We are in the "Steps Are Fun" stage right now....Reagan is completely fascinated with them and makes it up to the top rather quickly.

She will climb them up and down over and over again(if we let her). We have baby gates downstairs so she can't even get to the staircase most of the time, but the minute the gates are opened you better believe that is where she heads first. One of us is always close behind waiting with baited breath for a slip of the foot. Thankfully, she handles herself pretty well.

If we follow her a little too closely, we get the stink eye, boo boo face, or the raspberries.....LOL!
She's afraid we are going to pick her up and make her come down.

After she reaches to the top of the staircase, she makes a beeline for Sarah's room and then points to the bed. Once she is up there she wastes no time getting on her feet so she can jump until her heart's content!
Ummmmm, didn't this girl just learn to walk two weeks ago?
She is trying her hardest to keep up with Nick and Sarah(and give her Mommy a heart attack in the process)...she does not want to miss out on one ounce of fun. She seriously never stops moving. She is either crawling, walking, climbing, or jumping.....and she is quick. You cannot turn your head for even one second......

I'm starting to think that "R" on her shirt stands for "Really Fast" not Reagan!
As for her baby legs.... She started the day with both on and she kept pulling the right one off. I must have put it back on about 6 times before I finally gave up. Although she didn't want to wear it, she continued to carry it with her everywhere she went........ along with a few pats of butter. I shared in in a post a few weeks ago that she went to bed one night clutching pretend butter in her hand. Now she walks around the house with it for hours on end!
Isn't it funny how they are intrigued by the smallest things?
Have a Happy Thursday.....One more day until Friday, thank goodness!
Special thanks to my friend Jodee for Reagan's adorable "R" Shirt! We love the colors and the polka dots!
Reagan has her mommie's eye for presenting a wonderful pose - one sock on, one sock off makes for a much more interesting read ^_^
Sweet Baby Girl!!!
Looking forward to a wonderful week-end - Wishing you one as well!!
I LOVE everything about this post! The hair, the face, the photos, the colours and the fun!
what a great way to start my day!
Have a good day Lisa!
what a riot!!
the don't come get me face is too much! and then her celebratory romp on sarah's bed?! too cute.
are you taking a daily nap?
i bet when your head hits the pillow each night you are sound asleep faster than the speed of light!
She is so adorable! I love those pigtails bobbing around while she romps. You must be equally exhausted once evening falls...keeping up with that one along with all your other work is beyond tiring.
Oh my word! I love how she has one legwarmer on and one hair bow :) so darling!
thank you so much for the giggles - she is so incredibly precious. i can't wait to finally meet her! love the shots and story with it. he he he! naomi was the same way and still takes things off just because she can. HA! love the t-shirt. also love the one bow in her hair :-D naomi does the same thing too!
Hugs and enjoy the glorious SONshine today and tomorrow. Spring is really COMING!!!! YEAH!
Oh my goodness! There is so much cuteness in this post -- the pig tails, the baby legs, the polkadots, the shirt, the pink/chocolate color combo and one adorable face! It does look like she is a woman on the move! Enjoy every minute!
LOVE seeing pictures of Miss Reagan - she just looks like a barrel of fun!!! Reminds me sooo much of when Emma was little. She moved like greased lightning too. the bad thing is, she's almost 7 & still moves like that!
Are you not just amazed that this is the same child!!!
These are so stinkin cute!!!! Her face just makes me smile!!!!!
Oh, and the pics of her with Nick the other day were just priceless. What a blessing to have such a special (and handsome) big brother!!!!
You are blessed my friend!
Oh she is just so precious I could eat her up! Emma Jane had sensory issues and had to carry something small in each hand all the time...I don't remember the reason though? She is just adorable...praying for extra energy for you!
Absolutely beautiful! I am thankful we don't have stairs or I am afraid Olivia would have done the exact same thing. She's almost 8 and is still fast!
I can't wait until she gets home from school and sees these pictures. She has loved the ones from this week -- she keeps looking at them!
Love ya!
She certainly keeps you on your toes!! Isn't this age so much fun? Who needs a gym membership, right? ; BTW, that is the cutest little outfit. Great pictures of your little mover & shaker!
I could almost hear the squeals from this post!!! LOVE IT!
Oh my gosh, she is so stinkin' cute!!! I feel like I say the same things about her but she gets cuter with every one of your posts!!!
Her expressions are adorable, love the last one of her very much. What a character carrying around the pat of butter and her sock.
Enjoy these times with your little active girl, I remember those days well. :)
LOVE her 'R' shirt...
Hi, Lisa! I am your newest follower :)
You have a BEAUTIFUL family and do a great job with the camera. I'll have to show your photos to my 16 yr old son. He has a love for photography too and a little side business he started last year.
Oh.....I so love Reagan's pigtails!!!
I look forward to getting to know you and following your adoption journey.
She is just adorable and getting so big so fast!
Haha!! I love the one Babyleg on. I think it's pretty fashionable. And LOL @ the pat of butter, maybe she wants to be like Paula Deen when she grows up! She'd better come down here so Aunt Marla can teach her how to talk Southern!! :)
Have a good day girlie, love ya!
I love the little grin :) she lives a bit on the wild side - haha - amazing what love can do to their little personalities!! she shines!
Have a great Thursday - Friday is almost here!
xo ellie
I think she is making up for lost time. It is as though she is saying, "I am finally where I belong and I need to make up for all those minutes without my family."
Every time I see her with the butter I think of your Paula Dean comment and giggle.
What a sweet post! I remember when EK was starting to scoot all over the house. She too loved the stairs. :) Adorable pigtails and her face is just angelic!!! SJ also chooses one thing a day to latch onto and carries it all day. So sweet. :) SO thankful Reagan continues to do so well~ love changes everything!!!
Blessings and love!
"Isn't it funny how they are intrigued by the smallest things?"
The beauty in the ordinary makes it all extraordinary!! :)
Great post! I also think "R" stands for RASCAL!! ;)
What a cute little pip!! Those expressions are killing me!!! Such a cutie...
She has so much personality! The butter thing is hilarious. Perhaps this means she'll be neat since she picks up her stuff and carries it with her rather than leaving it lay where it falls.
She is so adorable. Chloe and I play the on and off game with her clippies :)
Everything is happening at warp speed, it amazes me.
Love her! She's soooo adorable! I could see that her charm is going to encourage others to want to buy plane tickets to China...and bring home their own sweet girl. I know I do! :)
Those photos are too cute! I love the angles you are taking! Have a wonderful day!
Great photos. You must have fabulous natural light in your house. They just all look so great and bright.
This is almost too much cuteness for one post! The smile,the piggies, that face..everything! She just makes me smile.
Gin =)
She's so smart! She's probably holding onto her leggings so you won't try to put it on her again? :)
Love these photos! The hair, the smiles, the mischievousness, the carrying around of the butter and leg warmer! Wow those legs are so strong and fast! Have a great weekend, Wendy
Oh my goodness ~ I love her!! These are so precious and fun. Reagan is absolutely adorable!
How adorable is that? That pic of her at the top of the stairs with one bow and one legwarmer is so cute!! Real life!! Love it!
Such a sweet little busy girl! So adorable! Can tell that you are all having a blast with Miss Reagan in the house!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Totally adorable. Sounds a lot like out house with our little one. She loves sliding down the steps as soon as out gate is opened. The Baby Legs are cute... maybe she will wear them as arm warmers. Isn't it fun how the little things in life became amazing again when you have children?
I love everything about this post. reagan is just too cute and getting so big. What a smile she has it lights up a room
Adorable Lisa! :) I could just eat her up.
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