The response to yesterday's post has me tickled pink!
I thought that there would be a good deal of interest, but never imagined all the heartfelt and encouraging words that I received.
Many of you chose to personally email me and not only express your interest in photography classes, but also decided to tell me a little bit about yourselves and in a some cases, shared your own adoption experiences and love for China and their children.
I am almost at a loss for words.....
The emails were so touching and I want to personally reply to each and every one of you. It is just going to take me a few days to make my way through my inbox, but I will be in contact with you shortly.
Thank you again for the continued support and the love you share for these precious children.
This was one of my favorite photos taken the morning I met Reagan in Changsha.
Thank you Marla!
Not only were you there with me every step of the way, you photographed all these special moments for us.
Such an invaluable gift.
Luv Ya Girl!!
Precious Precious Picture ^_^
You deserve all the kind words Lisa. You are amazing!
So happy for you! I agree...this photo is one of my favorites of you and Reagan. It's beautiful...and so are you!
I recognise that picture and it is fantastic: the emotion on your face is wide open.
And I echo what DiJo said - you deserve all the kind words Lisa. You are amazing!
Delighted you got a good response from good old blogland!
WOW! That photo says so much! Truly a beautiful moment! Not to mention you are both so beautiful!
I'm very excited to see what God has in store for you this yer Lisa on this journey!
Much love,
PS My drip drop water shot tutorial is up :-) www.fnaphotography.blogspot.com
didn't have time to blog yesterday...gonna check your post out now! :)
very noble of you, you should be proud of yourself
What a picture! I think that is my favorite. tara
I will say it again...I told you so! I knew that you would get an overwhelming response. Thank you for giving back in such an awesome way! Thank you also for your kind and encouraging words to me this morning...I need to put on my big girl pants and get over it!!! Hugs~
Beautiful picture of a mothers love!
I just found your blog hopping around and so glad that I did!! Not only is your blog beautiful but your photography is breathtaking! You are such a talented woman, with a beautiful family. Nice to meet you, if you don't mind, I'll be back often!
I'm so happy about the response you've had Lisa (I had no doubt).
Can't wait to see what the future holds for you with HTS!
So touching and wonderful. I'm so happy for all of you.
Loved following your blog when you traveled to China to get Reagan. Just checked out the Half the Sky site and our newest granddaughter was in the group photo! Thanks! Called my daughter and she was so excited to be able to add another photo to Saidie's photo album from the orphanage! God bless you!
In Christian Love,
Grandma to 2 Granddaughters from China!
I just wanted you to know how much I love your blog! And I thought you deserved some props, so I nomintaed you for a blog award on my page. Just a little bit of fun for a blogtastic writer =)
The adoption community is like no other! ;) I know you will succeed at whatever you set out to do!
Best wishes....
Absolutely stunning pictures!
So glad you had such a great response, Lisa!!! You will do fabulous things and so many will be touched by your gifts! Wish I could attend a class, but my plate is full for a couple of semesters while I am back in school. I can't wait to follow your journey! Congrats :)
Great picture, so wonderful you do have so many amazing photos from your journey.
We posted on the 6th about "pink" too, different meaning, same color. Don't our little girls look great in it (and you do too!).
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Lisa, I'll have to say that I also didn't have any doubts that you would get a huge response to this. Especially since you're opening up and doing something online as well. That'll surely broaden your student pool. I can't wait until we hear more.
And every time I see that picture of you with Reagan I am so moved. To have such a precious moment captured is amazing.
Hi Lisa! How sweet of you to stop by my blog...thank you so much for your kind words! :-) I saw you're name and was like "woa." You made my morning. ;-)
I have been following your story with Reagan; what an amazing journey. She is absolutely precious. I can't remember if I wrote to you before, but I just adore your middle gal. She looks like she could have some major spunk - LOL! And I love how her hair always looks "in motion." Oh wow, what a cutie!
Thank you again so much for your encouragment. (And now I'm all teary because of the music on your blog! I love "Bless the Broken Road.") ;-) Have a wonderful weekend! XO
Isn't it brilliant to proof-read your comment AFTER you post it - sheesh! Please excuse the typos - LOL!, and I know I've written to you before... I just wasn't sure if I mentioned Sarah's cuteness! :-)
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