The girls are pretty much inseparable.

For the last 10 and a half months they have done just about everything....together!

Wherever one goes, the other is sure to follow.

They are like two peas in a pod.

Sarah and Reagan have gotten so use to having each other right there by their side that they are a little lost when they are not together.

The summer is over, the cooler temps have moved in, the leaves have begun to fall from the trees, and school is back in session. Lots of changes going on all around us and Sarah and Reagan are about to experience a BIG change in their daily routines.

The girls are starting Day Care this morning and they will no longer be together every minute of every day. They both have been placed in age appropriate rooms within the facility. Sniff, sniff.

A few weeks ago, we were faced with having to make a change in our child care. It was unexpected and definitely threw me for a loop. The girls have never been in a real day care and the thought of sending them to one made me want to cry...... Okay, I will admit it, I did cry....A LOT!
Pat and I have been juggling, with the help of my parents, for the last 5 weeks. I have been trying to put off the inevitable, but we cannot keep going like this. We are trying to balance career and home life with no extra help for the girls during the work day and we just cannot do it anymore. We had to bite the bullet and officially enroll them.

I know they are going to make new friends and in the end it will probably be a good change for them.
There is no doubt in my mind that Sarah will thrive in this type of setting. I am tiny bit concerned about Reagan just because she has not been home quite a year yet. I hope that she will adapt to the new environment and will understand that no matter what, Mommy and Daddy are coming back to pick her up at the end of the each day.
As is usually the case, this will probably be more difficult on me then it will be on them.
Everyone says change is good and sometimes things happen for a reason.
I hope this is one of those situations that results in something that is better for the girls.

Even though they are going to be separated during the day, I hope the bond they share will remain as strong as ever and the time they do have together will be that much sweeter.
We are due to arrive at the day care around 8am and Pat and I plan to stay a bit until both girls feel secure enough for us to go.
Praying that we are able to escape without tears..... from them or me:)
Will update later to tell you how it went.
Wish us luck~
All photos were processed with the new, soon to be released, Florabella Classic Workflow Actions!
They are, in my opinion, her BEST SET EVER and I am completely addicted.
Fellow Photogs and Photoshop enthusiasts, stay tuned for details.
Really lovely set. They will enjoy daycare, you will see. As a parent we worry so much, but kids, they thrive among peers.
Thinking of your family and praying for a smooth transition. These photos are amazing!
I will be sending prayers your way. I'm sure the girls will do extremely well. Just like you mentioned, they will meet new friends and thrive in their new environment. I bet their bond will be even tighter now.
Love your photos! Cannot wait to try out the new Florabella actions. Will definitely be on the list of must haves.
Hoping and praying everything goes well today! I bet the girls enjoy their new daycare. Please keep us posted!
Hoping for a smooth day and fun times at daycare for your sweet girls! Take care.
Thinking of you this morning -- i know how hard it is to take your little ones to daycare.
I remember those days! Not easy but as you said, usually harder on you than them.
I wonder if they would make arrangements for the girls to see each other through the day or during times where one or the other needs and extra hug or reassurance.
Thinking of you today!
Will be thinking about you here!
I'm sure they'll both do great, but I do feel for you...change is always tough, and I mostly go through it dragging my feet. I'll be thinking of you this morning.
And I have GOT to get some Florabella actions! Of course, I'll have to dig deep and remember everything you've taught me. I'm a little rusty from the summer off. :)
These are gorgeous! Good luck with daycare. I would be sad/scared too. :/
Don't stress too much! It will all work out, you'll see. Jasmine loves going to daycare every day "Jasmine go bye-bye-play" she says in the morning. Her class, "The Toddler Patch" is small and there are only 2 girls, but according to the staff, Jasmine is very bossy and can hold her own with the boys. LOL!
Talk to you soon.
Orlando, FL
Beautiful photos...I love their matching outfits :)
Best of luck with daycare...it'll go better than you imagine; kids are so adaptable, and I can only imagine you've chosen the best place possible for them <3
Good luck! My Jane has had to undergo tremendous changes that I NEVER anticipated when I brought her home and that i didn't know how she'd face. She has done beautifully. It's hard being a mama :). But also amazing to see the strength a family brings a child. xxamy
You are all in my prayers this morning Lisa...hope they both do well. And I hope and pray your heart is somewhat at peace. Many times these changes are harder on the mamas.
Beautiful images...can't wait for the new Florabella release!
big hugs...
My son, who is around Sarah's age, looks forward to "school" every morning. The first week or so was rough, he was 18 months, but he adjusted - took about 2 weeks. Half of his class will also be going to the same elementary school - how wonderful is that? He'll know some of these children probably the rest of his life. You'll find over time, daycare can be a good and positive experience (ours is Christian). If you could turn back time, I'd send him there again.
Breathe and know that Reagan will most likely cry for a couple of minutes after you leave, but that's all. Do they have monitors in the classroom? That helped me immensely the first few weeks.
Hoping it went all right and will continue to be all right for the following days when they realize it will be their new routine... You will all get used to it after a while though, and who knows, maybe they will love it from the very start! That is what I found the hardest part: seeing how they did not need me in their lives to be happy and joyful! Sigh, it is hard to be a mother. I hope your friend who took care of them before is alright too.
You write so well..and so unguarded. I hope they have a a great day...and that tonight you feel reassured in your decision..which I'm sure wasn't easy to make in the first place. You certainly have your family's best interest at heart!
Hugs sweetie! I can imagine how hard this must be but I know they are going to do great. This year S&S started Kindergarten and I put them in separate classrooms because I felt it would be good for them to gain their independence but man was it ever hard for me since they spend so much time together and really love being together. They are doing great and I know Sarah and Reagan will do awesome too. I look forward to hearing how their first day went. XOXOXO
Your girls are so gorgeous. I hope all goes well for them :-)
Hope it all went well:) LOVE those actions too.
These pictures are stunning! Cannot wait to hear more about this tool.
As for daycare. Big (((hugs))) for all. In time it will be a good thing but for a while it may be rough. It's so hard to separate children when they're doing so well together. Praying for all of you as you adjust and will celebrate when the big change is successfully behind you.
Would LOVE it if you would share your pics at my photo swap going on right now!! http://www.sweetlittlegals.com/2011/09/sweet-little-photo-swap-12.html
Lovely photos, the black and white stands out.. Hopefully you can make it through the first day!
I hope the girls had a good day...and you are right, its probably harder on you then on them. I am convinced that the daycare we used for A really helped her with the transition to school (plus, I loved their curriculum - art based learning). since she had a full day kindergarten, she was ready for the classroom experience and being in the school setting for the whole day. as long as you love the center and the teachers love their job, it'll get easier.
I hope their day - and yours - went well!! Day care is a big adjustment for everyone, but I hope the adjustment goes smoothly and quickly!!!
These photos of the girls are precious!! I just love that B/W of Reagan and the girls walking holding hands. SO CUTE!!!
I am hurting for your heart~ I know exactly how hard this is. I had my girls in home daycare when I worked way back in the day and it was so hard to leave them. You are right, they will grow to love it and make new friends!!! All you have to do is love them big when you pick them up~ I'm sure you can handle that!!! Your photos are gorgeous and love Florabella!!! XO
I've been thinkng of you today. I know how tough it can be. Just last month I handed mine over for the first time to someone other than her grandparents. I lost a lot of sleep and was sick with worry about how it would play out and how she would feel. No fun at all for me, but she did fine. I hope the girls, and Mama, had a good day.
Hope all went well at daycare today. Big changes for your girls. Said a prayer for their little hearts.
Hope everything went well for your beautiful girls! I am sure they will do amazingly well. Just think of all the new friends they will make! Can't wait to hear all about it!
LOVE the pictures!!
Been thinking about you guys. Hope all went well for the girls and you too. Hugs!
Hi Lisa, I've just gotten back from a school trip with 21 kids in Barcelona! Hope all went well with the day-care; you're right that you couldn't continue the juggling act, and even though there will be bumps, it will work out ok soon. "you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs" :)
Gorgeous pics, the little denim jackets are fab!
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