We had a bit of a heatwave on Friday. It almost reached 70 Degrees, so after I finished work for the day, I decided to try and take the kids to the park. Once we arrived we saw that there was still a lot of ice and snow on the playground and it was pretty wet and sloppy. Sarah would not go on anything because she did not want to get "dirty". After 10 minutes of walking around trying to find something that was not wet or dirty or near ice, I asked if she just wanted to come home and ride her bike and she quickly said, "Yes, let's go home".
Only minutes after getting out the bikes and scooters, it started to rain!
This should have been a sign that nothing was going to go as planned this weekend.
We had 50-60MPH winds roll in later Friday night. As a result, we lost power on Saturday afternoon and it did not come back until late Saturday night. Needless to say, I got nothing done because everything I had to do, needed power! It set me back, but it was kind of nice to be "unplugged". It was fun to hang out as a family in front of the fireplace. We had plenty of candles lit and a few flashlights. The girls had a ball playing with the flashlights. We pretended they were on stage and waived the flashlights around like stobe lights. We have never heard Reagan laugh so hard. She loved it and had us doing it over and over again for her. Sarah introduced Reagan to the "crowd" and it was the cutest thing ever.... "This is my sister, her name is Reagan and she was born in China. She loves to eat Chinese food and she is just learning to walk" She went on and on, and Pat and I were smiling ear to ear as we listened to her talk about her sis! I wish it would have been light enough for me to video it.... I tried, but you couldn't see them:(
I said I needed some down time this weekend and I guess I got it......I am more than a little behind with emails, blogs, etc.... but I will catch up, I always do!
Unfortunately I have to work today.... I could have used one more day with the family. So here I sit drinking my coffee, getting ready to start the day and guess what I am looking at outside my window? Three inches of snow!! 70 Degrees on Friday and snow on Monday..... CRAZY weather.
I knew Spring was not here to stay, we just got a little taste of it on Friday to break up this long winter. I am pretty sure that this is not the last of the white fluffy stuff for the season. March usually brings us at least one big snow storm!

Last but not least, Nick picked the two winners of the Photography Class Giveaway on Saturday morning! CONGRATULATIONS to April and Kam! You are the lucky winners!
Thank you to everyone that participated. You will still have one more chance to win! I plan to offer the classes again in May and I will be doing another giveaway in conjunction with the release! Stay tuned for details.
Have a wonderful day~
Morning Lisa! I think your weekend sounds fantastic...I have not had a computer for the last 2 weeks - I have just loved it!!! Sometimes, as you say, its great to unplug and just enjoy the peace. The kids sound like they had a ball this weekend. How grown up is Sarah looking???? Dx
ha! i am feeling the same way! really praying for a beautiful spring!!!! your photo of sarah is gorgeous! your time with the girls sounds like a blast - our children love to do shows for us all of the time too - so cute! memories that last a lifetime for sure! be safe today driving! lots of love! xoxoxo
I love, love, love, Sarah's thinking and it is so natural for her to consider Reagan as her sister!
I with you on winter. It's not over yet. We must get at least one big dumping in March and maybe even early April.
Love Sarah's sweet smile with the sun behind her...looking very 'Spring' in that pretty top.
I think you're right about more snow even in March. Your winds you got sound wicked but happy you got to unplug for a little bit!
Happy Monday to you Lisa and hope you have a great week ahead!
hugs... :)
Glad to hear you got some rest this weekend. Bummer to hear about your power going out. I couldn't help but grin while reading your post about Sarah's introduction of Reagan. What a proud BIG sister ... LOVE it!!
Have a great weekend!!
xoxo - Robin
Yeah, we had that same 70 degrees, then wind, then snow. That warmth was oh so nice while it lasted though!
Hooray for an unplanned "unplugged" weekend. Sometimes it's just a blessing in disguise!
Congrats to Kam! I am sooo excited for her!
Hope you had a great day!
I know what you mean about needing to catch up! So do I.
Glad to hear your got some down time with the fam! Sarah is such a sweet sister, I remember Ava first belly laugh!! Too cute!
Im still so stoked to be one of the winners, that was a great thing to wake too this past weekend and see the news from you on FB!!! It is the best prize I have ever won!
Have a great week!! Blessings.
I can't believe you still have snow! Well, actually I can. I lived "up north" for 12 years and I remember snow on April 1. It is beautiful here-sunny and in the
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