Hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend.
Ours was fun, but busy and then yesterday, was the first day of school for Nick.
He is at the age where he is less than thrilled by the camera, but he did appease me for first day of school because.....well, it was the first day of school and he is a big man on campus this year.
(It was pouring rain and dark and ugly, so we snapped just a few on our front porch)
Nick is in 8th grade and it is his last year at this school.
We love this school and have made some incredible friends because of the tight knit community there. Nick has been in this school since first grade and next year, we are making the change from Catholic to public school. I can barely say these words let alone type them, but he will be in HIGH SCHOOL next year. I am not really sure how this all happened so quickly. It is difficult to think of him as a high schooler, but I guess I still have another year to get use to the idea.....right?

I look at him and just cannot get over how he has matured and changed over the last year. He is looking more and more like a young man and less and less like a little boy.....it's somewhat bittersweet.
You all have seen what a fantastic big brother he is to both Sarah and Reagan and he really has a good head on his shoulders. So far he has made good decisions and does not necessarily follow the crowd. I love that about him and hope that he continues down that path.
We are very proud of Nick and can't wait to see what 8th Grade has in store for him.
He does not get that much blog glory these days, he is happy to let the little ones have the spotlight, but I do try to sneak him in whenever I can:))
Now, I guess I need to explain the title of this post?
I am sad to say that this will be the last Black and White Wednesday.
It has been a lot of fun and I am thrilled that we were able to keep it going for almost two years, but I think it is time to change things up a bit.
In the beginning I really looked forward to Wednesdays and it was thrilling to see everyone else jump in on this link fest....... but it is starting to become a little overwhelming and well..... I hate to use these words, but stale and boring??
Anyone else up for a change?
I have thought a little bit about this and I wanted to come up with something catchy, yet something that everyone could take part in....even if you are not a photographer. I don't want anyone to feel left out or as though they cannot participate.
So here is what I am thinking......
Favorite Photo Friday
It is really very simple.
Just post your favorite photo or photos from the week on Friday and link back to me.
It can be a color photo or a black and white. Whatever you prefer, as long as there is a photo in your post, you can join in the fun.
You with me?
I am looking for some new inspiration and hope that this might be exactly what I need.
Change is good..... and I think it is time for some change around here.
This Friday I plan to put up the first official "Favorite Photo Friday" post.
Happy Final Black and White Wednesday.
Thank you to all of you that have played along.
It has been a pleasure getting to know you and I have thoroughly enjoyed all the black and white goodness.
I hope to see many familiar faces this Friday..... hint hint!!
Feel free to grab my new button, compliments of my ever so talented friend, Marla.
~Thanks girl, I love what you created~