When I look at this face it is very hard for me to believe that this is the same child that was placed in my arms just a little over 3 months ago in the Hunan Province of China. There is definitely a twinkle in her eyes today that just was not there those first few weeks.
Only on the rarest of occasions do we see traces of the shy, withdrawn, and scared little girl we first met that miraculous Monday morning in the civil affairs office.
In a short period of time Reagan has morphed into a happy, well adjusted little girl who wakes up each day ready to live her life to the fullest. At least that is how it appears to us when we walk into her bedroom each morning and see her standing(or sometimes bouncing)in her crib with an enormous smile on her face. She crinkles up her cute little nose and gives us her big toothy grin and we completely melt.
Not a day goes by that I don't flash back to the child I met in China and think "WOW, LOOK AT HER NOW". It really is amazing to me that these children who have endured so much in their short little lives, can adapt, adjust, and thrive so quickly.
A little over two weeks ago the girls were playing on the bed in Sarah's room with a bunch of stuffed animals. Reagan crawled right over to the edge where I was sitting and pulled two of her new furry friends up to her face and squeezed them with sheer delight.
As soon as I saw her face, I knew that this photo was going to be one of my favorites. I have taken MANY pictures of Reagan over the last few months(as most of you can attest), but this one really calls out to me because it so clearly represents how far she has come. When I look at this picture, I see a child who is happy, confident, secure, and LOVED.

I am participating in the I Heart Faces photo contest and this week's theme is "People's Choice".
Instead of having a guest judge pick the top ten photos, the public is going to decide this week.
Click the logo above to see all the beautiful entries and vote for Reagan, #38!
Oops.... Did I really just say that?
I meant to say, vote for your favorite photo:)
The voting begins on Tuesday and will close on Thursday Evening.
LOL! You are precious!
I love this photo of her! I love how far she has come because of the love she feels and trusts with your family!
Hugs - off to vote and to bed!
She is absolutely adorable!
And your post was just what I needed to read right now. We just found out this week that we have to move to Hawaii in April. I will have a barely one year old, and I have been very worried about her. We'll be without a house of our own, her crib, her toys, ect for over a month. But this post just reminds me how well kids do with changes. How fast they adjust and thrive with the changes. So for that, I thank you!
Simply Darling!
Gorgeous! Tried to vote for her but could not find where to vote!
Lisa, this is such a great picture ...Reagan looks so happy,settled and content. You (and all your family) have done an amazing job to get her to where she is today.
It is true what they say about raising kisds that "you get back what you put in". Enjoy every minute! Dx
Beautiful girl! The changes that these kids go through in just a few weeks amazes me.
Let the voting for Reagan begin ^_^
When you share a post like this with all of us, I can not help but think of that little hand reaching thru the crib to grab onto your finger :))
Now, she is jumping into your arms!! What a Blessing!!!
That very same thought went through my mind when I posted this picture. That was the faithful night we turned the corner. She decided to let me in..... she began to trust me and from then on, she has never looked back!!
Hope you have a great week~
Oh this is a wonderful shot and thank you for sharing the story of your sweet little girl too! What a blessing in your lives!
Congratulations on your new little girl, she looks very happy!
How Beautiful! She looks so happy and peaceful :)
What a beautiful story about a beautiful little girl!
Reagan is such a cutie pie. I love this picture! You are one blessed mama!
Hope you have a great day!
She's beautiful! Love reading your blog about your experience and your family :)
I haven't caught your blog in a while...she is gorgeous. What a blessing:) Beautiful shot!
Yes, this is such a great photo, and I can completely see the difference in her beautiful eyes.
She is absolutely PRECIOUS, Lisa! It's like her little body could not contain her happiness. :)
What a doll!! I can see why this is your favorite!!
so sweet!
Great shot! Adorable baby!
What a precious photo Lisa! I just want to grab those little cheeks and give them a squeeze. There really is an amazing transformation from those original photos while in China.
Happy Monday to you!
p.s. You have my vote!
Oh Lisa, I love this one of Reagan. I will go vote right now. How can it already be 3 mos? In one way it feels like she has always been home and in another way it seems like it was just yesterday you held her in your arms for the first time.
Sorry, I mean I will vote when the polls open tomorrow. :)
Oh my gosh, could you just eat her up or what?! Yes, I'm pretty certain she looks pretty HAPPY!
What a sweet photo of your precious baby and I completely agree how amazing it is that they adjust and thrive in the arms of LOVE! We are both SO blessed to love these girls!!! A great choice for the photo contest!!!
Blessings and Joy!
Seriously pretty! :)
What a happy and adorable face. I will vote for her!
What a beautiful little girl!
Yes Lisa, sweet Reagan has come such a long way. I LOVE this expression of pure joy on that sweet face. (She gets my vote - and I may have to play too - hehe)
Have a great week with your lovelies!!
Reagan RADIATES the love that now surrounds her!!
Beautiful photo!!
She is soooo BEAUTIFUL.
She is beautiful. I am so happy that she is starting to sparkle : )
When I look back at our first days with our daughter (adopted at age 4) she is like a different child.
Thanks for sharing!
What a wonderful portrait - I love it!
She is scrumptious!!!
I absolutely agree.....she is scrumptous....edible....delectible and completely delightful!
Let the voting BEGIN!
She looks like a different baby! So happy and that portrait is absolutely stunning.
Erika B
She is too cute for words and she has just BLOSSOMED! What a great photo. That little face of hers looks positively kissable!
Gin =)
Awww, I love smiley girls. :) She is such a sweetheart.
I'm going to vote!
She's just delightful!!! and you can the see sparkle in her eyes. What a happy girl!
#38 it is.
Love the sparkle in her eyes!
Oh my gosh this is so cute!
I'll be of course voting for #38!
Where have you been hiding this treasure???? I LOVE this pic of Reagan! She truly has transformed right in front of our eyes and it has been a blessing to watch! This is a precious pic of your sweet girl! xo
So adorable, Lisa. How happy she must be. How lucky you all are..
Beyond sweet and precious.. But, also miraculous when I know that this means!!!
She is so beautiful!
A beautiful photo and a wonderful story. So happy for you!
Heartwarming story and absolutely gorgoues photo! TFS!!!
OMG she is georgous
you just want to eat her up
I voted and Im telling everyone else to do the same
good luck
Oh my goodness - how did I miss this - absolutely beautiful shot of Reagan!
beautiful picture of Reagan! there is something in her eyes that says she has felt her belonging and connection with you :)
Look at that little cutie! She has come a long way. She is surrounded by a great family and lots of love - I think that will do it! So glad things are going well for all of you! I will go place my vote!
I could just gobble her up! She is ADORABLE! Fabulous picture!
She is perfect : )
I love her sparkle.
I LOVE this picture. What an absolute delight!!!!
Although I have been silent in the blogging world, I have popped over often to see your family.
I know that you have a kazillion and one followers and a busy life, so I really appreciate that you come over and say hello :)
You are a special woman! It has been so awesome to see the Lord bless you.
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