For the last few weeks I have been trying to decide whether or not to get Reagan's hair cut for the first time. I love her pigtails, but that is really the only way she could wear it. It was so uneven that I could not leave it down or it would be in her face. I was also getting concerned about the breakage from using hairbands every day, so I went ahead and took her Friday after work for her first official visit to the salon!!

I think she was a little leery at first as she saw those sharp scissors coming towards her head, but she eventually stopped giving Enzo the stink eye and just relaxed and let him do his thing. Enzo has been doing my hair for as long as I can remember and I was kind of excited to let him work his magic on Reagan.
We kept the loch of hair that he had there in his hand. It is already in the memory box:)

She was very calm and stood very still the entire time.....she was so good and I was so happy that she was not scared or screaming.

As the new look came to life, I could not believe what I saw..... it was as if she went from baby to little girl in the matter of minutes right before my eyes!

After all that standing still, she could not wait to make her way around the salon and explore. I also think she was happy to get the cape off so that she could get her fingers into her mouth again:)

When we were getting ready to head to the salon, Sarah said that she also wanted a haircut......so as soon as Reagan was done, Sarah stepped right into place to let Enzo work his magic on her too! Enzo has been cutting her hair since she was a baby...... but this time was different because she said she wanted to get a short hair style like Mommy!!

For now I am going to just give you a preview of the back...... you can see how different this look is for Sarah....and OH MY IS IT EVER ADORABLE!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS NEW CUT ON HER!!! It totally suits her personality.
We left the salon and went to my parent's house because Sarah was excited to show Grandma her new do...... Unfortunately, when we got there they were not home, so we went to the park and got some photos of both the girls together with their fresh from the salon looks!! We were hoping by the time we were done at the park, Grandma and Coachy would be back home.
There were WAY TOO MANY photos to put them all in one post, plus I am running out of time..... I need to get to work. So for now, I am going to leave you hanging on Sarah's new look! I will post Part Two on Wednesday.....PROMISE!
~Have a terrific day and a wonderful week~
First, let me say how I love the girls new dos....second, how on earth did Reagan stand to get her hair cut??? WOW!!! There is just no way Gracie would do that! Although, I too am dying to get her hair cut and styled a bit. Started back to work last week and Gracie took not well with a viral infection the following day. Working after having 2 hours sleep is not easy. But I got through it! Cant wait to see Sarahs hair from the front! Dx
Both haircuts turned out so cute! And shorter hair for summer is so much easier! Can't wait to see Sarah's from the front! Have a great Monday!
She did so well for her first hair cut! What a doll! Both of their cuts turned out great! Great captures!
Reagan did amazing, and she looks so grown up with her new do! I can't wait to see a front shot os Sarah too, the back looks awesome!!
Have a great week!
Love both of them! My 3yo had a stacked bob last summer, and oh, I loved it so much. It was just too hard to maintain (her hair grows super fast) after a while, and just last month we finally settled on a chin-length bob with bangs. She went from 3 to about 6 the instant those bangs made their appearance! Amazing what a simple change in hairstyle will do for them.
She looks adorable! Can't wait to see Sarah's! :)
Oh my goodness - SARAH!!!!!!!! they BOTH look gorgeous and SO DIFFERENT! The perfect summer cuts! I can't wait to see more pictures of both your Girlies!!
So CUTE!!!!! Such stylish little girls!
So cute! It is amazing how much a haircut can change their looks!! Can't wait to see Sara's do!!
What a sweet time with both of your beautiful girls. Love their new looks.
Adorable photos of such a sweet memory!!! LOVE both the adorable haircuts!!! Can't wait to see more!!!
Just precious how Reagan sat there so still during her hair cut. She's adorable standing in the salon with her cape off!!! Looking forward to see more pics. And you know I'm a huge fan of that cut. :)
Have a wonderful week Lisa!
my oldest daughter has had that cut since she was 3. I love it on her. she is the only one in her school with it cut like that and she looks so sassy! Way to go on kid style!!
Oh how I love the girls haircuts! What dolls they are. Samantha has that same dress Reagan has on. I love it. :)
Actually I just realized she has the same dress on in my profile pic, too funny! :)
Those two girls of yours are adorable! I love their haircuts. Reagan does look like she aged in a matter of minutes. Actually, so does Sarah. Must be so strange looking at them now and seeing a glimpse into the future.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Can't wait to see your Wednesday B&W's.
way too precious - LOVE IT~
can't wait to see her official doo!
love you and hugs!
Oh my, the cuteness! I can't wait to see the rest of Sarah's do and Reagan does look so much older!
Looking forward to more pictures :)
Amazing how a little hair cut can change that baby look to "little girl" in just a few snips! :) Reagan looks adorable in her new 'do!
And Sarah's is beautiful & chic in her's as well!
Such fun pics. You documented it so well!
What beautiful hair cuts! Can't wait to see the full one on Sarah!
What an adorable cut on such an adorable girl!
What cute looks! Reagan did so well just standing there. Can't wait to see more of Sarah's do as well.
Oh my goodness! I can't believe Reagan in these pictures! I think you definitely have another spa girl on your hands! I especially love the picture where her eyes are closed! It's so fun to have new "dos" for summer! So glad Sarah joined in on the fun too!
Such BEAUTIFUL little Angel faces! The new "dos" just bring out their adorable little faces even more!
These pic's are precious!
What a fun day at the hair salon. I'm amazed at how still Reagan stayed. (Milana still squirms like a worm even doing her bangs- maybe I need to let someone else do it.)
But I LOVE the new bob on Reagan. Wow....what a change - such a big girl now. And I can see how "your" style can suit Sarah. Can't wait for more.
Hugs, my friend.
What a tease!! I want to see full front shots of that cute hair! :)
They both look adorable!! And I agree... Reagan is looking more grown up by the day. Boo!
Awesome shots of your two baby girls sportin' some fab do's for summer.
I can't wait to run my fingers through both heads and squeeze them like crazy this weekend!
See you in a few days!
You are cutting and we are growing over here! Getting ready for the flower girl debut in October!!!! The girls look adorable!!! Next time I come to your town, I am making an appt. in advance with Enzo!!!! I can't wait to see Sarah from the front!!! So precious that she wanted to cut her hair like you!!!! Smart girl!
Sarah's cut is similar to the one we did for Maddy. I love it but I'm so tired of those long strands of hair always being in her face. She won't wear a clip or barrette so I'm at a loss over how to fix it other than cut it shorter in the front. I hope Sarah is more cooperative! :)
Love the expressions on all the photos! Love these photos - can't wait until your advanced classes!
The girls both look absolutely adorable, can't wait to see more pictures!
Oh my gosh, these are adorable!!! :)
OK, as though it isn't bad enough that I cry about how fast my own daughter is growing up, I find myself getting teary seeing how much your children have grown just since I've "met" you online!
Oh my goodness!! Reagan just stood still he worked his magic, wow. And look at her now --so utterly girl and not much of a baby anymore. :) From what little I see of Sarah's hair, I LOVE it!
Haircuts look amazing! your so lucky she stayed so still
Reagan is so composed throughout the hair cut. Can't wait till my little Narelle has enough hair for me to take her to the salon ;-)
Love both of the new dos! And I cannot believe how calm Reagan was. The Tongginator screamed the ENTIRE time for her first haircut.
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