Happy One Year of Black and White Wednesdays!

Can you believe we have all been doing this for 52 weeks?
WOW, that went by so quickly!
I thought I would throw in the towel long ago, but because of your weekly participation and photo inspiration, I have been able to keep it going!!

There have been many Tuesday evenings that I have had to scramble to get a post up by midnight and hit publish with only seconds to spare. I had one little mishap while in China, but who can blame a girl with a 12 hour time difference and a new baby?

I thought about changing things up for this year and possibly doing a theme each month or adding some kind of new twist . . . .

But, I really like the simplicity of this little link party and I think it is best to keep doing what we have been doing.
Thanks for a GREAT year of black and white memories!
Hope that you all will continue to join me each week in 2011!
BTW, Remember that wall I wanted to complete in our home?
Well, I had good intentions. I have made a little progress with a few new pictures making their appearance up there, but I still have piles of prints waiting to be framed and hung.
Maybe by the end of 2011?
2010 was kind of a busy year for us. Besides, I would have had to do a lot of rearranging and changing to add little Miss Reagan up there on the wall.
Gosh these are gorgeous! Love them all!
I really love her necklace in particular!
Congrats on 1 year Lisa!
It has been a blast to participate in your weekly theme.
Yeah, I think by the end of 2011 you might have some of the pics up.
And miss Reagan is just growing like a weed, so adorable in her jewels and party skirt!!! her hair is getting long...wow!
I havent been here for many of those weeks, but ever since I found your blog I have looked forward to your future posts! :)
These are such lovely photos of Reagan!
Happy 1 year to B/W Wednesdays --this is one of the memes that I really look forward to each week!
Congrats! A year is fantastic and I need to link up more. What great pictures of Reagan, she has definately come a long way in a few months.
Happy 1 year! And beautiful pics of Reagan!
Wow....happy one year of black and white Wednesdays!! Has it really been that long? - it is kind of amazing we can keep pumping them out. You're right - it's all that great inspiration and comradeship. I know I haven't miss one (do I get the prize?) hehe
These are such gorgeous shots of Reagan - I just love them. Can't believe how fast she is changing - what a beauty!
Loved our telephone chat today. After I shared the "stuff" that was going on with my girls with you, I decided to post about that tonight. Bared my soul a bit.
Have a great week.
Love you!!
Happy one year of Black and White Wednesday!!! I have LOVED the last 52 weeks (and so has my family) and I am so glad you've done this for ALL of us! It is such an inspiration to me and has pushed me to work harder at my love of photography! Thank you Lisa for your continued dedication and inspiration!!
I'm loving your pics this week...your Reagan is just a beauty! Happy Wednesday to you and yours!
Oh my goodness... I love your pictures of little Miss Reagan this week! She is just precious!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!
Thank you for hosting Black and White Wednesday! I enjoy playing along!
these are gorgeous... the lighting is perfect!
Really love your gorgeous captures of your children ! So great!
Oh I LOVE these!!! Your baby is beautiful! Would love to see a post of how you display all your gorgeous photos - you have so many good ones - how do you choose? All of mine are just sitting on the PC - would love some tips and ideas and inspiration from you on how to display tastefully! Thank you, Wendy
Wow, Lisa! That first picture is amazing!!! I usually love all of your pictures, but this one took my breath away. I'm amazed at your ability to capture these perfect moments and angles. You can't exactly tell a baby to pose!
And congrats on 1 year. Althoug I don't participate I always enjoy the shots. I'm glad you're keeping it going.
Congrats! It has been a fun time to plan the Black and White post; I have not participated every week but it does help push me to plan some posts for each week. Sometimes blogging (or electronic family photo album as I use it for) gets a little tedious. But all good! Love it and your gorgeous photos!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Congrats on the one year!
Looking forward to a great new year!
I just found this blog.
I could not find a button to put on my blog. leave me a note to where I can find it, so I can add it to my blog.
(Awesome pictures and a beautiful family!)
What a way to post a milestone!!
These pictures of Reagan are spectacular ^_^
That "little lady" is adjusting very nicely to being photographed!!
Thanks for sharing the beauty of that precious child!!!
Happy One Year Anniversary Lisa!!! Wow has that year flown by. I've really enjoyed posting every Wednesday. You've made me push myself to get out there and take more photos, even when I had no desire. I too have not hung one photo on my wall. I have the frames sitting in my closet waiting. I just have such a hard time deciding which one to print. I might just go out and buy some more frames so I can fit them all on the wall.
Reagan is soooooo cute in these pics. She really is getting so big....and that smile of her's... it's precious.
Happy Wednesday!!!
absolutely gorgeous shots
Happy One Year anniversary on the B & W Wednesday! I'm happy to be joining my first time on such a grand occasion!
Has it really been a year? Wow....it sure does not seem like it. Winter months are so hard for me and the lens! I need to try and get my gear out more!
Once you fill your wall, you need to show us what you have created. Or maybe even how it is progressing. I would love to see it.
Have a great rest of the week.
A year, wow! I love B&W and it reminds me to edit some photos in that way, which often times makes them so much better. Thanks for hosting - I love it just the way it is.
And yes, you've had a busy year - I'll look forward to seeing the wall whenever it is finished!
Happy one year anniversary! Black and white pictures are my favorite! Love these pictures of Reagan!
Hope you have a great day! Looking forward to catching up this afternoon!
Oh my goodness we have to meet up so I can kiss her Lisa - Lexi is dying to meet your son and older daughter too :-)!!! Photo play date soon???
Happy 1st Birthday! Such an exciting celebration for all of you!
Lots of love,
I seriously cannot believe it's been a year! It's funny you should mention that wall because I was going to ask about it ; )
Wow, a year? I have learned so much this year as far as photography goes and have loved participating here on Wednesdays. Love the new pics of Reagan, she is such a great willing model! Have a great day~
Wednesday are my favorite.....haven't participated in awhile ....lost my mojo! Gorgeous pictures as always!
Happy Anniversary! Love my Black & White Wednesdays!!! These are beautiful as per the usual. Reagan is a doll!
Can she get ANY CUTER?? Oh my goodness, love these shots!
Oh Lisa...she just melts my heart. God is so good.
Congrats on a fabulous year of Blk and Wht Wednesday's!!!!
I need to get on the ball and start up again! Next week for sure!!!
Love the pics of Reagan! She's getting cuter and cuter each day!!!
That little sweetie sure seems to be comfortable in your family now.....beautiful shots, some of my favorites of her!
she is a certified fashionista...what a cutie! Happy first...way to go!
Ciao Bella :)
I see that you are training her young with the camera... Shauna picked up my XSi the other day and put it to her eye - not look through the screen at the back like the smaller camera... I was so incredibly proud... I am dying to buy her a Fisher Price Camera for her 2nd birthday... start her off with the simple camera... lol...
I love this set of photos of the little princess :) And congrats on a full year of B&W Wednesdays!! I love joining in, whenever I can!
You have such a beautiful baby there! And congrats on hitting the one year mark. I always think it's a huge accomplishment to reach one year on anything...it shows commitment. And I love that you're keeping it theme free...I love the simplicity of loading any of my black and white shots from that week.
happy one year! I remember our lunch at the photo walk when you said you were thinking of taking a break...I believed I had a knee jerk reaction of "No, you cant do that!!!"
You have one adorable baby :)
These are adorable! She's so cute. Congrats on the 1 year
Thank you so much for hosting this :-)
Gorgeous photos...Reagan is just adorable. Thanks for hosting such a fun challenge!
darling photos! Love the last couple of months since I found your blog. Congrats!
I can't thank you enough for hosting this little weekly "get together". Having all these gorgeous photos taken by some of the most inspiring mom bloggers out there- has been life changing for me. I am a complete beginner but each week I view photos that encourage me to learn everything I can and try to improve with each click. I have learned to look for the beauty in the every day things & take a moment to remember them by the way of the lens.
Such wonderful captures! Congratulations on the 1 year for me, too! This is really amazing!
WOW one year!!!! Love the pictures!!!! Also love Black and White Wednesday!!!
Wow! I can't believe you have been doing this for a year. Time sure does fly.
I have been a lurker for so long I decided it was time to jump in and join the fun. I am by no means a photographer, but I love the pictures.
Reagan is just beautiful!! I LOVE your pictures!!
WOW a whole year already??? Time flies when you're having fun :) Congrats on sticking with it and inspiring so many others to join. Maybe this year I will be able to link up more often! I love the pics of sweetpea!!! She dons jewels like no other :) The black and whites are gorgeous, but I LOVE, LOVE number three pic down from the top. She looks like a little angel. Did the snow make it your way? We are out to play some more in ours. Love ya!
Your have such a beautiful baby! Great photos! Happy 1 year of Black and White! I am happy it will stay theme free! :-)
Congrats on the one year! Glad I could be apart of it. She's beautiful, love the photos!
Just love these photos....I am hoping to get one year portraits done soon...have been waiting for Gracies hair to grow some more first:-(
How has Reagan's hair grown so quickly? So not fair!
I cannot get a clasp to stay in at all!!!
Happy 1 year B & W Wed. dx
I'm glad you started this Lisa, even if I don't participate each week!
Reagan just gets cuter and cuter doesn't she!
Aww!! Those pics are so good!
beautiful picutures!!!
happy new year!
love the smile! beautiful
Gosh she is cuter in each picture Lisa!
I wish I had been able to participate more over the last year but I always look forward to your posts! I'm glad you are going to keep doing this.
Hope you are all staying warm!
Gorgeous shots! Soooo adorable! xo
Gorgeous. I love her smile and innocent look. wahat an angel
these are so beautiful. really. I love the ones from your last post a lot too - Reagan is really showing so much joy and personality - and you are capturing that!!! Congrats Mom!
Can you share what lens you use? I love the look/depth of field in these :)
xo ellie
Ohhhh, she's so cute I could eat her up!!!
Camila F.
So glad to have found your blog so many weeks ago! Happy birthday to Black and White Wednesdays. I still love linking and sharing with my fellow blogphotogs.
Reagan is a stunning little lady and she really does look to have completely adapted into the princess mode (I know, she's the empress). So happy for your blessing.
Great props that you have for these adorable pictures! That's awesome that you have been running black and white wednesday for a year..thanks for inspiring so many of us! :)
Thanks for hosting. I really like your title bar.
I love these pictures, but even more I love seeing that Reagan's getting a bit of baby fat:)...oh how healthy she is:) Amazing how much she's grown in the last few months.
I love love love your photos. So glad it has been 3 months. You are such a good Mommy and she was meant to be with you.
I am SO blessed to be on this B&W journey with you. LOVE your photos and Reagan is just precious!!!
Blessings and Joy to you!!!
Gorgeous pictures of a beautiful little girl! Congrats on one year!
Congrats Lisa! I'm so happy that 2010 brought you so many amazing gifts. It was a stroke of luck that I came across your blog with around the time B&W Wednesday started, and even though I haven't had the time to participate in every single one this last year I have enjoyed every single moment of following your journey. Cheers! Here's to another beautiful and inspiring 52 weeks and beyond.
Congrats on 1 Yr. I have just started participating and I love your blog. :)
Congratulations on your first year of B & W Wednesday!
Lisa - before tomorrow can you add this link into your post so everyone who does your link up reads it. I see you have it on too - but maybe after reading my post you will turn it off!
Hugs and much love!!!
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