Black and White Wednesday - "First Trip to the Park"

April 20, 2011

Going down the slide with Nicky BLOG
She was reluctant to leave the safe arms of her big brother.

Hanging Sarah COLLAGE
Then she watched her sister in action and decided it was time to give some of these things a whirl.

I can't look BLOG
I think she may have had second thoughts once she was flying through the air.

In the middle BW BLOG
In a matter of minutes that unsure expression left her face......

Reagan on the swing with Sarah blurred BW BLOG
and the only thing we saw for the rest of the afternoon, was that big beautiful grin!

Better Together BLOG
I have been staring at these pictures for the last two weeks and I cannot help but smile each and every time I look at them. I never tire of seeing the three of them together and I can't imagine life as anything less than a family of five.

Reagan is still experiencing so many new things.....everyday is an adventure with her and she brings new life and love to our family. It's been six months since this child was placed into my arms and I still pinch myself on a daily basis to make sure I am not dreaming.

People in the adoption community have always said "you will get the child that was meant to be with your family" and I was never so sure I totally believed it....... but now I most certainly do!


Dhemz said...

aww...I like all the pics, but I do heart the last sweet!

Jboo said...

Love these photos -- they made me smile too! You are one lucky Mama!! :) Happy Wednesday!


Kelly And Allison said...

Love all the pictures. Kids are so happy and wonderful together. You are truly blessed.


Danyelle said...

Beautiful captures! I really like the light in the last one too.

Sean and Mic said...

Adorable. I cannot believe it ahs been 6 months for you, too. I remember getting to work each morning and looking at your blog, as soon as I was logged in, while you were on your trip.

Great shots- and I am a sucker for swings. I think I have taken no less than 20 begillion pics of my girlie on the swings in the last 3 years.

Wanda said...

I love how that fear turns to glee. What a smile Reagan has - and I love her teeth. Wow...she is changing so much.

These are just sweet, sweet pictures. Keepsakes of such a special first.

Happy Easter to you all!!!

Faith, Hope, and Love said...

I can only imagine how they make your mama heart smile...cause I smiled thru the entire post. Oh my...too cute! And is there anything sweeter than a little girl in her big brother's arms?

You are triple blessed!

Kayce said...

Love being apart of the first with our girls, they are so very special. The smile on Reagan's face is just pure joy! :) I still pinch myself when I look at Jenny and I think I will for many, many years to come. Our girls (and boys too!) are such treasures!

Ky said...

Absolutely fantastic park photos of your kids! Such precious memories.

Unknown said...

For some reason I liked the colour photographs more than the black and white ones. Specially the one in which your girl is in action!! It is so nicely captured!

Have a great day!

Unknown said...

awww... i love those photos....

Anonymous said...

Adorable photos. Love that last one.

Alyson and Ford said...

Great photos! Yes, we all have the family we are supposed to, they are our forever kids and fit perfectly in our family. Amazing!

Alyzabeth's Mommy

Regina said...

Wonderful family!


Unknown said...

These made me so ridiculously happy! I am glad you are all together! LOVE!

Nicolasa @ {My}Perspective said...

These just gave me a huge smile! What a great way to start the work day! :-) The fourth photo is priceless!

Stepping On Cheerios said...

Such sweetness...

Adriane said...

Your daughter couldn't get any cuter... her smile in the swing picture is just too much!

Run DMT said...

You photos and your story put a huge smile on my face. I love the heartfelt adoption message you shared at the end. You have a beautiful family and you are very blessed.

Freckles & Dimples Photography said...

keep pinching yourself...because you have a beautiful family!

redmaryjanes said...

I just love that photo of Reagan with her eyes closed on the swing. Your children melt my heart :)

Liz said...

what fun shots.

Michelle R Photography said...

What a beautiful family and adorable pictures of her first trip to the park!! Hopefully the sun will start shining soon so there can be many, many more!!

Ashley Sisk said...

Has it been 6 months already? Wow - time really flies but I can't imagine your family any other way!

Buckeroomama said...

Oh, these are beautiful moments that you've captured, Lisa! Your family is lovely.

Those pics of Reagan with her brother and her sister just tug at my heartstrings. There is such utter sweetness in sibling "togetherness" that totally melts me. :)

January Zelene said...

My first time here.. love all the photos, very beautiful.

Gina Kleinworth said...

How cute! Now that she has done it once- there will be no stopping her the next time. Can't wait to see more of those as the weather gets warmer.

- Jessi - said...

Adorable! Looks like they had fun :)

Casey said...

You have a beautiful family of five!! Love all the pics!

Pix-Ology said...

Little Reagan fits right in, such a beautiful sibling bond! Great shots too!

Hannah said...

That last picture made me tear up. I thought that is such a wonderful moment to capture. THREE babies...What a joy :)

Everything Beautiful Shay said...

Totally agree that God matches with the child He chose for us!!! SO thankful and LOVE your park photos~ SO sweet!!!

Ginny said...

Great park pics. I love the one from the bottom of the swing. I have never thought to lay under a swing.

Gail said...

Adorable times 3! And yes Nick is adorable too in my opinion. Love them all, especially the ones of Reagan's expression and how it changed on the swing.

Yes my friend, we do get the child we were meant to have. Whether you realize it within the first 6 months or it takes a couple of years. They are all put right in the family and circumstances they were supposed to be in.

Happy Easter! First one with Reagan...enjoy it all!


Summer said...

i seriously love these! The first one melts my heart. :)

Kristen Chase said...

Beautiful to see your family be knit close and closer together...And I LOVE that last b/w photo of Reagan! :)

Mimi said...

I think you do get the child who was meant to be with your family.
Gorgeous pics, all of them. You have 3 beautiful, healthy children, what a blessing.
And no more than you deserve!

Mimi said...

ps I really adore the ones of Sarah in action! She's some acrobat!

Dita said...

I totally agree.....Reagan was MEANT to be with the four of you...she is perfection.

I can't help but smile either...she is such a love and her brother and sister just love her melts my heart!


Anonymous said...

And what a gorgeous family of five you are!!!!
Love all the pictures and Reagan has the best smile ever!!!

Jodee said...

It looks like a fun day at the park! Cute pictures! I especially love the one of the three of them together! Nick is such a gem! You are one blessed mama!

Shari said...

That last photo of Reagan in the swing is precious. Her expression reminds me of one I've seen often on Sarah's face when she's content. It's so sweet how your kids have so easily become siblings - he bond is so evident in the way they look at one another. The LOVE!

Anonymous said...

I'm back to post on Black and White Wednesday and I'm looking forward to catching up on your blog since I've been gone a while (cough cough December cough cough ) Love that last picture on the swing.

Kim said...

Love the photos..
Toooo cute..
Have a great week..

Erika B said...

Beautiful moments captured! They do look adorable all three together.

Erika B

Marla said...

These are so sweet, I love that last one especially. And her little denim jacket is SO cute!!

Have a good day, girlie!!

Faith Hope Love Photography said...

Oh my goodness all those smiles just make me melt. What a perfect day it looks like and I know it won't be the last. Love your photos of course!

Sharon said...

It is heartwarming to see the 3 of them together. I love that pic of her beaming smile on the swing!

Catherine said...

That last picture is oh so precious! How wonderful to see all your children together. God is so good! Isn't it absolutely amazing how we receive the child that is perfect for us?!!!

The changes in Reagan's face on the swing is adorable!

Happy Easter friend!

The Gang's Momma! said...

OMIGOSH! Precious and Priceless!

That last one of the three of them hand-in-hand is TOTALLY a blow-up on a canvas and fill a wall gorgeous!

LOVE it!

The Byrd's Nest said...

She is growing and changing so much, I LOVE her little chunky legs:) She is too precious and I can't believe it has only been 6 months...Wow...God has blessed you my friend.