In one way, it is difficult for me to wrap my brain around the fact that Reagan has been home with our family for 6 months already, but in another way it feels as though she has been with us all along.
It is hard to remember life before we were mesmorized by that beautiful baby photo we received last August. Our lives changed forever that day.......and little did we know that half way across the world in Chenzhou was a precious girl who would fit perfectly into her new forever family.

I think it is pretty fair to say that Reagan brings as much joy to us as we appear to bring her. There is nothing I love more than walking into her room as the sun rises to see this little smiling face peering over her crib just waiting to be picked up so she can wrap her loving arms around me.

If someone would have told me those first few days in China that we were going to have a super smooth, easy homecoming and transition with this child, I would have never believed them. To be perfectly honest, looking back on the first 48-72 hours with Reagan......I was scared to death.

She was very unsure, untrusting, and even appeared to be angry at times. I tried my hardest to keep it together and was determined not to let her see me waiver or crumble. Once she would fall fast asleep, I would watch over her and wonder.....did we do the right thing for this child? We just turned her world around and everything she once knew, was no longer. I prayed that this was just temporary and that she would come out of her grieving period and accept and bond with me and then once we were home, accept Pat, Nick, and Sarah too.

We saw positive changes in her by day three, not huge strides, but enough for me to feel at ease that we were headed in the right direction. With each day that passed in China, Marla and I noted all the progress she was making. We saw the early signs of that personality that we have all come to know and love.

She can captivate a room with just one look and has stolen the hearts of many. Little by little she has unleashed her personality that is larger than life.

There is not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for the gift of this child.

Words alone simply cannot explain how Reagan has changed the dynamics of our family.......you have to see her interact to fully appreciate and understand the love and joy she brings to all of us.

She has certainly experienced so much in her short little life and has walked a long hard road to get to us...and where she is today.
The unsure and untrusting little girl is long gone. We now see a well adjusted, loving child ready to take on the world.
She loves to be outside where she can run and feel the wind in her hair. She is as smart as a whip and understands every word we say to her. Her speech is slowly starting to emerge. She says, HOT, OUCH, NO, YES, OH NO, UH OH, NICK, MAMA, and DADA....... and I almsot forgot....HOT DOG!!!
We think she is going to be left handed as she strongly favors her left side with everything she does. She has recently discovered pens, pencils, and crayons and likes to mimic her sister who loves to color.
We have yet to find a food that she does not like.....she has eaten everything we have offered her including fish, roasted eggplant, zucchini, and squash. The girl is crazy for her veggies..... you would think they are laced with chocolate the way she eats them!!
Reagan is very much a happy go lucky child, although we do see that spicy side come out every once in a while:) She is very affectionate and loves to give and receive hugs and kisses.
She likes to take on the role of "Comedian" and looks to entertain both Nick and Sarah. She has learned how to get them to laugh and giggle at her antics and she eats up all the attention.
There is no way to say it other than we love her more than words and photos can express and we would have traveled to the ends of the earth to bring her home. It brings tears to my eyes and puts a lump in my throat to think of Reagan anywhere else, but here with her meant to be, forever family.