I feel as though I am constantly behind with EVERYTHING these days and I am struggling to keep up in so many ways. There is so much going on around here and I have not had much free time to post about it.

Case in point...... Easter was almost two weeks ago and I am finally putting up the few photos I have from that day.

We spent Easter on Cape Cod as I mentioned last week. We did things a little different this year as we celebrated Easter on Saturday so that we could get up and go to Mass on Sunday and then hit the road for the long ride back to PA.

As luck would have it, the weather was pretty terrible Easter weekend on the Cape. It was bitter cold and it rained all day on Saturday....... but then on Sunday, the day we had to leave, the sun came out and it was GORGEOUS!!!

After we went to church we came back to Pat's parents' house to have a little lunch before we hit the road and the girls walked their babies around the culdesac. This is something Sarah does every time we visit......and this time Reagan got to tour the neighborhood too!
I was a little more than disappointed with the few photos I took over Easter. Everything happened so fast and I felt rushed...... but I guess I should be thankful that I have something to remember the day and Reagan's first Easter. Unfortunately the weather was so cold that we never had the opportunity to let Reagan feel the sand, but we will be heading back to the Cape before long:)
About two weeks ago I mentioned I was going to do a 6 month update on Reagan and I still plan to do that.......it is just taking me a little longer than expected to get it together. We actually have our 6 month post placement visit with the social worker scheduled this week. Hoping I can get a post together by this weekend!
So what else is going on around here?
Everyone is healthy and happy that Spring has finally arrived!!!
The kids love to be outside and look forward to our evenings riding bikes, skateboards, scooters, blowing bubbles, or drawing with sidewalk chalk!
My job is just insanity right now, I am all over the place and logging some major miles behind the wheel again, but I am not going to complain.....because busy is GOOD!!!
Last week I finished the first 5 week "Get Out of the Auto Zone" class. I am very happy with how things went and have been blown away with the amount of growth I saw in those ladies in just 5 weeks. I am so VERY PROUD of each one of them.
Saturday I held a one day workshop for 5 fabulous local ladies that wanted to kick up their photogrpahy skills. One of the ladies so graciously opened her beautiful home to us and hosted the workshop. At times I was having so much fun that I almost forgot I was there teaching.....it was more like hanging out with the girls.....but by the time the day came to an end they were all rockin those cameras!!!
Just last night I started the second 5 week "Get Out of the Auto Zone" class and I am already very excited to see how much these ladies want to learn.
Once May comes to an end, I plan to slow down quite a bit and enjoy the summer with my family. I have been pushing really hard the last 6 weeks and it is starting to show........ Don't get me wrong, I LOVE what I am doing, but I need to know my limitations.
Hope you are all having a wonderful week and just in case I don't get to post again before Sunday....... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! Enjoy your special day!
Beautiful photos. Happy Mother's Day to you too!
Lovely shots of the sisters. Have a great mother's day.
I bought a new camera, a decent one, Canon TR2, and I have been using it for a few weeks... and it is still on automatic... what a sin. Boy, I wish you lived around me ... I'd love to join that class of yours. I think your Easter photos are wonderful. Such sweet kids.
Wow...what a whirlwind. I know you're enjoying it all but...puff, puff...I'm glad your break is coming soon.
Love these pictures of your three on the bench. They'll be classics one day. You may not have gotten all the shots you wanted but these are wonderful!!!
Take care of you!!!
We'll catch up when we can - thinking of you!
Love your pictures and the outfits are wonderful, makes me want a girl
Your photo workshop sounds like so much fun - ashamed I am here in New Zealand as I would love to attend
I just LOVE that photo of your three children together! Your son looks like such a proud big brother, and very handsome too :)
As always ... I love all the shots. But I gotta tell you ... that Nick looks like he's had a major growth spurt. All of a sudden he looks very mature ... your cute boy has become a handsome young man. As a mother of four sons, I just hate it when that happens. I wanna slow down the clock!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Also love the photo of your three children! Beautiful!
Happy Mother's Day!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
I love your photos. Your children are beautiful! Happy mother´s day.
Gorgeous photos!!
I don't how I will keep up when I have two children.
The photos are so sweet and I love their dresses.
Wow lady, you sure have been busy! Busy can be good but I am glad you know your limitations! Your girls are just gorgeous! Happy Mother's Day to you!
I think your Easter pictures are lovely.
I will keep an eye next fall. I would love to take one of your beginner courses.
Your family is beautiful Lisa, just beautiful.
Beautiful Easter photos because of those beautiful children of yours!!! :) SO happy things are going well with the photog classes! I know the students are LOVING it!!! blessings to you!!!
Your family is lovely - handsome son and beautiful girls!
Don't worry about keeping up...there seem to be many of us in that state at the moment and I don't even have the excuse of small children around!
Love the girls dresses! Looks like a great Easter!! Enjoy Mother's Day this weekend, I am sure you will be spoiled rotten...you definately deserve it! We are hosting dinner for Todd's family...I can't wait! I have a special lady bug cake on order to share some good news! :)
I am COMPLETELY with you on struggling to keep up. I can't figure out why everything is taking longer or making the day fly by so fast. You're in good company on that front.
Your kids look amazing on Easter! Hope you have a wonderful relaxing Mother's Day!
I don't know how you do it. You are superwomen with all that's going on!
The girls look super cute in their outfits!
I think these pics are adorable! I totally understand always being 2 steps behind!! I feel like that is my life, also. I so enjoyed last night! I'm looking forward to the next few weeks!! Thanks for everything!!
I adore your Easter photos...love the Forsythia behind the kids, and the girls' dresses are just precious!
I know this is a crazy busy time for you and it sounds like your photography classes are going extremely well, which I had NO doubt that they would be. :)
Have a wonderful Mother's Day my friend, the first one with Reagan home with you now. Enjoy your day and have some down time with Pat and the kids!
These photos are gorgeous! Wow, you are so busy this Spring. I am so happy for you that your workshops are so successful:)
Busy is good (well sometimes) and I'm glad you were able to capture some of these moments. Beautiful.
The picture of the kids on the bench is absolutely gorgeous! Their dresses is just precious!! I'm hoping one day to have the photography skills that you have!!
Beautiful pictures. You do sounds very busy, but seem to be balancing it well and capturing family moments.
Lisa, I known that feeling of running behind. I still have yet to post Easter pics. Yours are so cute and I think they look fab as usual. I have taken a little photography break b/c the weather in Syracuse has been craptastic to say the least. I can't wait to get back to it. The kids are adorable and so glad you guys had a great trip and great Easter.
You just can't take a bad photo of you lovelies.
You do sound like you're burnin the candle at both ends. I'm glad to hear you are going to allow yourself some much deserved "down" time (what is down time when you are a mom?)
Enjoy your first Mother's Day as the mom of 3!!
Lisa- I love that last shot of the girls- so adorable. I know what you mean about the holiday photos. Every time a momentous event happens or a holiday- I have these grand ideas of what I want the photos to look like- but with all the chaos of the day, they never seem to turn out well. Like when my son's last birthday happened- I was so pleased with all the photos while viewing them on the screen but when I uploaded them- most of them were blurry for whatever reason. Can't re-do the day- it was a total fail & I feel just awful about it. Definitely do much better when I can take my time & just enjoy the camera with out the pressure to have perfect holiday shots.
Liar liar, pants on fire!! You said you didn't get any good pics at Easter and I beg to differ!!! These are precious and that is a GREAT shot of the 3 of them together! I love the girls pretty dresses, those are great colors on both of them.
Hope you can slow down once all these classes are done, you deserve a big long break, my friend!! Love ya!!
I agree with Marla....you got amazing photos of your kids at Easter. Way better than I was able to get.
I hope once your next class in finished you really are able to slow down and relax. You deserve some uninterrupted time with your family.
Happy Mother's Day to you too Lisa!
Hey, there! Could have written this post myself and just changed the pictures and names! :) I actually have a couple of great black-and-white photos to post this week, if I ever get a chance to sit down and do it today.
Talk to you later...literally! :)
I know the feeling! That's how I've felt lately. Sigh...the Cape. I left Boston 3 years ago though my family is still there and I miss it all so much. Such beautiful shots of the girls.
Beautiful photos of your lovely family! Take it easy this weekend and enjoy your Mother's Day!!
So beautiful...love those dresses! Do share where you got them please? I hear ya on the busy part..I too need to find my limitations but love what I do! So glad your classes are going well and can't wait to join one when I get my new camera sometime this year.
I have no idea how you keep up with it all!!! I'm so glad you are loving your teaching. Can't wait to see all the girls break out the pictures on blogs!! :)
Glad your Easter was good too!
A-DOR-ABLE!! I love the picture of them sitting on the bench. Reagan smile is just precious & her checkin' out Sarah stroller is super cute. You can just imagine what might be going through that little head of hers.
I know what you're talking about with the weather that weekend. We went for a hunt on Saturday morning & like to froze our bottoms off.
Hope you are feeling better! We will talk SOON!!
xoxo Robin
Well, even if those are "the only good" Easter pictures: they look like more than plenty to me! I have none... have given up trying, it's no use with the time and the material and the children I have. Your pictures are VERY nice, so are your children and their outfits. I can imagine you're ready for a break, you are super woman, but she also needs some rest now and then! Enjoy the warmer days, over here, we've got frost at night... Kind regards, Jade (from Belgium) oh yes and thanks for the Mother's Day wishes : I'm sure your day will be great, as you've got three beautiful children to celebrate you!
Lisa... I understand how you feel... I can never seem to find the time to get anything done... lol... you were meant to worn me about that one :)
What sweet, adorable girls! Love those dresses!
HOW??? HOW ever do you do it?
I am watching you spinning like a top, Lisa. I cannot imagine the energy you expend every single day. You are a perfectionist extraordinaire and it comes out in everything you do.
I presume you got sick last week just to slow you down....which, except for the whole "sick" thing....it did....but you were up at warp speed in no time.
I know you are enjoying every minute of your classes and I've been reading along the oodles of kudos you've gotten from your students. You truly have a gift...I should know, as one of your early students and even more as one of your dear friends who adores you more than you know.
Slow down.....enjoy the journey...you are perfect just the way you are.
These shots of the kids at Easter really capture the essence of the day....especially with that look on Nick's face finally holding BOTH his girls this Easter! AMEN!
The dresses are FABULOUS....I know they are very special to you and boy do they look awesome on the girls with those little bloomer leggings...pretty as a picture!! :)
Love all the shots of your beautiful family! I think it is amazing how much you are getting done!
Beautiful shots! Love the three of them together!!!!
Reagan is getting so big :-D Not to mention cuter by the day!
Happy Mother's Day to you my sweet friend!
Wonderful photos of your adorable kida!! Reagan and Sarah look so darn cute..I love those dresses. I can not believe Reagan has already been with you for almost 6 months! We'll be celebrating 2 years with Kerry soon...where does the time go?!! Have a wonderful Mother's Day.
Gin =)
They look absolutely adorable in those pretty dresses!
Erika B
These pictures are breathtaking, your kids are so adorable.
I know how you feel, I'm feeling the same over here, I can't seem to catch up. Hang in there.
Where are the girls outfits from?? Beautiful
Lisa, i was going to say "slow down" but I see Dita has already done that!
I know too well the feeling of not-able-to-keep-up! I can barely get to a few comments now and again at the moment.
Your pictures are amazing! partic love the one of Nick with his 2 sisters! And the one of the girls in their dresses. Fab!
take it easy..
I LOVE the pics you got of the kids on Easter! I think if you got one of all three kids, you were successful!!
Happy Spring to you!
Hey Friend!!!
One thing I do know about you is you can juggle 12 balls at once, and do it beautifully!!!! I admire that!!
So excited for my pals that are in your new class!!!!
Still waiting for that LOA, but I did receive a precious pic of Emme that is on my Wednesday post.. I can't wait!!!!!!!
Hang in there!!!!! And, enjoy the chaos!!
Yay! A new post! Beautiful pictures as usual. :D
Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!
Lisa, Have a wonderful Mothers Day (first with Reagan!!!) Enjoy your day, hope it's full of sunshine and all things that make you happy! PS love the dresses and "bloomers" love, tara
It was an amazing class, Lisa! I absolutely loved every second of it and have been using my camera so much since then! Thanks for sharing your amazing talents with us! I just posted about it on my blog . . .
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