The last seven days have been...... chaotic.
I won't bore you with the chain of bad events that took place this week.
Let's just say that it was not a week we will care to look back on and we are happy to have it behind us. Just hoping that the week ahead will bring all things good.
We do have a lot to look forward to......
Cousin Eddie is on his way down today. Of course the kids are super excited and are anxiously awaiting his arrival. He should be here before lunch. Eddie and Nick will be attached at the hip and they will have two little girls trailing their every move.
Thursday we are heading back to Cape Cod for a long weekend of fun in the sun and the sand. Really, this little trip could not have been planned at a better time. Both Pat and I are in desperate need of the peace and tranquility that Cape Cod always provides.
We have one other major event taking place this week and I am pretty excited about it......
A few months ago, our family was selected by a local magazine called Lehigh Valley Style, to share our story. Since November is National adoption month, they chose adoption as their feature story for their November Issue. They are highlighting two families in the area and we are one of them.
In addition to interviewing us, they also need to photograph us.
The photographer that was assigned to this story called me last week to set up the shoot. I spoke with him briefly to see what he had in mind and he gave me an idea as to what he was looking to do.
I have to admit, I knew this was coming, but I did not think we would need to have the picture taken so soon. The deadline is quickly approaching and he needed to get this done before we leave for the Cape.
My head was kind of spinning already last week...... so now I needed to think about wardrobe for five.
The kids are easy..... especially the girls...... but to get all five of us somewhat coordinated....not so easy.

My sweet friend Robin, at Red Thread Stitches, knocked it out of the park again with these beautiful new creations. A few months ago, when she made the girls beach dresses, I had emailed her this pattern that caught my eye as well as this fabric and off she went working her magic. Talk about talent....I wish I could whip up clothes like this! I can barely sew a button on a shirt.
As of this morning, Robin has officially added this pattern to her collection, so if you are looking to get one of these super cute halter style, mod looking dresses for your little one, head on over to her website, she is taking orders. Just tell her you want the Lola dress and pick out your fabric:))

The dresses have not arrived yet. They will be here on Monday, but thankfully Robin sent me a swatch of the fabric a few weeks ago so I was able to see the exact colors.....and she was sweet enough to snap this photo of the two dresses side by side before she packaged them up and sent them off on Friday.
These dresses quickly became my inspiration for the shoot and with a little digging through closets and jewelry boxes(thanks Mom) we are all set and I am really happy with the way it has all come together. I just hope the photographer is as happy with what I picked out, as I am.
Tuesday should prove to be rather interesting for me. It is hard for me to give up my spot behind the camera. I am much more comfortable there......then in front of the camera. The one thing I know for sure...... we will be in great hands. You can check out this photographer's FABULOUS work by clicking HERE. He has done some really cool stuff and I am looking forward to watching him in action. According to his website, he is "Team Canon"..... I like him already:)

I probably won't have time to post again until Wednesday, so I will let you know how it goes. I think everyone will do great...especially since I am not the one with the camera. My kids are usually better for other photographers.
I just hope Miss Reagan decides to cooperate. Fingers crossed.....toes too!
It's always dicey with an almost two year old. I was not sure she understood the art of bribery just yet....... but I guess she proved me wrong. I will have to come prepared.
To see more Sunday Snapshots, click the link below...... and while you are there, say "welcome home" to my friend Stefanie and her beautiful baby girl, Poppy. They just arrived home from China on Friday night.
I won't bore you with the chain of bad events that took place this week.
Let's just say that it was not a week we will care to look back on and we are happy to have it behind us. Just hoping that the week ahead will bring all things good.
We do have a lot to look forward to......
Cousin Eddie is on his way down today. Of course the kids are super excited and are anxiously awaiting his arrival. He should be here before lunch. Eddie and Nick will be attached at the hip and they will have two little girls trailing their every move.
Thursday we are heading back to Cape Cod for a long weekend of fun in the sun and the sand. Really, this little trip could not have been planned at a better time. Both Pat and I are in desperate need of the peace and tranquility that Cape Cod always provides.
We have one other major event taking place this week and I am pretty excited about it......
A few months ago, our family was selected by a local magazine called Lehigh Valley Style, to share our story. Since November is National adoption month, they chose adoption as their feature story for their November Issue. They are highlighting two families in the area and we are one of them.
In addition to interviewing us, they also need to photograph us.
The photographer that was assigned to this story called me last week to set up the shoot. I spoke with him briefly to see what he had in mind and he gave me an idea as to what he was looking to do.
I have to admit, I knew this was coming, but I did not think we would need to have the picture taken so soon. The deadline is quickly approaching and he needed to get this done before we leave for the Cape.
My head was kind of spinning already last week...... so now I needed to think about wardrobe for five.
The kids are easy..... especially the girls...... but to get all five of us somewhat coordinated....not so easy.

My sweet friend Robin, at Red Thread Stitches, knocked it out of the park again with these beautiful new creations. A few months ago, when she made the girls beach dresses, I had emailed her this pattern that caught my eye as well as this fabric and off she went working her magic. Talk about talent....I wish I could whip up clothes like this! I can barely sew a button on a shirt.
As of this morning, Robin has officially added this pattern to her collection, so if you are looking to get one of these super cute halter style, mod looking dresses for your little one, head on over to her website, she is taking orders. Just tell her you want the Lola dress and pick out your fabric:))

The dresses have not arrived yet. They will be here on Monday, but thankfully Robin sent me a swatch of the fabric a few weeks ago so I was able to see the exact colors.....and she was sweet enough to snap this photo of the two dresses side by side before she packaged them up and sent them off on Friday.
These dresses quickly became my inspiration for the shoot and with a little digging through closets and jewelry boxes(thanks Mom) we are all set and I am really happy with the way it has all come together. I just hope the photographer is as happy with what I picked out, as I am.
Tuesday should prove to be rather interesting for me. It is hard for me to give up my spot behind the camera. I am much more comfortable there......then in front of the camera. The one thing I know for sure...... we will be in great hands. You can check out this photographer's FABULOUS work by clicking HERE. He has done some really cool stuff and I am looking forward to watching him in action. According to his website, he is "Team Canon"..... I like him already:)

I probably won't have time to post again until Wednesday, so I will let you know how it goes. I think everyone will do great...especially since I am not the one with the camera. My kids are usually better for other photographers.
I just hope Miss Reagan decides to cooperate. Fingers crossed.....toes too!
It's always dicey with an almost two year old. I was not sure she understood the art of bribery just yet....... but I guess she proved me wrong. I will have to come prepared.
To see more Sunday Snapshots, click the link below...... and while you are there, say "welcome home" to my friend Stefanie and her beautiful baby girl, Poppy. They just arrived home from China on Friday night.

I'm curious already! And looking forward to see what you caught of team Eddie&Nick and the two fans... I keep my fingers crossed for the shoot and the rest of the week, I hope you get over "the bad" from last week soon. Kind regards, jade
I cant wait to see your pictures. I just checked out the guys website and he is really good!
Love the dresses. I'm gonna check out her website again too.
I hope you have a fabulous week!
Robin is amazing! I love her work. The coordinating dresses are darling!
Praying it goes well. I am sure they will be absolutely precious in their dresses. Not to mention you will do a great job putting sharp outfits together for all of you! You my friend have style!
Enjoy your week - sounds like fun!
Love you and hugs,
Your daughter Sarah is just exquisite and Reagan is simply adorable.
Love the dresses and the cute fabric!! Wishing you have a fantastic photo shoot with your precious family.
Enjoy the Cape and relax..... always easier said then done I know!
We are not moving to Boise so give me a heads up when the next set of classes are going to be. We have been on a roller coaster of emotions with this....
Glad your stinky week is over and better times are coming!
LOVE the dresses!!!!!!! Robin's workmanship is amazing.
Can't wait to see your family photo and I pray the Lord uses your story to help others say YES to adoption!!!
Enjoy your coming trip.
The dresses are fabulous Lisa, love the pattern that you used and the fabric is perfect with the design of them!! Can't wait to see what is captured...I also checked out the site. WOW!!!
Hope little miss R cooperates...I'm sure she will.
Thankfully last week is over and done with and tomorrow starts a new one. :))
The dresses are stunning, as usual...Robin does exquisite work. I am so excited to see these photos because its about time someone captures just how beautiful your gorgeous family is all together...with beautiful you IN a picture for once. Sit back, relax and enjoy that photoshoot...the love you have for your children (and your sweetheart of a hubby) will no doubt speak volumes from those images. xoxoxoxDita
I pray your week is less hectic. I know your photos are going to turn out stunning. Your family is so beautiful and always looks great in every photo posted.
What a once in a lifetime event and a great way to share the blessing of adoption! I look forward to reading the article and pray that it touches hearts and brings another orphan to a forever family.
Thank you for allowing Red Thread Stitches to be a part of the excitement. You are so sweet to work with and "your" selection in fabrics and patterns is what makes the dresses. You are truly a blessing to me!
The dresses are A.Dor.A. Ble!!!
Can't wait to see!
Nancy-of the crazy 8
LOVE the dresses and can't wait to see the new family portraits!
Those dresses are gorgeous. She is such a talented lady. And I keep meaning to order stuff for my girls and I never get around to it. Maybe for Christmas, I'll be more on the ball by then :)
LOVE the shot of them on the bench. Toooo cute :)
I'm so glad to hear you're putting last week behind you and really getting into the spirit of what will undoubtedly be a memorable week. I cannot wait to see this photoshoot - what an honor. And I'm wild about the wardrobe choice. (Whenever we wear Robin's little outfits - they always get such buzz around them - she truly does beautiful work.)
Enjoy it and your much needed Cape Cod get away!
Lots of love xoxo
Gorgeous dresses! Can't wait to see the photos.
A-DOR-ABLE!! I LOVE the dresses - would love one in my size :) I can't wait to see the pictures from the photo shoot!! How exciting!!
Precious! Can't wait to see the pictures when both girls are dressed. Praying for a better week!
GORGEOUS dresses! love love love them! So simple and elegant. I so enjoy seeing what your girls wear and what you have made for them. I have been inspired to sew dresses for my daughter (whenever she arrives from Russia ;). Keep the pics coming!
Oh how I love Robin's stitches! Can't wait to see how the photo shoot turned out!
So sweet. :)
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