In one way, it is difficult for me to wrap my brain around the fact that Reagan has been home with our family for 6 months already, but in another way it feels as though she has been with us all along.
It is hard to remember life before we were mesmorized by that beautiful baby photo we received last August. Our lives changed forever that day.......and little did we know that half way across the world in Chenzhou was a precious girl who would fit perfectly into her new forever family.

I think it is pretty fair to say that Reagan brings as much joy to us as we appear to bring her. There is nothing I love more than walking into her room as the sun rises to see this little smiling face peering over her crib just waiting to be picked up so she can wrap her loving arms around me.

If someone would have told me those first few days in China that we were going to have a super smooth, easy homecoming and transition with this child, I would have never believed them. To be perfectly honest, looking back on the first 48-72 hours with Reagan......I was scared to death.

She was very unsure, untrusting, and even appeared to be angry at times. I tried my hardest to keep it together and was determined not to let her see me waiver or crumble. Once she would fall fast asleep, I would watch over her and wonder.....did we do the right thing for this child? We just turned her world around and everything she once knew, was no longer. I prayed that this was just temporary and that she would come out of her grieving period and accept and bond with me and then once we were home, accept Pat, Nick, and Sarah too.

We saw positive changes in her by day three, not huge strides, but enough for me to feel at ease that we were headed in the right direction. With each day that passed in China, Marla and I noted all the progress she was making. We saw the early signs of that personality that we have all come to know and love.

She can captivate a room with just one look and has stolen the hearts of many. Little by little she has unleashed her personality that is larger than life.

There is not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for the gift of this child.

Words alone simply cannot explain how Reagan has changed the dynamics of our family.......you have to see her interact to fully appreciate and understand the love and joy she brings to all of us.

She has certainly experienced so much in her short little life and has walked a long hard road to get to us...and where she is today.
The unsure and untrusting little girl is long gone. We now see a well adjusted, loving child ready to take on the world.
She loves to be outside where she can run and feel the wind in her hair. She is as smart as a whip and understands every word we say to her. Her speech is slowly starting to emerge. She says, HOT, OUCH, NO, YES, OH NO, UH OH, NICK, MAMA, and DADA....... and I almsot forgot....HOT DOG!!!
We think she is going to be left handed as she strongly favors her left side with everything she does. She has recently discovered pens, pencils, and crayons and likes to mimic her sister who loves to color.
We have yet to find a food that she does not like.....she has eaten everything we have offered her including fish, roasted eggplant, zucchini, and squash. The girl is crazy for her veggies..... you would think they are laced with chocolate the way she eats them!!
Reagan is very much a happy go lucky child, although we do see that spicy side come out every once in a while:) She is very affectionate and loves to give and receive hugs and kisses.
She likes to take on the role of "Comedian" and looks to entertain both Nick and Sarah. She has learned how to get them to laugh and giggle at her antics and she eats up all the attention.
There is no way to say it other than we love her more than words and photos can express and we would have traveled to the ends of the earth to bring her home. It brings tears to my eyes and puts a lump in my throat to think of Reagan anywhere else, but here with her meant to be, forever family.
This is such a wonderful story.
Wow. I just can't believe it has been 6 months!! She is just growing too quickly! And she is the cutest little thing... I might come and snatch her :)
I love this post. I am so glad God gave you this precious wonderful baby. The song that is playing is perfect with this post. Crying like a baby.
AWW, brought a tear to my eye. So touching and all the rough milestones are so worth it. Thoughts your way! :)
Love this post and understand that statement of thanking God each day! It is amazing how these beautiful children are placed so perfectly in our families and are SUCH GIFTS to us! Love each and every capture of your beautiful girl!
What a beautiful sweet baby girl you have! It's almost impossible to believe she's been with you for a half a year already. But it also seems like she's been your girl forever. Weird, huh!
Every time I come to your post, I think I will have the best picture to show. But your pictures awe-strike me! :)
She is SO precious! Gorgeous pictures :)
I am sure you did the right thing since she seems to be perfect! :)
She is so sweet! It is amazing and wonderful to see the way she has changed and grown in the last six months. What an incredibly brave girl!
tears in my eyes too, Lisa.
I remember so well the day you got the first photo of Reagan. I couldn't have imagined reaching this stage, and have enjoyed following your story every inch of the way. ALL your photos are amazing, and in this post I love the one of her holding her hands on her hips, and the one of her with Nick. (Would really love if you could add just one of Sarah and her together?)
Reagan has blossomed because of all the love you have given her, you wonderful Mom.
Isn't it wonderful how our children are meant to be in our family. Precious and beautiful post. Congrats on six months!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
special, beautiful child, special, beautiful family!
What a beautiful post and family!
Beautiful words and images that testify of the power of LOVE!
Happy anniversary from Hong Kong,
What a beautiful post Momma!! I can't wait until it is my turn...your family is beautiful!
It seems like she has been home longer than 6 months to me too:) She is precious and I love that sassy little picture with her sweet hands on her hips! LOVE it!
I would have loved a photo of Sarah and Reagan as well, but Sarah was not with us this particular day. Actually my intent was to just photograph Reagan for her 6 months home. I need photos to supply to our Adoption Agency and the other children cannot be in the photos. They need Reagan by herself. Nick happened to lift her out of the wagon and I caught this moment between them that was so sweet I could not resist taking the photo. It was totally candid and spur of the moment.....and actually ended up being one of my favorite photos that day. Obviously I cannot submit it to our Agency, but it will be a photo that I will always cherish!
Oh sweet baby girl, how is it possible that she's growing so quickly? I hardly recognize her now, she's changed SO much since those first days in China. What a blessing she is to your family, it amazes me how fast she became one of the gang. And that love of food? Well, just further proof that the right baby always seems to get matched with the right family. :)
Give that sweet girl a hug from Auntie Marla and tell her I love her new pics!! And you're right, that shot of her with Nick is so stinking precious!! Better get that one printed.
She is just precious! You can just see how happy she is in your photos. :)
I can't believe it has been 6 months already.
Beautiful!! Happy six months. Doesn't seem possible. I read your post with tears in my eyes. The wonder of it all is amazing and your photos capture that and so much more. Blessings to you all.
Amazing shots of your gorgeous little girl. It's just amazing how much that can change in six short months.
Erika B
Just beautiful Lisa!!! Love the photo, what a great location. She is such and doll and she looks so big in the pic walking down the road!!
Happy 6 months home!!!
What beautiful thoughts you shared. Congratulations on your 6 month anniversary. It sure is a long road... she is in such a wonderful family now and is thriving it seems. You belong together. PS My favorite picture is the one with her two little fingers in her mouth... adorable.
Tears to my eyes too just looking at your precious baby girl and how far she's come.
As I have told you many times before, I just don't remember life without her...it feels like she's been here her whole life and I believe she was "HAND PICKED" by One who knew that she was meant to be your daughter.
I can't wait to smooch those cheeks myself in a few weeks...we are all so excited to soon be with the Fab Five again.
Awesome shots.....and the one with Nick...well, just melts my heart!
She is so adorable!!! I just love to see how these precious children blossom with their families. And I adore the pics of her sucking those fingers!!! Could eat her up!!
Ahhh Lisa what a wonderful post! I love reading about Reagan and how she is doing. I miss our Tuesday night chats! I took the class at just the right time though b/c right after that last class life got very busy around here. It is starting to settle down and I am hoping I can get back to my photography and PS edits. Will post on group when I have some stuff to show! XO
What a precious post!! She and Mia seem to share many of the same personality qualities - even being a lefty!! And oh my goodness, it always makes me smile to see her sucking her two fingers. Beyond cute!!!
What a wonderful post, Lisa, and gorgeous photos - so precious!
Love these gorgeous photos of your darling girl!!! What a precious post - it is absolutely incredible to watch our little ones blossom as they settle in at home! It gives me goosebumps everytime I read someone's story or remember our own sweet daughters' journeys home. Thanks so much for sharing this preciuos glimpse into your life :)
LOVE the shot of her with her two little fingers in her mouth as she walks along!
She is so precious & the joy she has brought your family is so well captured in all your photos.
It is obvious how loved and precious she is! Fantastic post.
The story make my eyes tears. She is so sweet and she is a real beauty!!
So beautifully written. Funny how I feel the same exact way about my little boy. :-)
You are such an extraordinary photographer. I so wish you lived on the west coast!
oh Lisa ... what a beautiful post! I can't believe that is has already been 6 months. I got a lump in my throat just reading the post.
What a great location for pictures. I love each of them especially the ones with her sitting on the steps. I had to laugh when I saw the picture with her hand on her hips :) Looks like she is telling you something good & THEN the picture with Nick holding & those sweet little fingers in her mouth..A-DOR-ABLE!!
She is right were she is meant to be!!
xoxo - Robin
How amazing is our GOD?
What a beautiful story!
Every shot shouts her joy and love! Every shot shouts how loved and safe she is today!
God bless all of you and HAPPY 6 months together as a forever'n ever'n always family!
Love you,
These are beautiful shots but I especially love the one of your son holding Reagan.
Can't believe it has been 6 months! I loved reading about her and what she is doing. We think Chloe is left handed as well and would spend all day outside if she was allowed to.
The first 3-4 days in China were the hardest of my life, and I wondered many times if what we were doing was right it is good to know I was not alone.
She definitely fits right in now!
It really is hard to believe she's been with you 6 months, seems like she's always been with you.
God picks the perfect child(ren) for each of our families. It's a miracle. She's absolutely precious Lisa and we've loved seeing Reagan blossom.
So I got teary seeing these, especially the one of her and Nick and the one of her with fingers in her mouth. What a sweet, sweet pea!
big hugs...and Congrats on 6 months! :)
SO sweet to see her six months since coming home~ chosen perfectly for her family. What a blessing!!! big tears with these touching shots!!!
Congratulations on 6 months! Time certainly does pass quickly.I still aspire to your amazing photography skills!
Wow, six months already? Where does time go?!? She is such a beautiful little peanut and I can tell she is so incredibly loved by you and your family. Here's to many, many more milestones with this gorgeous little girl! Love and hugs!
Time sure does fly! I feel like you just brought her home!
This post was so reassuring. It was everything I needed to hear a week before going to China. Cuz I'm terrified, too.
It's hard to believe 6 months have passed already. Reagan blossoms more with each new photo. You are truly blessed. :)
6 months--seems impossible!! she is absolutely precious--and I think she looks like Nick!!!!! Congrats on this milestone!
Every photos is as precious as that precious child.. But, my favorite is the one where she is waking down the road with 2 fingers in her mouth!!!!!
Six months already? Really!!!!
So happy she is home and blessing you daily!!!
Beautiful!!! Reagan radiates happiness & love! A precious blessing, a perfect match, a beautiful family!
Congrats on six happy months together! Reagan was the perfect addition to your family! She is absolutely adorable and I know how much love and joy she brings to your family!
Six months?!?! No way!!!
Gosh, love those photos, esp. that last shot!
.....and oh what a wonderful 6mos it has been for me to watch this baby girl blossom!
Oh Goodness.....your photography is TOP NOTCH!!
What a beautiful way to celebrate her 6-month home-coming. Reagan is an super-special gift to your precious family. She is SO adorable :-)
God Bless you all as you look forward to your future with her amongst you.
♥ Beautiful! ♥
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