I am here in Las Vegas and just checked in with everyone at home.
So far, so good....they all seem to be getting along without Mommy!
I was concerned about Reagan, but Pat said that Sarah was the one who broke down into tears last night at bedtime. She was crying and said that she missed Mommy:(

Sarah usually does really well when I have to travel, but I think after my being gone for two weeks in China, she was afraid that I was leaving for another long period of time, not just a few days!

We skyped and I was able to see everyone and they could see me. Reagan seemed a little out of sorts. Pat said she did not really nap today, so she was overtired. I did manage to get a kiss blown to me and she played a little peek-a-boo.

When I spoke with Sarah tonight, she made me turn my computer screen all angles so she could get a view of the room. She asked me to show her the "people" in my room. Pat and I think she was talking about the housekeepers. She must think that I have a maid with me at all time??? She is a funny one! After that she asked me to show her the pool and a bunch of other things around the hotel. I told her the best I could do is take photos for her. I said that I would show her when I got home, but I quickly downloaded a few photos of my room the way I found last night after dinner so she can see it here on the blog!
I have had a very full day already and the night is just beginning here in Sin City. We hit our convention early this am and stayed until midafternoon. After that we came back to the hotel and had lunch poolside. Right now, I am heading to the Spa for an 80 minute massage, then a quick dinner at the Red 8 restaurant here at the Wynn. Last but not least, we have tickets to see La Reve. I have heard it is GREAT and I am anxious to see it!
I do REALLY MISS MY FAMILY, but....... I am enjoying the luxorious amenities and all the pampering I am receiving. My boss treats us very well and he knows how difficult it was for me to leave everyone behind this trip, so he is spoiling me just a tad!! I guess he wants me to go home relaxed and rejuvenated. After 4 days of this....... I should be as relaxed as can be......and possibly a few pounds heavier.
More to come from Las Vegas soon!
PS. A few of you asked about the dresses the girls are wearing. The were purchased through Zulily. Have you ever heard of that site? If not, check it out and you might want to sign up. You can find some awesome deals on some very unique things, but you have to be super fast when you get their emails. The inventory flies off the shelves.
Have a fantastic time : )
I'm happy to hear the family is faring well without Mommy. And I'm so glad to hear about that massage. Oh man - they should bottle that.
Enjoy your time - it will fly by and then you'll be home again.
Sweet dresses on the girls. (And I know where the pictures were taken. Ahh.....memories.)
So glad to hear your family is doing well with mommy being away. Relax and enjoy yourself a bit. I'm so you deserve it! =)
I'm so jealous!!! It sounds like a great time!! I'm sure it's hard to leave those cuties though!!
Liam was the same way after that trip to China. He got very concerned that every trip would turn into 2 weeks. I'm sorry she was sad and I hope skype helped. My kids love that with David.
What ADORABLE pictures!! I just can't get over how much Reagan has changed. So cute.
Oh goooodness! I to am a wee bit jealous! I would never leave that room because I'd be asleep the entire time...even when I had my massage! LOL! Enjoy the time and I'm sure the minute you walk in the front door at home life will be wonderful. Reagan will do great!!
80 minute massage sounds bliss! I'm glad you have such a good boss, but no doubt you're well worth it.
It's funny how you can't predict with kids, who'll miss you the most, but good to hear they're coping well.
When I saw those dresses, it made me wish my girls were, well 12 or 14 years younger! We're in exam mode here, today starts Leaving and Junior Cert State exams for daughter and son.
Enjoy Vegas!
Have a wonderful time! Love the three pics in a row of Reagan!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
you have been on my mind. Sounds like a nice little time away even though you are missing the kids.
The hotel looks lovely!
precious photos! the girls are so cute!
glad you were able to skype! sorry sarah had a tough time with you being gone!
ahhhh to be pampered. enjoy every minute! i'm off for a little spa trip next month with my best friend! can't wait. we are going to a place in MD :-D
hugs and love!
It sounds like you are having loads of fun in Vegas. Enjoy your time away!
I'm a teeny tiny bit envious, just the thought of an 80 minute massage...heavenly!
It sounds like everyone is doing well, too funny how Sarah thought you had 'people' in your room. lol.
It's already Wednesday and you'll be home very soon!!! Btw the triptych of Reagan is adorable, what cute expressions.
Sweet photos. Have fun. That hotel looks amazing!
WOAH...80 minute massage. That's just awesome!
So happy that you and the family are doing well!! And I agree with the rest...an 80 minute massage...how heavenly!!
I just love the look on Sarah's face...that is so cute!! Hope your travels home are safe and it will be here before you know it.
So glad the kids are doing okay and you're able to relax a bit.
Safe travels on your way home!
Enjoy your time away, it looks like a great place!
You must tell me where you get your girls adorable outfits from, they are always dressed so beautiful.
Have a good trip and take some time for yourself! She'll be fine, but you can tell you're a good mama for worrying.
WOW ~ that looks & sounds like an amazing treat! Have a fabulous time Lisa ~ you deserve it :-)
I'm going to Vegas for the weekend!! (Softball tourney!!) With four teens in my hose plus a two year old grandson, I can't wait to get out!!! :)
Dear Lisa,
The works sounds like quite a load too, so I hope you do manage to find enough time for relaxation and resting! (80 minutes massage is a good START). And about the pounds: I think maybe someone at home wouldn't mind helping you finish the nice boxes of chocolate and sweets... Enjoy the stay and before I forget: the girls are absolutely beautiful as ever in the pictures! Kind regards, Jade
Oh - I wish I was around last week to have seen this- If I had known you were so close- I would have suggested me meet for coffee. The Wynn is a lovely place to stay.
Beautiful pics and I love the lil dresses too!
Las Vegas sounds lush!
Love Jules
How did you like La Reve? I have a friend in that show in Vegas but I have not seen it yet!!
The girls are just so cute! Glad you made it back safely and everyone survived with Mommy being away!!
Every time, I think the same thing - the only thing cuter than ONE of your girls - is BOTH of them together :) I can never get enough! I just adore Sarah's hair cut!
Would love to know the manufacturer of Reagan's dress in this post. Would like to watch for this to pop up again on Zulily or find it someplace else. Thanks! journeytohannahclaire AT gmail DOT com
Catching up over here. These are darling photos!!! I am sure it ws hard to leave but it sounds like everyone did well and it sounds like you even had some relaxation time which ultimately makes us better wives and Mothers too!
These shots of the girls really capture the beauty of their relationship....sisters always...I cannot even remember a time when they weren't together....amazing how love does that, huh?
Oh, that hotel room....pure luxury. I know it was hard to leave but I also know that it makes the coming home so much better.
Glad you had a chance to get in a bit of pampering and ME time before coming home to pamper and cater to the every whim (as only you can do) of that gorgeous family of yours!
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