Sorry to leave everyone hanging on Monday!
I ran out of time and I had too many pics for one post..... Is there such a thing as too many photos?
After we left the hair salon on Friday afternoon, we stopped at my parents house in hopes of showing them the girls' new dos. We were all disappointed when we got to their house and they were not home, so we went to the local park to kill some time in hopes that they would soon arrive.

The big field that was blue bells just a few weeks ago has now turned into buttercups and wishies.

The girls had a field day{pun intended}picking and blowing!

Sarah showed Reagan just what to do for fear she would eat them like she did with the blue bells:)

After we left the field, Sarah agreed to a few shots to show off her new short hair! I am loving it and so is she!

I cannot get over how much more mature Sarah looks with her hair this short. I seriously cannot stop staring at her..... and I have to say that the cut totally suits her personality!

It was a good thing I came prepared that afternoon with sippy cups and snacks because before long Reagan was ready to take a break and Sarah happily joined her in sharing a bag of goldfish....... one of their favorite snacks! I love their feet in this black and white shot:)

To see the two of them together is something....they make quite the pair!

More bare feet, lots of giggles, and one compassionate and caring big sister!!
It's impossible to watch these two and not smile from ear to ear:)

After their bellies were full, we tried to call my Mom and Dad one last time, but there was still nobody home, so we called it a night and went back to our house.
Of course 20 minutes after we walked through the front door, my phone rang..... It was my Mom! They were out with my nephews at a park which happened to be about a mile from the hair salon......go figure!!
My parents came over to visit this weekend and they made a big deal about the girls and their new looks, as did everyone that saw them:)
I am VERY HAPPY we took the plunge and went short....... Reagan's bangs were a little wonky the first few days becuase her hair still wanted to be parted on the side, but now they are laying very nicely.
Sarah's hair is now parted on the opposite side and it has taken a few days for us to get the part at just the right place so that piece of hair is not hanging in her face all the time. I actually have been using a tiny clip to pull it to the side and it looks ADORABLE!! So now I am in search of very cute, but tiny little clippies for her hair. If you have seen anything fun, let me know.
Have a wonderful Wednesday and a great week!!
Sarah looks like Tinkerbelle!! How sweet!!
Lovely pictures, Lisa. Your girls are just adorable!
Nope. Never such a thing as too many photos ... especailly when the shots involve these too!
Lovin the new haircuts!
Total adorableness. Love both their dos - amazing how perfect those cuts are for both of them and how it changes their look.
What a great pair they make. I'm sure you can't even imagine life before them...and Nick too!
Have a great week!
What I would give for a field like that near my house! Full to the brim with wishes a'waitin'! But alas, all I have are fields of cacti. And they're not good for wishes at all.
They both look so darling!
Nancy-of the craZy 8
I LOVE Sarah's new do and I love how the two girls are getting along so very sweetly! You are truly blessed. :)
I love their new hair-dos! Reagan looks so much older for sure. And Sarah, what an amazing big sister she is. Those pictures melted my heart.
Here is one of my favourite etsy sellers for the cute tiny clips...
She's on vacation at the moment, but take a look through her 'sales', and you'll see why I adore her stuff!
Absolutely LOVE the cuts on both girls! I loved Jenny's hair when it was bobbed and while I'd like to go back to that, her daddy is wanting to grow it as long as she'll let it go. :)
Love this shots Lisa...Perfect story telling of your two beautiful girls.
Just when I thought they couldn't possibly be any cuter! I love the new do's on both of the girls, and your right, it does make them both took just a little older. It's so obvious that these two adore each other..it really shows through in these photos, so sweet.
Gin =)
When I see these two together I can't help but remember all the conversations we had about how Sarah was going to be in for a shock when she realized she wasn't the baby anymore.
Well, I guess she fooled us, huh? I have never seen a more attentive big sister than Sarah is to Reagan. They look as different as night and day in their own gorgeousness...but there is not doubt in the world that these two are sisters through and through.
I love every single shot but the ones of Reagan giggling at her sister and those adorable piggies wrapped and curled and free in the Spring air...those made my heart sing!
3 more sleeps and you'll all be here....can.not.wait!! Even the boys are psyched over here for your boys to arrive!
Sarah's short hair cut is absolutely gorgeous, you can say to her that some aunt from other side of the world was admiring her hair:)
Greetings from Finland
I adore this short hair. And the lighting of your shots. congrats!
Just adorable! You were a brave Mommy to do with the short hairstyles! All beautiful! Never can have enough photos of those two!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
They both look so adorable. I love the short do on Sarah...definitely gives her a sassy look. Reagan looks great with bangs and a bob. You can certainly see and feel through your photos the love they share. It's a wonderful sight to see.
Hope you have a fabulous Wednesday Lisa!
These pictures are precious!
Love both the girls hair!! I think bangs for Reagan were the best idea, she looks adorable and Sarah looks so grown up!
Hope we can do lunch soon!
I’m a new follower from the hop, which is found on a page on my site that lists more than 200 hops… some for each day of the week. Check under the header for the link to that page.
I hope you’ll visit me soon and follow back!
Wow, great, great photos! Cute new do's! And I love that you call the flowers "wishies" - too cute! LOVING your photography - I'll be following!
Beautiful shots of such sisterly love. Their hair is adorable.
So much cuteness wrapped up in one post -- new dos, bare piggies, giggles and snacks! It looks like the little ladies enjoyed their day at the spa!
so sweet.. i love all the photos..
Cutest little girls ever! Laughing about the oversized cape. ADORABLE!
A trip to the salon is always fun! Just wait until they love pedicures and manicures... I have four girls and it can be COSTLY! :)
The answer to your first questions is "No" you can never take to many pictures. :D
Love the new do's. Sarah does look very mature - and sassy. Love it!
What an adorable haircut!
Thank you for hosting. I’m a new follower, and this challenge is now found on a page on my site that lists more than 200 hops… some for each day of the week. Check under the header for the link to that page.
I hope you’ll visit me soon and follow back!
they are absolutely adorable!
You can see how much they both adore each other! And the new hair cuts are perfect for both of them.
Sarah looks a little more mature now.
Reagan's is just plain cute...she is such a happy girl!!!
I love their sandals btw!
Happy Wednesday!!
Awe how adorable! They are just too cute.
Absolutely adorable!
absolutely PRECIOUS! their hair cuts and every shot you captured of them. i can't wait to meet them and spend time with you!
love you!
So adorable!! Love seeing those sisters together -- too sweet!
I'm loving the new dos and Sarah really does look so grown with her haircut. Love it!
the girls look amazing
I love sarahs haircut. she looks so chic as if she just stepped out of a french magazine
have a great weekend
they are absolutely adorable!! love the new hair and I just love your pictures!! Absolutely beautiful!!
They are SO cute! I can't believe how grown up they look :)) Sarah has the coolest hair I've ever seen on a preschooler!
Sarah's hair cut is adorable and it looks great on her. They both look very pretty and Reagan looks like a big girl now!
Adorable! I especially love the short cut on Sarah...stunning!!
Wow Lisa, they are stunning. Their haircuts fit them so perfectly...and it's like they know it! Absolutely beautiful!
Oh my ! These are TOOOO precious!! This is the happiest I've seen Reagan yet! Love seeing how close these 2 are. Sarah is such a good big sister! Both girls look more mature with their cute haircuts!
I'm a big fan of short hair (I sport a shortstyle too)! I simply L-O-V-E Sarah's hair! It fits her perfectly!!! Kudo's to your hairstylist!
I love those ones of the girls eating the goldfish crackers- the smiles are so cute & I can almost hear the giggles!
I love their haircuts! Reagan does look so much more grown up - boohoo and Sarah's hair is just so cute!!! it does seem to totally fit her spunky personality.
I love that you capture how they interact as sisters!
xo ellie
I just realized that since I follow so many of my bloggy friends on FB now, that I rarely comment on their actual blogs! Sorry 'bout that!!
LOVE Sarah's new due ~ and she DOES look so mature! It s a very flattering look on her... SO cute! And as usual, AMAZING photos... especially love the 'field day' ones. Sarah is clearly such a great helper and Jie Jie to Reagan. They are so blessed to have one another!!
As for clippies, my friend Kelly makes GREAT hair accessories of all sizes, and she is a huge supporter of the orphans and is currently saving money for their own adoption journey, so I know she'd appreciate the business! Not to mention, she does quality work! I know, as we have SEVERAL of her creative accessories for Khloe!
Here's her link:
Blessings and Hugs,
~ Tanya
Two precious pixies!!! Love them!!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! They are just too cute together!!! This almost makes me want to cut Faith's hair short! I'm such a chicken though! lol
Her haircut is adorable!!
Such lovely photos and lovely haircuts too. What beautiful girls! My girls got their hair cut about a month ago and went short too with a wedged bob. So stinking cute!
Both your girls are so cute! I love their new haircuts.
Just yesterday I saw this link for little clippies.
I just love their new haircuts!! It makes both of them look so much more mature for sure.
And it is so much fun to have two little girls so close, I love it that mine are close...although they do have their moments ;)
I would die to find a field as perfect as this!
Love your photos!! Simply stunning!
Oh...no, there is no such thing as too many photos. ;-)
Oh, and my apologies for posting a very "non black and white" thumbnail photo. I'm new here. ;-)
LOVE your "mini-Me's" short doo!!! It is so cute on Sarah! And, my favorite photo is where she is showing Reagan what to do... So sweet!!!! What a precious big sister she has become!
These are so cooL!
I <3 this photos!
Great job LIsa!
Wow, Sarah really does look a lot older! Cute do's on both girls! Reagen is adorable.
Loved the posts and the pictures and the haircuts and the SMILES and SISTER TIME! Hope this is not one comment too many, you must get tired of reading us all say the same thing over and over again, but we can't help it, your children are just so adorable! Enjoy whatever time you can get! More oversees greetings, from Belgium this time, Jade
yes cute hair styles and she does look older now it suits her, very pretty.
Sisters are the BEST! Sarah's new look is super cute! They both look so much older now.
Your daughters were born to be together. They are like two peas in a pod, a lovely, lovely pod.
Hehe, I just love both the new do's, they're just too cute. I think Sarah's is perfect for her cute little self and Reagan's bangs are just right. Looks like they had a blast playing and snacking!! Glad it turned into such a great photo op for ya, those are few and far between around here lately!!
Hope y'all have a great weekend with the Darlings, sure wish we could fly up and join y'all!!
They both looks so cute with their new do's:)
Just darling Lisa. They both look so adorable. The pics are amazing. Hugs my friend.
Love it!!!!
The girls look adorable in their new hair cuts! I love all of the pictures!
LOVE the new do's!!!!! It does make Sarah look so mature!! Both the girls look adorable !!
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