On Friday I mentioned our quick trip to the Apple Orchard.
I made the mistake of telling the girls early Wednesdsay morning that I thought we would go pick apples when I was done with work. By the time my workday came to an end, the weather was looking funny, but there was no turning back. I was staring at two excited little faces that were not going to take "another day" for an answer.

I reluctantly packed them up and headed North prepared for the worst, but optimistically hoping for the best.

This is Sarah's third year pickin' at the same place and she knows the drill.
She went straight to the little farm market to get a box for the apples and then took a seat and waited for the bus to come and take us up into the orchard. Little Reagan was just taking it all in as this was her first time.

The bus seemed to take longer than normal and we were all getting a little restless. I spied this very cool out of service bus in the barn and told the girls to go stand in front for a photo.

Of course I didn't get one shot of the two of them together, but I will take what I can get and thought that these were really cute!

I LOVE this one of Sassy Sarah....

and I couldn't decide which one I liked better, so I am posting both the color and the black and white. I had a little fun editing these. In my opinion that funky colored school bus called for a more artistic look.

Finally the REAL bus showed up and took us way up into the fields.
Once we got out, I knew our trip was going to be cut short.
Let's just say, in addtion to the threatening weather, we had a few other small issues to deal with and it caused Sarah to have a mini meltdown.

Reagan continued to pick as many apples as she could reach.

She filled her basket....

and then she was ready to go....and it was a good thing because just like that, it started to rain!

We did not pick near as many apples as we normally do, but we still had enough to make a few apple desserts this weekend.
I usually make an apple bundt cake and I have posted that recipe the last two years. You can click HERE for that recipe. That is still my all time favorite apple dessert, but I wanted to try something else this year so I decided to make apple breads instead. The apple bread is perfect with a cup of coffee or tea. A little more dense than the cake, but still very good!
Apple Bread
3 cups flour
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
3 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 cup oil
1 tablespoon vanilla
2 cups diced apples
1/2 cup chopped walnuts(optional)
1 teaspoon flour

Mix flour, cinnamon, soda, salt and baking powder together.
Beat eggs and add sugar and oil.
Add vanilla and dry ingredients.
Stir in apples.
Mix walnuts in a tsp of flour and add to batter.
Pour into 2 greased loaf pans.
Bake at 350 degrees for 55-60 minutes.

I think what I like most about this bread is the play on textures.
The outside is a a little hard and crunchy, but the inside is very soft and loaded with those tender apples. You can also really taste the cinnamon..... I tend to get a little heavy handed with the cinnamon.
I am hoping that a second trip to the orchard will be in our future.
Pat likes the bread and the bundt cake, but his favorite is deep dish apple pie and I will need a lot of apples to make one of those.
As always...I enjoyed your post! Your girls are darling...the pics are fantastic...the bread looks yummy...and the old bus was a perfect prop!
Praying your week is better! :)
Love and blessings,
Wow! I am in awe of your photos!
Your photos of your sweeties are fabulous! Apple bread sounds very yummy!
Hope you have a great week!
Amazing photos! I love the truck as a background.
Oh my, I love these shots of the girls. That bus is awesome and I love the natural haze from the overcast weather. My fave is the one of Reags walking with her basket and her little fingers in her mouth. She looks so big and so little, all at the same time.
Hope you have a fun day in the big city!!
Fabulous images as always Lisa...love them all. I think my fave is the one of Sarah in front of the colorful bus (as she looks away), and the bl/wh of her too!
We have not made a trip to the apple orchard here and now you've inspired me. Want to do some baking!
Have a great Monday in NYC!!
Your girls always look so beautifully put together. And that recipe sounds SO delicious.
Apple picking is SUCH a perfect thing to do in the Fall.
Oh and thanks again for all your camera/lens help, I really appreciate it.
Happy Monday!
Jill xx
Oh man is that bus the best! Great shots! Hope your week is a great one Lisa.
Love all the shots......the girls look so cute!
Have a wonderful Monday!
we went to that same orchard last week...i loooooove that bus! we got a bad batch of apples though, they were full of those scab things and only found a few that didn look too bad. I'm taking Chloe again for her b-day in a few weeks, so I hope there are some better ones to pick!
Awwww, I just love apple picking pictures. :) The girls look so sweet.
I've never taken Bri apple picking. Shocking I know! Might give it a try this fall.
Ohhh that old bus with the funky colours is superb ! Your girls look so tiny stood next to it. Adorable. I love the way you process your photo's too... would love to know how.
And apple bread -- now thats new to me, but sound good. I love bread, apples and cinnamon so should be winning combo for me !
great blog post. x
Love these pictures, i cant wait to get to the orchard.
Loving the edit on sassy sarah.
just beautiful...the photos, the story, the processing. wow....nothing like fresh picked apples from an orchard. The bread looks delicious. Sassy Sarah in b&w looks like a magazine photo and actually so does the last photo of Reagan.
Brilliant idea to amuse yourselves with the old bus while you waited on the new one to come. And we get the benefit of the photos! They're gorgeous, photos and girls.
I like the sound of your apple bread, will try it this week. All our fruit here has been made into jams or chutneys, but I'll buy apples for this, for sure!
Have a good week, Lisa, hope things settle with little Reags.
Love your photos! Please tell me you photoshopped the apple in the first photo and it didn't come out of the camera that red?
That bus is TDF - perfect place for photos.
Do your kids come home from daycare looking that cute? Amelia would be a wreck; especially at Reagan's age...I always had to pack extra clothes and the day I forgot would always be the one we'd have somewhere to go and she'd be in a clashing outfit borrowed from daycare;)
These are so beautiful!! :)
What a fun day at the apple orchard! I love, love, love these pictures! I especially love the picture of Reagan holding her basket!
P.S. So glad to hear that Kamree isn't the only one having meltdowns! I think Kindergarten is kicking her butt so she is constantly melting down on us!
Yummmmm!!! Looks like a wonderful day. I love apple picking!
Geogeous photos! I love the editing. Those two are beyond cute, and I can't get over how long Reagan's sweet lil' ponytails are looking.
Gin =)
The girls. The pics. The apples. The bread.
What sweet memories!
Super cute!
oh my goodness, love the artistic shot of sarah
that final one of reagan...with her fingers in her mouth!
great capture
I was going to comment on how adorable these pictures are, but I got distracted at the end when I read deep dish apple pie. I really do love the processing of sassy Sarah by the funky colored bus, and that sweet Reagan with her precious fingers in her mouth is such a treasure!
Love all the pics. Your girls are so beautiful and in spite of some of the unpleasant things, it sounds like a special day and lovely memories were made.
What a fun thing to do Lisa & amazing pics. I have always wished we lived in a place where I could take my kids to do something like that. I know that feeling of not wanting to go & do something I have been promising- but it always turns out to be so enjoyable & I am always happy that I did it when the day is done. Thanks for the recipe- I am always looking for new things to mix things up a bit!
Seems that you did make it a nice experience after all, even if the weather was not what you were hoping for. Wishing you a very nice end of the week, and looking forward to your Friday picture!
ps I agree with Marla on the favorite picture, but yes, Sarah in front of the buss a very pretty one too!
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