Thankfully after Friday's happenings, the rest of our weekend was quiet and uneventful.

Sarah was pretty scared when she saw Reagan bleeding. She had never witnessed anything like that so she was shakin up. I also think seeing me panic did not help the situation.

As soon as we had the bleeding under control, Sarah calmed down and stopped crying. It was at that point that she realized Reagan was going to be okay.

After we got back from the ER, she followed Reagan's every move. We could tell that she was still a little scared and nervous for her. She was trying to protect her sister and make sure that she did not fall again and hurt herself. It was very sweet to watch her hover over her sister with care and concern. She has asked us a few times this weekend if Reagan's eye will get better and we keep reassuring her that it will take a little time but it will heal and eventuially the "boo boo" will go away.

Reagan's eye swelled up a lot between Friday and Saturday. It looked so bad and I felt horrible for her, but it didn't seem to bother her in the least. She carried on in her usual fashion.
Whenever I look at her eye, I can't help but to think of the moment she fell and how I could not react fast enough. That moment keeps playing through my mind over and over again and I keep saying "If only".
So far she has been a total trooper about letting us clean and treat the area and she is not really going after the stitches with her hands. They warned us that the little ones like to pick and scratch at the stitches as the heal.
I know that these things happen every day, it is just scary when it happens to one of your children. I am SO VERY thankful that Pat was home when this happened and that I was not alone with both of the girls. He was much more calm, cool, and collected than I ever could have been. You think you are prepared for emergencies and know all the proper things to do in any given situation, but in the heat of it, fear takes over and you lose your mind and your common sense.
Thanks for all the kind and caring words this weekend! If all goes well, the stitches will come out on Friday. I will keep everyone posted.
Back to work for me today and the girls get to stay home with Grandma.... they always look forward to their days with Grandma:)
Nick was with his Dad this weekend, so he has not seen Reagan yet, but he will be home after school today. I called him to tell him what happened and what to expect when he sees her. I am sure that he will be hovering over and protecting Reagan just like Sarah.
~Have a great Monday~
HUGS sweet friend! That is really scary! I am so glad you are all OK! Love the photos and their adorable pj's!
Praying for her eye and your heart to heal quickly!
Love Jill
Kids are so amazing! I wish it was that easy for moms to forget:)
I'm so happy her eye is looking much better...I few extra eyes following her is okay! You never know how you will react in a situation until it happens...I hope it's a life time before you have to go through that again. Have a wonderful Monday !
Those girls are precious! My little Abby (Hunan b. 2002, a 2003) has those same jammies. We had to do that papoose thing once for our son when he was about 22 months old and had to have his stomach pumped. It was awful; I could completely identify with your post. I had to stay in the room, too. No way could I leave my baby alone while he was being strapped down and tortured! I hope you have a good week and that those stitches are ready to come out Friday.
I know how hard things like this are going through them!!! I also know this will be a huge step in Reagan's attachment and bonding to you all~ plus the sister bond just got WAY stronger!!! SO precious!!! I hope you have a great day today and know your little ones are safe in the arms that held you or your husband safe too!!!
Blessings and love!
Even all bruised and stitched, your baby girl is adorable!!!!! And I love how the girls match :)
I know what you are feeling - Li'l E fell and really thunked her head badly during the first week she learned how to walk. It was the biggest goose-egg I'd ever seen, which is saying alot since I had four older kids and plenty of ER visits before. The older kids were so protective and nurturing and careful with her for the days following. And when her eyes turned black and blue and folks questioned, they spoke right up for her and bragged about how she was up and trying to run again the next day! I was so freaked out but they handled her recovering and running around again with such normalcy!
Glad it all ended well and that the stitches are tiny. She'll have a good story to tell when she's older :)
What GREAT big siblings Reagan has:) I hope she heals very quickly.
Oh my goodness Lisa! I'm so sorry! Just getting a chance to check blogs because I was out of town over the weekend. Poor Reagan! What a scare. I would have been in complete panic mode too. I'm so glad to read that she is ok!
Such sweet girls. Love those pjs and that Sarah was doting on her sister.
What a great big sister Sarah is! They are very lucky girls to have each other.
Hope Reagan continues to leave those stitches alone and it heals very quickly.
I'm so glad it doesn't seem to be bothering her. I can just see it now the way Nick will be with her. Gene is so protective of L that sometimes he has trouble having a good time when we are out at places!
Happy Reagan's little hands are leaving her stitches alone, I'm sure that's a huge relief for you...sounds like everything is very going well.
These are just precious of the 2 of them together, Lisa!
I'm like you... pretty certain I would have reacted the same way in the heat of the moment. When Breanna was a little toddler, we had a situation just after arriving at her grandparents house, where she was playfully climbing in and out of her crib. Suddenly she lost her balance and landed with all of her weight on her elbow. She broke the 'knob' bone on the joint of her elbow, and the lower half of her arm just hung there, completely dislocated thanks to the broken joint bone. I completely panicked and just lost it in the moment. Thank GOD my hubby was right there to keep things calm and collective. It's crazy how fear can take over in the heat of a scary moment like that. I feel for your every heart ache for your precious girl. Glad to know she is doing better and is going about life as usual, without picking at her stitches!! It's so sweet how concerned her 'jie jie' is over her. Just precious.
Blessings and Hugs,
~ Tanya
Poor sweet angel, that little eye was swollen! I love that Sarah took to her role as big sister so quickly and completely. Glad that y'all are all recovering from the trauma! Have a great week, girlie! SO excited I'll be seeing you in just a matter of days!!!! :)
Love seeing those two snuggle bugs together....I am glad Reagan's big sissy is right there by her side....just like they will be for the rest of their lives!
Oh my...I was away for a few days and saw this post! My little one fell and hit eye her just underneath her brow last year right before her 3rd birthday! I felt awful! It happen so fast! She tripped and hit her eye on the corner of a table! There was so much blood! I didnt help the situation at all! Good thing my oldest daughter was in town, because my husband was WORSE than me! 6stitches, 2med professionals, a "board" to hold down her flailing arms, a black eye and slight bruises only made me feel worse! I realize now that kids will gets bruises and bumps, but I couldnt tell that to my "mommy heart" last year about this time!
She will heal fine. LOVE the girls pj's!
Sweet of Sarah to be so protective of Reagan! I forgot to say in the comment on the last post that I have a leather footstool too, that we use as a coffee table, and never, ever, would I have thought that it could cause damage like that. You were just unfortunate the angle she fell at, and I know how you play these things in your mind, but you did all you could.
I can't believe how Reagan has grown and filled out! Seeing her next to Sarah, she's getting very big! Love the PJs!
so very sweet!
Extra love for poor Mommy.
Reagan is ADORABLE! So is Sarah, I hope Reagan's eye heals quickly!
The girls look so sweet in their matching PJs. Reagan certainly seems on the bend. And I love how Sarah takes such care of her sissy.
Hope you're feeling calmer too.
Love, love, love the matching PJs! Reagan has the sweetest family ever! She is one lucky gal!
Sarah is such a sweet big sister. I felt so bad for all of you reading about your ER visit, but Sarah's reaction just broke my heart for her. I'm so glad Sarah is feeling better about it and Reagan is obviously very resilient. And even with a "boo boo" she's as cute as a button. And please don't beat yourself up with Mommy guilt..these things are going to happen eventually no matter how diligent we are.
Gin =)
So sorry to hear what happened but glad that Reagan is doing better. Praying for a speedy recovery for Reagan. Love seeing the two sisters together and what a great big sister Sarah is. Could you please share how you prepared Sarah to be a big sister? We are trying to prepare our daughter for her new sister and would love to hear any tips. Thank you!
So sweet to have such a caring big sister! I'm glad Reagan is ok. I had missed the post about her accident! Yikes. Blood is always scary!!! Great photos though, and I love the matching pajamas! :)
Just got your comment on my wrestling post, Lisa! So cool that your dad was a state champ in high school and college. What college did he attend? That is such an accomplishment! Did you have any brothers, or did your dad have girls only? I'm sure he loved it either way :) Thanks for your comment!
In response to your comment on my blog again....ha (I don't know how to reply to the comment directly...duh!)...what a funny story about your aunt peeing her pants during her son's state champ match! ha! Sounds like something I would do! I had to go to the bathroom so very bad during Cooper's last match, but had waited because we knew there was only one match between the last one and the previous match he wrestled. You do what you gotta do!!! Neat family history in wrestling you have! How cool! Thanks for sharing! I do have many fun years ahead, but I really get so very nervous for them. Wouldn't be surprised if I end up with high blood pressure or worse!!! ;)
Sweet little Sarah. It wasn't your fault, just a crazy, freak accident. So glad all of you are okay.
Accidents happen. I'm sure Reagan'll heal in no time at all. Have a blessed weekend!
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