About three weeks ago(I know, I am really that far behind)I took the girls to Longwood Gardens for the afternoon. I thought it would give us something to do and we had not been there for a visit in a long time. We usually go at least once or twice a year, but I think we skipped it last summer. You know, we were just a little busy waiting for "The Call".

Had I been there by myself, without the kids, I think I could have spent hours just looking at the gorgeous flowers and gardens. It is really a spectacular place, but.......

dragging two little ones around the sprawling gardens in 90 Degree weather was not exactly easy. We were all a tad hot and the girls were growing tired of just walking and looking.

Lucky for them, they have a fun children's garden complete with a fountain that they can splash around in.

We were parked at that fountain for a good hour plus.

The girls were having lots of fun trying to catch the water as it sprayed up in the air.

After they were completely soaked and feeling cooled off, I convinced them to move to the other areas of the garden.

Reagan was completely mesmorized by the life sized xylophone and was very excited to hear that she was actually making "music".

It was definitely worth the hour road trip, but I wish I would have picked a day that was a little cooler. We might have seen more of the exhibits. I could tell the girls had reached their limit and I did not want to push them in that heat.
As always, it has been busy, busy, busy around here. So I thought I would include a few updates that I have not had time to post about over the last week.
I picked the winner for of the August "Get Out of the Auto Zone" photography class and updated it on the original blog post, so click HERE to see who won.
Secondly, I am going with my gut and we are taking Reagan to see the Doctor tomorrow concerning her speech. I called and expressed my concerns and he said to bring her in and we will come up with a game plan.
I will post an update as soon as I have time!
Happy Wednesday.... Try to stay cool.
I also wanted to thank my friend Daleea who made the beautiful and colorful Tra-La-La Skirts and beaded bracelets for Reagan and Sarah. The girls loved them and they looked so cute wearing them. If you are looking for something fun and girly, check out her shop, Lady Peep Boutique. You can click HERE to shop or browse her collections. I am sure you will find something that catches your eye:)
We haven't been there in forever : ) Must go and visit soon.
Oh....what a gorgeous place and I'm impressed the girls lasted as long as they did. Good for you for keeping up with your tradition. They will remember it well....heat and all! And, of course - they look adorable.
(I'm still basking in the memories of our week-end together!!!)
Even in the heat, Reagan and Sarah are still soooo adorable!!! That looks like such a gorgeous place to visit. But I agree, that heat can take its toll on both adults and the kids. I love the colors in the photos. Daleea did a fabulous job on those cute outfits!!
I haven't posted a Black & White Wednesday in like, forever, but I posted one today of our trip to visit you and the gals in Philly! I had such a wonderful time!!!!
Good luck at your appointment today!! I pray that you hear the news you are wanting to hear!!
Same here, with it being so hot, they look so beautiful! Gorgeous pictures! Looks like a wonderful place to stroll.
Alyzabeth's Mommy
I can almost feel the heat, looking at your photos! Helped by the fact that it's sweltering here today too! Not complaining.
The girls look gorgeous; I love looking at how children act around water!
I'm joining in today having discovered how to do B and W on photoshop last night! watch out Lisa, I might be joining your photography class in the future!!
And my photos are nature one too!
gorgeous as always Lisa. Hope all is well at the doctors.
Happy Wednesday to you too!
Good luck with the appointment! This garden looks like such a great place. I love Lady Peep Boutique....when L was little I would dress her in some of her creations.
And thanks for the link to the Gardens. I MapQuested it and they are only 2 hours away! I am definitely going to plan a trip there. So beautiful!
Lovely pictures! Thanks for hosting! :)
beautiful shots - I totally agree, Longwood is definitely on my list of places to go for at least a day, without the kids. I would love to get lost there with my camera!!
Gorgeous pictures of your beautiful girls!
Gorgeous photo's as usual! Good for you for going with your gut as far as Reagan's speech. A mother's intuition is never wrong!
What a beautiful place to capture your precius girl in!
Congratulations to Shelly!!! I also follow her blog and I know she will be capturing even more beautiful pics of Hoot and The Doll.
What a beautiful place. Looks hot but fun. Well worth the trip, I'm sure.
What a pretty place!! Love the girls outfits and those cute bracelets. That last shot of Reags makes her look HUGE!! I am amazed how much she's changed since October. Good luck tomorrow at the doctor, I'm glad you're going to take her.
Happy Wednesday!!!
The heat sure didn't keep your 2 from having fun and playing...what a beautiful place, Lisa!!! Love the ones of them playing in the water and miss R on the xylophone!!!
Hope all goes well at the doctor's tomorrow, I'm happy you're getting a professional opinion.
big hugs,
Gail :)
Beautiful photos of a beautiful day!!! Cute outfits and bracelets~ so adorable! Thinking of you as you head to the dr... always a great place to start!!! Blessings!
What a beautiful place. Looks like a very enjoyable day indeed!
Gorgeous photos! You did a great job despite the heat of keeping them entertained!
I love going there as well. :-D
Praying for answers tomorrow and a game plan you feel comfortable with!
Gorgeous photos! You did a great job despite the heat of keeping them entertained!
I love going there as well. :-D
Praying for answers tomorrow and a game plan you feel comfortable with!
There are several journal articles re: language development in children following international adoption. You may want to check out this link (if you have not already been to this site):
Other recent papers include:
What a neat place. As always your girls are just beautiful! Loved Reagan playing the xylophone. Tooo sweet!
Will pray for the doctor tomorrow to have wisdom and discernment regarding her speech. She probably is soaking it all in and in a year will be talking your ear off!
Thank you for your sweet words, I am so glad the girls liked their skirts.
God bless you friend,
Great shots, GEORGEOUS girls! Reagan reminds me so much of Kerry at that age, somehow. It has been just ridiculously hot here, too. Good luck tomorrow.
Gin =)
Love these photos!
Almost TGIF -- yay!! :)
As a mom with a child who has had a speech delay, I am so glad you are going to look into it. My son had speech therapy (along with physical and occupational) from the time he was 8 months old until a few weeks ago when he was deemed, at the age of 3, to be caught up enough to not require further services. I am so glad we chose early intervention and didn't listen to the people who basically made fun of us for having our less than a year old in speech therapy.
The earlier you intervene, the better off your child will be. Getting her the help she may need now can save her from needing additional services once she reaches school age and help her not be frustrated when she cannot communicate the way she'd like to. Keep us updated!
Reagan is growing she looks tall in that last picture. I hope every turns out ok with her speech.
I could look at pics of your beautiful girlies all day....
Daleea's skirts are beautiful as always!
Love and blessings,
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