"It's beauty that captures your attention; personality that captures your heart."
~Author Unknown~

"Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart."
~Kahlil Gibran~
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter!
We made a quick trip up to Cape Cod for the holiday. We had a great time, although the weather was cold and rainy and did not allow us to take any walks along the beach, but we did get to spend time with our family......which is what matters most.
Unfortunately, late Sunday night after we arrived back home, Nick and I got violently ill....we were not sure what was going on at first, but we are pretty positive it was food poisoning. Something I hope we never get again. We are just now starting to feel human again.
I didn't take very many photos on Easter Sunday because we had to leave for the long ride home shortly after mass was over, but I promise as soon as I have some time, I will get a few posted......the girls looked adorable in the matching dresses.
I happened to take these photos of Sarah last week just before we left...... they might my favorite photos of her ever. Her expressions are classic Sarah.....so natural..so her.... Her beauty definitely shines from within.
Oh Lisa - so sorry to hear you came home so sick. Yuck...you just don't have time for that.
I agree - these are breathtaking of Sarah. Love the blk&wh but the first,in color is a stunner. WOW.
Hope your week gets better and you get some rest if you can.
Big hugs,
My my my! These are just lovely! Please say you are in the process of blowing one up to a 24"x36" canvas!
Thank you for the continued inspiration!
These are absolutely breathtakingly beautiful photos of Sarah!
Glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better from that bout with food poisoning.
I think these are beautiful. So sweet and natural. I LOVE your black and white processing. I struggle with processing in general but especially B/W. I always love the way you process yours.
I'm so sorry you were sick. Poor things. Can't wait to see the dresses! Sarah is beautiful. So glad you get to be her Mommy.
Oh my..I hope you guys are all doing well.
Looking forward to see your easter photos, am sure the girls are pretty with their dress.
Completely breathtaking Lisa! Sarah has such beauty and her eyes are so expressive! Lovely, lovely shot!
Glad you guys are feeling better! Hugs!
Hope that you are all better now.. looking forward to viewing your easter photos.. just got mine posted up .
Sarah is absolutely beautiful Lisa!! I agree that these pics couldn't be lovelier! I am so sorry to hear you were sick and hope your strength comes back quickly!
She is a beauty!! Love her eyes.
So beautiful! There is not enough words to say how much I like it!
Full of naturally beautiful portraits and a beautiful smile. A greeting.
BEAUTIFUL!! Gorgeous photos of a gorgeous girl :)
Sorry to hear of your food poisoning :( Yucky!
Aw, sorry that you were sick, that fairly wrecked your Easter. Hope you're feeling better soon, and Nick too. take it easy.
Lisa, these are beautiful photos of Sarah. Usually, I think she looks much older than 4, but here she just looks exactly that age,but with a maturity and inner beauty and serenity shining through.
I love the way her little fingers are under her chin in the first one!
And the clear, clear skin! What I wouldn't give for that now!
She is so beautiful!!!! I mean really, really beautiful. And that first quote is oh so true. Thank you for sharing it today.
Sorry for your Easter illness, hope you are all better by now. Sarah is a beauty! The photos are forever keepers!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
She is so beautiful! The first one is breathtakingly gorgeous.
So glad to hear your both starting to feel better. I've never had food poisoning, but from what I've been told it's an awful experience.
Definitely beauty shining through and through!!! Beautiful images!!! And so glad you all are feeling better!!!
Oh ... I so hope you and Nick are over the food poisoning. I know first hand how awful that can be.
On a more positive note, the photos of Sarah are stunning. She is indeed beautiful. Precious to know that comes from the inside out!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
She truly is stunning...and her eyes speak so loudly in these!
Happy you're finally feeling a little bit better. Hope the rest of the week goes well for you!
She is a natural beauty. Classic.
I have had serious food poinsoning once and it was so awful. I feel so sorry for you. I am glad that the worst has passed.
Glad to hear that you and Nick are feeling better.
Sarah is such a natural beauty. These pictures are just breathtaking.
aaahhh...Dave & I just had food poisoning & it totally sucks!!!
I have always thought Sarah's expressions were beautiful. She emotes a feeling of calmness but you can tell she has some spunk in her :)
Have a great week!
Lisa- she is so unbelievably darling!
Yikes!! Food poisoning is the WORST, had it once and was MISERABLE. So glad to hear you're feeling better!
These pictures are truly stunning... so natural, the light is amazing! I can see why they are your new favorites :)
I agree...these are so Sarah!! Natural beauty! Glad you are starting to feel better.
I am glad you're both feeling better again! Gorgeous girl you have!
There's something about those middle kids! They just have a look about them! She is absolutley beautiful and her eyes just say it all!
Hope you are all feeling better!
So glad you're starting to feel better! What a trooper you were last night - I would have never known anything was wrong. Fabulous class...thank you so much for sharing! Happy Wednesday! :-)
Your photos are ALWAYS amazing, and you can't go wrong with either color or B&W with this photo!
I think these may be my faves too, but every week you give me a new fave :)
Glad you and Nick are feeling better! Food poisoning is the absolute worst!
Very sweet, happy to be joining BW Wed!
Stunning photos! I'm loving your blog! I just joined your b&w wednesday.
These are such beautiful and sweet pictures! loving your black and white shots! I am excited to join in your band white wednesday!! :)
She is beautiful. Lisa, thank you for sharing your gift with us through your Vision of Hope. I am so grateful, tara
Wow! Both photos are outstanding!
food poisoning - ugh! I had it once and it was HORRIBLE! I'm glad you are feeling better.
Sarah really is beautiful - I had that thought every time you opened these photos last night! Thanks again for an amazing class!
xo ellie
What adorable pictures of Sarah!!!
I hope you & Nick are both feeling back to 100%! I remember getting food poisoning back in 1989. Yep, the summer of 1989 and I'll never forget it. It was horrible!
I look forward to seeing your Cape Cod cuteness!!
That picture of Sarah is stunning.
Oh My Gosh ~ LISA...These photos of Sarah are just beautiful! I think they are my favrotie too ;-) I hope all is well after...well...after that "thing" that hit you and Nick. And I know you guys all had a wonderful Easter! Talk (and catch up) soon!
SO glad you're finally feeling better girl, that was some gnarly food poisoning!! And you already know that I LOVE these shots of your gorgeous girl, they are my favorites of Sarah EVER. They're just perfect!!
Hope you continue to feel better and can get some rest!
I'm so sorry you and Nick aren't feeling well!! I love the photos you captured of Sarah...they are stunning!!!
I love these pictures of Sarah! She is growing up sooo fast!
Hope you are feeling better soon!
It has been way to long since I have been here...I have finally caught myself up on your posts and they are lovely..you truly have a beautiful family.
She is stunning in these images, just beautiful! I hope everyone is well now and that no one else came down with anything.
Sarah has always been, uh, shall we say "physically gifted" in the looks department but GIRL.....she gets more and more beautiful with every passing day.
These shots are just stellar and I have to agree, these may be my favorite to date. She has a personality that shines just as bright as those baby blues. I adore her!
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