While we were up on the Cape last weekend, my sister-in-law, Ann, had a graduation party for my niece. The party was held at their house and there was a lot of hustle and bustle leading up to the event. I wanted to try to take the girls out of the house the morning of the party, so we would not be in the way.
Ann suggested a cute little store in Centerville, MA, which is just the next town over from them. I knew exactly where it was, as we had passed it many times before, but never had the opportunity to stop and go inside.

The "1856 Country Store" was such a nostalgic and cute place.....but it was very tiny. There was so much stuff in such a small space, that I could barely walk through the aisles with the girls. I was holding Reagan in my arms for fear if I let her down she would break something. I had a couple of close calls with my handbag.
The store was filled with all kinds of unique little gifts that you might expect to see on the Cape, but the girls had one thing on their minds and one thing only......

Well, they did beeline straight for all the barrels of candy, but Sarah also saw a little kitty cat in a "crate". She had to have it and it was on sale, so I caved.
Reagan on the other hand, could have cared less about the toys, she saw the wall of candy and her eyes almost popped out of her head!

I did not even attempt to try to take one picture inside the store. Not only was it very small, there were A LOT of people in there. It seems to be a popular little store in Centerville. In fact, my Mother-In-Law said that John F Kennedy frequented this place with his children when they were young:)

We barely made it to the front door before the girls were asking for a piece of candy. Once we got outside, I noticed they had two benches, so I told the girls to go ahead and sitdown, but when I looked more closely, I realized that one said "Democrats" and one said "Republicans"
Sarah did her Daddy proud and picked.....lets just say, what he would cosider the more appropriate bench.
Pat's birthday is coming up next week and I thought I would get this picture framed for him. I know this is one that he would like to have for his desk at work.
He has dreams that one day they might sit on another type of bench....as in the Supreme Court Justice so they can advocate for adoption.
I guess you never know what the future holds, but for now,
I think they just enjoy being "Penny Candy Eating Republicans".
LOVE LOVE LOVE the store! What a great place for a photo shoot. The girls look darling.
Too cute!
So sweet. Gotta love a place with penny candy! Janet
These are wonderful Lisa! Looks like Pat is going to get the perfect birthday gift. :-)
We're feeling much better around here. Us girls in the house had strep....not much fun. Luckily the antibiotics have done their job and we're back up and running. Hopefully we can touch base soon.
Hope you have a wonderful week!
What a perfect place for a shoot! Darling girls!!!
What an adorable store and that bench makes for some really cute shots. Love it.
A D O R A B L E!!!!
Well they sure did their Daddy proud. What a cute post and place, Lisa.
Reagan's legs are so stinkin' cute. I want to squeeze her! She couldn't be any cuter. :)
Have a great week!!!
Love that old shop and your girls as always are adorable!
Too stinkin' adorable.... Your oldest girl is KILLING me with the crossed legs and the look of utter sophistication all while looking sweet and little-girly at the same time. How DOES she do that?! And Regan's sweet little face, intent on her treat?! Oy!!!
And of COURSE Daddy should dream big like that for them!! Lord knows we certainly need more fashion-forward, family minded women on the Supreme Court :)
Cape Cod.....in my top 5 places to visit! LOVE!
How cute is that little place?!?! Love it! And of course, love those sweet Republican girlies too, tell them Uncle Derek is proud! :)
Have a good week, girl! Can't wait to see you soon!!
What beautiful photos of your sweet girls!
Sara :)
And here I thought your values were democratic, at least they seemed that way. I hope the girls do it make it to the Supreme Court but I doubt adoption would be an agenda item that would make it to the Court.
What a cute post....and then to top it off with that bench, candy and cute girls! I agree though, isn't it the best places are always the least kid friendly.
What a cute story, cute store and of course cute girls. I love the bench also.
Lisa, it was really lovely to read this tale and see these photos.
I'm sure Pat will be thrilled with the framed photo of his two Republican Ladies!
Great post and beautiful pics as always! I'll never understand anonymous commentors though and why in the world the one above thought you had Democratic values.. for lack of a better word, that's a very "ignorant" comment.
Hi Lisa,
Sarah and Reagan made all us Republicans PROUD!! This will make and adorable picture for their Daddy!!
Love the girls outfits and the bows...oh my....tooooo cute! How do you get the girls to keep them in? I have tried and tried and my girls pull them out before I can shoot the first pic! LOL!!!
Jamie K,
I could not agree with you more! When people leave comments like that, I find it very convenient that they leave them anonymously and never sign their names. I don't expect everyone to agree with every thought or statement I make, but if you have something to say, for crying out loud, sign your name!
When writing this post I was very careful to choose my words in a way so that I did not offend anyone, no matter what their political views may be.
I LOVE this post with the little shop! I laughed so hard about Reagan not caring about the toys and her eyes popping out of her head at the candy! I could so vision what was happening! My sister, Sharie, gave Katie a kitty in a crate like that years ago and she still likes it!
You know I'm DYING over that little store with the flowers under the windows, right?! *squeal!!!!!* Oh my! What a place for pictures!
Your girls look absolutely PRECIOUS...their clothing is BEYOND! Can you imagine TT running thru that store - LOL! Eeek!
Have a wonderful Monday! XO
Cutest little Republicans ever!! Great shots and what a neat little store.
Gin =)
Cutest little Republicans ever!! Great shots and what a neat little store.
Gin =)
What a cute post!!! Love it! There's so much charm in these pictures - like from another era.
(10 days and counting.......xoxox)
Democratic or Republican...no matter what bench they're on your girls are just too CUTE for words! I've never been to Cape Cod, but I'm a sucker for old wold charm, so I will definitely be adding it to my "must visit" list!
"Democratic or Republican...no matter what bench they're on your girls are just too CUTE for words"! Well put Maddy!!! I agree wholeheartedly!!
Hi Lisa, what beautiful pictures! I love little country stores too, such charm. You really captured it! Looks like it was a special trip. Have a great day, tara
Hi Lisa - I LOVE the pictures. Where on Cape Cod do you vacation? We are going to Falmouth in August and can't wait. Hope the beach there is as sandy as where you shot your photos. Hope your summer is going well. The children are growing beautifully!!
Laura B
Came across your blog from M3's
As a card-carrying Republican/Conservative, I say the candy tastes sweeter on the Republican bench :)
By the way, I don't live very far from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library - one of my favorite places!
Come visit one day!!
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