just lovely! They look so happy. (I don't know if I have even seen a bigger smile from Nick!) :-)
Your children are so beautiful and sweet together. I love to see your updates-thank you for sharing. Tell Nick he is a fabulous big brother!
I am amazed at how quickly time is flying by! It seems like your grueling wait was just yesterday, when each day felt like a month, but now I am guessing you wish you could stop time, as I often find myself doing. These are wonderful snapshots of your time together. I do love the look of Sarah's and Nick's faces, as they do seem to be having as much fun as their Mei Mei. LOVE IT!!!
I hope you have a great week!
Lisa, all of your pictures are precious but the last black & white one is my favorite. What beautiful children you have. I just love the way you can tell that Nick is such a great "big brother". Thanks for sharing!
All I can say is WOW! Just look at those smiles and the love abounding! The three of them together - priceless!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Wow! What a gorgeous family!!! Reagan is so incredibly sweet, but I marvel at the maturity of Nick and Sarah as they enjoy their sweet little sister. The shots of the three of them melt my heart. My heart has been tugged toward adoption again and again in the past couple of months (this does not help! ;)
Three looks good...hmmmm.
Keep enjoying those beautiful treasures of yours...God has blessed you and Pat with pure joy!
your photos are amazing! what a gift you have! and your children are beautiful, of course!
These pictures are beautiful, I love how big brother Nick is looking at his little sisters with such adoration.
I think that was the sweetest post ever!
That last shot is beautiful! It's hard to believe it's only been 3 months! It seems like you've had little R for a lifetime! She seems to have fit in perfectly!
"A little unsure.."? Reagan's expression in that picture totally made me laugh :D
I can't believe it's only been three months when I see how coherent your kids are. I'm sure they bicker and fight, too, but Sarah and Nick have really taken Reagan into their hearts with open arms. It's so wonderful - and your pictures captures it so well!
So sweet! You are triply blessed and so are they! Wonderful fun photos!
What fun you all had! Love the ones of Nick and Sarah in the background laughing! Precious!
Wow, those three kiddos of yours are GEORGEOUS! And I love how Reagan fits right in like she was just meant to be....which of course she was =).
I'm so excited hear about your new focus for 2011 and your collaboration with HTS. My heart still breaks for the little ones still waiting in the orphanages. Even after a year and half, the mark left from our trip still hasn't faded. I would be interested in hearing more about your online course.
Gin =)
just beautiful - as always
kind regards,
ps looks like your food is VERY good indeed!
ps 2 happy three-months since Reagan-in-your-arms day!
Super cute pictures of your kidos! I've been following your blog since just before you left for China. I know I'm a little late, but wanted to let you know I'm interested your online photography course. Here's my e-mail. jewellx8@msn.com
Thanks, Heather
Your pictures are amazing....but your clothes are even better...I love that little blue and white dress!
sandy toe
Gorgeous children!
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