Today we hosted a small Father's Day cookout for the men in our family.
The kids were getting a little antsy waiting for dinner, so we gave them a snack after they got out of the pool. As soon as they all sat at the table, the shenanigans began. My nephews Aidan and Ashton will do just about anything to get a rise out of Sarah!
This silly shot is just one of the many funny photos I took this afternoon, but I can only post one to enter...... so the rest will have to wait until Wednesday.
I had no idea what the theme was this week until about an hour ago. I had just downloaded my camera and was ready to head to bed when I saw the I Heart Faces feed come up on my facebook page. When I read it was "Let's Hear It For The Boys", I immediately thought of this candid shot. I figured if I am still awake at 2:30am, what is another 20 minutes to quickly put together a post and enter.
Needless to say..... I should have passed on the coffee after dinner tonight.

To see more fabulous photos or to enter yourself, stop by I Heart Faces by clicking HERE.
Cute photo! Can't wait to see more! Hope you have a great week!
Great picture! I love how the boys are in nearly the same position!
Yep - those are boys all right! Love it!
Such a cute picture!!
I am glad you did have coffee! Thanks for the smile of the day - I needed it, especially after having read about Slick Nick: you had me all teared up again... They just grow op too fast don't they? Looking forward to Wednesday for more pictures, regards, Jade
What an awesome shot. So full of personality!
Totally LOVE this one!!!! Great shot! Sarah looks soooo happy!!!!
What a cute pic!! Looks like they're having a blast!!
Adorable photo!
Too cute! Can't wiat to see more!
Thanks so much for the prayers for Emanuiel!
So cute, a rose between to little thorns.
What is it with us mama's and the all nighters?
I was up until 5:30am stuffing birthday invites for mine to go to pre-school this morning.
Good grief.
Have a great week.
adorable capture and perfect edit!
hugs and love!
glad your father's day celebration was so sweet!
ah - you sound like me - up too late doing stuff we should be doing during normal waking hours!
This is such a great moment and I love the processing!
It made me smile.
LOVW this shot! Sarah's smile is priceless.
Gin =)
Just look at those beautiful faces! Not too happy are they?!!! Looks like everyone had a VERY Happy Dad's Day at your house!!
Perfect shots Lisa- they looks like the giggles were plentiful that day.
Looks like there was LOTS of fun going on with the 2 comedians sitting next to Sarah!! Little boys are the best aren't they? :)
Love this image and the post-processing Lisa.
I love it! So adorable! Love Sarah's smile. :D
Sarah's face says it all....the JOY of childhood!
Love the BW conversion here...just beautiful!
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