A little change in the line up today. I originally said I was going to post the park pictures from Saturday, but the truth is I have not even had a minute to go through them yet.
About two months ago I woke up to an email from one of the owners of
Izzy and Ivy Designs. They make fantastic patterns for the most adorable girls clothes, hats, and handbags! If you sew, you must check them out. Click
HERE to visit their website.
In the email, she asked me if I would be intersted in letting the girls model some of their new designs and then she wanted me to photograph them so that the photos could be used for their packaging and any of their print ads in magazines, etc. It only took me about two minutes to respond and of course I said "YES". How could I not?
Shasta and I spoke back and forth a few times about what they needed. She said that everything had to be full body shots so that they could see the entire dress and both of the girls had to be standing up, they could not be sitting. Sounds pretty easy right?
She went to work making dresses that would fit the girls and sent me a package a few weeks ago. I was so super excited when they arrived, but I was a tad nervous.......
They were sundresses and we were still wearing winter coats up until last week. I called Shasta and asked how quickly she needed the photos and she said....."don't worry, you have time. Just hold the dresses and when you have good weather, take the girls outside and get the photos".
This weekend we had some really nice weather, but it was still only 60 degrees. I sent Shasta an email and said.... still not warm enough for the dresses. She said, okay, but you know my deadline is a week from Wednesday?
I felt a knot in my stomach......
Immediately I turned to the weather forecast for the next week and saw that there was only one day that there was a good possiblitly that the girls would not freeze in sleeveless dresses outside.
Monday it was most likely going to hit 80 Degrees.
Only one slight problem.... I had to work.
Thank goodness for longer days and more light. I picked the girls up from the babysitter's as soon as I was done with work.
Our babysitter was so helpful and had the girls all ready to go and her daughter even agreed to come along with me to help! I brought the dresses and hair accessories and we all headed to the local park.
I needed to go somewhere close and I just needed to have some trees or flowers or something green in the photos. No time to think about a fancy location, this was going to have to be quick and easy.

As luck would have it, the bluebells were just starting to pop!!
It was threatening rain and I knew it was going to be a race against the clock. The wind was not working in our favor(as you can tell by the flying hair), but I had no choice, It was now or never.
I have never felt so stressed about a photoshoot because I wanted everything to be just so, and it wasn't.
Shasta kept telling me not to worry. She said, "Just take the pictures. We don't need the perfect portrait. We want real life."
Well, Real Life is exactly what she got!!
We spent a little more than 30 minutes out in the field and each of the girls wore two dresses. As soon as were done, we headed for home. I got dinner started for the kids and set up my camera to download.....saying a small prayer that I got enough usable shots for her.
After everyone went to bed on Monday night, I was glued to my computer until 1am narrowing down the selection and editing photos so I could get them off to Shasta right away and ultimately, make the deadline.
I couldn't help but share the photos here.... in the end, I think they turned out to be really cute!!
They are going to print soon and we CAN'T WAIT to see the final product! I know she is only going to use the full body shots, but I had to sneak in a few close ups too:)
Shasta must have been pretty pleased with the photos because she has already asked me to shoot a new hat and dress. Looks like this might be the beginning of another fun little side job for me.....and the girls!