In the last four months Reagan's personality has really begun to emerge and she is becoming more and more comfortable expressing herself around us.
We are working on her vocabulary and trying to encourage her to speak. Shortly after we came home, she began saying, "mama and dada".
About two weeks ago, she said, "Nick" for the first time and we were all EXCITED....especially Nick!
Then, just this past weekend, only moments after she took her first steps, she said the word "ball".
For the most part, she is not able to communicate through words(except for those four), but she does know how to show us through body language and facial expressions what she needs, wants, or what she is feeling.
Isn't it just amazing that a face can tell us so much?
Sometimes....no words are needed.

Wonderful photos. I love your processing.
I love looking through your photos of Reagan. She's such a little darling! Would you consider trying some baby sign language with her? We did that with both of ours and it was just amazing. :) They could use signs to communicate what they want/need, etc. with us... so definitely less frustration on both theirs and our parts.
Happy Wednesday!
That's so funny Lisa - I think we were on the same wave length tonight. (The no words needed wave.)
Love sweet Reagan in the piggies. It just shows the beauty of her sweet face even more. I love to see the progress that just 4 little months can make. It's really miraculous!
Have a great week, my friend!!!
She's SUCH A doll!!!
Love your processing too! don't you just love it when you here their sweet little voices saying names!
Cute pics and yes her face says it all! :) I'm loving the piggies!!
Jenny wasn't much of a talker until about 4 months ago. We did do a lot of sign language and she loved it and still does use it. Now she is a constant talker! :)
Happy Wednesday!
She is an absolute doll in her litte piggies! And yes that sweet little face conveys so much, great job catching it all on camera.
Gin =)
Love the pigtails, she is just a doll. It is so exciting to hear their little voices isn't it?
She looks so beautiful...great shots and processing!
She leaves me speechless!
This is so true, love her faces. Great photos!
Love that smile! We signed with Linhsey and she did well with it. I bet R's vocabulary is going to explode between now and the summer. I can't wait to read about the adorable things she will be saying. I love going back and reading old posts about L and the cute things she said. Take a lot of videos too!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Mama and Dada. I freaking LOVE that : )
She is so precious and her expressions say everything you need to know. Treasure!
Just wait...those words will come spilling out of her mouth in no time at all. Liam was slow to speak. We signed with his a few of the basic words so we could communicate more easily. Now we sometimes would like a little peace and quiet with the two of them gabbing so much! ;-)
Beautiful pictures of your beautiful little girl!
could just eat that little muffin right up!!
I had many people tell me I needed to teach her 'sign language' so I know how she is feeling etc... sure, sign language is something useful to know in life... can get you lots of jobs... if you know the alphabet too... lol... I know Shauna's moans, grunts... at night the little twitches of her body to know what she wants me to do or isn't feeling well etc... I have told her she needs to start using her words more cause she will get lazy, get your hand and move it to what she wants you to do... why use sign language if you know everything they want now... and her facial expressions tell 1,000 words :) I love seeing the photos of the kids together... hugs...
Adorable!!! I know I say that about her all the time...but she is. And you sure can tell what she's thinking/feeling by her expressions. These are fun times.
Gail :)
And Happy Wednesday!
Love, Love the piggys!
So cute!!
amen! sometimes there is no need for words. she is beyond precious!!!! love the piggie tails! so cute!
enjoy this amazing and glorious warm weather! loving the SONshine!
She is TOO adorable. The piggies are sending me over the edge. I just love them!
Toooooo CUTE..
She is soooo darling..sooo happy for you my friend..
And each of her expressions are adorable!! I think she is definitely suited for piggies!! They look so cute on her!!
She's so adorable! Love her little pony tails!
The hair is killing me! That should absolutely be her signature look! She's darling! And I think she officially has more hair than my 5-year-old!
I love all her little facial expressions...that is one thing that I love to capture in photography. And those two little fingers of hers get me every time!
she does have adorable facial expressions. love the editing on the photos & I also think that the link ups look cool with the b&w pictures.
have a great day!
beautiful she is getting so big.
I love all of her little expressions.
I don't see a need for sign language if you know her needs, and you do. She will have more incentive to talk without signs, so unless she's frustrated i wouldn't go down that route.
She's taking in all the language around her each day, and believe me, it will all come spewing out soon. And more will come out too, and you'll wonder where she got it from!!
Love the new-look linky, it's a great creation.
Her pig tails are too cute! She is such a doll...how sweet to hear her say her brother's name!
Dont.Ever.Get.Rid.Of.The.Pigtails! TOO ADORABLE!!
She's adorable! I love the pigtails :)
At this age the most important cues to language development are receptive language--how much she understands that you communicate with her. The more she hears from you and is asked, the greater the amount of language is stored and ready to be used when she begins to communicate verbally.
Those pigtails are just too sweet & the one with her little fingers in her mouth ... seriously ... just too sweet!
She is doing just amazing only being home 4 months! Tyler was of course a little older than Reagan but he picked up on sign language super quick - More, Please, Milk, & All Done - he had really fast. He came home knowing "love you" from Korea. It's amazing how fast they learn & pick stuff up. I'm sure Nick is over the moon that she says his name :)
xoxo - Robin
Oh, she looks so happy and content. Love her little pigtails.
Erika B
How special! And she is growing up fast and way cuter!
Who needs words when you can say so much without them!! Her eyes and smile say it all :D She is totally adorably beautiful ~ and your pictures are amazing!!
Eeeeeek! I love that first one. The piggies and all those teeth are making her look awfully grown up though, tell her to stop that.
Love the pp on these, it that a little haze I'm seeing there, my clean processing friend? LOL! It totally works on these!
Like the little thumbnail linky thing too. Very cool!
I love all her little expressions and the editing of the photos!
LOVE the piggies!!!!!
Love the shots, and the processing!
This is definitely a different girl than the one you met in China. I can see so much spark in her eyes now. And love love love the piggies!!
Lisa! I want her!
Oh my word! I could eat her with a spoon! She is sooo flippin' cute! I love, love, love her pig tails!
Hope you had a Happy Hump Day!
R is too cute for words! I love her in piggies...makes her look like a little toddler instead of a baby. Have you thought of signing? We had to do that with Paige until she learned the English language. It was a very wonderful way to communicate until she learned the words that she needed. Yes, Reagan can certainly give an expression like no other. Love her and her sweet self!!!
SO SO SO precious!!! :)
Always such beautiful photos! Love all her cuteness! You must have a huge gallery on your walls; I wouldn't be able to decide what to frame, they are all wonderful!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
Oh my gosh, she is SO adorable!
I love her in pigtails. So cute!
Thanks Lisa for sharing your white foamboard idea for a photo shoot. It worked out great!
That face is darn irresistible, no matter what kind of face she pulls. and I am so digging the ponies! adorable!
This baby absolutely takes my breath away. The pigtails absolutely melt my heart.
No...no words needed....that face says it all......she is PERFECTION through and through and I just love her (and her mommy) to pieces!
New to your blog and love it! I think I will begin participating in the black and white Wednesdays!
Lisa these are so fabulous!!!!!!! Can you believe how amazing she is doing!!!! Kudos Mom & Dad!!!
Hoping to get back into BW Wednesday with you soon.
I got some new pics of Emme today that I had to post.
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