Have you ever had a pretzel cone?
They are all the rage around here{ok, maybe just with my family}and a lot of the local ice cream shops sell them.
There is something about the sweet ice cream with the salty pretzel cone that just takes your standard ice cream treat to the next level!
I have been eating pretzels with ice cream for years..... ever since I was a little kid.
My Dad came from a long line of ice cream addicts.
I can't ever remember a time that we went to my grandparents house when they did not have at least two cartons of ice cream in the freezer...... it was always Hershey's brand and always Vanilla and Chocolate. After dinner each night, my grandparents ate ice cream and my Nana would grab a bag of pretzles and dip them into her ice cream. I remember as a really young child thinking it was kind of strange......but she told me to try it, so I did......and I was INSTANTLY HOOKED!
A few years ago when they started making cones out of pretzels, I was in HEAVEN.
Whenever we take the kids out for ice cream, no matter what flavor I choose,(my favorite is rainbow sherbert)it is always in a pretzel cone........ so recently, Sarah decided to try it and now she is hooked too!
Last Saturday I took the girls to the Rose Gardens to do another commercial photo shoot for Izzy and Ivy Designs{photos will be coming soon along with an Izzy and Ivy Giveaway that you WILL NOT want to miss} and it was BLAZING HOT....so I promised pretzel cones filled with their favorite ice cream as soon as we were done!

Sarah's flavor of choice these days is Mint Chocolate Chip.
The ice cream was melting faster than Sarah could eat it.....and I have learned this the hard way, so I always ask them to flip the cone upsidedown and put it in a cup. This is a big help....and not nearly as messy...... although Sarah did manage to get some on her nose:)

This was Reagan's first taste of a pretzel cone......and did she ever LOVE IT!
I bought hers thinking we would "share" it.....OH NO, she was not having that at all.
I was trying to feed her and she kept turning her head away, so I thought she didn't like it......but then I could tell she was getting really irritated with me and I realized that she didn't want me to feed her, nor did she want to share the ice cream me.
She wanted the cup placed directly in front of her at the table and she wanted to spoon it into her mouth and eat it out of the cone all by herself.
She won the battle very quickly......
I knew I had an abundance of baby wipes in my big bag, so I just let her go at it and figured I would deal with the mess later.
Well, she was certainly messy, but the smile plastered on her face was worth it...... she ate every last bite of that cone. She is unbelieavable..... I have never seen a child eat with so much "gusto". She truly enjoys her food!
So, do you all have pretzel cones where you live? or is this just an East Coast/Pennsylvania thing?
You have to try it if you can get them....... I promise, you will not be disappointed!
They are all the rage around here{ok, maybe just with my family}and a lot of the local ice cream shops sell them.
There is something about the sweet ice cream with the salty pretzel cone that just takes your standard ice cream treat to the next level!
I have been eating pretzels with ice cream for years..... ever since I was a little kid.
My Dad came from a long line of ice cream addicts.
I can't ever remember a time that we went to my grandparents house when they did not have at least two cartons of ice cream in the freezer...... it was always Hershey's brand and always Vanilla and Chocolate. After dinner each night, my grandparents ate ice cream and my Nana would grab a bag of pretzles and dip them into her ice cream. I remember as a really young child thinking it was kind of strange......but she told me to try it, so I did......and I was INSTANTLY HOOKED!
A few years ago when they started making cones out of pretzels, I was in HEAVEN.
Whenever we take the kids out for ice cream, no matter what flavor I choose,(my favorite is rainbow sherbert)it is always in a pretzel cone........ so recently, Sarah decided to try it and now she is hooked too!
Last Saturday I took the girls to the Rose Gardens to do another commercial photo shoot for Izzy and Ivy Designs{photos will be coming soon along with an Izzy and Ivy Giveaway that you WILL NOT want to miss} and it was BLAZING HOT....so I promised pretzel cones filled with their favorite ice cream as soon as we were done!

Sarah's flavor of choice these days is Mint Chocolate Chip.
The ice cream was melting faster than Sarah could eat it.....and I have learned this the hard way, so I always ask them to flip the cone upsidedown and put it in a cup. This is a big help....and not nearly as messy...... although Sarah did manage to get some on her nose:)

This was Reagan's first taste of a pretzel cone......and did she ever LOVE IT!
I bought hers thinking we would "share" it.....OH NO, she was not having that at all.
I was trying to feed her and she kept turning her head away, so I thought she didn't like it......but then I could tell she was getting really irritated with me and I realized that she didn't want me to feed her, nor did she want to share the ice cream me.
She wanted the cup placed directly in front of her at the table and she wanted to spoon it into her mouth and eat it out of the cone all by herself.
She won the battle very quickly......
I knew I had an abundance of baby wipes in my big bag, so I just let her go at it and figured I would deal with the mess later.
Well, she was certainly messy, but the smile plastered on her face was worth it...... she ate every last bite of that cone. She is unbelieavable..... I have never seen a child eat with so much "gusto". She truly enjoys her food!
So, do you all have pretzel cones where you live? or is this just an East Coast/Pennsylvania thing?
You have to try it if you can get them....... I promise, you will not be disappointed!
Omg...I've never heard of them. I'm heading to Pennsylvania this weekend I'm hoping to find it. I love pretzels and ice cream never thought to combine.....brilliant! Darling pictures of the girls!
we always get in on the trends late here down south! I've never heard of them!
We live right next door to you (so to speak) in OH. I've never heard of them!! They sound awesome though!!!
LOVE pretzel cones!!! I'm originally from PA though but haven't sought them out since we moved down south a couple of months ago. I think I'm on a mission now.....haha!
Yummy! We don't have them here, but sweet and salty goodness is always perfection:)
You're right, that smile is so worth the mess. I love the ice cream on Sarah's nose.
Well, I just might have to make it my mission to find them around here! I know my kids would love them. Adorable photos of the girls and their sweets!! That is so funny that Reagan didn't want to share hers. I can't say I blame her. ;)
Pretzel cones sound delish!! I hope I can find one down here in MD to try. The girls look like they had a lot of fun!! :) Great pictures, as always...
Sounds yummy - there was an ice cream made out of a candy bar (can't remember the name) that had pretzel pieces in it - so good. I don't think they make it anymore though.
We don't have them here on the coast in CT but I'm now on a mission to find them :) Until then, I'll just have to enjoy my Chubby Hubby B&J ice cream with pretzels in the mix.
Love the photos of the girls. They are both getting so big. Don't you wish you could just stop time if only for a little bit.
We do not have these here in Ohio but I am going to be on the lookout for these.
Those sound absolutely delicious. We are in the Midwest and I've never heard of them...but I might have to start searching for them!
Never heard of them here in this part of Texas! Sounds DELISH!!!
I have never seen them but your darling girls certainly make them look YUMMY!
So excited to see the pics from your shoot! I love their designs.
We have them! I've never tried one but they sound and look yummy!
Have never heard of pretzel cones but gosh do they sound (and look) delish!!! The salty/sweet taste is totally us. Will have to look for them here.
Had to giggle about Reagan wanting to eat hers all by herself and not share.
Love your new blog look too, Lisa!
Happy Friday.
First - LOVE the pictures!
Secondly - No, we do not have pretzel cones here but I bet they are yummy! I was just in Pittsburg a few weeks ago for work - wish I had known about those then. Hopefully that trend will make it's way to the 'ville!
None of those here that I know of, but then, I'm not really an ice cream lover, so I haven't looked. Sounds like something I'd like though!
Love those cuties eating their ice cream, LOL @ Miss Independent having to do it herself. Sarah's hair is precious pulled back with that bobby pin, she looks so grown up!
Never. I must be living under a rock because I've never even heard of them. lol. But they sound like the perfect combo for salty and sweet. I must find one!
I am a pretzel lover (being a Philly gal and all) so i would LOVE these but I have npt seen them down here yet. Now, I ma going to be looking:) LOVE the shots:)
OK...now you know I live right smack in the middle of the land of everything (Manhattan, lol!) & I have NEVER heard of pretzel cones, but I gotta tell ya, my mouth is waterin' for one of these!! Mmmmm! Looks sooooo good!! The search is ON!
SO CUTE! I love little messy faces when I don't have to clean them up! ;)
No, I have never seen a pretzel cone. We do have a hotdog joint that serves only soft pretzel buns, and they are delicious as well.
These are ADORABLE! I love the ice cream dripping off of Sarah's nose. Sarah picked my favorite flavor too!
Oh those pretzel cones look wonderful. I don't think we have them down south. I'm definitely going to keep my eyes out for them. I have to tell you I don't blame Reagan one bit for not wanting to share. ;-)
Love your pictures of your two beauties.
I've never seen them in IL & we are quite the ice cream fanatics! Love Reagan's dress!!!
Never heard of them either!!! I think you started something Lisa! Sounds yummy! I have been loving the special K choc. pretzel bars (only 90 calories!) because of that sweet salty taste. Of course it doesn't help when you want to eat the whole box! lol
We do not have those here!!! And they sound brilliant! I WANT ONE!
No pretzel cones out west in Utah! Never thought of eating pretzels and ice cream. I will have to give both a try!
Yummo!!! We do not have those in Minnesota but let me tell you, I am with the rest of the group and will be on a mission to find them! Love your pictures and their tudes ;)
Ha/ha...look what I just found ;)
Pretzel cones!!
I was just coming back to post that link..... but I have not had time! I searched for them to so that I could tell everyone where to buy them.
For anyone that shops at Wegman's, they stock them on their shelves!!
I am going to go post that link on the main blog post!
Have a Happy Thursday Everyone~
No pretzel cones her but then again we only have a dairy queen. LOL Love all the photos you shared!!! The girls are just precious!!!
I am not aware of the pretzel cone, but I'll keep my out for em. Surely they are in TX!!!! I adore your sweet girls...thx for sharing!!! Pure sweetness.
I've never seen/heard of pretzel cones and that is on behalf of California and Texas. Also, I hadno idea Hershey made ice cream!
But all this talk makes me want a double scoop of rocky road ASAP!
Baby girl has the right idea, get your own ice cream Mom!
The little ladies look adorable.
Dear Lisa, those pictures are just adorable (as always). Since the very beginning of your adventure with Reagan, I am always impressed by how much she resembles my daughter: even personality wise! Your story of her insisting on eating ALL and HERSELF, well, this is so familiar! But unfortunately we do not have pretzel cones, and I'm not sure we're getting them soon over here either...
Kind regards from chilly Belgium, Jade
ps me too, I like your new blog-look!
You can actually order them online! Go to the Cone Guys.
A few minutes from my house is an ice cream shop, called The Cone. They sell all those fun cones like M&Ms and pretzel cones, and the pretzel ones are definitely my favorite! You and I both live in the same area and this is the only place I've ever seen them.
Those girls are too cute with their little ice cream faces. Rainbow sherbet has always been a favorite of mine, too. I've never had pretzel cones but it sounds yummy.
Gin =)
They look and sound Delicious!
I'm in stitches laughing at Reagan's face, and determination. She is some cookie!
I'm with her on not sharing dessert, I'll share any other food, but n o t dessert!
Fab photos, Lisa!
I've never even heard of them, but they sound divine!
I googled them, too- and the Cone Guys say they are a Philly orignial.
But no matter where they came from- they sound awesome! Definitely going to order some of those on-line.
Love the pics- and way to go, Reagan- I wouldn't share my cone either.
Love the new look on the blog!
How could you not crave a pretzel cone after looking at these adorable pictures!! The girls should really do a commercial, they would make millions!!!
Love the "new look" to your blog! You're amazing!
Have never heard of them but they sound fantastic! I love the new pretzel M & Ms.
Love the new look and the girls' new hair dos. Looks like you are have a great summer, enjoy the rest!
I too am a Mint Chocolate Chip Girl!! My fav is with hot fudge!!! So, I am going to have to try this pretzel cone!! I love salty and sweet!!! Describes one of my children too!
Adorable pics!!! And, I want in on that give-a-way. You know Emme NEEDS clothes!!! :)
No pretzel cones in the middle of the country, but what a great combo! I bet they are delicious! Cute pictures!
How do we NOT have those here?!!!!
What fabulous scenes of cooling off on a Summer day with a sweet treat. I could look pictures of these two all day long!
Pretzel cone? Honestly I never even HEARD of them. Were these at Rita's? I am now, like so many of the other commenters....on a quest to find one........oh, my diet is going on hiatus....I can just see it now!
Ooohhhh mouth watering here.....
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